• Published 20th Jul 2023
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The Last Attack. - Ksilahim

The political instructor of Stalliongrad, Lunar Wave, goes with his platoon to the front, which becomes the previously familiar village of Chocolate Marshmallow. On the way, she saves an experienced ace Fleetfoot, which then leads her to spiritual re

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History of the Political Commissar

"To what extent can neutrality in an imperialist war be justified? I do not mean that we, ordinary pony proletarians, need to run headlong and die for the interests of the bourgeois class, but... I noticed that it is also wrong to remain indifferent in such events.

I used to be so glad that our former "metropolis" Equestria was engulfed in the flames of civil war. That these Canterlot selfish pigs will know our suffering, which we have already experienced more than fourteen years ago.

Our Revolution gave the people freedom from oppression and wars, but it was impossible to stop only at the liberation of the Southern Northerners, Equestria ponies deserve more.

War is primarily a political toy in the hands of the bourgeoisie, no matter what race: ponies, griffins, zebras — everyone has always been at war. Someday the capitalists had to unite into one herd and try to put out Our Revolution! Why didn't the party foresee this?

No. I'm wrong! This was foreseen by Comrade Stallion! We just made a small mistake in foreign policy — we allowed one of the parties to win, and then she was able to unite the Equestrian ruling circles to fight against...“

"Comrade political leader Lunar Wave..." The battalion commander, a green stallion with the surname Pistashkin, came into the dugout. "O-o-o… Are you writing a memoir? After the war, submit your works to the "Severyanian Writer". It will be interesting to read about...“

"Do you think it will be read? It won't be read!“ Lunar abruptly closed the diary. "We have already read about the war from the news reports! And they saw enough with their own eyes...“ Batponi sighed, and then decided to ask. "Are you on some business, Comrade Commander?“

"Yes." Pistachkin swallowed. "Prepare your platoon, we are moving to the front.“

"That's right, Comrade Commander.“ Lunar saluted the battalion commander, and then went outside and went to her subordinate platoon.

Lunar was a betpony of medium height, she had a diamond-blue coat, purple eyes, a tricolor mane of different shades of blue. Before the war, she worked in the Konzan NKGB. And when the war began, she volunteered for the front, where she took an accelerated training course and was sent to the forty-seventh Working Battalion. Where she became the commander of one of the three platoons.

The battalion in which Lunar was located was located in the forest in reserve near the town of Polovsky, about fifty kilometers from Konzan, the hometown of Lunar. The forest in summer was well protected by its vegetation from aerial bombardment or enemy troops. Another plus of summer is that the forest gives ponies its gifts, for example, delicious strawberries, blackberries and other berries. A great place to organize a partisan detachment.

On the way to her own, Lunar decided to claw a couple of strawberries from a bush, but her furry ears heard a strange hum. When it began to intensify. "Everyone get down!“ Lunar screamed and she fell to the ground.

The soldiers fell down as quickly as possible and merged with the grass.

A flight of fighters swept over the camp. Let them pass at high speed, but the soldiers managed to see the red stars on the fuselages, sparkling in the eternal night.

"So it's ours, OURS!“ The cry of a crimson filly named Scarlet Star was heard.

"HOORAY!!!“ Soldiers began to shout, getting up from the ground. Some even threw their caps in the air, and then caught them.

Lunar was also glad to see the Stalliongrad aviation. She also decided to take advantage of the general jubilation and announced. "Fellow soldiers! We received an order about our promotion to the front. Pack your things and clean your rifles, comrades, we finally have to clash with the enemy in a harsh battle!“

The platoon numbered exactly fifty barrels of SVETArifles, and there were as many soldiers. After listening carefully to their commander, the soldiers supported him.

"That's right! What's there to sit here porridge!“ A soldier's voice rang out from the crowd.

Lunar did not hear who it was, because after him, another one immediately began to speak.

"We should have gone out earlier! I already want, comrade political commissar, to wring the neck of some lunarist!“ Said another soldier, a brown stallion with the surname Zotov.

"We are not moving anywhere without orders from the command. The bet knows better than us where and when we are needed.“ Lunar explained to the soldiers. "And now, let's pack up our things and form a column. Can anyone help with cleaning the muzzle with a ramrod?“

The soldiers laughed, and then went to their dugouts, or to miniature tents made of pine and spruce branches. And after a few minutes, the platoon formed up.

"Oh, what's so fast, lads?“ Lunar said in surprise. "Did you check your weapon in just a minute? Have you put yourself in the proper shape for a soldier and collected supplies for the road?“

"Comrade, political commissar...“Corporal Scarlet Star replied. "We cleaned all the rifles in the morning, all the supplies have already been collected, and our machine gun is in perfect condition. If there was a sun, "Vaska" would be sparkling now!"

"That's good... good...“ The political instructor took a watch out of her tunic and looked at the time. "Then to the others. Platoon! Follow me step-march!“


...The enemy throws more and more forces to the front, regardless of losses, rushes deeper and deeper. On its way, the enemy ravages, devastates, destroys cities and villages of the Soviet Republic, kills civilians.

The Imperial occupiers are eager to force the Severyan River, surround our capital Stalliongrad, as they did with Petershuf. Enemy formations are breaking deep into the Marshmallow fields, trying to capture Konzan at any cost and deprive us of our bread. He is trying to break through in the Zayats Mountains and capture our steel. It is approaching Stavropon and they want to appropriate our oil for themselves.

