• Published 4th Aug 2023
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King Sombra: The Rise and Reign of Shadows - kahnac

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The Conquest

Several years pass, and things grow to a rather tense state. For in the past years, a call to arms had been sounded out. An armored man in silver-grey armor, bearing a crown with a strange, blood-red horn which seemed to glow with ethereal presence, spoke of how their leaders of the Crystal Empire, and America, and even a few corners of the world, had failed them. Dubbed as "The Shadow King" due to his ability to remain in the shadows, out of human sight and of those who would wish to silence him, this man in an iron mask stated that he was all that remained of a once proud people known as the Umbrum. Speaking of how he had lived through, and survived that onslaught of horror, and great pain, he was now ready to make his stand against the oppressors who would dare to have caused the deaths of so many innocent lives. But he required the aid of those who were also weary of the deceptive, and controlling grip of their respective leaders. Those who wished to be free to decide their own fates should follow him. And he promised that if they did, he would grant them riches beyond their wildest dreams, and the gift of true freedom.

And in those years, many people did rally to his message. While a majority of these growing troops were mercenaries hired to serve him - who he paid greatly thanks to his power to produce gold from thin air without any limitations. The rest were folks who had been treated as outcasts, and mistreated by the places they hailed from: some of them were actually from the Crystal Empire. It was amusing to Shadow King, to see that there were citizens of his enemies who also saw them as enemies - it made using them all the easier. Thanks to the endless resources he produced, Shadow King obtained the most advanced weapons in the world......and then used his own scientific genius to improve upon them, and make them even stronger. These soldiers of his, who he named "The Shadow Initiative", were trained to fight, use firearms - and any alchemists in their ranks were taught to use such abilities in combat, as offensive capabilities. But at last, after Ten Years of preparation, and careful planning, the time was ripe. Thanks to his mystic abilities, Shadow King had kept his forces concealed from sight, and under the human radars. All his enemies had were the threat of his attack to work with.....and even that was barely enough to prepare them. Made worse by the fact that noone knew when, or where he would strike. Amore herself grew weary that her greatest shame was repeating a dark part of the Empire's history. Then, one day, ten years later came the alarm. Horror etched in her heart as she saw the massive army amassed outside their borders. The Shadow Initiative was ready to reveal themselves to the Crystal Empire.

The armies of The Shadow Initiative struck fiercely, and almost without warning. And marched with a conviction rarely ever seen before. They were united as one, and with weapons, and powers enhanced by their king which would make them truly a force to be reckoned with (while donned in armor which would make "KISS" and George Lucas proud as parents). The Crystal Empire readied its own defenses, as they were preparing for this inevitable conflict. Imagine their surprise when all of their long-ranged weapons broke apart, and shattered in their hands. What noone knew was that the night before, The Shadow King had used his magic to meld with the shadows, and infiltrate the city. To make their defenses worthless, he began by casting a spell to disassemble their weapons the moment they were used. And when his forces approached, Shadow King used his power to disable the forcefield that cities alchemists had developed for their defense. Thus were they able to charge into the city with ease, as their King pressed them onwards. The soldiers within were left to fight with the swords, and spears they used for melee combat, and there were some american soldiers to provide aid who still had firearms. But it was not enough to withstand the onslaught. The Shadow Initiative had been trained for war. And were united in single purpose. The empire began to fall in a matter of hours. The Shadow King, however, had business within the castle itself.

With his mystical, and alchemical might, Shadow King tore through every soldier, and guard in his way. Just as he did to those who crossed him outside. Noone would stop him from gaining something which would aid in his quest. His trek took him to the Princess' own throne room, where he detected the thing he sought. His magic led him to a secret route just below, straight to a secret study which held much more information that even the palace's library had to offer. It took some time, but he did eventually find what he was looking for: files on the death, and massacre of the Umbrum people all those years ago. Some were in written format, while a number of thumb-drives, and disks were also contained within. His suspicions were proven true, after all. Now all he needed was Princess Amore herself, and his revenge would soon be complete. As fate would have it, she had been waiting for him in hiding down there. A thing which gave the Shadow King much cause for pleasure. After putting the information into a forcefield of his own, he drew a scythe which was made of pure onyx. He then spoke of how he had waited for this moment for decades. She merely asked him to remove his helmet and mask. She wanted to talk with him face to face..........as Sombra.

And indeed, after a few moments, he removed his helmet to reveal himself as Sombra: but his eyes were now scarlet instead of the emerald they once were. And they no longer held the same aura of curiosity, innocence, and wonder that were once there - all that was there was nothing but bitterness, anger, and hate. The armor he wore was crafted by his own hand, and based on the armor of the ancestors of his people, who wore it as the rulers of old did to honor their title, and people. HE wore it as an eternal reminder of her treachery. At first, she denied his implications, until he brought up the fact the return of his own memories ten years ago proved otherwise. He remembered very clearly how his home, his people, and his family had been exterminated like rats by soldiers from both the U.S. - and even The Crystal Empire. Since then, he learned what little he could based on what he remembered, which included the reason for them being isolated was because they only wanted to be freed from the rulership of others.

