• Published 5th Sep 2023
  • 907 Views, 58 Comments

Persona: Equestria - scriptshatter

Knowledge of Persona not needed. Another chance, another life. A person who's experienced many difficulties in another life. Will he make the same mistakes he once did? Join Fifth Wisdom, also known as Spiracle on this adventure through his new life.

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Chapter 7

Alone in a royal hatchery sits a weeping queen, crying over the loss of her child. It’s been a month since he was stolen, and had it not been for she who shall not be named, the queen would have had her little grub. She looks around the room, she can see several things all meant for him… a pilot's helmet with orange goggles to help him learn to fly, a violin, to help him learn to play music, and a chessboard to help sharpen his mind against any puzzles he may have faced in the future…

I let out a large yawn as my eyes creek open. I sit up, looking around before getting up. Zecora is still fast asleep, as well as Thorax and Angel. No need to wake the ladder two, but Angel… I nudge him awake.

“Zmmphb… huh? Whazzit? Oh… five more minutes…” I’m about to actually wake him up when I realise I can just plop him on my back and be fine. I write a note for the other two when they get up, detailing what I need to do today as a part of my job as town detective. I place it on a stool next to the cauldron, throw on my disguise and my hat, while giving Angel his. Not gonna lie, his hat drooping down like that actually looks pretty adorable.

I open the door and head out on the path to Ponyville, to guide the Princess’s protege around town… or guard her… or- man, I really just nodded my head to that without asking any questions, didn’t I?

I briskly trotted into town, where shortly after a large carriage flown by pegusi guards came in. Common sense states there’s a high likelihood that this is the Princess’s Student. Using some quick and complicated maths calculations that are totally not just eyeballing where the carriage will land, I manage to greet her right as she comes off. Say, does my inner monologue sound more raspy than normal?

“Here we are, Twilight Sparkle! Ponyville, the location of this year's summer sun celebration! We hope you have a good time!” The two pegusi said upon landing.

“Thank you, sirs!” Sparkle said back.

“You’re welcome, ms. Sparkle.” They responded as they flew away again. I decided to take the moment to introduce myself. I trotted up to Sparkle briskly. It was only a moment before she noticed me. The dragon let out a belch to reveal a letter? I swear, the stuff I’ve been through is starting to make the hive look normal by comparison. He takes the letter up and reads it.

“My most faithful student Twilight,” Did… Did he just get what is basically an Email via dragon belch? I’m not sure if I should be disgusted, impressed, or both.

“I just recently received word that you will have ponyville's recently employed detective, Fifth Wisdom, Accompanying you. I think this is a wonderful opportunity for you to make friends with him! Don’t you? He’ll show you around ponyville, and be sure to talk to plenty of ponies while he does, including him.” Sparkle- I mean Twilight let out a groan.

“Hey! What’s the big idea?” Twilight quickly regained her form at me saying that, smiling sheepishly.

“N-nothing! Just a little stressed about something!” She said, before taking a carrot out of her saddle bags and eating it. She started trotting along and I followed, with a slight grump. The dragon bit his knuckle before sighing. I could’ve sworn I heard pinkie let out a large gasp in the distance.

“Sorry about that, Mr. Wisdom, it’s just that Twilight’s been stressed about this whole Nightmare Moon thing, and it’s putting a lot of pressure on her mind. My name’s Spike, by the way.” Spike said, I let out a sigh and replaced my grump with a hint of dejection. Twilight bit her lip, and turned to me.

“I’m sorry, Fifth. Like Spike said I’m just really stressed about Nightmare Moon, and… well… The princess won’t listen to me,” She explained.

“Why not?” I asked, slightly curious.

“I don’t know, she just asked me to ‘get my head out of those dusty old books’ when I told her that Nightmare Moon is coming. It just… kinda frustrates me. And then she sent me here and told me to make friends with other ponies. It just… annoyed me I guess.” She let out a sigh.

“Maybe she said that because friendship is this ‘Nightmare Moon’s’ weakness or something,” I suggested. She deadpanned at me.

