• Published 1st Feb 2024
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Yugioh EQG: Cyberse Tournament - Banshee531

Years after the defeat of Zeronull and his evil, Duelling is still the world favourite past time. And now, Duellist new and old will come together in order to compete in an all new tournament. Who will win? Who will lose? Let's find out.

  • ...

Turn 2: First Duels. Canyon and Train Field

The Cyberse Tournament had begun. Sixteen Duelists, competing in the virtual world known as Link Vrains, were striving to reach the top spot.

Many of the competitors were running through corridors and found themselves fighting a variety of different monsters, forcing them to use their own monsters to fight back as they searched for a battlefield. And it was on one of these battlefields that two Duelists had met.

A gust of wind blew through the rocky battleground, picking up a cloud of dust that swirled through the air between Flash and Sunset.

The pair smiled, looking forward to see which of the two would be moving on. Admittedly, they had hoped they would get to compete in a later round. But this was how things were and they wouldn't complain about it.

Adagio: "Now it's time for both players to build their decks. Keeping in mind, one of those monsters will be chosen as their Deck Master."

Suddenly, two screens appeared in front of the pair. One screen showed the cards they had brought with them into the digital world, whilst the other were a bunch of cards they hadn't that were constantly changing. Flash and Sunset quickly got to work, touching cards that they would need for the strategies they were beginning to form. They both chose from their own cards, not even bothering to look at the other screen.

Once they finished choosing their cards, they hit the button titled 'set deck' and the screens vanished. Their Duel Disks were once again filled with cards, the pair pulling their decks out to pick a card.

Adagio: "Now, who will their Deck Masters be?"

Sunset was the first to make her decision. "Corona Beast, Sunset Unicorn." She pulled the card out and it burst into light, transforming into the yellow unicorn with a red and yellow mane and tail. The monster let out a neigh, Sunset scratching it behind the ear, whilst Flash selected his Deck Master.

"Vail Pixie, Alpha. I'll choose her!" He held up the card and in a burst of light, the fairy appeared with a smile on her lips.

"Hi!" She laughed, sounded exactly like the real Vail Pixie. Flash smiled, since he knew this was the real Vail Pixie. Her connection to her card was so strong, that even being digitised couldn't stop her from influencing the monster it created.

"You ready to do this?" Flash asked, the pixie nodding as they turned their attention back to Sunset. "Alright, time to get this started!"

"I couldn't agree more," Sunset smiled as she activated her Duel Disk. Flash did the same, their Life Points setting to four thousand as they drew their five cards and spoke in unison. "DUEL!"

Flash: 4000
Sunset: 4000

Adagio: "There we go! The first Duel of the Cyberse Tournament. How will things turn out between these two highly skilled Duelists? Only way to find out is to watch and see."

"I'll take the first move," Sunset drew her card and smiled. "And I'll start, by setting the Pendulum Scale!" She slammed two cards down on her Duel Disk. "Go, scale two Corona Paladin, Incenderrum! And scale eight, Corona Beast, Sun-Heart Lion Cub!" The pillars of light formed on either side of her, which two monsters flew up into.

One was a young knight, with a naginata that had a sun on its crossguard. The other was a small lion cub, wearing a golden helmet and carrying a dagger in its mouth. The pair stopped several feet up, as stylised numbers appeared below them.

"Now watch," she smirked. "As I burn through space time and blaze the arc of victory!" The portal formed above Sunset's head, as she screamed out. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!" The portal opened and a single fireball flew out and exploded, revealing a knight in golden armour with blue trim and carrying a golden long sword. "Corona Paladin, Haslash!" (A2100/D1700/L5/P4)

Flash smirked, seeing the knight floating above the the fissure with his sword drawn. "Not bad."

"Oh, I'm just getting started." Sunset placed one card face down, "I end my turn."

Adagio: "Sunset Shimmer has started off strong. How will Flash respond?"

"It's my turn!" Flash drew his card and smirked. "I think I'll set my own Pendulum Scale. Go, scale one Magna Caster Ratio and scale eight Magna Caster Solaris!" He slammed the cards on his Duel Disk and the pillars formed on either side of him, with the two magicians flying up into them.

Adagio: "Flash Sentry, counters with his own Pendulum Summon. What monster will he bring out?"

"Cut through space time and carve the arc of victory!" Flash cried, as the portal began to form above him. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!" The portal opened and a single light exploded out of it, which came crashing down and exploded to reveal a robotic dinosaur with a gear in its back. "Spino-Gear, Magna-Saur!" (A2100/D1500/L5)

Adagio: "Flash has summoned Spino-Gear, a monster that can attack twice. However, this card's ATK is equal to Sunset's. What could he be planning?"

"I activate the Pendulum Ability of Magna Caster, Ratio!" Flash drew three cards and looked them other, then picked out one and returned the others to his deck. "I now banished Magna Caster, Lunara." The card vanished into digital energy, which flew over to Spino-Gear. "And since she was a Level six, that's an extra twelve hundred points added to my monster." (A3300/D1500/L5)

"I see," Sunset frowned as Flash pointed at her.

