• Published 27th Aug 2023
  • 249 Views, 2 Comments

Aristocrats, Bureaucrats and Other Criminals - Phosphor

Life in the Imperium of Man is rarely simple, especially when everyone happens to be ponies.

  • ...

Blood diamond

With a screech of metal against metal the train pulled into a station at the edge of the bio-reserve. Twilight could make out the docking area behind the station, and just beyond she felt the cold void of space. Only a thin crackling energy field separated the two. She shivered at the feeling before stepping off the train, pulling her hood up to protect herself from the rain, but also to hide her blindfold.

“They said to meet them by the overlook next to the station,” Twilight pointed to the edge of the platform where a small collection of benches and decorations marked the beginning of the long climb down to the docks.

“What would a rogue trader look like anyway?" Spike shielded himself from the rain using the edge of Twilight’s cloak.

“Ornate clothes, might be with a group of equally ornate ponies, probably has a group of guards too. The one we’re looking for is planetborn too, so they should be a bit more… err… stocky. Why, did you see somepony?”


“I don’t remember that word being part of the official Mechanicus dictionary they taught you?” Twilight smiled.

“I added it myself, currently filed in ‘cool words’.”

A cool breeze blew across the platform. Twilight’s cloak protected her from most of the chill, as she walked to the edge of the station and reared up, resting her forehooves on the railing.

The edge of the station gave an impressive view over the dock. The hustle and bustle was beginning to die down as the day came to a close. The western port was one of the smaller docks on the station, only servicing small inter-system civilian transports, but was still at least two miles from one end to the other.

“I guess we’re early,” said Spike.

“No, according to my schedule they are late.”

“Oh. Do you think that’s their ship?” Spike nodded his head towards one of the smaller transports.

“I don’t think so, it looks like it’s from a local merchant ship to me,” Twilight studied the livery on its side. “The ship we’re looking for is too big to fit in here anyway.”

The two watched in silence as a stream of ponies and machines unloaded its cargo from a newly docked ship. The noise of the train platform slowly dropped as the remaining ponies departed for their destinations until the pair were left in relative silence, the only sound drifting over from the dock.

“That could be the ship. It fits the colour scheme.” Twilight pointed a hoof to a ship floating a small distance out from the docks. The white and gold colours were a stark contrast to the inky black void that surrounded it. “I can’t see the heraldry from this far though.”

“You see awfully well for a blind mare.” A feminine voice and the sound of hooves on metal made Twilight jump. She instinctively clutched her staff and turned to face the sound.

A slender white unicorn wearing an ornate dress approached from the edge of the station. The mare’s purple mane had been carefully styled and she walked with a grace that only somepony wholly used to the artificial gravity could.

Twilight quickly straightened her posture. “Ah… uh… you don’t need to be worried about me. I’m sanctioned.” She held out her staff. It was still raining and the purity seals were dripping with water by this time, thankfully she had had the forethought to waterproof them when she first got them.

The mare studied them for a second before continuing, “I am Duchess-Consort Rarity Belle, vice-captain of the Golden Gryphon, current flagship of the rogue trader house of Blueblood,” she gave a curt bow. “I believe you are in need of passage to Everfree, correct?”

“Oh, you must be the pony my family are working with? I am Twilight Sparkle, pleased to meet you,” she offered a hoof. “I am sorry I didn’t recognise you, I was told the Bluebloods were a planetborn family.”

“He is, I am not. I am his wife, amongst other things,” Rarity reluctantly shook Twilight sodden hoof. She attempted to shake the water off before realising that she would still have to put her hoof back on the equally wet ground.

“Well, I look forward to working with you and your house.” Twilight politely offered.

“Naturally. Now, if you are ready?” Rarity guested towards the docks and started walking.

Twilight quickly trotted to catch up, Spike following behind with the luggage. “I appreciate you letting me travel with you to Everfree. It shouldn't take too long, as I just need to drop down to the planet to catalogue a few things. It shouldn’t take you much of your time," Twilight smiled nervously.

“Where your family is concerned, I can only hope our business is a brief as possible,” Rarity muttered.

“I’m… sorry?”