“That makes no sense, Nightmare Moon was stopped by the Elements of Harmony before, not friendship!” I shrugged in response

“Hey, I’m just trying to help make sense of why she told you to make friends instead of doing anything about Nightmare Moon, that is if she’s even real,” I said, rolling my eyes. Twilight just sighed.

“But hey- if she is real, then the Princess probably sent you here for a good reason. So stop worrying about Nightmare Moon, and start worrying about having fun. I assure you, that while the world of literary adventures and knowledge is interesting, the real world is oftentimes even more fun.” I said that because Angel, from what I’ve seen, is more fun than a book nine times out of ten. Twilight just rolled her eyes.

“You know, he’s got a point, Twi. You really should loosen up a little!” She just rolled her eyes in response as we rolled up on Sweet Apple Acres.

“Well howdy there, you must be the Princess’s student,” Applejack said, walking up to us. Twilight nodded.

“Yup! I’m here to supervise preparations for the summer sun celebration. Now, you’re in charge of the food, right?” Twilight asked.

“We sure as sugar are. Now, we baked some extras if you would like to sample a little. If you’ve got the time.” I looked at the sun.

Before Twilight could answer, I said “We have plenty of daylight left. I’d say go ahead.” Applejack gave a laugh.

“Of course you’d want to Fifth. I mean, you just couldn’t get enough of my fritters last time we met!” I sheepishly rubbed the back of my head. Twilight let out a drawn out sigh.

“I… I suppose we can stay.” Applejack smiled.

“I knew you’d come around,” Applejack said, before turning around and ringing a triangle.

“Soups on, Everypony!” She said, as a small army of ponies of presumably apple heritage came galloping onto the scene with all manner of plates and dishes. I could see Twilight start to sweat nervously, and so I gave her a hearty nudge.

“Now, we here’ve got a lot of family over for the celebration, so I’ll try and keep it brief. We’ve got Apple Fritter, Apple Bumpkin, Red Gala, Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Caramel Apple, Apple Strudel, Apple Tart, Baked Apples, Apple Brioche, Apple Cinnamon Crisp, and last but not least, Big Macintosh, Apple Bloom, and Granny Smith!” She went over to the elderly pony and genty woke her up. I think that’s… fifteen Apples there, including Applejack herself. All fifteen members of the Apple family placed their respective dishes on a table that I just now noticed. They were really prepared, apparently.

Angel soon awoke from his sleep, rubbing his eyes.

“Whazzit…? Where…? Oh! Right, the celebration… is the most likely royal narcissist here?” Angel said. I turned to him.

“Honestly, she’s not that narcissistic. More strung up, if anything, but definitely not narcissistic.” The bunny gave a sigh of relief.

“That’s a relief. I don’t think it’d be very good if the two of you didn’t get along, especially since you’re supposed to be her guard or whatever.” I sighed.

“It hasn’t been as smooth sailing as you may think.” Angel sighed. I focused back on twilight the moment she got guilt tripped by a little filly into staying for brunch. Not that either Angel or I are complaining.

Through Twilight, Angel, Spike, and I, we were able to have a nice and filling meal while not overstuffing ourselves.

“Food’s all taken care of, next is the weather!” Spike said, pausing to look around.

“You know, laying back there, even if against my own will, was rather nice.” I smiled, non-verblly communicated a “I told you so”. Twilight just rolled her eyes while smiling.

“Hmm, there’s supposed to be a Pegasus pony named Rainbow Dash clearing the clouds…” Spike said, only for me to let out a large groan.

“Not her, anypony but her, the narcissistic-” Twilight got ran over by a reckless rotten rainbow ruffian, and ended up landing right in a puddle of mud. I rolled my eyes. I saw the nightmare from afar, Twilight first got rained on, before the narcissist made Twilight's mane look like a bob ross painting.

“Hey, let's go with decorations next. My friend Rarity’s got those covered, and she should be able to fix the mess ms. ‘I’m so awesome’ made of Twilight's mane.” Spike nodded, and jotted it down on the scroll he had been carrying everywhere. Some more talking from the two later, and the narcissist had cleared every cloud in the sky. Spike was in awe as the narcissist landed, and Twilight walked back over.