"Now, Spino-Gear, attack Haslash!" The gear on its back began to spin, as it charged forward across the fissure and prepared to stomp on the swordsman.

"I don't think so!" Sunset cried, Flash expecting her to activate her face down. But instead, she discarded the last two cards in her hand. "I activate my Sunset Unicorn's Deck Master Ability!" The horn's horn burst into flames, which it fired at Spino-Gear. "By discarding two cards, she can negate one attack!" The flames struck Spino-Gear and knocked it back, as fire fireballs then flew off it and slammed into Flash.

"AUGH!" He cried, the explosions throwing him backwards.

"Flash!" Vail Pixie cried, as he crashed into the ground.

Flash: 3500
Sunset: 4000

"Ow," Flash moaned as he sat himself up. "That hurt." He looked over at Sunset. "I'm guessing your monster's ability also damages me?"

"Yup," Sunset smiled. "By a hundred points for ever Level star your monster has." Flash sighed as he stood up. "And since your Spino-Gear's ability only works if you complete your attack, that's all you can do for this turn."

"Wrong," Flash placed a card face down, "that's all I can do this turn." Spino-Gear picked itself, up, as its ATK points returned to normal. (A2100/D1500/L5)

"Good," Sunset smiled, "because I activate my face down." Her card flipped up to reveal a Trap, "Torch of Life. This continuous Trap lets me draw one card whenever I gain Life Points." Flash frowned, knowing she wouldn't have played that yet unless she actually could gain Life Points. "Now it's my turn," she drew. "And with that, the effect of a Monster in my grave activates!"

"Let me guess. It increases your Life Points."

"You're catching on," Sunset smiled as a monster appeared. That monster was a man with blue leather pants and a leather jacket, which had flame patterns on them. He was also carrying a fire themed guitar, which he was playing a tune on. "Meet Corona Bard, Hymnak! And during my standby phase, he gives me an extra two hundred points." He began to rock out, his guitar creating blasts of fire that surrounded Sunset and increased her life points.

Flash: 3500
Sunset: 4200

"And since my Life Points just got a boost, Torch of Life lets me draw another card." She did so and nodded before placing it on the field. "Go, Blaze Fang Sun Tiger!" A burst of fire signalled the arrival of giant flaming tiger, which stood beside Haslash. "Next, I'll activate the Pendulum Ability of Incenderrum!" Both Haslash and Sun Tiger burst into flames, the fire flying up into the Pendulum Monster's weapon.

Adagio: "This isn't looking good for Flash. That effect will weaken his monsters ATK power by three hundred points, for every Fire monster Sunset has."

Incenderrum swung the blade around and the fire shot towards Spino-Gear, exploding against it and making it stagger backwards. (A1500/D1500/L5) "That's the way!" Sunset smiled. "Now, Haslash. Cut him down to size!" Haslash leapt into the air and raised his sword. And as he did, Sun-Heart's eyes glowed. "Now I activate the Pendulum Ability of my Lion Cub. Since a Fire Monster is attacking, it gains a hundred points for every Level the target has."

Lion Cub's eyes fired a beam at Haslash, causing it to glow and increasing its power. (A2600/D1700/L5/P4) The knight then cut Spino-Gear in half, causing it to explode and knocking Flash flying backwards with another cry.

Flash: 2400
Sunset: 4200

Flash groaned as he sat up, whilst Sunset reached for her deck. "When Haslash destroys a monster, I can add any Monster with an equal or lower ATK to my hand." She drew said card before pointing at him. "Now, Sun Tiger. Cut his Life Points down to size!" The beast roared and began to charge, but Flash quickly stood up as his face down flipped up.

"Go, Beacon of Hope!" He reached for his Deck. "This card activates whenever I'm attacked directly. Now I can draw a card and if it's a monster, I can summon it." He reached for his deck and drew his card, smiling when he saw what it was. "Go, Glow Claw Magna Chimp!" He summoned the robotic monkey to the field, which got between him and Sun Tiger. (A1800/D600/L4/P9)

Sunset frowned, knowing that even with Sun-Heart's Pendulum Ability, Sun Tiger wouldn't be able to beat the monkey. "I end my turn."

Flash walked forward and smiled at Magna Chimp, glad he had shown up when he did. He then looked over at Sunset and saw her holding two cards. 'If I attack, she might use her Deck Master Ability and do even more damage. But I'm not gonna be able to win this unless I attack.' He kept thinking for a minute, going over her Deck Master's Ability.

Vail Pixie was also watching and suddenly had an idea, which she whispered into his ear.

Flash's eyes went wide and he smiled at Vail Pixie. "You think that'll work?" She shrugged. "Well got nothing to lose. But I'm gonna need the right cards for it." He looked down at his Deck, taking a deep breath and he prepared himself.