Rarity sighed. “I did not mean to cause offence. Only, we are very busy at the moment, and I understand you have your own work to do. The sooner this is over, the sooner we can get back to our own work.” It was clear Rarity wasn’t being completely honest, but Twilight didn’t want to press the issue.

They walked the rest of the distance down the steps in silence.

The landing pier was filled with a collection of shuttles, each nearly a hundred meters long, which were being loaded with equally impressively sized crates.

A group of guards, dressed in light blue flack armour worn over navy blue fatigues, stood at the entrance to the pier. The armour was trimmed in gold, though it almost certainly wasn’t real. While most wore shoulder pads with a gryphon, the standard of house Blueblood, some had theirs covered by two black horizontal lines.

“They look more like the Imperial Guard than personal guards to me,” Spike attempted to whisper in Twilight’s ear.

“That’s because we are, silly!” a pink mare bounced out to greet them, apparently unburdened by the equipment she wore. “We’re the Royal Volpone, the noblest regiment in the Imperial Guard!” the mare reared up and bowed dramatically. “Or at least that’s what the captain says.”

Rarity looked unamused. “Lady Twilight, this is Sergeant Pie, one of our many fine soldiers we have as part of the Royal Volpone army.”

“You did say to look out for a spook, and she looks pretty spooky to me! Psyker spooky, not scary spooky,” She stopped for a second to think. “Do you ever wonder why they call you psykers spooks? I mean, you can have those weird mind powers, but that’s not spooky. Maybe the-”

Rarity interrupted Pinkie with a loud cough, giving her an impatient look.

Pinkie laughed awkwardly, “Welcome aboard, hope you enjoy your trip!” she moved out of the way, Rarity rolled her eyes and moved towards the back of the dock.

“Please forgive Sergeant Pie’s comments, she is often a little… overenthusiastic at times. Now, if you could give me a second, I must finish my business here.” Rarity sat herself down by the edge of the pier against one of the crates.

She pulled out a set of papers and started filling them out, though her frown suggested she did not like what she was reading. Twilight shuffled awkwardly, unsure if she should interrupt. Eventually Rarity sighed and put the slate down.

“That’s the emergency resupply form,” Twilight said before Rarity could say anything.

“Excuse me?”

“The form your filling, it’s for emergency resupply in an active warzone. You need form AR4 for normal supplies.”

“I see your family has skills beyond blackmail,” Rarity mused. “I must admit the process is rather confusing. I just picked up a few at random and hoped they would do.”

Ignoring Rarity’s comment, Twilight leafed through the papers, “Let’s see, first you’ll need form AR4/3EF-b, then you need to fill out section 1a to 5f with all necessary details, including a confirmation of your identity. Then in section 6e provide evidence for your need of the equipment. Make sure to include commendation from commissars, if any,” she passed some of the forms to Rarity, then continued without missing a beat. “Are you filling this out on somepony’s behalf?”

“Um, yes?”

“Then you also need to fill out this subsection in 1b-2, as well as provide alternative contact details for the current head of your regiment. Plus, you will need to provide a further set of instructions in case nopony is able to contact you.”

Rarity carefully placed the papers beside her, “We are rather short of thrones at the moment. Is there a way of acquiring supplies without our own personal Administratum division?”

“If your unit is struggling, the Munitorium can provide a sizable stipend,” Twilight offered helpfully. “That would need form… 47117/SKNT. If you can provide sufficient proof, the Munitorium will cover a portion of your expenses to ensure your unit can continue its duty of the eradication of the enemies of humanity.”

“And I suppose if I need more forms, I need to fill in another form?” Rarity said dryly.

“Oh, yes, that’s form D4/001 or if it’s urgent for-”

Rarity held her up her hoof, “I think I get the idea, thank you. No need to go through it here,” Rarity looked as if she wanted to be anywhere else.

I can get Spi-,” Spike shook his head vigorously. “Um, have them printed by one of your auto-scribes.” Twilight smiled awkwardly.

“Thank you, that would be wonderful.” Rarity took a newly printed form and quickly filled it out before passing it to a dockworker to process. “So, if you are ready, we can get going.” She walked to the nearest ship, gesturing for Twilight to follow.