“Ten seconds fla- oh… he’s with you.” The narcissist scowled at me. I scowled back.

“Hello, Dash.”

“Hello, Fifth.” Spike looked between the two of us, same with Twilight. Spike started fidgeting uncomfortably, while Twilight just rolled her eyes.

“Dude, knock it off. Let’s just go,” Angel whispered in my ear. I let out a huff of air as I started walking away, Twilight and spike following. Spike looked at me inquisitively.

“So what was THAT about?” He asked, looking slightly concerned.

“Me and dash have our… disagreements. She’s far too boastic for my liking. Not to mention the amount everypony praises her, feeding into her already big head. I swear, it’s gonna come back to bite her in the butt one day, and I’m gonna laugh so hard when that happens.” Spike put his hands on his hips.

“Sounds like somepony's jealous!” I rolled my eyes at the remark.

“I’m not jealous, I just wish she could cut back on all the self ego stroking! It’s annoying, and at least to me, very disrespectful.” Spike shrugged.

“I dunno man, you look a little green with envy.” I shot him a death glare, and had to physically hold myself back from hissing and blowing my disguise.

“Why you… I’ll-”

“CAN YOU PLEASE JUST KNOCK IT OFF??” Said both Twilight and Angel to Spike and I respectfully. We both quickly apologised to each other and walked into the town hall, where Rarity is setting everything up. Spike seems entranced at Rarity, but before he can say anything, I call out to her.

“Ay, Rarity! The Princess Royal Student needs a bit of a hairdo! (or would it be mane-do?) Rainbow-Crashed into her,” I explained.

“Now darling, It’s not nice to call other ponies na-hae-hae-HAEOWOW!” Rarity rushed over to Twilight, and I used my magic to check off decorations. Even if I haven't known Rarity for a while, I'm pretty sure she’s a pony that doesn’t half-ass things, so it’s pretty safe to say she’s got it covered.

Rarity rushed Twilight out the door. Luckily, all the decorations were done, so that wasn’t a worry. Carousel Boutique wasn’t far away, and we managed to get there within a matter of minutes. I knocked on the door, waited a little while, before I heard a ‘Come in!’ from inside. Rarity had already begun to tidy Twilight's mane, and from the looks of it, it wouldn’t take much longer. So I looked around for a chair and sat down, Thinking about the contents of the strange book. Pulling it now would be an immeasurably stupid idea, if my assumptions about Twilight's love of literature were correct. I really don’t want anypony else getting access to that book. I nearly died there, and I at least had a vague notion of what I was in for. Rarity continued to try dresses on Twilight, as they continued to speak.

“Now go on my dear, you were telling me where you’re from,” Rarity said, tightening Twilight's current dress.

“I’ve… been sent… from Canterlot… to-” Rarity let go of the strings used for tightening the dress, and fell back, sparkles in her eyes. Is every damn town in this place a pun?

“Canterlot!? Oh, I am so envious! The glamour, the sophistication! I have always dreamed of living there! I can’t wait to hear all about it! We are going to be the best of friends, you and I…” I mentally rolled my eyes. And didn’t I say she was the princesses royal student or something? It shouldn’t be that much of a surprise Twilight’s from a (presumably) upper class town.

“Emeralds!? What was I thinking? Let me get you some rubies!” Twilight bolted for the door.

“Quick! Before she decides to dye my coat a new color!” Twilight was out of the door before I could even say anything. I holler a sorry to Rarity and catch up to Twilight. After all, staying with her is my job for today.

I catch up to them looking at Fluttershy and Timid Comet. The two seem to be getting along pretty well, which is nice. Twilight interrupts them, The two of them being Shy and/or Timid. Twilight eventually just calls it a day and calls up Spike to check off music, which is to be expected. What I did not expect is Fluttershy bolting over to Spike and to start gushing about him. I noticed Angel nervously rubbing the back of his head.

