• Published 10th Aug 2023
  • 638 Views, 452 Comments

They're home. - Nameless Narrator

After Canterlot, little changeling drones survived many threats on the surface, but nothing has ever been as dangerous as the deep, dark tunnels under the Badlands they live in. It's finally time they claimed the tunnels and made them their home.

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(A)Way (from) home: 5

99911 scouts ahead as 99689’s mental signature approaches at high speed, the green egg in its leg hole ready for throwing. 99689 is clearly tired from the prolonged escape, but 10000’s planned interception route leading through the newly dug utility holes serving both as quick emergency access and secondary air vents has gotten them where they needed to be before the pursued victim could run out of stamina.

99911 spits at the layer of goop protecting the final emergency hole from non-changeling access one level above where 99689 is fleeing through, the goop immediately pops like a bubble, and it jumps into the uncovered narrow tunnel. Moments later, it lands on the layer of goop covering the bottom, which it dissolves the same way.

“Ready!” it reports, and hears the grinding of chitin as the three following drones slide through the now unblocked emergency tunnel. Someone will later have to re-goop the vents they used to quickly get here, but right now it’s critical they protect 99689 and rescue 99441 if possible.

99689 is galloping towards them, followed by the skittering and high-pitched screeching of dozens of black centipede-like creatures.

There isn’t much time, so 99911 raises its foreleg and lobs the green egg directly from the leg hole as if using a lacrosse stick.

Here’s hoping that 99859’s inventions still work!

The jiggly, green egg hits the ground behind 99689 and pops like a water balloon on impact, painting the tunnel’s floor, walls, and even the ceiling with a toxic, glowing, green sludge. Some of it hits 99689’s hind legs and the drone yelps in pain, tripping and tumbling forward where it gets caught by 10000 who immediately shakes itself like a wet dog and starts spitting foam all over the decidedly acidic residue from the egg’s pressurized explosion.

99689’s gasping for breath mixes with hisses of pain, but it manages to let out a mental breath of relief:

“Thanks, guys!”

“Don’t worry,” replies 10000, “A sleepy time or two and you’ll be good as new.”

The first wave of the centipedes mindlessly charges into the green sludge and screech as their legs and carapaces rapidly melt in it. Next waves try to push through, crawling over the remains of the first wave’s carapaces, and they’re quickly met with 99911’s second egg now revealed to be a peculiar homemade variant of an acid bomb upon which 99112 supports it with its own two charges.

The surviving centipedes stop pushing ahead and start swarming along the line of the green sludge. 99112 nods towards 99158 with the barrel on its back, the two drones swap places, 99158 shakes in a way similar to 10000, and aims the nozzle towards the centipedes.

99111, let’s see how the nozzle holds up in a field test.

“Oof!” 99158 winces as the knockback from the shotgun-like burst of pressurized liquid shakes its entire foreleg, but holds steady. At first, nothing seems to happen with the centipedes, but when a second blast covers the tunnel in liquid the screeching briefly turns extremely loud before dying off completely. Just to be safe, 99158 pulls the lever on the nozzle a third time, but nothing happens and there’s no resistance, as if something inside it broke.

“I think 99111’s invention broke, guys, so we’re left with four acid booms.”

The acrid-smelling smoke clears as the green particles drop to the floor, revealing only bubbling mess left behind by the dissolving centipedes. Several still remain beyond the area of green death, but in such low numbers they’re easy to simply stomp and crush by the four drones carefully flying through the danger zone without touching any part of the green walls and while holding their breath. 99689 remains lying in the “safe” part, hinds legs covered in 10000’s foamy goop.

Several minutes of careful but hurried passage through the tunnel costs the drones two more acid bombs and a lot of stomping, but finally they reach a porous green wall entirely blocking their way.

“Be careful. It looks like the ‘emergency cocoon’ worked perfectly,” 10000 breathes out in relief as it senses 99441’s weak hive link from inside the block of wall, “and thank holes for that, but if we accidentally dig through then the pincery swarm noodles that are blocked off will get to us.”

