• Published 16th Aug 2023
  • 5,786 Views, 247 Comments

An Unexpected Ally - Kind of Brony

Twilight gets an unexpected visit from a very peculiar filly. This strange pony will make the young princess question everything she thought about a certain little villain, and whether or not she truly made the right choice after they defeated her.

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Pony Kombat!

Twilight's confidence takes a blow the next day when she arrives at the agreed upon location for her dual and she sees the large crowd of ponies that had gathered there. It seems Anon had been quite busy spreading the word the day before, and Twilight saw more than a few judgmental gazes being leveled her way.

Why are they looking at her like that? She's not the one trying to free a known criminal! She's trying to protect these ponies!

... By beating up a little filly. Twilight is really starting to hate this Anonymous pony, whatever her name really is. She almost hopes that she does turn out to be a monster in disguise, not only so others will stop judging her like some sort of foal beater, but also so she can get the satisfaction of blasting said monster in the face.

Speaking of. "I'm kind of surprised you showed up," Twilight calls as the filly touches down clumsily from a flight. Twilight looks up to see the cloud the little pony descended from, then down at the filly rubbing at her eyes and eating the last of what looks to be a granola bar. Did she sleep here last night?

"Why wouldn't I?" Anon calls back.

"I was hoping you were just doing this to impress some schoolmates or something," Twilight answers. "And that you hoped I wouldn't have actually agreed to the duel so you wouldn't have to fight me."

"You wish," she shouts back as the crowd murmurs among themselves. "I'm here to fix your mistake and set Cozy Glow free."

"It wasn't a mistake, and she's not going free," Twilight says determinedly. "The sooner this match is over, the sooner you'll hopefully see that."

"Sounding pretty confident," Anon calls back. "Looking forward to beating up a little filly that much? Guess I shouldn't be surprised considering what we're even fighting over."

The crowd's murmuring picks up, and Twilight feels her cheeks burn red as she scowls. "Let's just outline the rules of our match and get on with it."

"Sure thing," Anon says agreeably. "Rule one, no magic."

"What?! Why not?"

"Because it would be unfair otherwise. I don't have a horn. Besides, it's an old pegasus law, right? Why not honor tradition?"

Twilight frowns. "I read up on the law last night, and there are no rules against using magic."

"Sure, but the law wasn't written with alicorns fighting regular pegasi in mind. Besides, do you really need the advantage that much?" Anon calls back in challenge. "You're what? Three times my age and four times my size. You need to have magic too? Are you a coward, or just that petty?"

The crowd's tone becomes disapproving and Twilight grinds her teeth, eyes flicking to the ponies around them to see that only her friends are not giving her dirty looks. Stepping forward so they can't hear, she asks in a lower tone, "That logic only works if you're a real filly, right? What if you turn into some sort of monster or you're an alicorn in disguise? Am I still expected to not use my magic then?"

The filly merely rolls her eyes. "Paranoid much? Tell you what, though, if you agree to not use any magic, I can guarantee that how I am now is how I'll be the entire match. No transformations or secret horn. That sound fair to you?"

Twilight huffs through her nose, but nods jerkily. "Fine," she calls out more loudly. "I won't use any magic on threat of forfeit. The end of the match will be determined when one of us surrenders or is unable to continue fighting."

"Sounds good to me," Anon agrees, holding up a hoof. "Let the best pony win."

Twilight stares at the hoof for a second, then reaches out to meet it, her own hoof eclipsing the smaller one of the filly. "Let's just get this over with."

Then the filly leaps into the air and hovers, reeling her foreleg back with a smirk. "One-hundred percent agree," she says, and the next thing Twilight knows, a hoof is colliding with her cheek.

She stumbles back, more out of shock than actual pain as the crowd gasps. Blinking her eyes rapidly, she sees the filly already ascending higher into the sky, and she growls, wings flaring out to give chase. Anon is just reaching the the peaks of the surrounding tree canopies as Twilight rockets up to meet her, intending to grab the brat in a movement constricting bear hug and demanding she surrender, but then Anon's wings clamp to her side and she enters free fall.

Twilight is dumbfounded for all of one-point-five seconds before an elbow drops into her left eye. Unlike the pitiful punch from earlier, this hurts like Tartarus and she yells out as Anon rolls off of her face as her wings spring back open. Holding her no-doubt rapidly swelling eye, Twilight watches through watery sight with the other one as the filly clumsily rights herself in the air and turns to look at her with a smile.

She sticks her tongue out and blows a raspberry, and Twilight screams. Flying forward, she reels her hoof back and sends it right into the shocked face of the filly, who's sent hurdling backwards with a yelp. Twilight is breathing heavily as she watches Anon drop several feet down before eventually returning to a hover. There are surprised gasps from below and Twilight's eyes widen upon getting a good look at the filly, who's head is hanging down, allowing twin streams of blood to pour from her nostrils unto the ground.

"Dang, you really didn't hold back, did you?" Anon says in a nasally voice, wiping fruitlessly at her face and smearing her foreleg with blood. "I guess I can't act surprised, considering I'm the one who picked this fight." She looks up to glare at the princess as she adds, "I'm still pissed off though."

Then she unleashes a battle cry and flies forward at, what Twilight has to admit, isn't a very impressive speed. The sight of blood has diminished much of Twilight's ire and is making her more than a little squeamish, so she doesn't outright smack the filly away, putting up her hooves to instead create some distance between the two. Instead of another strike however, Anon latches onto one of her forelegs and bites down.