“Wanna ask her now?” I whispered, Angel biting his lip.

“I dunno man, it's just… what if I break her heart?” I let out a sigh.

“It’ll probably be mostly fine. You’ll still see her plenty, and you’ll be with a pony who’s able to give you more attention.” Angel looked confused, looked up at the trio, then made an ‘ohhhhh’ motion with his mouth. He let out a deep sigh, and went up to Fluttershy. The two of them talked for a little while, she seemed unsure, but I could vaguely pick up a very quiet ‘ok’. To be honest I was half expecting her to say no. Angel came back looking torn.

“She’s doing the ‘I’m gonna say what’s needed of me but I actually want the opposite of what I’m saying’ thing. I mean, as far as I know she seemed relatively fine with everything but the ‘not seeing me’ part. Which isn’t even that big of a problem since she’ll see me every day.” I didn’t know if I should tell him it’s not the same as having him in her home. I mean, if it were I would just leave him with Fluttershy and pick him up. It’s hard to describe, but there’s a certain kind of weird kinship when your friend is in the same house as you compared to them only being in the same town.

Fluttershy seemed to recover once Angel gave her a reassuring smile, though, so I suppose nothing really bad happened. Twilight, after saying something quickly, picked up Spike and started to walk away, in which fluttershy followed. There were a lot of questions asked from Fluttershy from then until we got to the library.

Once at the library, Twilight, after some very poor excuse making using spike, went into the library. It’s evening, and considering Pinkies gasp earlier, a party should happen in three, two, one…

“SURPRISE!!!” Ow. my ears. I don’t know what I expected, honestly. Twilight and Pinkie are talking about libraries being quiet, which is something I can agree on. This party is so loud it’s making my head spin, at least it's loud compared to the comparatively nice and quaint party Pinkie threw for me. Which leads me to believe this was originally a summer sun celebration party repurposed to be a welcome to Ponyville party for twilight. And with the fact this took place in the evening and with how fast Pinkie set up my party, I don’t doubt she moved the whole thing from town square or something.

After looking for somewhere quiet for a moment, I hear Twilight, in her infinite wisdom, let out a scream of pain after drinking an entire glass of mouth melter hot sauce. She must not have been looking at what she was drinking. I decided to mingle a little. I didn’t talk about anything important, the majority of my conversations consisted of ponies congratulating me on becoming the town detective, though a few said they’d be putting in requests soon, which was a nice thought.

After mingling as much as I cared to, I saw Spike walk into a room I hadn’t noticed before. I followed him, and he had a brief dialog with Twilight, from the sound of the voice, about pin the tail on the pony or something. I went in afterwards. Not because of my job or anything, but because it was the only way to get away from the noise. Angel hopped off my back to go find Comet, before I closed the door behind him with a sigh. Twilight looked at me.

“You better not have come in here to convince me to go back out there. Spike just did the same thing, and I already said I’d much rather spend my time here. Away from all of those crazy ponies.” I rolled my eyes.

“I’m not. I’m guessing the noise bothered you as well?” Twilight let out a sigh and nodded, before looking out the window.

“Yes! Ugh, here I thought I’d have time to learn about the Elements of Harmony but, silly me, all this ridiculous friend-making has kept me from it!” I scoff.

“You know, I’d probably be a lunatic, psychopath, or both if it weren't for my friends. And besides, many hooves make light work. Maybe if you focused on making friends and then asked them to help you, you’d have gotten a lot more work done. Just a suggestion.” Twilight looked at me.

“Oh please, that’s just making friends for the sake of using them and even I know that’s not right.” I face-hoof.

“Ok, then make friends that you can spend time with and make friends that you genuinely enjoy. Listen, by base point here is that you’re underestimating the metaphorical power of friendship. I know it sounds cheesy, believe me, but I’ve experienced first-hoof the positive effects having a few friends can have on one's psyche. Believe me.” Twilight sighed and looked out the window again.

“I suppose you’re right. ‘Legend has it that on the longest day of the thousandth year-’”

“It’s not even the longest day!”

