• Published 27th Jul 2023
  • 302 Views, 4 Comments

Into the Wild Blue Yonder - TheInfamousFly

Flash Magnus has a conversation with Wind Rider and Lightning Dust.

  • ...

Dreaming of skies to conquer

"Ha! I win again." Lightning Dust said. Before the dart had even struck the board, she was scooping up her winnings.

Wind Rider rolled his eyes and took what little satisfaction he could in the fact that Lightning Dust didn't have a pension like him. One day she wouldn't be young. And all her fame and hubris would mean squat.

Still, at least she would be able to be hired as a "former Washout." Advertisers loved retired athletes even more than employed ones. They'd sure loved Rider before his own protégé ruined his reputation.

Speaking of...Spitfire had just walked into the bar, followed by a scrawny, yellow pegasus guard in antique armor. She frowned in the direction of him and Lightning and muttered something derogatory to her companion, before calling to the bartender.

Rider shifted deeper into his seat. Spitfire could badmouth him all she wanted but he still belonged here. He'd visited this bar while she was in diapers and he had no intention of leaving, no matter how much muscle she brought in.

"Hey, Spits. You finished with the 'Rainbow Dash' show already?" Lightning Dust asked. "Y'know she's the only half-decent flyer on your team anymore."

Lightning on the other hand, did not belong here. The bartender had let her stay because Rider had vouched for her, but they all knew she was only here to stick it to Spitfire and the rest of the Wonderbolts.

Spitfire rolled her eyes. "We all had a great show, Lightning. Sorry to hear that Short Fuse dropped out of the Washouts. But maybe his experience working for you means he'll start a stunt team with actual safety precautions."

Lightning Dust rolled her eyes. "If you can't handle the thunder get out of the clouds...besides," She smirked. "There's always Wonderbolt Academy dropouts eager to make a name for themselves."

Spitfire shook her head sadly and her eyes briefly caught Wind Rider's beneath her sunglasses. Rider didn't think she could be more disappointed in him. Neither did he think her disappointment would still sting.

The stallion who'd come with her handed her a mug foaming with cider and approached their table.

"You must be the troublemakers I've heard so much about." The stallion said.

"What, are you gonna arrest us?" Lightning demanded.

He smiled. "I'm actually off duty at the moment. Name's Flash Magnus. Mind if I sit down here?"

Both Wind Rider and Lightning Dust stared agog as the living legend himself pulled out a chair and sat down at their table. Rider glanced at Spitfire, expecting her to reveal this was some kind of prank, but she just gave an encouraging nod.

"I'm not a Wonderbolt either, so I figure I belonged." Flash said finishing his mug in one go. "But perks of being a Pillar of Equestria, most ponies don't feel right turning you away."

He took Lightning Dust's unfinished mug and downed that one as well, wiping the foam off his mouth with the back of his hoof. "You must be the leader of these Washouts I keep hearing about. You know I used to drive Commander Thunderhead wild with the risks I took. Still, me and the other members of the royal legion...we laid down our lives every day to protect the common folk from dragons and griffons. But I guess you and your buddies will just do it for applause, huh?"

Lighting opened her mouth to protest but Flash refused to be interrupted.

"Must be something wrong with a pony, if risking their life is the only thing that matters to them, don'tchya think?" He asked Rider.

Rider looked at Lightning Dust and couldn't help but nod.

"You alright fellah? You haven't talked since I stepped in here." Flash asked.

"You're the reason I joined the academy." Rider said slowly. "You're a lot shorter than I imagined you'd be."

Flash laughed. "Y'know Rainbow Dash said almost the exact same thing. I heard you did her a bad turn a while back...tried to get her kicked out of the Wonderbolts just to keep your record."

Rider's mouth suddenly went dry.

"Now, that soured me on ya just because she helped free me and my friends from eternal limbo." He shrugged. "Still, I know how ya feel."

Rider blinked. "You...you do?"

"Sure, I do. Back when me and the rest of the pillars were protecting Equestria, we got praised for every monster we fought. But with Rainbow Dash and her friends having defeated Nightmare Moon and Tirek and Discord...well, let's just say most of my accomplishments don't measure up."