It follows from this that it is time for the Red Army to stop its retreat!

Not a step back! — that should be our common motto!

From now on, the law for every Red Army soldier, political worker and commander will be one requirement — Not a step back without an order from the high command!

Commanders and Red Army soldiers who retreated without an order from above are traitors to the Motherland. And such ponies should be treated as traitors to the Motherland!“

The voice of Vasily Pantsushchenko, who was speaking on the radio, broke off.

"And what are we going to do, comrades? Major General Kogvil Poniarchuk asked.

"Can we still listen to Comrade Pantsushchenko?“ Marshal Maria Norushkina, the front commander, immediately replied to him. "According to the text, he hasn't even finished half of it yet. This is some kind of disrespect to the Chairman of the CPS.“

"If we had time, Comrade Norushkina. But he's not there! And ranting takes it away from us even more.“

"We must do everything so that the soldiers fight the enemy to the last and are not even afraid of encirclement.“ Norushkina answered clearly.

"Not afraid of the environment — it's easy to say, but to do? This is the main doctrine of the enemy — to surround and destroy our units. We have lost a significant part of the army in this way. Remember, Comrade Marshal, the boilers at Altitown, under Caramel Marxs, and remember the defenders of Petershoof, who are still fighting in the blockade alone, without any support from the high command.“

"What kind of defeatist statements, Kogvil! No one expected that the attacks from the Griffian Islands would be so massive, but even so Petershoof did not fall! But we don't have to think about them now! You say we don't have much time. We need to focus on our front. And you know the situation on it perfectly well...“ Norushkina sat down on a chair. "Tell me the latest news from the front that you received a few minutes ago.“

"That's why I interrupted Comrade Vasily.“ Poniarchuk approached the map and began to make notes. "Our Konzan Front is bursting at the seams and may collapse at any moment. Due to the approach of enemy reserves, in the size of a tank division, the enemy broke through the defenses of the Scottyhole and sprayed the forces with blows deep into. There were two directions of rear strikes in total — Konzan and the Severyan River. On the first, the enemy was stopped by reserves, and on the second...“ The Major General fell silent. There was a deathly silence in the headquarters.

"And on the second, to-va-risch Poniarchuk?“ The Marshal decided to break the silence.

"In the second direction, the enemy breaks through without encountering resistance.“The general spoke in one breath. "The regiments that defended this direction were preparing for a counteroffensive, and were caught off guard…"

Norushkina's ears rang. And the only thing she asked. "You will also say, Comrade alarmist, that we do not have reserves to stop the breakthrough to the strategically important and possibly the last defensive line of our Homeland.“

The General-Major took a breath. "Fortunately, there is. But the order was sent too late... and... the number of reserves is slightly inferior in numbers to the enemy.“

"Report on the state of the reserve in this direction. Maria asked calmly.

"Two Konzan workers' battalions, the fifty-second and forty-seventh, as well as the semi-manned eighth tank regiment."

"As I understand it, our people will have to fight with such personnel with an entire division, right?"

"At best, only with a few tank brigades. And at worst… just like you said.“

Norushkina got up from her chair and walked over to the map where the Major General was standing. Looking at the lines he had drawn, she said. "According to your data, the front now lies only two kilometers from Scottihole. The Konzan Front's headquarters is under threat of encirclement. We need to move it to Chiktopol or Polovsky. What do you think?“

Poniarchuk nodded his head in silence.

"Good. I will write orders to all these commanders, and then we will begin the evacuation of personnel. This will be my last retreat!“ Norushkina sat down at her desk and began to write an order.


"Comrade battalion Commander Pistashkin! The Konzan Front headquarters is forced to surrender the city of Scottikhol and evacuate to Chiktopol. I order you to defend the positions under the village of Chocolate Marshmallow to the last, where you are going to join the eighth tank regiment. Prevent the enemy from breaking through to the Severyan River and cover the columns retreating from the city. As soon as the reserves are released, we will send them to help.

Never feel defeated, Comrade Pistachkin!

Believe in victory!

Not a step back!

Commander of the Konzan Front.

Marshal Maria Norushkina.“

Pistashkin received this letter from soldiers who were marching in a huge column on the road to Konzan. Civilians, foals, old men, the wounded went in the opposite direction from Pistashkin's battalion, which went only forward to the front.

But soon the working battalion stopped. Lunar, first hearing and then seeing the movement of a huge column, immediately rushed to the battalion commander. When she saw the commander reading the order, she asked.

"Battalion Commander Pistashkin, what's going on? Why is traffic stopped?“

He only silently gave her the marshal's note.

"Oh, Marx!“ Lunar was horrified by what she read, so much so that she almost dropped the order. "We need to continue moving immediately and prepare positions for…"

"Build a battalion. Everyone line up immediately!“ He shouted to his soldiers. "Battalion! Build up!“

Lunar galloped towards her platoon. "Platoon, line up!"

Having completely left the dirt road, the battalion formed up in two ranks in the field. The battalion commander stood and silently looked at the soldiers.

"What are we standing for, Comrade Battalion Commander? Private Zotov asked.

"But because I have a message for you. Straight from the front headquarters, comrades!“ Pistashkin took a note from the commander's tablet, showed it to the soldiers, and then put it back. "Scottihole has been taken by the enemy. The enemy is eager to cross the river, and there is no one but us to stop him. We are the last line of defense on the enemy's way to encircle Stalliongrad. After all, if the enemy breaks through and crosses the Northerner, then this is what awaits the capital of Our Motherland!“ Pistashkin looked at the column, which had already passed several tens of meters from the battalion. "Not only the capital also hopes for us, but also those ponies who have passed here now. There is no one to cover their retreat! Therefore, I want only one thing from you... to unfurl the banner.“

"Alignment to the banner! Lunar and the other two platoon commanders shouted to their soldiers.