“Yea- yea- I guess they didn’t account for… I dunno, time dilation or something. Anyway, ‘the stars will aid in her escape, and she will bring about everlasting night.’ I hope the Princess was right… I hope it really is just an old myth…” I gave a small sigh.

“It… well… that’s something that I-” I was interrupted by Spike bursting out of the door and into the room where me and Twilight resided in.

“C’mon, you two! It’s time to watch the sun rise!”

We all walked on into the Town hall, where Mayor Mare gave me a small smile after seeing me sticking by Twilight. Pinkie went on a small rant about how exciting the event was, which was mildly entertaining. Then, Fluttershy, along with Comet, directed the birds to play the ceremony music, and afterwards Mayor Mare gave her speech about Princess Celestia, who seemed to be a much better ruler then the tyrant could ever hope to be. The spotlight pointed at the front balcony, but… she wasn’t there.

“Well that can’t be good,” I said as Angel hopped back on over to me.

“Welcome back,” I said as Twilight said practically the same thing that I just said.

“I was thinkin you might know what’s goin on,” Angel said to me. I just shrugged.

“If anything it’d be Twilight. I highly doubt this has anything to do with you-know-what.” Twilight didn’t notice, since she was too focused on the incoming purple smog. Wait what?

“Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding me…” I said under my breath. A large… chimera of the three pony types appeared out of the smog. Angel takes off his hat and forms his bat, looking like he’s about to take on this, I assume, very powerful pony all on his own.

“Nightmare Moon…” Said Twilight, and I let out an exasperated groan. Right from one tyrant to another, apparently. She said some shit I didn’t care about, ol’ narcissist did something right for once and stood up to her, but applejack stopped her. Then Tyrant Two started to say some more shi- That’s it.

“Just SHUT UP. Jeez Louise, you’re like the first Tyrant I met. Blabbering on and on about… I don’t know how your royalty and we should listen to you or something? Honestly I wasn’t listening. I don’t really care,” Everypony started looking at me, mouths agape.

“Sorry, WE don’t care. For goodness sake, get out and just bring Celestia back. She seemed to be running everything just fine, everypony was happy, yadda yadda, so stop trying to take power. There’s no point. Oh, unless you ARE a tyran-” Tyrant Two interrupted me.

“Now you listen here, this was never just my sisters kingdom, it was OUR kingdom, and she was hogging the spotlight, so I’m just getting wh-”

“Uh huh, and I’m sure your sister was-”


“AND I’M NOT LISTENING! Now you’re going to listen to me, and you’re going to listen to me very carefully. Everypony here was living a happy life, celebrating an event that happens once a year, and above all else, they had the honour of having their town nominated for the celebration, which is a very big deal to them might I add. Now, I don’t think crashing a celebration for the sake of your own ego is a very good move for getting your subjects on your good side, in fact I’d even say it’s the action of a Tyrant, which is probably why you were banished in the first place, so you can either bring Celestia back, and talk it out with her and come to a good compromise that’s in the ponies of Equestrias best interest, or you can try and take her place, in which case sometime in the future a sort of resistance will form and take you down, either that or they’ll manage to convince the entire population to turn against you, and no matter how much power you have, you’re not a ruler if you don’t have anypony to rule.” I was a little surprised to hear myself say that. But I’ll take a sudden inspiration like that any day. Nightmare moon, unfortunately, just laughed.

“Oh, you foolish, foolish pony. There will always be at least a few ponies who stay under my rule, and I’ll make sure those ponies are the ones who will keep the others in line. But you’re right about one thing. There will be ponies who will try and stop me, but I already have a plan for that. And that plan is to destroy the one thing that can stop me; The Elements of Harmony!” She disappeared into a puff of smoke and went off into the everfree forest.

“Fifth!” Twilight scolded. I looked at her with a panicked expression.

“Not the time, Twilight! My midsection is hurt, so I can’t follow her, but you can! Grab your new friends and follow her! Now!” Twilight shook herself and nodded.

“Right. You’d better hope we make it in time!” She hollered back, as she ran into the Everfree forest. Comet walked up to me and stood beside me.

