• Member Since 11th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen 38 minutes ago


I'm older than your average brony, but then I've always enjoyed cartoons. I'm an experienced reviewer, EqD pre-reader, and occasional author.


It is finally time for Luna to set everything straight between her sisters. All of them.

An entry in A Thousand Words Contest II and winner of a judge's prize in the Experimental category.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 12 )

A story done in a unique format like this is a dicey proposition, but I feel like you managed to stick the landing. Very well done!

I'm just gritting my teeth and expecting if I look at it on my phone, it won't format well there...

Formatting looked perfect on my side and I loved good this! The idea of acceptance and the slow realization of the voices. The meaning behind everything they were saying and not denying their past but learning and teaching from it. The unique storytelling method reminds me of the first story I ever Favorited on here actually, White Box. I can't believe it's so short yet it has everything I could want in it and was nicely contained.

Accepting your shadow can get quite complicated when your shadow is given a life of its own through magic.

1000 words is too short to fully examine the idea, but then again, there hardly enough material to work with in the first place

Love the formatting, and the interpretation that can be read into it.

It’s like a hug that never ends sums up everything.

edit: formatting




ooh love how the vertical text makes her a wall between them


any benefit.

and also a neat effect, picking out the phrase from words in these rants

They also make you alone.
And that is the most terrible thing to be.
Take me at my word.
Not only was Nightmare Moon alone
for pushing everypony away,
but my punishment was to be more alone
than anypony ever has been.
I know how terrible it is.

aww! and of course it is Luna/Nightmare Moon to convince Daybreaker to merge with Celestia

A      r      e
T  heSunW  e
WeAreTheSun WeAreTheSun
u  nWeAre  T
h      e      S

and very cool! they are definitely the sun. really interesting use of format, and perspective on what really happened to Luna and Nightmare Moon. thank you for writing!

Exquisitely done, from the line alignment to the double-meaning of the uncolored sections to the word art…

I can only imagine the amount of work that went into getting this to both look as good as it does and meet the word count requirement, all while telling an engrossing story in its own right. I hadn't even considered how you were racing the deadline until you mentioned that in the results thread. Incredible work. Thank you for it; you more than earned my judge prize.

Now, this one is interesting, and not something I would have thought to do. Looks harder than me trying to write 5 200-word stories.

If you like writing really short stories, try the Flashfic 150 group. There’s a monthly prompt for a 150-word story. I’ve had fun participating over the years.

There are certain defaults and overrides FiMFiction has in place to fight you on doing a lot of what I was trying to. In some places, you can win that fight, and in some, I was never able to figure out how, though they were, thankfully, rather minor issues. (Note how the spaces between the words in Luna's "wall" become inconsistent when Daybreaker and Celestia cut in. I had to put bbcode pre-line tags on nearly every paragraph since other tags tend to reset it, and in those specific cases, I couldn't keep the default paragraph spacing from taking over, even though it worked most other places.) I appreciate your enjoyment and your judge prize (which I made sure went to a worthy cause).

Hello! You've already seen my review of this, but here's the courtesy note, like and favourite to go with it. Impressive work on the formatting, but that wouldn't have counted for much had it not held my attention. It did.

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