The standard-bearer unfurled the red banner of Stalliongrad and tilted it towards Pistachkin.

The commander kissed the banner. "I swear by the party. I swear by the people of Stalliongrad. I swear by the Motherland! To be faithful to the end to the banner of Stallion! I swear!“

"I swear!“ All the soldiers in the battalion answered in chorus.

"I swear by my own honor and the honor of my battalion! Stay in my positions, which the military headquarters ordered me to defend, until the last drop of blood! I swear!“

"I swear!“ It rang out again over the Marshmallow Fields.

"I swear by proletarian freedom. As much as possible to weaken the fascist horde of Nightmoon! Prove the superiority of the Red Army over the occupiers to the whole world with your steadfastness, blood and revolutionary spirit! I swear! Pistachkin said and raised his head into the dark sky.

"I swear!“For the last time, the sacred oath swept over the fields.

The battalion stood in silence for a minute. Two. Three.

"Battalion, come in!“ Suddenly Pistashkin said. "Follow me step by step. Above the red banner of Stallion, comrade."The commander turned to the standard-bearer, "Let it dissect this night with its kumach!"

The battalion returned to the road and continued to move to join the allies.


There was a long rumble in the sky. It was getting stronger by the second. Soon, lunar dive bombers appeared from behind the clouds.

"Disperse! Pistashkin shouted and his battalion scattered in different directions and lay down on the ground.

A squadron of bombers, in the number of about twenty aircraft, began to decline. Abruptly, one link began to gain altitude, and then tilted to the right side and went into a dive.

A siren sounded. The people called him «The Hum of Death». It was prolonged and unbearable to the ears, especially to the sensitive ears of betponi. Every moment he became more and more unbearable. The soldiers literally clung to the ground, trying by any means to weaken the hum. Lunar covered her ears with her hooves.

There was a machine-gun salvo and the rumble of bombs. The bombers dropped and abruptly began to gain altitude, the «The Hum of Death» began to subside. Soon they were lost in the clouds, literally over the heads of the ponies.

BOOM-BOOM!! A huge flash of explosion lit up the field in front of the battalion. Then two more less powerful explosions followed. A huge conflagration appeared right ahead, apparently the bombs were incendiary.

"Is everyone alive?“ Pistachkin shouted, getting up from the ground. "We continue to move. The blow was not for us.“

There was silence in response. Ordinary mobilized workers lay on the ground in a stupor.

"Platoon rise! Lunar shouted, looking at the glow of the conflagration. "Who were they bombing then, Comrade Commander?"

Pistachkin looked at the Lunar, and then realized. "The regiment! They bombed the second tank regiment!“

The soldiers who had just formed up in a column, hearing this news, immediately ran forward without orders to help. The commander followed their example.

"Pegasus, take off!“ The political officer Lunar ordered and quickly flew to the already quieted flame.

Restless sounds were heard in the sky again, and this time not only engines. The sounds of the course guns sounded like thunder, and the tracers sparkling in the clouds were like lightning.

Two silhouettes of an airplane flew out of the clouds, it was not visible from the ground who was chasing whom, and no one wanted to consider air battles. At this time, the battle continued in dense clouds. At first, the pursuer tried to hit the departing plane with single shots, but he did not give up and tried to outmaneuver the pursuer with maneuvers.

An attempt to make a combat U-turn was countered by a vertical loop. The pursuer did not give up his position. He fired a long burst, some bullets from which fell to the ground, next to the soldiers. Still, a small number of shells hit the fuselage and the right wing, the departing plane smoked and tilted.

But then, unexpectedly for the pursuer, a shot from heavy cannons rang out. A flying monster flew out of the clouds, firing continuously at the plane. By the massiveness of the hull, it could be assumed that: either it was a Soviet Pe-3 or a captured Vs.17, which were massively introduced into the Imperial Air Force after the victorious blitzkrieg of the lunar army into the Lands of the Changelings.

The fighter, which a few seconds ago dominated the sky, tried to maneuver and avoid being hit by projectiles by itself. But, having hit the wing, the projectile tore it and the plane lost control. He was spun and hurled into the ground. Another shell hit set fire to the fuel tank on the other wing. The situation was hopeless…

The plane crashed less than a kilometer from Pistashkin's battalion. There was no explosion.

Lunar decided to check the situation. "Lazy Smart and Zotov, follow me!“ Lunar and two other pegasus flew towards the fallen plane.

The battalion commander called out to Lunar. "Hey! Where are you going?“

"Check the fallen plane. We don't need spies in the rear!“ The political instructor shouted back.

"Then, if possible, drain the fuel for our tanks from it!“ Pistashkin took out a large commander's flask and threw it to the Lunar.

She caught the flask on the fly. "There's already liquid in it."

"Give it to the pilot if ours is. If not, then drink it yourself!“

"I understand you!“ Lunar saluted, and then accelerated to catch up with the Pegasus.

The fuselage of the aircraft was badly damaged: the wings were lost, the tail broke off, but not completely torn off, the engine was smoking heavily with black smoke, which was blacker even than the heavenly night darkness.