“You think they’ll be all right?” he asked.

“They’d better be,” I responded.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the shorter chapter this time.

Also my head canon voice for Spiracle isn't Robbie Daymond, since it's a different body and different mind (Same soul), it's Richard Steven Horvitz. Yes I came up with that this chapter, no it doesn't change anything. It's just a fun thing I like to imagine.

Comments ( 10 )

“You think they’ll be all right?” he asked.

No, I don't. She doesn't know what she's looking for this time.


Twilight is following Nightmare Moon because she knows where the elements are, not just cause Fifth Wisdom told her too.

Yeah, but she doesn't really know anything about the elements themselves beyond the fact that they exist. The scene where she has a talk with the girls about Nightmare Moon didn't happen- that's where she finds the book on the Elements of Harmony. As great as Twilight is at magic, I'm not entirely sure if it's all going to click without a hint or two.

Eh, it all works out. Wisdom said some stuff earlier in the chapter that at the very least got twilight thinking. She may not have the exact words, but the idea is there, and that should be enough.

Eh, fair enough.

I know it is a long time away but I'm curious in how the family reunion during the wedding will go? (I'm pretty certain that at least Thorax and Pharynx will reunite then maybe they will even run into Chryssalises's daughter whose name I forgot.)

Just thought of something double boss fight against those two.
Edit 1:
(Pharynx would fight them because Chryssalis promised to spare Thorax if he could bring her Spiracle's head.)
(Chryssalis's daughter's reason doesn't exist she doesn't need a reason to want to kill spiracle she already hates him.)
Edit 2:
(They could even be a reoccurring boss fight with the last one of them having them be accompanied by Chryssalis.)
Edit 3:
(The first fight they manage to survive long enough for the barrier of cadence and shining armor to throw the two hostile changelings away.)
(The second fight the group managed to actually drive them off because while the two of them are more powerful than them they wouldn't exactly know how to work together that well.)
(The third fight the two of them decided to train in order to be beter at working together giving them a couple of team attack's.)
(The Fourth and final fight could have Chryssalis be too annoyed at their constant failures to bring the two traitor's back to the hive and she decided to go with them in order to take maters into her own hooves.)

Is everything alright (or are persona stories on this site just cursed) it has been a few weeks since the last update?
edit 1:
(the cursed thing was a joke because i have yet to find a persona story on this site that has been completed)

I'm doing good personally, and the story isn't necessarily dead, though I've been thinking of kinda re-doing it. The way it's being writtin now is gonna take a super long time AND by doing just 7 chapters I nearly burnt myself out, so if I did I'd probably remove confidants or at the very least make them much smaller to make room for the bigger story I want to tell. Also, I think sticking "persona" in front of the title has alienated a lot of non-persona fans from the story I'm trying to make, which wasn't my goal. Sure, I like persona, but the purpose of this story was more to make something with similar themes rather than a direct crossover. Akechi being in it is just a remnant of when I had a hyperfixation on the game and WAS making a direct crossover. Heck, I won't say much but Igor technically isn't even in this, save for chapter 1. So, when I do remake it (no if, since I have a lot of ideas I still wanna see through for this story), It'll probably go under the name "Dissonance", and many of the more direct connections to persona will be cut, while still keeping the same themes and ideas. Also, this revamped version won't go day-by-day, and I'll probably list the dates in the authors notes instead of the fic itself since greater spans of time will be skipped in order to get to the more interesting stuff fast. I'll probably change Akechi to a similar, but original character so that I can avoid P5 spoilers for people who still want to play the game. But yea.

If you do want to, however, I'm willing to hear more ideas you may have for your interpretation of the story. In fact, one of your comments did give me an idea for a future scene in the remake, so thank you! Discord's "scriptshatter", same as it is here, if you wanna talk on there. Glad you liked what I've written so far here.

TLDR, I'm probably gonna remake it once I got the whole story down to cut out the fluff and make the good parts better.

I’m really liking this story, may I have some more?:fluttershysad:

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