• Published 6th Nov 2023
  • 358 Views, 6 Comments

partisans of Eqwuestria - Ferencelvtars

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The Showdown

Author's Note:

"I'm sorry for disappearing for 2 weeks, I was very ill."

**Chapter 24: The Showdown**

After successfully crossing the canyon, Ocellus and the others began heading towards the distant mountains. Ocellus and Smolder were the two main defenders, guarding the front and rear of the group, their hands constantly on their swords. Scoutalu and Fluttershy kept watch from above the trees to avoid walking into traps. Meanwhile, Twilight and Sunset kept their horns ready for casting spells just in case. The goal of the small group was to find a well-defendable position. Starlight and the others, on the other hand, created crosses out of dried branches as a tribute to their friends.

As night descended upon the team, they reluctantly set up camp. Not that they were tired, but standing in one place was the best way to assess whether they were being surrounded, at least according to Twilight's guerrilla warfare book. The team constructed makeshift shelters from sturdy leaves and branches found in the damp undergrowth, but they couldn't exactly call them comfortable. However, thanks to the campfire, this wasn't too much of an issue. The group began to eat, with Smolder bringing fish from the human world, Ocellus deciding to absorb some love from Rumble and Scoutalu, and the others eating apples or salad sandwiches. In the dark snowy landscape, not much could be seen except for the shimmering icy snow in the beautiful moonlight.

The team peacefully retired for the night and slept soundly, except for Smolder, who went to practice with Ocellus. The clanging of swords didn't create a deafening noise, but it was certainly louder than the usual forest sounds. Among the dense trees, Ocellus's human form gleamed due to the leather straps reflecting the moonlight. The two friends' swordsmanship improved throughout the evening, although Ocellus performed much better than Smolder, as it was easier for her to keep the blade cold, unlike her dragon partner. Smolder had to turn his body with every exhale to prevent melting the blade with his breath, but he still performed admirably due to his minimal need for air.

Shining Armor received two more squads, equipped with two flag regiments each, for the capture of the rebels. In addition to the existing seven flag regiments of ponies, three divisions of pegasi, one corps of unicorns, and three flag regiments of centaurs he already had. He promptly dispatched the new units to scout, with a squadron of pegasi accompanying them. Applejack watched angrily as the other trained warriors went to scout, while she tended to the wounded. Shining Armor was preparing to retire for the night when a brown-coated blonde colt galloped towards him, carrying a bowl of water in his mouth. He halted in front of Shining Armor and saluted, panting from the run despite the winter chill.

"What do you want here, Smooth Furry?" Shining Armor asked arrogantly.

"Nothing, sir, nothing. But the Great Lord seeks your presence," the colt reported.

"Then go and fetch him. What are you waiting for?" Shining Armor ordered.

The colt placed the bowl on the ground, from which a large water bubble emerged. Out of it emerged none other than Sombra's terrifying head, bruised and blue.

"How may I serve you, my Lord?" Shining Armor asked, bowing before the great leader.

"Colonel Armor, you never cease to amaze me, but your failure surprises me. For example, your defeat today," Sombra said disdainfully and arrogantly.

"The rebels showed no signs of surrender, but a new military plan has been devised against them," Shining Armor reported, trying to conceal his wounded pride.

"In that case, I leave the implementation of your plan to you. I don't want to hear about another failure. Dismissed!" Sombra added, and then his head disappeared into the water, which no longer shimmered.

Shining Armor didn't hesitate and set the troops in motion. The scouts had already reported Ocellus and Smolder's situation, making them the main targets. The divisions slowly crossed the canyon and headed towards the location indicated by the pegasi. However, as they crossed, they noticed an orange Pegasus in the moonlight, peering into the canyon with a telescope.

"Fire!" Shining Armor shouted, pointing at the Pegasus.

The unicorns didn't hesitate and fired at the tree where the Pegasus was perched. Scoutalu quickly took flight, but still got hit by a shot. Fortunately, it only grazed his hooves, allowing him to soar into the air unharmed. The unicorns were soon out of shooting range, but they weren't alone; numerous pegasi, including Rainbow Dash, flew towards them. Scoutalu reached for his weapon and began firing shots. The pistol scattered the griffons, and most of the pegasi were either injured or retreated, except for Rainbow. The rainbow-maned Pegasus was getting closer and closer. Scoutalu had fired his last bullet, leaving him completely defenseless. Rainbow reached the speed needed for her sonic rainboom. As the rainbow exploded, Scoutalu's wings folded in from the sudden fear. As he plummeted, he noticed Rainbow streaking above him and crashing into the nearby mountain with a loud thud.

Scoutalu didn't waste any time and headed straight for the camp. However, when he arrived, it was already too late. As he approached the camp, he heard the gunfire, and he knew what it meant. The young Pegasus saw only Rumble and Fluttershy carrying Phoenix and Sunset to safety, while Twilight and Ocellus fought a life-or-death battle to rescue Smolder. Scoutalu also joined the fight, and as soon as he landed, he grabbed a machine gun and started firing at the jak and nir forces who had trapped Smolder. He managed to create an escape route for Smolder, but as the dragon and Ocellus took off together, Scoutalu felt his wings literally sticking to his body, gradually ceasing to move. Unfortunately, it wasn't just him; Twilight and Cold Storm were also affected. At that moment, Scoutalu noticed a white unicorn casting a curse from among the trees, slowly but surely heading towards Twilight, but then a herd of jak charged out from behind him. Scoutalu knew that there was nothing left to do; they had lost. He quickly grabbed a crate of ammunition with a machine gun on top of it, along with a bag full of supplies, and hurriedly left the scene. Twilight and Cold Storm were no longer as lucky; they were captured despite their best efforts.

As Scoutalu stepped out of the camp's clearing, his wings jumped as nimbly as grasshoppers again. Before anyone could notice, he took off into the air with the supplies, and as much as the rapid flight hurt his lungs, which now resembled glaciers due to the cold winter air, he flew as fast as a Wonderbolt. When he had flown at least a kilometer, he gradually slowed down and landed on a small snow cloud. His wings burned like magic at the forest festival, his lungs frozen like ice, and terribly painful, but after a short rest, and once he had regained control over his tears, he quickly set off again. Soon, he spotted the remnants of the group fleeing from hundreds of jak supported by unicorns.

Ocellus and Smolder were excellent fighters, but they couldn

't defeat so many opponents. The group headed towards a steep mountainside, and when they arrived, they attempted a counterattack, but it turned into another defensive struggle and an unsustainable front.

"Back, back!" Starlight shouted, and Phoenix followed suit, sprinting away.

The others did the same, unaware that if it weren't for two rescuers, they would all have been captured. Continued.