"These are... ours...“ Lunar said when she saw a sparkling red star on the fuselage.

"Yes… This is I-16. Very sorry...“ Lazy Smart replied.

"You drain the fuel, and I'll check the pilot.“ Lunar flew up to the cockpit, but she didn't see the pilot. The open cockpit indicated that the pilot had ejected and only the blood on the dashboard and the photos attached to it reminded of him.

Lunar decided to look nearby. Soaring higher, she was able to make out a silhouette on the ground that looked like a lying pony. He was two or three meters from the tail of the plane and showed no signs of life.

"Comrade. Are you alive?“ Lunar flew up to the pilot and turned him on his back. "Please live, live.“ Lunar unbuttoned her jacket, and putting her ear to the turquoise chest, I heard a pulse. "Phew... alive... guys! Help me! There's a survivor here. Lunar shouted to the soldiers who were successfully draining gasoline from the engine.

The pilot's purple eyes opened slightly. A mouse opened his eyes and he slowly reached for the pistol in the holster. A shot rang out!

The hoof with the gun fell to the ground, the pilot began convulsing and lost consciousness. The shot went into the milk.

Astonished, Lunar immediately tried to lift the pilot, but she wasn't strong enough to lift an entire pony. Zotov, who flew up to her, helped lift the pilot and sat him on his back, and then flew to the village. The others followed him.

Lunar decided to fly into the cockpit and take photos with her to give to the pilot later. The first was a photo of Stallion, it was dirty from landing, but the facial features are distinguishable. But the second one was very bloody and dirty. It showed six ponies in bright blue clothes posing in front of the camera.

She put the photos in her tablet and flew to catch up with her own.


...The approach of the first Imperial tank corps to Stavropol was — stopped! As a result of the counterattack, the Red Army liberated cities such as Drozdy and Dominsk!“

Cheers rang out in the team dugout in a Chocolate Marshmallow. Soldiers and commanders rejoiced at the distant, but still victory of the Red Army and the liberation of at least some territories of their native land.

"At this time, the situation in the central direction is still restless and dangerous. The forces of the Konzan Front are retreating to the reserve line of defense due to the deep breakthrough of the enemy in the rear of our communications.

As a result of hard fighting, Scottihole was lost. The enemy continues to advance! He rushes to Konzani, but the brave soldiers of the Soviet Republic break the fangs of the military machine Nightmer Moon!

Above the banner of Comrade Stallion, the defenders of Konzani! Defenders of our great Motherland!

Long live the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army!“

Orchestral marching music began to be heard from the radio.

There was a calm and measured atmosphere in the village. Houses and tanks were extinguished after the bombing, and the dead soldiers were buried. A whole burial mound appeared in the village.

When Lunar flew into the territory of the Chocolate Marshmallow, she did not recognize this place. A long time ago, when the Great Winter Revolution was marching through the Northerners, Lunar was brought to this village for work, then she met almost all the inhabitants of this place.

Now half of the houses are allowed, the streets are dug with trenches and bomb craters, and almost all residents have evacuated to the cities for work, away from the front.

Having stopped playing, Lunar went down to the trench, which was located on the top of the hill near the ruined old estate. When she saw that the wounded pilot was being carried into one of the remaining houses, she went into the commander's dugout.

„...It follows from this that according to peasants from neighboring villages, the enemy tank brigade will arrive at our positions in two to three hours. You came very timely, Comrade Battalion Commander Pistashkin.“An unfamiliar pleasant pink pony with a two-tone mane spoke. "Is this your political commissar?“ She looked at Pistachkin.

He looked at the Lunar, and then at the interlocutor. "Allow me to introduce, the political commissar of the forty seventh Konzan Workers' Battalion — Lunar Wave."

Lunar saluted. "I wish you good health, comrade...“ She looked at the buttonholes. There were four red rectangles on them."...Comrade Colonel!“

"And the same to you. Nice to meet a former security officer. Cherry held out a hoof.

"There are no former security officers.“Lunar bumped a hoof with the colonel. "As I defended my homeland from enemies, I still protect it.“

"Like all of us. Cherry smiled. "Well... both of you, as I understand it, need to be brought up to date. So?“

"That's right, Comrade Colonel.“ Pistachkin came closer to the map. "We are interested in knowing the state of defense and how our battalion will be involved in it.“

"The enemy will attack from the south...“ The colonel began to show the hoof on the map. "He will not be able to bypass the fortifications prepared by us in any way. From the east, they are bounded by swamps, and in the west by a forest, in which our main forces stand — all armored vehicles that can function. Your battalion, like the fifty-second, will be located on a hill in the village. You will bind the enemy with a fight, and then our eagles will strike the enemy in the side! Cherry clicked her hoof on the table. "I understand that we will lose in numbers, but we have an advantage in the form of artillery and the effect of surprise.“

„Do you think that the enemy will not be able to deploy artillery in time? Pistachkin asked.

"They will spend some time on this, and at this time their tank formations will be fired from a dozen guns.“

"Do you have any other guns in your regiment?“ The political instructor asked.

"Three anti-tank forty-five millimeter guns. There should be more of them, but our regiment was quartered ahead of time and sent to the front.“

"How long will your tanks be able to fight?“ Pistashkin continued to ask questions to Colonel.