At the same time, the remaining members of the Dueling Sixteen were continuing to make their way through the maze.

Trixie rushed around a corner and found herself coming face to face with a Level Four wall, the stars lightning up as a monster flew out of it. That monster became Trident Warrior, who thrust his trident towards her.

Trixie gasped and staggered back, falling onto her butt as she did. The creature stared down at her, Trixie feeling herself beginning to panic. But then she reached for her deck and quickly drew a card. "Performage!" She slapped the card down on her Duel Disk, "Stilts Launcher!" In a flash of light, a monster appeared between her and Trident Warrior.

This monster was a mass of shapes styled to mimic some kind of magician, with a pair of long staffs in both hands that had a part near the bottom it was standing on. The stilt staffs had a sphere on the end, which glowed as Trident Warrior attacked. The first orb created a barrier to protect it, knocking Trident Warrior back, as the second orb fired a beam that destroyed the monster.

Trixie sighed, as the wall began to disappear. She picked herself up and turned to her monster. "Trixie thanks you." Stilt Launcher nodded before disappearing, allowing Trixie to head down the hallway.

Gallus also came across another wall, the young man seeing it had three stars.

From it, the monster known as Mathematician appeared and tried to blast him. But he leapt back and drew a card. "Go, Gold Paladin Brave Sabre!" In a burst of light, a figure in white and gold armor appeared. He was a tall man, carrying a sword almost as long as he was tall.

The knight charged and swung his sword at the math monster, but he was able to protect himself using some kind of magic.

Gallus quickly drew another card and played it. "I activate the Spell card, Legendary Sword!" In a flash of light, the knight gained a second sword. It slashed at Mathematician with the new sword, but was stopped by the magic. However, the first sword was able to break through the magic and cut the man in half.

He blew up, the all vanishing as he did and allowing Gallus to pass with a smirk.

Fluttershy ran through the corridors and as she came to a four-way path, the barriers appeared and she looked down to see five stars on the ground.

The stars glowed and from the light, a large black lion with blonde hair appeared.

Fluttershy drew a card and placed it on the duel Disk. "Sacred Beast, Grand Grizzly!" In a flash of light, the four armed bear appeared and let out a roar. The lion pounced towards them, but the pair easily caught it before smashing it into the ground.

The lion roared as it exploded, Fluttershy smiling at her monster and giving it a nice scratch behind the ear before it vanished.

She then headed down one of the hallways and as she did, a light appeared at the end of it. She picked up the pace and quickly reached it, stepping through the light and finding herself in a forested area. The place was blowing a gentle breeze, making her sigh as she stepped forward.

She soon arrived at the top of a hill and when she looked down, she found forest as far as the eye could see. The only treeless part of the forest was a small lake not to far away.

"My opponent probably thinks that's where I'll be. Might as well prove them right." She headed down the hill and sighed at the gentle wind blowing through her hair. If she did lose this Duel, this would certainly be a nice place to Duel.

Smolder was running through the tunnels after defeating a monster and as she turned a corner, she spotted a light at the end of it.

"Yes!" She ran forward, looking forward to seeing who she would end up facing and where they would be Dueling. And as she ran through the light, she found herself...in a round chamber with a old fashioned steam train carraige in the middle. "Huh." She looked around, seeing no sign of an opponent.

The place looked a little cramp for a Duel. If her opponent summoned something big, it would barely hit in the room.

She decided to take a look inside the carriage and climbed inside. But as she did, she was shocked when the doors suddenly felt shut. "HEY!" She rushed over and tried to pry it open, but it wouldn't. And as she did, one of the walls suddenly opened up and the carriage was suddenly moving along a track. "I hope this isn't some kind of trap, that'll eliminate me before I even get to duel."

The carriage rolled through a long tunnel and eventually came out into an open area, with what appeared to be a train station coming up.

A steam train was waiting at the station and the carriage came up behind it, locking into place as the train let out a whistle.

Smolder raised an eyebrow at this, only for another carriage to pull up behind hers. The train let out another whistle and the next thing she knew, they were pulling away from the station. A clicking sound then signalled the door at the end of the carriage had unlocked, allowing Smolder to open it up and step out onto a balcony-like extension.

She looked around and saw a ladder leading up to the carriage roof, Smolder pulling herself up and finding the train was rolling through a hilly countryside. "Huh. Cool." As she said that, she heard movement coming from the other carriage and looked around.

Ocellus was climbing up the ladder onto the carriage roof, the girl spotting Smolder and smiling. "So we're Dueling on the top of a train?"

"Looks like it," Smolder smiled. "Unless you wanna risk jumping off. I don't think this train's gonna be stopping." Ocellus smiled and stepped up onto the roof, the two staring one another down.

Those watching this were interested in seeing the pair face off, as Aria began to voice over it.

