• Published 9th Aug 2023
  • 216 Views, 5 Comments

Arcane Bonds: a Tale of Faith and Magic - MajorPaleFace

Faith and magic intertwine as Sisters Sororitas clash with pig-like beings in Equestria's arcane depths.

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3. Beneath the Moon's Silent Vigil

From the vantage point of his office, the view sprawled before Major Sundance's eyes. Beyond the polished wooden desk, the room's large window framed a panoramic view encompassing the training grounds and barracks of his unit. The soft hues of twilight bathed the landscape, casting a warm golden glow upon the packed dirt where, during the day, his soldiers honed their skills. Now however, the training yard lay deserted, devoid of the usual flurry of disciplined activity.

At his desk, Major Sundance, a distinguished officer of the Royal Equestrian Guard, focused on reviewing performance reports from a recent training exercise. Suddenly, his attention snapped to a scroll that materialised with a burst of blueish magic. At once, he recognized the unmistakable wax seal of Princess Luna.

He read the scroll, which contained orders for his Company to mobilise at once to investigate a network of caves to the southwest. He paid special attention to the primary directive, the task of uncovering any motives or potential connections to the intense tremors that had been unsettling Canterlot.

As the evening advanced Major Sundance's gaze drifted from the scroll to the moon's silvery orb which began its ascent, a steady rise that painted the sky with a tranquil, celestial light.

He shifted his attention to the framed photographs adorning the walls of his office. Each image captured the essence of his unit— the 3rd Lunar company 'Nyxstar' of the 3rd Royal Guard battalion, composed of Thestrals, the resolute bat ponies of Equestria. These creatures of the night possessed a unique blend of grace and strength, their keen senses and sharp nocturnal eyesight making them formidable assets, particularly in subterranean environments.

As he contemplated the forthcoming mission, Sundance found solace in the knowledge that his unit was ideally equipped for such an endeavour. The intricacies of cave networks and the darkness within held no fear for the bat ponies under his command. Their inherent ability to navigate the shadows would undoubtedly prove invaluable in the pursuit of their mission's objective.

With a sense of trust in his unit's capabilities, Major Sundance's focus returned to the scroll, penning a response reaffirming his commitment to fulfilling the orders laid out before him.

On the dawn of the following day, the sun's gentle rays painted a golden canvas across the training grounds. Having relayed his directives to Captain Anlace, an imposing Thestral mare larger than himself, Major Sundance turned his attention to the formidable force he had at his disposal.

His eyes swept across the ranks, taking in the sight of his company in formation. Eight platoons stood at attention, composed of roughly one hundred skilled Thestrals—creatures whose innate traits made them formidable warriors of the night. Alongside them, fifty unicorns, hailing from the ranks of the Royal Equestrian Guard, added their magical prowess to the mix.

The Major's pride swelled at the sight of the assembled force, a harmonious amalgamation of strengths and skills ready to undertake the mission's challenges.

Observing the Thestral physiology, he couldn't help but notice the species' more aggressive and predatory design. Their sleek forms and sharp features testified to an inherent adaptation for the night, where their instincts and skills came to life in the darkness.

Among the rows of grey Thestrals, the unicorns stood alabaster, regal and proud, embodying the essence of mares and stallions of distinguished social standing.

Major Sundance's gaze swept across the assembled ranks, a surge of pride welling up within him. Among the Thestral forces, the unicorns stood dignified and self-assured, their bearing exuding an air of noble authority that spoke to their esteemed heritage. As a unicorn himself, Sundance recognized his bias, yet he held an unwavering appreciation for the Thestrals. Having trained, lived, and fought alongside them, he understood their distinct capabilities. While their nature could be fierce, he knew there was no other soldier he'd rather have at his side than one of their creed.

"Major Sundance," Captain Anlace's voice held a firm undertone, "the company is assembled and combat-ready."

A small smile tugged at Major Sundance's lips as he took in Captain Anlace's report. The Captain was an eager mare, equally at ease in the midst of a brawl as she was in a formal boardroom. Although he couldn't help but sense her preference for one scenario over the other, the dedication she brought to her duties was undeniable.

"Very good, Captain Anlace."

Captain Anlace's reply came swift and efficient, "Platoon leaders and senior NCOs have been briefed, sir. Rations and supplies for two weeks are accounted for."

"Captain, dismiss the company," Sundance ordered, his tone carrying a note of finality.

In an instant, Captain Anlace's formerly mellow tone transformed into a resounding loudspeaker as she barked out orders, her voice echoing with a commanding urgency that cut through the air. "Nyxstar Company, Fall out!" The words were a sharp call to action, reverberating across the training grounds and sparking immediate movement among the assembled forces.