He stood up, cracking his neck. "Still, that's no reason not to be proud I helped inspire her heroism. Seems to me that if it weren't for the both of us, Rainbow wouldn't be the fantastic flyer she is today." Then he winked. "Who knows what foals she'll inspire next?"

Spitfire walked over and closed Lightning Dust's still gaping mouth as Flash threw a couple bits on the counter. "Apparently, the greatest flyer in Equestrian history is still alive. Who'dve thought? Anyway, I asked him if he'd give you two a pep talk, see if maybe he could get you to stop moping around my bar."

With that, she nodded at them both and headed out the door after Flash.

"Who does she think she is!?" Lightning Dust fumed, the moment they were alone again. "And even if that was the real deal, so what? It doesn't change what Dash did to you or me."

Rider stared deep into his unfinished mug. Then he stood up.

"Hey...where are you going?"

Rider didn't answer Lightning Dust. He just paid his tab and marched outside.

Flash and Spitfire were long gone. Probably racing each other home. But the cloud was soft and the wind beneath his weathered wings was warm. And there was still just enough sunlight left for one long flight. Besides, a little exercise would be good at his age.

Wind Rider plunged. Then he rose.

And then he soared.

Comments ( 4 )

This was pretty good. An interesting premise with a good execution. You got in some good moments, and got it within your word limit without it feeling rushed. My only issues with it would be the occasional mechanical errors and a minor bit of questionable characterization, but these were so trivial that they hardly diminish the final product. Well done overall!

Thank you for the kind words!

Wind Rider rolled his eyes and took what little satisfaction he could in the fact that Lightning Dust didn't have a pension like him. One day she wouldn't be young. And all her fame and hubris would mean squat.

that does sound like a Wind Rider reaction, that smug jerk!

"Hey, Spits. You finished with the 'Rainbow Dash' show already?" Lightning Dust asked. "Y'know she's the only half-decent flyer on your team anymore."

ah classic LD

Spitfire rolled her eyes. "We all had a great show, Lightning. Sorry to hear that Short Fuse dropped out of the Washouts. But maybe his experience working for you means he'll start a stunt team with actual safety precautions."


"You must be the leader of these Washouts I keep hearing about. You know I used to drive Commander Thunderhead wild with the risks I took. Still, me and the other members of the royal legion...we laid down our lives every day to protect the common folk from dragons and griffons. But I guess you and your buddies will just do it for applause, huh?"

dang Flash Magnus, Lightning Dust has a family! i mean, i’m pretty sure!

Flash laughed. "Y'know Rainbow Dash said almost the exact same thing. I heard you did her a bad turn a while back...tried to get her kicked out of the Wonderbolts just to keep your record."


Spitfire walked over and closed Lightning Dust's still gaping mouth as Flash threw a couple bits on the counter. "Apparently, the greatest flyer in Equestrian history is still alive. Who'dve thought? Anyway, I asked him if he'd give you two a pep talk, see if maybe he could get you to stop moping around my bar."

ahaha oh i love Spitfire

"Who does she think she is!?" Lightning Dust fumed, the moment they were alone again. "And even if that was the real deal, so what? It doesn't change what Dash did to you or me."

you know despite their shared enmity of Rainbow Dash this is the first time i’ve seen Lightning Dust and Wind Rider connecting like this and now i can’t get enough of it

Wind Rider plunged. Then he rose.

And then he soared.

aww! it looks like Wind Rider at least learned, perhaps with the help of age and wisdom, some of what really matters.

i have somehow never seen these characters interact before and i am glad this was my first time because it was an excellent one. thank you for writing!

Ooh, good touch with Magnus being smaller than modern professional athletes. He certainly didn’t access to the same degree of nutrition, and his training regimen had very different goals.

If you can't handle the thunder get out of the clouds

Spitfire’s guest laughed at that for reasons he refused to explain.

Good stuff. Lightning Dust was always flying for the wrong reasons, but Wind Rider does seem to be a case of somepony who lost sight of really mattered when he could no longer look past his own hype. It feels right that coming face to face with his own hero would remind him of why he took up stunt flying to begin with. Great work and outstanding rare character interaction. Thank you for this.

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