He doubted that qualified genocide. She then tried reasoning with him by saying that a terrible choice was made those years ago. But HE could still make the right one, and not follow the same path as the Umbrum. All this did was stoke the flames in his heart, and very coldly demand the truth: did she order for his people to be exterminated? And did she collaborate with the american scum to do so? She hesitated to say anything, with confliction on her features as she turned her eyes to her left. He was too angry to notice, and pressed the question while charging a spell in his hand to threaten her. With no other choice, she put on a guilty expression, and admitted the truth.

Yes: she was ultimately the one who gave the order.

Upon being demanded to explain herself, Amore did indeed explain the history between the Empire, and the Umbrum. She explained that a long time ago, the Umbrum were citizens of the empire. And they were the elite guard of the city. They utilized weapons, armor, skills, and alchemy which made them the most formidable force around. And it remained so even when she was eventually crowned ruler - though she preferred to be titled 'princess' for personal reasons. Yet as her reign continued, she noticed how the other nations of the world viewed the empire with fearful reserve. The Umbrum's reputation of being the most brutal, vicious, and merciless warriors made all the others weary. Fearing that there would be actions taken to deal with the empire so that the potential threat they presented were removed, Amore believed there was no other choice but to exile the Umbrum Clan from the empire. As imagined, they did not appreciate what they believed was a betrayal to their sense of loyalty.

This gave them a negative outlook on the ruling class, and they swore one day to even the score with her for her cowardice. Though she was saddened by this outcome, there eventually came a peace between the Empire, and the United States. Soon the two became close allies in economic and political affairs. But sadly, after many years of forgetting the threat the Umbrum declared, her scouts reported on their whereabouts and activities. Reports stated that they had apparently been practicing not only in new forms of alchemy, but also were beginning to harness the power of sorcery, and magic - an art which had been lost to the empire for generations. Nevertheless, they had relearned the art, and trained to use it for themselves. What's more, they were producing a strange new stone which could enhance the abilities of any who possessed it, be it natural, alchemical, or mystical.

Sadly, the main ingredient for this stone were living human souls. And there were several Umbrum who were willingly sacrificing themselves to aid in the production of what she now knew was the fabled Philosopher's Stone: a forbidden relic which had faded into obscurity. Naturally, the americans considered this a liable threat, and wanted to remove them before they could grow strong enough to rise against the world. Amore suggested that they try, and convince them to stop what they were doing, and simply surrender - there was no need for a massacre. But the argument was that they were merely preparing for the threat which they issued. If they'd been doing all of this even before they found out, then the odds were the Umbrum was unwilling to listen to reason. It was hard, but sometimes a leader has to make sacrifices to ensure the safety of their people - and the country they protect. She conceded to the truth of this fact......and with weariness hanging down over her, she agreed to the plan.

It was a surgical strike with a task force of both US, and Crystal Empire soldiers striking the Umbrum from the ground, while air forces bombarded them from above. The attack was fast, hard, and made before the Umbrum even had time to prepare themselves. By the time they even realized what was happening, it was too late. Their forces reported no survivors. Though she was wracked with guilt over her role in this tragedy, she was only happy it had ended quickly. When Sombra appeared on that winter night, she felt as though fate was coming to haunt her. He was easily recognized as an Umbrum by his skin, and the black hair his people all shared. It was suggested they kill him before he could become a danger. But she was against it, refusing to have any more innocent blood on her hands. Instead, she decided to atone for her sins by welcoming Sombra into the empire as its citizens. Her only command was that noone ever speak of his heritage, or address him as an Umbrum. And thus he became a part of the empire. The rest, as they say, is history.

For a few minutes, both stood before each other in silence. While Amore had guilt, and a hint of remorse displayed, Sombra remained neutral in his expression. It was impossible to know what he was thinking. And his silence made her feel uneasy as it continued. But then he broke the silence with 3 simple words that carried more weight to them than Amore imagined: "I knew it". To her shock, he explained how he always noticed the whispers, and horrible glances of fear people in the city gave him when he passed by. He was not so naïve that he didn't notice the fear behind them. And as life went on, he began suspecting they all knew something about him that he didn't. With all that he now knows of his own history, with what Amore just admitted, he now knew he was right all along - and this only made his hate for the Empire, and its people grow.