"I think I can hold out for an hour. We have a shortage of fuel in our armies, so we generally save on everything. Tanks reached this village by horsepower.“

A soldier entered the dugout. "Comrade Colonel! I am happy to report that we were able to lay a telephone wire and contact the Bid.“

"Great. Comrades, I need to contact the command. I will temporarily leave our dialogue for now.“ The colonel sat down at the table and asked for a phone. She picked up the phone and started talking. „The second tank Regiment calls the Military Headquarters. This is Colonel Cherry Swirl, please connect me with the Konzan Front headquarters.“

Lunar and Pistashkin left the colonel and went into the trenches.

"Tell this to the tankers..." said Lunar to the first soldier she met. "This is fuel… For technology.“She handed over a large flask. The soldier took it, turned around and ran away.

"That's what I was thinking... Pistachkin smiled. "Our tanks drive diesel, and I sent you to drain the air gasoline. What a fool!“ Pistachkin laughed.

Lunar laughed too, but calmed down and said firmly. "Don't worry, Comrade Commander! With me, tanks will go on gasoline and they will go without gasoline!“ She laughed again. "After all, if the Bid said... ah-ha... then they will go!"

"You know how to joke, political instructor. But if I joke like that, then at this rate we will all lay down our heads on this hill. Therefore, be more serious, Comrade political instructor.“

"That's right, Comrade Battalion Commander.“ Lunar replied. "Permission to go?"

"Permission granted... Pistashkin sighed, looking in the direction where the enemy's attack will soon be. "If our positions are located at the foot, we are the first line of defense. I'll be commanding the artillery, so look for me there. You understand?“

Lunar silently nodded, and then went to the infirmary.

Despite the imminent battle, the soldiers were joyful. They were each doing their own thing: someone wrote letters, someone made hooves, counted weapons, and someone sang along to songs played by an old pony on the boyan.

"Saige... Saige Sickle — is that you?“ Lunar came closer to the boyan player.

He stopped playing. The soldiers also stopped singing and looked at the Lunar.

"Lunar, my dear! What are you doing in our backwoods now?“The old pony hugged betponi. "How glad I am to see you, Comrade Chief!"

"I'm glad to see you too... alive!“ Lunar hugged the old man tighter.

"When you left, you said goodbye to everyone as if for the last time. Especially with me. She didn't believe me that traditional medicine prolongs life, but I'm standing here!“ The old stallion straightened up. "I can also dance! Eh-x iablochko...“

"Wait, wait! Let's not dance, let's talk. Tell me, Saige, how was life here without Commissioner ta?“ Lunar sat down on the ground with her croup.

"Yes, what's to tell?“ Saige sat on the box where he had been sitting and playing the

boyan. "As they lived, so they lived. It was just boring… And now, there's no one left but me. No one wants to get the enemy!“

"Why didn't you go?"

"And who needs such an old man? I can't work on the machine, I've been a peasant all my life, and my age doesn't allow it. And I'll stay here, maybe I'll take some fascist with me.“

"Are you going to beat the fascists with your bare hooves? Or will you arrange a deadly concert for them on the boyan?“ Lunar smiled.

"And I won't need any of this… I have a gun! I'm their... BANG!“ Saige made it look like he was shooting.

Lunar was surprised. "Where did you get that gun from?"

"We were together when this damned kulakwas exposed, I hid the gun from him. I knew that I would have to hand over my revolver. But that's not the point anymore! This is the past… Then let's sing songs if you don't like dancing.“ The old man took out the boyan and played a few tunes to warm up.

"Ah yes, Saige! Yes, but I'll connect later. I need to check on someone else here.“ Lunar headed towards the infirmary.

"Ehhh! Whatever you say, Chief! Come on, foals, «If there's a war tomorrow,» come on!"

Lunar went to the porch of the old hut. After knocking on the door, a nurse mare opened it for her.

"Who are you going to?“ She said looking at the political instructor.

"I'm going to a sick flyer.“ Lunar paused. "May I…"

"Yes, but just to see. She needs to rest.“ The nurse opened the door completely.

Not only the pilot was lying in the hut, but also those soldiers who were bombed. Cots occupied most of the hut, so much so that it was difficult to walk.

Not only the pilot was lying in the hut, but also those soldiers who were bombed. Cots occupied most of the hut, so much so that it was difficult to walk.

"Just put on a robe.“The nurse threw a white medical coat over the Lunar. "No one has canceled the rules."

Lunar approached the wounded turquoise mare pilot and saw that…

"Do you need something, Comrade political commissar?“ Her thoughts were interrupted by another mare who suddenly turned to her. "I am Karinin's military doctor, I am in charge of this medical center.“

"Is that... her? Lunar asked in amazement. "How is her condition?"

"Fleetfoot's condition is not good, but not critical either. During transportation, the soldiers forgot to apply a first aid bandage. She's lost enough blood… But, praise Stallion, the bullets did not hit any important organs. In a month, another one will be on the mend.“

"I just wanted to convey...“ Lunar looked at the almost completely bandaged Soviet ace. "Give her this.“ She opened her tablet. "Tell her when she wakes up. This will help her.“ Lunar gave the photos to the doctor.

"Well, whatever you say, comrade…"

"Lunar Wave.“ The political instructor replied and headed for the exit.

"Don't be upset, Comrade Lunar.“ Karinina spoke after her when she saw the sad face of the political instructor. "We are now evacuating all the wounded, including Fleetfoot, to the hospital. Away from the front. She'll recover quickly.“

"It's very good… I am also glad that she is alive. And that she'll be fine.“ Lunar turned to the military doctor, and then left the infirmary.