Twilight yelps in pain and instinctively smacks at her attacker with her other foreleg, hitting her on top of the head and causing her to bite down harder. Twilight begins to flail, and Anon, who weighs barely anything, is whipped about in the air, eventually coming loose to soar a few feet higher up. Then she comes down in a graceless heap onto Twilight's back, and doesn't hesitate to sink her teeth into a bundle of wing muscles between Twilight's shoulders.

Anger now returned, Twilight releases another scream, both of fury and pain, and rolls midair. Losing her grip, Anon falls off, and is struck by one of Twilight's blindly thrown kicks. There's a pained grunt, and as Twilight rights herself, she spots the filly in a jerking descent towards a nearby cloud, which she collapses upon in a heap, panting. Twilight has to resist the urge to fly after her and deliver another kick, instead catching her breath as Anon gets up and turns to glare at her, one of her wings hanging limply at her side.

The sight gives Twilight pause, not seeing an enemy in that moment, but instead a small filly with an injured wing and nose that's still dripping blood. "Just give up!" she tries. "Look at you! You're clearly not going to win! Cozy Glow isn't worth all of this trouble."

Lips forming a thin line, Anon glare a few seconds, then lets out a huff. "You really think that, huh?" she says looking off to the side. "You sentence a child to eternal imprisonment and then pat yourself on the back like you're a big hero. Can't blame you, I guess, what with all those folks down there cheering you on when you did it." She says this as she steps closer to the edge to look down at the crowd. "All those ponies, and not one of them questions whether or not that was the right thing to do. Maybe it is pointless then, for me to try and be the voice of reason in this insane kingdom."

Twilight is confused now as the filly rambles. "You're all perfectly happy to take a kid's life, just because the alternative, of actually trying to help her, is too much work for you. I must be a real nuisance then, right? Little green pony, rocking the boat. How long before you turn me to stone I wonder?"

"I wouldn't-" Twilight tries to say, but freezes as she sees Anon step even closer to the edge, part of the cloud breaking off under her hoof.

The filly looks at her limp wing, then up to her and shakes her head. "I'm done. Let's save everyone the trouble, you won't have to deal with me, and I won't have to live in a place that would rather bury their problems than solve them, even when a kid's life is on the line."

"Anon, whatever you're thinking, you don't need to do it," Twilight says slowly.

"No I... I think I do," the filly replies tiredly, shoulders slumped before she manages to flash a small smile up at the princess. "At least I can go out knowing I gave a tyrant a real shiner. I hope someone down there has a camera to immortalize that black eye, and has the thought to snap the picture instead of gawking at a dead pony." Then she takes another step forward and begins to plummet, good wing held tight to her side while the injured one flaps about like a windsock.

Twilight is on the move before the ponies below even know what's going on, but she still isn't fast enough. There's a scream of horror as someone seems to realize, and Twilight is pushing her wings as hard as she can, but she can tell she won't reach the filly in time. Her wings can't carry her fast enough, but her horn can reach.

A lavender glow ignites and wraps around Anon, slowing her descend just enough to stop her a few feet away from the unforgiving ground. Twilight doesn't come to as gentle a halt as she strikes the ground with a thud, landing hard and sending soil into the air and jolts of pain up her legs.

Panting, she starts to yell, "What is wrong with you?! Are you insane?!"

Anon, who's floating gently in Twilight's magic, smiles, her limp wing suddenly folding up easily against her side. "Insane? No. The winner of the duel? Oh yeah."

Twilight blinks stupidly, dumbfounded. "What?"

Anon reaches forward and boops the mare on the nose. "The rules of our little match, remember? If you use magic, you forfeit, and in case you haven't noticed..." She gestures around herself at the glow enveloping her.

Twilight's jaw hangs open for a momeent before her face twists up in anger. "You... You tricked me! That was all just an act!"

Anon slow claps. "Congratulations, Twi, you're not a complete idiot... Or maybe you are. You were just outsmarted by a filly, after all. Two for two, in fact. Maybe Equestria should be worried about that." She shrugs. "Welp, not my problem. I'm more concerned with hashing out Cozy Glow's parole. We're going to need a place to stay once she's no longer stone, after all."

Twilight's eye twitches and she's very sorely tempted to toss this filly as far away as she can with her magic. If only this crowd wasn't watching them, all of whom are stomping and cheering Anon on.

Come on! She's the bad guy, remember?!

Twilight feels a headache coming on. She guesses it's true; everypony loves an underdog, even when they're little scheming brats.

She feels her headache getting worse.

And now's there's going to be two of them on the loose.

Equestria is doomed.

"Oh hey, is that a nurse? Hey nurse! You mind helping me over here? I'm still leaking like a faucet!" Twilight relinquishes the filly to the Redheart, who gives her a glare as she ushers her latest patient off for treatment.

Her friends come up to talk to her, but she holds up a hoof. "I'm going home," she grumbles. "We'll talk later." For now, she needs to go ice her left eye and scream her frustrations out into a pillow , then order a bag full of hayburgers from her favorite restaurant, take several aspirin, and take a nap.

Something tells her this will be her last peaceful respite for the next few days after she sends a letter to her predecessors explaining why she'll need them to unpetrify a villain.