Without even thinking, she asked him why he never came to her about this, and tell her. Then he in turn bellowed why SHE never told him the truth in the first place. Was it because her conscience weighed too heavily over her? Or was it because she was having too much pleasure in seeing him in isolation - just because of something he had no knowledge of beforehand, OR any part in? She denied this, of course, saying that she didn't want him to suffer for the mistakes of the Umbrum. But he refuted by saying they were HER mistakes which led to this moment - the mistake of being a weak coward who gave into her own fears, and allowed others to dictate her decisions. She admitted that she had made a grave mistake. But she said that the Umbrum had made their decision long ago, and her actions were done to protect her people from a terrible fate.

Sombra called her out on such hypocrisy by reminding her that the Umbrum were also her people: even though she had exiled them, they were still loyal to the empire. Did they truly deserve to die because of something she only FEARED they would do, when there was no real proof of a threat? For all she knew, the Umbrum had forgotten their threat, and simply decided to live their lives as they chose to, without the shadow of some manner of monarchy holding them down. They were living as a people trying to make the best of their situation, and improving their own lives in the process. Perhaps he could not prove it, but neither could he be proven wrong. And Amore did not deny this statement. She made a grave mistake. She chose the wrong fate, and in a way was envious of the Umbrum for making a new one for themselves unbound by what was expected of them. She made it her fate to be the one who signed their death warrants, and to allow fear to control her, and to allow others to convince her to do such a thing. But she told Sombra that it didn't need to be the same with him. As she said to him Ten Years ago, destiny was not set in stone, and we are able to choose our own fates. She chose poorly, and in doing so became a monster. And if he chose to go down this path, then he would be no different from them. He could change his fate.

It appeared that she might have gotten through to him as he began to ponder what she said. He was considering a great many things right then, and there. And she hoped that he would choose the right path. But then, his eyes narrowed in anger. His hand pulsed with dark power, as his horn/stone glowed with power. He agreed that his fate was indeed his own. And he chose to exact revenge for his people. Amore grew fearful as she saw him raise his hand, preparing to fire a mystical bolt of crimson magic which would kill her where she stood. He assured her that the people of the empire would be able to hear her confession, with drones he had hidden within the chamber. They deactivated so that he would have the satisfaction of punishing her unobserved. Promising that by the end of this day, the empire, AND the world would know of the kind of monster she was. And the Umbrum would be at peace. His evil magic then shot forth to strike down the princess. Amore did not move, or try to escape her fate. This was her rightful punishment, she knew deep down. And she accepted it as it came for her. But to the pair's shock, and horror, it was not Amore who received his attack. Instead it was the only other person in the room who had been watching everything, and had jumped in to stop this madness, and save the princess, and receiving the full brunt of his attack.

Radiant Hope.

Seeing what he had done, all of the hate-drawn satisfaction had been sucked out of him at the sight of his beloved being struck down by his own hand. Only horror, and regret filled his heart. Amore moved in to see if she was alright, but Sombra cast her aside. He then took Hope into his arms in the same embrace he would always share with her. He looked down to see the burn-mark where his spell had struck. Devastation filled him as he knew that his spell was meant to tear a person apart on the inside. He had just condemned her to her death. Yet, even as pain filled her form, she was still able to smile warmly at him, saying how it took him long enough to come home. Sombra, meanwhile, was perplexed about her being here. He thought she had gone to America like she had been offered to ten years ago. She surprised him by saying she declined the offer.

Though she wanted to take the job, she refused to do so without him there to give his blessing. She felt guilty for not helping him when she knew he needed it, and that it led to him leaving for so long. She blamed herself for what had been happening to him, as she knew somehow before this day Sombra was The Shadow King. But it didn't matter to her now: because she loved him too much to abandon him, she chose to wait for him before everything turned so very bad. Thus she reiterated Amore's point on how she chose her own fate - and that it wasn't too late for him to do the same. He nodded in understanding, and the two shared a final, loving kiss filled with all the love they bore for each other. She then weakly laughed, and said that at least she was able to see the real him again, before it ended. And as he watched horrifically, the life slowly drifted from her eyes. Her body grew limp. And he could no longer even sense her lifeforce being active. The only human being in all the world he had ever loved.........was dead.

With tear-soaked eyes, he only could look down upon her prone form, and her face, which looked so peaceful as it was. Only now did he wonder what he had done. Amore, meanwhile, had watched everything with such remorse, and guilt that she too silently wept for for Hope. She hoped, of course, that this was enough to convince Sombra to end this madness before it cost anything else. However, as his emotions continued to pour out, so too did they shift, and change. His sadness, and despair was slowly being replaced by a hatred deeper than any he had felt before.

And in that moment as it occurred, he said, "What have i............what have they done?!"