99911 nods and begins digging off layer after layer of the green wall until it sees a darker spot illuminated by the light of 10000’s glowgoop stick. One quick delve later, 99911 pulls out 99441 by the forelegs tucked close to its body. The drone doesn’t react or do anything after being freed until 10000 mentally pokes its hive link, upon which it gasps for air with a jolt and quickly turns its head from side to side.

“Ouch!” it croaks, “Bad idea.”

“You’re okay,” 99911 whispers, “A warrior with an Angry Shiny is finally on the way and they’ll clean up the tunnel.”

“Did 99689 make it?”

“Yup!” 99158 beams, “Got melted a bit by an acid boom but it’s nothing some rest wouldn’t fix. Let’s get you back home,” it helps 99441 stand up and supports it until it gets its blood flowing again after the brief forced hibernation.

“Thank holes for the emergency cocoon,” 99441 breathes out a sigh of relief, “99111 and 99856 did a great job with those. I gotta thank them as soon as I can.”

As two of the response team drones help the two victims take the long way back to the High Score cavern, the final member splits off to re-seal the quick access tunnels with goop, and 10000 limps behind. With a sigh of relief, it looks around at the improved tunnel structure, the overall architecture, and at the glowgoop now faded due to 10000 not feeding it love anymore.

You’ve put everything you gained on that island to good use and you’re making things better with every day. 36658 made the right choice.

Despite the proof of that statement surrounding 10000 on all sides, why is it so difficult to believe that?

Several turns of the tunnel later, limping 10000 catches up with 99911 and 99158 who are explaining the situation to a warrior with a flamethrower on his back.

“-there’s a barrier of acid so you’ll need to fly through. We haven’t explored past the emergency wall,” 99158 finishes describing the monster problem.

“Understood,” the warrior nods, “One of you stay here just in case I need you.”

“But we gotta get these two back home for healing,” says 99158, “and 10000 is in no shape to be working or carrying another drone all the way up. It could barely keep up with us just dropping through the emergency shafts.”

“Look, the flamethrower isn’t exactly a precision weapon and if anything slips through I might need-”

“It’s fine, I’ll do it,” says 10000.

“No, you won’t!” 99911 frowns, “Emergency rescues - our thing, you promised.”

10000 sighs and checks the warrior’s hive link for a rank.

“838, please, wait here and we’ll send someone healthy back to cover you the moment I can reach the links of everyone. Two- three minutes tops,” it says, “99158, 99911, move.”

The two drones carrying the wounded start running again and 10000 shuffles past the warrior who shoots it a disbelieving glare.

Alright, that’s it! You drones do what we tell you and you clearly need a reminder! If I have to throw a cripple in the way of a monster to safely clear an active tunnel section it’s better than a healthy drone.

The warrior forces its way into 10000’s hive link like it did numerous times before the Canterlot invasion, takes over, and…

…10000 just keeps walking, disappearing behind a bend in the tunnel.

“...what…?” the warrior whispers in disbelief.

His jaw dropped in shock, 838 doesn’t even call out or try to physically stop 10000.

This has never happened before.


“-and it resisted my control as well,” 838 finishes his report to the Queen herself and bows, the two being alone in the throne room on the warrior’s request.

“What do you mean resisted?” Chrysalis raises an eyebrow. A mid-rank like 838 wouldn’t screw up using his mental skills.

“Umm, maybe not resisted,” the warrior flinches at Chrysalis’ slow, probing, and suddenly cold tone, “I didn’t feel any pushback, it just… ignored it.”

“Hmmm,” the Queen rubs her chin, “What about the promised assistance and the tunnel cleanup?” she changes the subject.

“As promised, two drones arrived shortly and we cleaned up both the tunnels as well as the newly opened swarmer cavern,” reports 838, “The digging can continue.”

“Good job,” Chrysalis nods, “Refuel the flamethrower and return to your post.”

“And regarding the… problem, Your Majesty? They’re armed now and if we can’t control them…” 838 leaves the thought hanging in the air.

“Don’t be a complete dick to them like you were and I doubt you’ll have any trouble,” Chrysalis scowls at the warrior who backs a step away, “But I’ll think about what you said. Just. In. Case.”

Author's Note:

Ta daa! Chapter 1 is finished.
Unlike before, we have a lot of things going on and I feel, from the comments, that it's a lot more chaotic and less understandable.

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