Aria: "Smolder and Ocellus. These girls have quite the reputation, both being Double X competitors. But neither have Dueled one another in an official capacity. How will things work out for them?"

The girls saw the two screens appear in front of them, showing off their different cards and the ones available to them from the database. They quickly began selecting cards, though Smolder first chose one from the database with a smirk. Everyone watched and couldn't wait to see how their Duel turned out.

Back with Flash and Sunset's Duel, he reached down and grabbed his deck.

"Alright. It's my turn. I DRAW!" He drew his card and almost instantly, he played another from his hand. "I play Stardust Reload!" He removed Spino-Gear from his graveyard, the card digitising as he reached for his deck. This lets me draw five cards!" He drew and smirked at the new options he had.

Sunset saw this and knew he was up to something. "I can handle it."

"You sure!" Flash slapped a card down on the Duel Disk. "Go, Shining Fang Magna Wolf!" In a flash of light, the armored wolf appeared and howled to the air. (A1500/D1200/L4)

Sunset hummed, "he can't be planning to use Ratio's ability. Can he?"

"Now watch," Flash's monsters glowed before transforming into a pair of lights. "As I use these two monsters to build the Overlay Network!" A black hole appeared in front of him, the two lights flying inside as he chanted. "Shatter the chains forged by the laws of physics and burst open the door to limitless possibilities!" The black hole exploded, unleashing a burst of brilliant light. "I XYZ SUMMON!"

The light faded, revealing Flash's monster to be a humanoid robot dragon. It was carrying a giant buster sword and looked powerful. "Reality Buster Dragon!" (A2000/D2000/R4)

Sunset frowned, knowing this could be a problem. "Don't tell me he figure it out."

"I activate Ratio's Pendulum Ability." Flash drew three cards before taking one out, the card disintegrating as the energy flowed into Reality Buster. "I banish my Level Charge Horn Magna Bull, to power him up by twelve hundred points. (A3200/D2000/R4) "ATTACK!"

Sunset watched as Reality Buster leapt into the air, everyone watching expecting Sunset to use her Deck Master's Ability. But to their surprise, she didn't and Reality Buster ended up cutting Sun Tiger in half.

Flash: 2400
Sunset: 2200

Sunset screamed, as she was thrown backwards by the explosion of her monster. Flash cheering at his discovery. "Yes! Your Deck Master can't negate the attacks of a monster without a Level."

Sunset sighed as she picked herself up. "Yup, You caught me. Xyz monsters are my Deck Master's kryptonite." She stood tall and smiled. "But you don't have that many Xyz monsters in your deck. So once I get rid of that one, I'll be able to use her Ability as much as I want."

"You can try," Flash smiled. "But I'm not gonna let go of that lead I finally got." He placed three cards face down, "bring it on!" Sunset smiled as she began to formulate her own plan for beating Flash's monster. She knew this wasn't gonna be easy, but she wasn't gonna let him get the better of her. No way.

At the same time Smolder and Ocellus had completed their decks. Said decks appeared in their Duel Disks, the pair taking them out to look through.

Aria: "Which monsters will be chosen as their Deck Masters? What Abilities will those Deck Masters have? Let's find out."

"Insect Knight," Ocellus held up a card and it burst into light. That light took shape and morphed into a humanoid insect, wearing a cape whilst carrying a sword and round shield. It stood beside Ocellus, hissing as it did so.

Smolder smirked as she selected her Deck Master. "Goddess with the Third Eye!" This statement shocked Ocellus, the girl watching as a woman in green robes appeared. Her normal eyes were closed but her forehead opened up to reveal said eye.

"Okay," Ocellus stated, "wasn't expecting that."

Smolder smirked. "Beating you won't be easy. I gotta give myself every advantage I can find. Including being a little unpredictable." Ocellus nodded and both returned their decks, preparing for battle as they did.

Aria: "The Deck Masters are chosen and now, it's time for these girls to Duel. I can't wait to see how this turns out. So if both Duelists are ready..."

The pair activated their Duel Disks and drew their cards.


Ocellus: 4000
Smolder: 4000

"I'll go first!" Ocellus drew her card and looked through her choice of cards, then nodded before placing a card on the field. "Go, Pinch Hopper in DEF mode!" A flash of light signalled the arrival of a large green grasshopper, which curled itself up on the train. (A1000/D1200/L4) "I'll place two cards face down and end my turn."

"Then here I go!" Smolder smirked before Ocellus looked shocked. "What?" She looked around and suddenly found a tunnel heading towards them. "WOW!" The girls leapt down, seconds before they entered the tunnel. Pinch Hopper, Insect Knight and the Goddess with the Third Eye all phased through the rock, whilst the girls felt the top of the tunnel almost touch their backs.

"I'm so glad we're virtual right now!" Ocellus cried as they exited the tunnel.

They picked themselves up and sighed in relief, as Smolder quickly got back to her turn. "Alright, I summon Air Dragon Brawler, In ATK Mode!" She slapped the card down on the Duel Disk, as a tornado exploded in front of her.