He rested Hope down as gently as he could. And when he heard Amore say his name, that was when he snapped. His eyes were filled only with a bright, crimson light, and his teeth formed into those of a predator. His hand glowed with magic, and a series of shadowy tendrils erupted around Amore, binding her in place. This time, she felt true fear when Sombra stood, and looked to her. Pure hatred, and rage coursed through his heart as the only light left in his world had been extinguished. In a low, venomous voice, he asked if she was happy now: his only hope in this world was gone. Now there was nothing left to keep him in check, and to become the monster he once feared he would become. Now he would embrace it, and use it to strengthen the conviction of his revenge. But now, he had decided that death was too good for the one who caused his beloved's downfall. Instead, he would make an example of her, with a curse that he considered using just in case. Now it seemed all the more fitting. Because of Amore, and all of humanity, his heart had now become cold, and hard as stone. So now she would be made to feel what that was like. And he cast his spell: turning her into a crystal statue to match her cold, unfeeling heart. He told her, however, that she would be aware of what happened around her - and to her, despite her perpetual state. But that was the idea, as he intended to make her watch as he destroyed her world, just as she did to his.

With his magic, he brought all of the evidence he had procured (including the drones), Amore's statue in tact.........and Radiant Hope placed in a pure, crystal coffin as she was placed peacefully inside. On the balcony, he saw that the whole city was damaged, but the people still lived. While there were indeed dead bodies on both sides, it was the enemy who covered the streets. What few remaining soldiers remained surrendered. And the citizens had all gathered in the square in front of the palace, with The Shadow Initiative gathered around them. Here, Sombra showed himself to the citizens, who were at first outraged that he led this rebellion. But his resolve remained the same as he addressed the people. He regaled everyone with his own story, leading up to the moment he remembered everything about him involving the Umbrum, and their destruction. He then went on to tell them all of how Princess Amore had willfully ordered for the Umbrum's destruction in a conspiracy with the American dogs who wanted control over them. Of course, noone believed him at first. But then he brought forth his spy drones which recorded her entire confession - and only her confession, with some of the bits about her reluctance, the Umbrum's threat, and her remorse cut out per his programmed instructions.

Everyone could hardly believe their eyes, and ears. It couldn't be true, could it? That Amore would willfully massacre an entire society like that? Based on another countries influence? But he assured them it was true: all of it was done out of her own feelings of fear, her insignificant cowardice, and her submission to the government in the matter concerning the Umbrum. But instead of owning up to her mistakes, and surrendering to him peacefully, she tried to kill him. And in the process murdered the woman he loved, and hoped could have been his wife someday. Radiant Hope sacrificed herself for his sake, he said, and for the sake of the empire. That is why he was left with no choice but to encase her in pure crystal. She needed to be stopped before anyone else suffered for her cowardice.

He then told the people that it was time for a new order to step in. For the empire to prosper, it needed a ruler who had worked so hard to liberate it from the web of lies, and deceit made by its former ruler. As he who fought for this exact purpose, as was the purpose of The Shadow Initiative, he swore that if they named him their ruler, he would use all of his skills to make the Crystal Empire a prosperous, and indomitable nation which would no longer answer to anyone else's authority. He swore by the sacred stone of destiny that he would serve, and protect its people for the rest of his days. Never again would he allow people like Hope to suffer such a fate again.

His words seemed to echo in the hearts, and minds of everyone present. They truly began to believe that Sombra was a worthy man. A man who had proven himself worthy to be their new ruler. And so, the people cheered his name in the streets with high praise. Grateful that he had freed them from such a deceitful monarch who was more concerned for her image than the lives of innocents. Sombra accepted their appraisal, and "humbly" accepted the role as leader. His first act, which brought him much pleasure, was to shatter the statue of Amore as a symbol of what happens to those who misuse their power. He could practically feel the despair, and misery within Amore - and the dread of what he was about to do. Which made what he did all the more appetizing. Forming an onyx mace in his hand, he declared that the tyrant, Amore, was dead............... and then he shattered her form into hundreds of thousands of shards as the people cheered. And a malicious grin formed as his improved scheme came to fruition, and had at last succeeded. Now, the princess was no more.

Long Live The King.

Author's Note:

Here we see the rise of a meticulous tyrant, and his conquest of the kingdom he once called home. Now, i'm probably going to get alot of flack for making Amore seem like the bad guy here, but you gotta understand something: she was a leader who valued the safety of her kingdom above all others. Even if it may seem morally wrong, she had a hard choice to make when it came to the Umbrum, who would have potentially become bold enough to strike against the Empire. And the americans didn't give her much choice, either.

Either way, whether it's from Sombra's point of view or hers, neither were either wrong or right for doing what they thought was right. However, Sombra was wrong to lay blame on Amore for his act of killing Radiant Hope. He was going to kill the Princess, and in cold blood, no less. He was the one who broke the peace of the Crystal Empire. And it was he who allowed his anger, and hate to guide his actions which led to that crucial, and heartbreaking moment.

However, it may not have all been his fault, as the next chapter will reveal.