Saige and the soldiers were already singing another, more cheerful song. But Lunar decided to avoid karaoke.

She fluttered up, took off and quietly flew to her positions.


"Marshal Maria Norushkina of the Konzan Front is listening to you.“ The marshal's voice was heard from the phone when two visitors came out of the dugout.

"I am glad to inform you that the telephone connection has been established!“ Cherry Swirl answered.

"This is very good, Comrade Colonel. With the start of the battle, the bet expects from you the most detailed readings from the scene of the event, do you understand?“

"This is very good, Comrade Colonel. With the start of the battle, the bet expects from you the most detailed readings from the scene of the event, do you understand?“

"Got it. What about the reinforcements?“

"It's not that simple here, Comrade Colonel.“ The Marshal paused a little. "We were able to find you a whole sixteenth hoof-rifle division, but it will take at least two or three days to get from Zayatsk to your positions."

The Colonel was horrified. She dropped the phone on the table.

"Are there really no free divisions on the more immediate fronts? The colonel asked in despair, picking up the fallen pipe.

"Unfortunately— no. On other fronts, the situation is no better than ours, in some even worse...“

"You understand that we won't last that long! We will all die and then the enemy will break through to the rear and then he will get a foothold through a huge natural obstacle...“

"Don't panic, Comrade Colonel.“ Norushkina replied soothingly. "A large-scale counteroffensive on all fronts is planned today. They will disperse the attacking forces all over the front and then everything will be fine, Colonel. Just hold on.“

"Don't panic, Comrade Colonel.“ Norushkina replied soothingly. "A large-scale counteroffensive on all fronts is planned today. They will disperse the attacking forces all over the front and then everything will be fine, Colonel. Just hold on.“

"We'll hold out...“ Cherry sighed into the phone. "We will definitely hold out. History will not forgive us if we don't hold out.“

"And not only she, but the entire Severyan people. I will be waiting for reports from you. How do you understand?“

A Pegasus soldier flew into the dugout. "Comrade Colonel! Urgent reports!“ He spoke out of breath.

"It's started! Cherry asked anxiously.

"Has it started?“ Marshal Norushkina, who was on the wire and heard everything, asked again.

"No, it's different! A seriously wounded Fleetfoot pilot came to our medical center.“

"It's very good.“ The marshal's voice was heard. "A few hours ago, during a combat flight, Comrade Fleetfoot's plane was shot down. The aviation command recognized her as missing. But it's good that everything worked out. I'll tell her she's fine. Praise your soldiers for saving a pony's life like that!“

"That's right, Comrade Marshal!“Cherry hung up. "Tell the soldiers..." the colonel turned to the Pegasus soldier. "That there will be no reinforcements in the near future.“

The soldier silently saluted and left the dugout.

Cherry Swirl picked up the phone again. "Connect me with the regimental commissar of the second tank regiment."

The radio operator set up the phone and, after a while, a voice came out of the handset.

"Regimental Commissar Lazarenko is on the wire.“ A slightly burr-like voice was heard from the receiver.

"Comrade Lev Fedorovich, report on the condition of the tank regiment."

"The tank regiment is fully ready for combat operations! All tanks, both light Bt-5 and heavy Nl-1, are refueled and checked for serviceability.“

"You have fuel left in reserve."

"That's right, Comrade Colonel."

"Refuel! Cherry said loudly. "Refuel heavy tanks, they should function more than all the others. There will be no reinforcements, so save fuel and ammunition. And don't move out without an order!“

"I understand you! Fill the Nestors up to the most do not spoil! They will ride longer and faster than any pegasus!“ The regimental commissar hung up.

Cherry did the same. She leaned back in her chair and leaned against the wall. "Why did we have such a share of suffering? What have we done to this Nightmer Moon?“

Papers fell out of Cherry's poorly-closed officer's tablet. "Fuck! Only this was still not enough.“ She got up from her chair and began to collect the papers back into the tablet. One of the papers flew under the table. Cherry crawled under the table and took the paper that had flown away with her teeth.

And then the inscription opened to her eyes.

"...Never feel defeated, Comrade Swirl!

Believe in victory!

Not a step back!

Cherry felt something was wrong. Two opposing feelings were fighting in her: the fear of death and the spirit of a true communist who is ready to die selflessly for his socialist homeland. She abruptly got up and went outside. Walking briskly through the trench, Cherry entered the reconnaissance bunker.

"I report, Comrade Colonel, no enemy has been detected on the horizon.“The sentry stopped looking into the stereo tube.

Cherry looked into the stereo tube. Nothing... Everything was clean. This worried her. "Why does the tank brigade take so long to reach us? It's all six kilometers from us to the nearest occupied village.“

"They're probably robbing.“The sentry immediately realized. „What else are they doing?“

"Well, they certainly don't drink tea.“ Cherry continued to watch and wait.

She could only…

Watch... and wait.


"After Fleetfoot's rescue, I had a twofold feeling. A feeling that gives an incentive for pride and at the same time tears my heart! I saved the life of not just a pony soldier, but one of the best aces in Stalliongrad! Although it doesn't matter to me whether the pony is popular or not, this feeling would have come to me anyway.

I'm talking about feeling… Responsibility. After I made a huge mistake and did not provide first aid, my heart began to suffer from the thought that I brought Fleetfoot a lot of suffering in this way. Even though I saved her life...“

Lunar stopped writing in her diary. A thought struck her. She turned a few pages back and looked at her past notes. After reading them, and after rereading the ones she had just written, it dawned on her. She quickly took a pencil and began to write down.