From out of that tornado, a muscular woman appeared wearing dragon themed clothing. She was wearing a green shirt with a serpentine dragon surrounded by tornados on it, black pants with green dragon heads on the knees and green boots with dragon heads on the toe tips. Around her arms were black metal bracers, with a green green head on the top and a dragon mouth on the bottoms. (A1800/D1000/L4)

Aria: "Smolder is starting off strong. That's certainly her offensive fighting style."

"Air Dragon Brawler's skill!" Smolder cried, as a tornado swirled around her monster. "When she's summoned, she can destroy one Spell or Trap on the Opponent's Field!" The wind flew off of her and shot towards Ocellus' side of the field, lifting up a Mirror Force and destroying it. "Oh yeah! And next up!" She activated a Spell Card, "I'll use my Stop Defence!"

"Oh no," Ocellus gasped as Pinch Hopper was forced to stand up.

"GO!" Smolder cried, as the dragon heads around her monster's wrists moved forwards and connected to form a pair of metal boxing gloves. "Blow that overgrown ant away!" The warrior leapt forward and smashed a dragon covered fist into Pinch Hopper, destroying it and blasting Ocellus back.

"Ahhhh!" She staggered back and almost fell off her train car.

Ocellus: 3200
Smolder: 4000

Ocellus quickly regained her balance and smiled. "You might have destroyed Pinch Hopper, but that only activated his ability." She took a card from her hand and held it up. "Now, I can summon any Insect Monster from my hand. And I summon my Queen Bee!" In a flash of light, a tall woman appeared wearing a leather suit designed like a bee.

Her mouth was visible, but the rest was hidden beneath a bee mask with her eyes being a pair of red goggles with multiple segments. She had insect wings on her back and a bee's spiracle and sting coming out of her lower back. (A1900/D1600/L6)

Smolder frowned, not liking that Ocellus had a Level six monster out.

"What's more. When Queen Bee is summoned, she summons a swarm of Drone Tokens to appear and fill every empty Monster Zone I have." Four hamster sized bees suddenly appeared on either side of her, looking protective of their regal ruler. (A100/D100/L1) "And for each one on the field, she gains a hundred ATK points." (A2300/D1600/L6)

Aria: "Despite Ocellus taking damage, she managed to get an exceptionally strong monster out on the field and bolstered her forced in the process. Those Tokens are gonna be tough to take out, that's for use."

Smolder had to admit Ocellus was certainly bringing her A-game. If she wanted to beat her, she would need to also kick things up a notch. But not yet. "I place one card face down and end my turn."

Back at the rocky field, Sunset reached for her deck.

"It's my turn. I draw!" She did so, as her Corona Bard suddenly appeared. "First, I'll have Hymnak grant me an extra two hundred Life Points!" The guitarist blasted out a power ballet, which flew over to Sunset and powered her back up.

Flash: 2400
Sunset: 2400

"And since I just gained life points, my Torch of Life Spell lets me draw another card." She did so and started formulating a plan with the cards she had. "Go, Haslash! Destroy Reality Buster Dragon!" The knight leapt into the air and raised his flaming sword high, but Flash was ready for her.

"I activate Reality Buster's Special Ability!" One of the lights flew into the dragon's sword, as it raised it defensively. "This'll protect my monster and send any damage I would have taken to you!" Haslash slammed his blade into the dragon's, but was knocked back as Reality's Buster's sword glowed and unleashed a light that struck Sunset.


Flash: 2400
Sunset: 2300

Sunset smiled at this and placed a pair of cards face down. "I end my turn."

Adagio: "Sunset's hopes for getting rid of Flash's Xyz monster just went up in flames. But since she didn't use her Pendulum Monster's Abilities, she must have expected Flash to use it. Clearly, she's trying to get rid of the Overly Units and weaken the monster."

"My turn!" Flash reached for his deck, "I draw!" When Flash saw what he got, he smiled as an idea formed in his head. "Yes." The portal formed above his head, "I PENDULUM SUMMON!" The portal opened and a single light shot out of it, exploding to reveal an orange horse wearing armor that had a pair of strong looking wings. "Flash Wing, Magna Pegasus!" (A1400/D800/L4)

Sunset's eyes went wide, "that's not good."

"Not good at all!" Flash laughed. "Since he was Special Summoned, Flash Wing lets me banish one random card in your hand!" The winged horse's body sparked before a bolt of lightning shot off of it and struck one of Sunset's card, making her gasp as it turned into digital nothing.

Adagio: "Now that Sunset's down to only one card, her Deck Master Ability cannot be activated."

"Now I'll be using Ratio's Ability!" Flash drew his three cards, then frowned before picking one. "I banish my Level three Space-Warp Dragon!" The card vanished and the light it created flew into Reality Buster, powering it up. (A2600/D2000/R4) "Attack!" Reality Buster rushed forward, but Sunset was ready.