On their journey to the southwestern caves, the Nyxstar Company displayed a coordinated blend of forces. Royal Guard Chariots, towed by pegasi, offered swift aerial transportation for the company's Unicorn members. Meanwhile, the Thestrals flew alongside, acting as escorts to ensure a safe passage. This collaborative effort highlighted the cohesion and teamwork within the company as they made their way towards their destination.

The chariot formations navigated the Canterlot mountain range, Thestral squads scanning for any potential threats on the ground or in the sky. Even in familiar territory, their training compelled them to remain vigilant.

As they moved forward, the company's chariots maintained a steady pace, traversing the undulating terrain with practised ease. The Thestrals, trained to be attentive sentinels, ensured that the journey remained secure, their watchful eyes scanning every ridgeline, field and cloudbank for potential interceptors.

Major Sundance occupied the lead chariot, his focused gaze fixed on the base of the mountain as he peered through his binoculars. Before him lay a jagged scar in the landscape—Horseshoe Point. This stretch of slate and earth had formed due to tectonic activity, a feature that the tremors had only further intensified, leaving the once rugged terrain even more craggy and challenging to navigate.

Under the watchful guidance of Thestral escorts, Nyxstar Company descended onto the flattened hillsides to the west. The bat ponies ensured their safe landing as they readied themselves to enter the caverns. Major Sundance's gaze fixed on a series of porous dark openings set against the slate landscape. These cave entrances, resembling giant insects against the terrain, indicated their designated entry points.

As they touched down, the chariot's downforce stirred up a dusty cloud that trailed behind them. While the Thestrals maintained a watchful presence in the air, ensuring security from above. Meanwhile on the ground, Major Sundance and his contingent of unicorns swiftly gathered by the cave entrances, preparing to secure the area and embark on their mission.

Captain Anlace touched down beside Major Sundance, the dust settling as they landed. While the Major and his unicorns took a moment to double-check their equipment, Captain Anlace stood at his side, both observing as the chariots lifted off to make their return journey.

Major Sundance took a quick inventory of his gear—a suit of resplendent golden armour, his helmet adorned with a striking red and blue officer's plume, and a trusty sword secured at his flank. His preparations were further evident as he ensured that his sack of rations was securely fastened to his other side.

The other unicorns displayed equipment similar to Major Sundance's, albeit less extravagant. Meanwhile, the Thestrals stood in stark contrast, clad in grey battle plate that offered practicality over opulence. Their sturdy helmets provided ample protection for both head and neck, showcasing their readiness for combat in their own unique way.

"Captain Anlace," Major Sundance's voice carried a tone of authority as he turned his attention to his second-in-command. "I need you to take six platoons into the caves. Maintain formation and keep vigilant."

Anlace's gaze met his, a crisp salute underscoring her acknowledgment. "Understood, Major. We'll secure the interior and establish a solid foothold."

Sundance nodded in approval. "Good. I'll remain on the surface with two majority Unicorn platoons. We'll maintain a top-side perimeter and be ready to provide support if needed."

With their orders established, they shared a moment of silent agreement before their focus returned to the impending mission. The transition of command, while seamless, reflected the confidence and unity that Major Sundance had over Nyxstar Company.

With the Major relinquishing command to Captain Anlace as he focused on establishing a secure perimeter on the surface, the Thestrals took the forefront, guiding the path while the Unicorns utilised their illumination spells to light the way through the dim tunnels. The descent into the depths was marked by steep passages that swept downward, each step bringing them closer to the heart of the mysterious cave network.

As Captain Anlace and her platoons advanced, their formations spread out to accommodate the expanding tunnel. The passages branched into a series of contoured and columned pathways, revealing the diversity of the route ahead. Recognizing the need to adapt, Anlace quickly summoned the platoon leaders, gathering them for an impromptu meeting to ensure everyone was prepared for the evolving challenges they faced.

"Listen up," Anlace's voice carried a firm yet reassuring tone as she addressed the gathered platoon leaders. "These tunnels are throwing us some curveballs. Keep your formations tight, keep your eyes open, and if you encounter anything unusual or suspect, report back immediately."

The platoon leaders nodded in understanding, their faces resolute as they absorbed her instructions.

Captain Anlace sought out Lieutenant Tampico, leader of 3rd platoon. As they convened, their purpose was evident in their focused exchange.

"We'll need to adapt as we go," Anlace began, her gaze meeting Tampico's with determination. "Our Thestrals and Unicorns will work together as we explore the different tunnels. Let's discuss our approach options based on the terrain."

Tampico nodded, his expression focused. "Agreed. Thestrals for agility in tight spaces, Unicorns for illumination and support. We can cover more ground that way."

Anlace's smile was brief but meaningful. "Agreed. Keep communication open between the teams. If one faces challenges or makes significant discoveries, coordination will be essential."

Their plan solidified, a testament to Nyxstar Company's unity and adaptability. With their combined skills, they were poised to navigate the labyrinthine tunnels and uncover the mysteries that lay ahead.