"I just realized something! I realized why the Soviet Republic did not intervene in the showdown of the monarchs in the Great Imperialist War!

If you imagine that, for example, Celestia and Nightmoon are two seriously injured ponies who need sewage help, and you need to choose who to help, because there is only enough bandage for one…

So, the Party understood that the help of either of the two of them is the help of a dying (in my example, literally) monarchy all over the world, which will eventually one day rise up in a war against the working class, for the sake of confirming its dominance.

If the Party had helped one of the parties, it would have become responsible for the continuation of the life of the rotten exploitative system! This would undermine the faith of the working class in her, which would weaken its struggle for liberation. And also, perhaps, would then lead to the approval of some revisionist slogans.

For example, let's remember the SDPS of Sweet Caramel. She promoted ideas...“

„Rise, fighters! The enemy is on the horizon! Come in handy!“ Scarlet Star walked through the trenches and warned the soldiers.

Lunar put away her diary and took out her binoculars. More than one and a half hundred enemy tanks were slowly and dispersed approaching the Soviet positions, followed by armored vehicles with infantry.

They did not even suspect that they would be resisted. One of their trucks was equipped for a propaganda point, on the roof of which there were huge horns from which cheerful marching music was heard.

One of the tank commanders was drinking something from a thermos, and the other took off his shirt and jacket altogether, remaining only in a cap and talking to the soldiers who were sitting on his tank. Even if there was no sun on the street, but in this summer, too, sometimes even at night it can be stuffy.

Lunar called the radio operator. "Connect me with battalion commander Pistachkin.“

The radio operator set up the phone and gave Lunar the handset.

"Battalion Commander Pistachkin. Enemy forces appeared. I request an artillery strike on the fascists!“

"I understand you. Wait for the concert!“ Pistashkin hung up. And looked into the stereo tube. He immediately received another call. "Battalion Commander Pistashkin is listening.“

"Colonel Cherry Swirl says. Enemy tanks appeared four kilometers from your positions. Open fire on the fascist evil spirits!“The Colonel hung up.

"Well, at the request of the workers. Battery! Eighty-five! Runaway!“ Pistachkin paused. "Fire!“ And waved a hoof.


One by one, shots from nine hundred and twenty-two millimeter guns began to be heard. Then came more shots from smaller-caliber guns.

The enemy heard the shots and was alarmed. But it was too late. The projectiles flew at the looming lunists. One light tank immediately burst into flames like a match, the soldiers who were sitting on it scattered in different directions.

All the imperial commanders climbed into the tanks and closed the hatches behind them, except for the one who was drinking tea, half of his face was torn off by a fragment and he died painfully, and his tank stopped, losing one of the tracks. Infantry began to come out of armored vehicles and run away, under the cover of tanks.

Soviet gunners quickly reloaded the guns.

"Fire!“ Shouted Pistachkin.

Artillery shots rang out again. The advancing enemy again suffered losses in several vehicles, which began to consecrate the field for Soviet infantry fire.

But the enemy tanks did not just drive forward under fire, they returned fire on Soviet positions. The artillery was out of range of their shot, so the fire was directed at the positions of the working battalions in the trenches.

"Incendiary charge! Pistachkin commanded. "Let's light up our machine gunners!"

They didn't need much illumination. The shooters opened fire on any moving targets outside the trenches.

Lunar could not fire at long distances. She was armed with a PPSH-09 submachine gun, which did not have such a long firing range as the SVETA self-loading rifle or their Vaska platoon machine gun. Therefore, Lunar helped to load the machine gun by feeding the tapes to the shooter.

But suddenly... the cartridge belt jammed.

"Damn it! Heck! Not that!" The machine gunner in anger swore at "Vaska". "I will never drive this machine gun again!!!“Opening the lid, he said Lunar. "Will you help me, Comrade Commissar?"

"Oh yeah!“ Lunar came up and stood next to the soldier.

Seeing that one of the embrasures stopped firing, the enemy began to actively shell it. And one of the bullets hit the cheek of the machine gunner.

He fell to the floor, bleeding profusely.

"A doctor! Urgently!“Lunar wrapped her wings around the wound. There was still no doctor. "Well, where's the doctor!"

Scarlet Star heard the cry of the political instructor and urgently ran for the military doctor.

"Nothing, Comrade Vasilkov. The brain seems to be intact, the bullet is through. It hurts a little and will heal. Then you'll run after the fillies, just be patient... be patient a little.“

The military doctor rushed over as quickly as possible. He began an urgent dressing with bandages, and at this time Lunar stood behind the machine gun, with difficulty pulled out the jammed tape and began firing at the approaching enemy.

The enemy overcame the three-kilometer mark. He suffered losses, but against the background of the whole brigade they seemed insignificant.

Therefore, anti-tank forty-five millimeter guns opened fire. Of the three shots, only one hit and he knocked down the tower of the enemy tank, turning it to the side.

Incendiary shells flew at the advancing enemy. Those who came under fire could only envy the dead. The fire burned clothes, skin and brought terrible suffering. Those tankers who also fell under the incendiary rain were no more lucky. They were slowly and painfully dying from the colossal heat inside the tanks, like sprats in canned food.

One of them managed to get out of the tank, it was the one without a shirt. If he had been wearing clothes, then maybe he could have gotten rid of the fire, but the tank, engulfed in flames, set fire to its commander and he fell to the ground.