"I activate my face down!" Her card flipped face up, "Solar Flare!" The Spell activated and unleashed a blast of fire, which flew into Haslash. (A3100/D1700/L5/P4) Sunset knew what was coming, but it was better than letting Haslash be destroyed.

"I activate Reality Buster's Ability!" Flash cried, as the final light flew into his dragon's sword. The two monsters clashed and once again, neither were destroyed. But a light flew off the sword and struck Sunset.

Flash: 2400
Sunset: 1800

With Haslash remaining on the field, Flash could do nothing but end his turn. As he did, the two's monsters powered back down. (A2000/D2000/R4) (A2100/D1700/L5/P4)

"It's my turn," Sunset reached for her deck. "I draw!" She did so and as she did, Hymnak appeared and once again reinforced her life points and allowed her to draw again.

Flash: 2400
Sunset: 2000

Sunset saw the card she had gotten and smiled, as the portal formed above her head. "Now watch, as I burn through space time and blaze the arc of victory!" The portal opened and a fireball flew out of it, exploding behind Sunset and creating a powerful blast of fire and heat that made Flash and Vail Pixie have to cover their faces.

"Hot!" Vail Pixie cried, as the monster spread its wings and wing a single beat, caused the flames to extinguish and reveal the large bird monster.

"Ignite your flame of victory, SOLAR FLARE PHOENIX!" (A2500/D2000/L7/P4) Flash looked up at the giant bird, as it let out a might squawk and prepared for battle. "Solar Flare's Ability. Since my Life Points are at least two thousand, I can now double them!" The flames coming off the bird swirled around Sunset, who also drew her card thanks to Torch of Life.

Flash: 2400
Sunset: 4000

Adagio: "Incredible! Sunset Shimmer has restored her Life Points back to their original amount. Flash Sentry is in serious trouble now.

"I activate Incenderrum's Pendulum Ability!" Solar Flare and Haslash both burst into flames, their fire flying up into the knight's spear before it slashed it through the air.

Fireballs exploded off the blade and flew towards Reality Buster, slamming into it and exploding. With each explosion, the dragon's power diminished. (A1400/D2000/R4) "Not good," Flash gulped.

"Solar Flare Phoenix!" Sunset cried, as he monster leapt into the air. "Attack Reality Buster Dragon!" The bird's entire body burst into flames and as it did, it dived down towards the Xyz monster. Flash quickly touched one of his cards and it flipped up, as the attack slammed into his dragon and destroyed it.

"Trap Card, OPEN!" A shield formed around him, blocking the damage. "Defence Draw!" Flash drew his card, as the smoke and shield faded away.

"Not bad," Sunset smiled before pointing at Flash Wing. "Haslash, attack!" The knight charged forward, as Sun-Heart Lion Cub's Ability activated and powered him up. (A2500/D1700/L5/P4)

"You activated my Trap!" Flash cried, as his other face down flipped up. "Brittle Shield! Since his ATK is higher, Magna Pegasus can now switch into DEF position!" The horse knelt down and shielded himself with his wings, as Haslash cut him in half and destroyed him.

Adagio: "Flash might not have been able to save his monsters, but was able to save his Life Points. But with his opponent now at almost double his Life Points, will he be able to pull back a win?"

"Should have known you wouldn't go down that easily," Sunset reached for her deck. "Since he destroyed a monster, Haslash's ability lets me add a monster from my deck to my hand." Her deck slotted out a card and she drew it, "I'll end my turn there." Haslash's ATK points returned to normal, whilst Flash took a deep breath.

"Sunset's tough," Vail Pixie stated.

"You don't know the half of it," Flash told her. "Sunset's one of the best. And if I wanna beat her, I gotta be at my best!"

The train was running through a rocky environment, as the Duelists atop it continued their Duel.

"It's my turn," Ocellus reached for her deck. "I draw!" She did so and once she saw what she had, she pointed at Smolder. "Queen Bee, attack and destroy Air Dragon Brawler!" The insectoid woman leapt into the air, spreading her wings and she dived down to attack the dragon themed street fighter.

The bee but on her back suddenly teleported, so it was now covering her right forearm. She then dived and pointed the stinger right at Air Dragon Brawler, as Smolder activated her Face Down.

"Go, Brawler's Resilience!" The Trap glowed and unleashed a light, which swirled around Air Dragon Brawler seconds before Queen Bee's attack landed. "Don't you know? Brawlers like us never know when to quit. Even if we get hit, we don't let that knock us down. And Brawler's Resilience lets my monster survive any attack you throw at him this turn."

"Maybe," Ocellus smirked. "But you're still gonna take damage."

Ocellus: 3200
Smolder: 3500

"I'm switching my four Drone Tokens to DEF mode and ending my turn."

"My go," Smolder reached for her deck. "I draw!" When she saw what she got, she smiled and quickly placed it on the field. "I summon Sea Dragon Brawler, in ATK mode." A column of water exploded out of the train carriage and from out of it, a muscular man in clothing similar to Air Dragon Brawler appeared.

His shirt was blue and had a creature that looked more like the Loch-Ness Monster on it, surrounded by bubbles, whilst the dragons on his body had a slightly different design. (A1200/D1100/L3)

"So what?" Ocellus asked. "Neither it or your Air Dragon Brawler are strong enough to take out my Queen Bee." She looked around, 'is she planning to focus on the drones? But even without her tokens, Queen Bee is stronger than the two of them.'

"Since Sea Dragon Brawler was Normal Summoned, his Ability now kicks in." Sea Dragon Brawler raised his hands, as a sphere of water appeared within it. He then smashed it into the carriage roof, the sphere exploding and sending a wave of water flying towards Ocellus and her monsters.

When it slammed into them, Queen Bee was formed to kneel down. At the same time, the Drone Tokens were washed away and vanished. "What happened?"

Smolder smirked. "When Sea Dragon Brawler is Normal Summoned, he switches all your ATK Mode monsters into DEF Mode. And if you have any monsters already in DEF Mode, they're returned to their owner's hand."

Aria: "Since Token Monsters can't be returned to the hand, they simply disappeared. A lucky draw for Smolder."

"And since your Queen doesn't have her loyal subjects anymore, she's now back to her original ATK. Not that it matters, being in DEF mode." (A1900/D1600/L6)

Ocellus frowned, but quickly activated her Face Down. "Go, Web Lock!" From out of the Trap, a bunch of spider webs flew out and slammed into Smolder's monsters. They were quickly wrapped up, looking bound tight. "With this Trap, any Face-Up Monsters on your field gain a Web Counter. And if you have more than one Monster with a Web Counter, you can't conduct your Battle Phase."

"Huh," Smolder smirked, "alright. Good thing these two won't be around much longer." That confused Ocellus, only for Smolder the gesture up to her Deck Master. "Time to use Goddess with the Third Eye's Deck Master Ability." She discarded a card. "I ditch a Spell Card from my hand and in return, I can perform a Fusion Summon using monsters on my field."

Aria: "Wow! So that's that monster's Deck Master Ability. Any Fusion Duelist would want that!"

The Goddess opened all three of her eyes, as a light formed in her hands that she threw above the two monsters. Air and Sea Dragon Brawler pulled themselves free of the webs, destroying Web Lock, before leaping into the the light, as Smolder began to chant. "The brutal forces of wind and water, will now merge to become an even greater force." A figure appeared in the light before it exploded, "I FUSION SUMMON!"

The light faded and revealed a tall muscular man wearing dragon themed armor made of ice. His shoulders, knees, feet and wrists had ice dragon heads on them and his head wore a dragon themed helmet made of ice, with his eyes coming out of the mouth. He even had a pair of wings on his back, along with a long tail that had several icicles sticking out of it. "Ice Dragon Brawler!" (A2300/D1200/L6)

Aria: "A powerful Fusion Summon. How will Ocellus respond?"

The girl frowned as Smolder's monster leapt into the air. "Skill of Ice Dragon Brawler!" The monsters fists misted up and it punched the air, sending out three icicles that flew towards Ocellus. The girl braced herself, but the icicles slammed into the train in front of her on either side of her face down. "Now that he's on the field, three of your Spell or Trap Zones are now useless."

"Great," Ocellus frowned.

"Now go!" Smolder cried, as Ice Dragon Brawler dived down. "Destroy her Queen!" His fists was covered in the dragon heads and they once again misted up, as he reached Queen Bee and slammed a fist into her. The mist surrounded the monster before suddenly freeze, then shattered destroying her.

Aria: "This isn't good for Ocellus. Especially since Ice Dragon Brawler has another ability. When it destroys a monster, she deals damage to the owner equal to the monster's Level times one hundred.

Ice Dragon Brawler raised her fist and unleashed a burst of freezing wind, making Ocellus cry out.

Ocellus: 2600
Smolder: 3500

"I'll place a card face down end my turn," Smolder told her. She watched, as Ocellus shivered from the cold blast she had just received. "Come on Ocellus. Where's the tough girl that almost beat my team in the Double X?"

Ocellus took a deep breath and stood straight. "She's right here." She reached for her deck and drew her card, nodding when she saw what she got. "I play, Bug Burst! This Spell lets me Banish an Insect Monster from my Graveyard and Special Summon another one from my deck, whose Level is Lower than the monster I banished."

"So what's she gonna summon?" Smolder asked, as a portal opened between them that Queen Bee flew out of before digitising.

A card slotted out of her deck and she quickly took it, then placed it on the field. "I summon, Beetle Blader!" A humanoid hercules beetle appeared on the field, with an axe-like horn on its head and blades coming out the sides of its arms and legs. (A2100/D1400/L5) "Then, I'll summon Howling Insect in ATK Mode!" A giant cricket appeared, its legs wings and stinger surrounded by fire. (A1200/D1300/L3)

"Not bad," Smolder told her. "But neither of those monsters can hurt mine."

"Maybe," Ocellus smiled. "But my Deck Master's gonna change that." Insect Knight stood tall. "Even whilst he's in the Deck Master Zone, he can use his ATK points in a special way." Smolder looked down at her Duel Disk and saw Insect Knight's points. (A1900/D1500/L4)

Aria: "With Insect Knight's Deck Master Ability, Ocellus can transfer any of its ATK points to another Monster on the field. However, those ATK points won't return even if the monster they're given to is destroyed. It's a risky move."

"I'm transferring three hundred ATK points from Insect Knight to Beetle Blader." A bright light surrounded Insect Knight and then flew into the beetle. (A1600/D1500/L4) (A2400/D1400/L5) "Now, Beetle Blader, ATTACK!" The beetle charged towards Ice Dragon Brawler, its axe horn pointed right at him.

Smolder frowned, as the axe stabbed into her Fusion Monster and destroyed it. This caused the icicles in Ocellus' Spell and Trap Zones to melt, as Smolder took the damage.

Ocellus: 2600
Smolder: 3400

"There's more," Ocellus smiled. "When an Insect Monsters destroys any other monster, Beetle Blader's ability activates and deals you four hundred points of damage." The blades on the beetle's arms glowed as it swung them around, the light flying off and cutting into Smolder as she cried out.

Ocellus: 2600
Smolder: 3000

"And now, my Howling Insect can attack you directly!"

"I don't think so!" Smolder cried as a face up flipped up. "Go, Trap Summon!" From out of it, a monster appeared that looked like a four legged dragon. It didn't have wings on its back, but it did have a pair of limbs that had flat wall-like parts extending from the ends. "Pummel Dragon!" (A1200/D1000/L3)

The monster used the limbs to try and shield itself, Howling Insect flying towards it and smashing into the monster. The flames around the insect spread to the Trap monster and destroyed it, as Beetle Blader used its ability once again.

Ocellus: 2600
Smolder: 2600

The blades knocked Smolder staggering backwards, but she managed to stay upright as she reached for her deck. "Pummel Dragon's ability activates when it's destroyed. Now I can look at the same number of cards from my deck as I have Dragons in my grave."

Aria: "Many of you are probably wondering, aren't the Dragon Brawlers Warrior-Types. That may be true, but they all share the same ability. Whilst on the field and in the Graveyard, they also become Dragon-Types."

Smolder drew threw cards, then picked one and shuffled the rest into her deck. "Now I can summon one Level four or below monster from those cards. I summon Rock Dragon Brawler!" A muscular man appeared on the field, wearing similar clothing to Air and Sea Dragon Brawler. Except his shirt was brown and had a wingless dragon on it that was covered in spikes and surrounded by mountains. (A800/D2000/L4)

Ocellus nodded and looked down at her hand, placing a card face down. "I end my turn." The Duel was only just starting to heat up. With their Life Points even, it was anyone's game. It would all come down to who wanted it more.

"It's my turn!" Flash reached for his deck. "I draw!" He did so and smiled before activating his Spell Card. "Go, Soul Release!" The Spell appeared along with a portal above the fissure.

Adagio: "Flash Sentry's Spell Card now allows him to banish any five cards from either player's Graveyard. Which cards will he chose?"

From out of the portal, Magna Wolf, Magna Chimp and Magna Pegasus appeared. And along with them, Sun Tiger and Hymnak followed suit. The five Monsters all disintegrated into digital energy, Flash smirking whilst Sunset frowned. "That takes care of your life point buff. Now to deal with your monsters."

"Bring it," Sunset told him. But as she said that, a portal formed above his head.

"Now it's my turn, to cut through space time and carve the arc of victory!" Flash cried, as the portal completed and began to open. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!" A light shot out of the portal and hit the ground behind Flash, exploding and creating a light that was completely blinding.

"Augh!" Sunset was forced to shield her eyes, her Deck Master doing the same as the monster appeared out of said light.

It was a monster many people watching knew. The monster that was so well connected to Flash, it was stupid to expect it not to show up. A large humanoid robot, with wheels for feet and wings designed like thrusters. The mighty beast stood tall, ready to go into battle.

"Shine your light of victory, Flash Heart Dragon...ALPHA!" (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

The light from Flash Heart Dragon faded, the staring down Solar Flare Phoenix. The two Pendulum monsters and their Duelists smiled, knowing this was gonna be a fun battle.

Author's Note:

Well, the first Duels are underway. Hope you like them so far. And let me know what you think of the cards the new characters have shown off. Ocellus' basic insect deck is nothing too impressive at the moment, but what do you think of Smolder's Dragon Brawlers. I think they suit her, don't you?