He began rolling on the grass and shouting furiously, hoping to put out the fire. It was good that one of the imperial soldiers ran to him to help. He turned the burning man on his back and pierced his neck with a bayonet. The torment stopped, but the fight continued. The soldiers, under the whistle of bullets, ran to the assault, as did the rest of the enemy infantry under the cover of tanks.

"Two kilometers, Comrade Colonel.“ Said the sentry, turning to Cherry, who had been watching from the reconnaissance bunker all this time.

"I see... getting closer and closer... Cherry paused. "Report to the Headquarters that with massive artillery shelling, the enemy continues to advance, despite the losses.“

"Yes, Comrade Colonel.“The sentry ran to the dugout for the phone. But when he came closer to him, he saw the trench that had been torn apart. A tank fragmentation shell flew to here and killed several soldiers, including a radio operator, whose phone was ringing all the time.

"Get up, brother! I don't know how to use this bandurina!“ The sentry turned the radio operator on his back. "Good luck to you...“ He sighed and closed the dead radio operator's eyes with his hoof. Quickly taking the phone, the sentry ran to the colonel.

The fight continued. Stray shells came and fell near the trenches. Lunar opened fire with a submachine gun on the rapidly approaching enemy. She had a slight advantage over the other soldiers. Her ability to see well at night helps her to detect and shoot at the enemy more accurately in time.

The sentry ran crouching over the rest of the soldiers, who were firing incessantly at the enemy.

"This is for you… Maybe...“The sentry came running and gave the phone to the colonel.

"Colonel Cherry Swee...“She was surprised.

...Vstavay na smertnyy boy!
S fashistkoy siloy temnoyu,
S proklyatoyu ordoy!…“

A choir and orchestra could be heard from the phone playing the famous war song written after the treacherous attack of the Nightmoon troops on Stalliongrad. This song was called "The Last War".

"Counteroffensive… It's started... bring more phones! That's it!“

A radio operator ran up to Pistachkin. "Listen up!“ And gave the phone to the commander.

...Pust yarost blagorodnaya
Vskipaet, kak volna —
Idet voyna narodnaya,
Poslednyaya voyna!…“

"Battery! On the enemy...“ Pistashkin shouted enthusiastically and pulled out a pistol. "FIRE!!!"


With the roar of artillery shots, there was also a shot of Pistachkin's pistol, which fired in the direction of the enemy, giving the command to the battery to fire a volley.

Dadim otpor dushitelyam,
Vsekh plamennykh idey!
Imperskim porabotitelyam,
Muchitelyam poney!…“

"Dadim otpor dushitelyam, Vsekh plamennykh idey! Fire!“ Pistachkin sang along, at the same time contemplating how the shells hit the soldiers of Nightmer Moon.

But the enemy managed to get closer by less than a kilometer. They were slowly approaching the Soviet positions with a tank wedge, which also suffered heavy losses from imperial tank volleys and deployed artillery. On propaganda the car was hit by a shell, and then it fell into a large crater left after the explosion. The Imperial music stopped playing.

A radio operator ran up to Lunar and gave her the phone.

Lunar stopped shooting and took the phone from the soldier. It was hard to hear because of the exploding enemy shells, but Lunar was able to hear the words.

...Kak dva razlichnykh klassa,
Vo vsem vrazhdebny my!
Za svet i mir my boremsya,
Oni — za tsarstvo tmy!…“

The political officer realized that it was necessary to act immediately, otherwise the entire platoon could be destroyed. She ran out of the bunker and shouted to her soldiers. "Fellow fighters! The enemy must not pass through our line of defense! Let's show the cowardly fascists how a real Stalingrad soldier fights! Bayonets to battle!“

The fighters stopped shooting. They took a large bayonet from their belt and attached it to their rifles, began to wait for the command of the political instructor.

"And where is Zotov? He was so eager to break the necks of the fascists, and he ran away, or something...“Scarlet Star was saying when she fixed the bayonet.

"Pust yarost blagorodnaya Vskipaet, kak volna — Idet voyna narodnaya, Poslednyaya voyna! ATTACK!!!!“ Lunar stood up to her full height and fired a pistol into the air.

The soldiers ran out of the trench. "HOORAY!" The chorus swept over the battlefield, exciting the enemy, who in a panic began to shoot Soviet soldiers running out at them.

Imperial tanks turned machine-gun fire on Soviet soldiers running up to them, and the Fascist infantry, running out from behind the cover of equipment, engaged in close combat with a Lunar platoon.

Seeing that the Lunar platoon had launched a counterattack, the rest of the forty-seventh working battalion went on the attack.

"Are they really already?“ Cherry Swirl said to herself under her breath, looking through binoculars at the hand-to-hand combat.

"You yourself said to connect phones with inspiring music so that they could hear..."

"Phone me! Connect me with Regimental Commissar Lazarenko! Urgent!!!“

The radio operator handed the receiver to the colonel.

"Regimental Commissar Lazarenko slu..."

"Attack! Urgently!“ Cherry interrupted the commissioner and hung up the phone, continuing to watch the fight in the binocole.

At the point of contact, a severe battle began with bayonets and butts. Lunar grappled with the Imperial soldier with guns. No one could overcome each other.

"Do you think you can overcome the commissioner? Fascist ass Nightmer... Lunar hissed at the enemy soldier.

"Traitors like you should moderate! The imperial soldier shouted back.

"I was born, I live...“ The Lunar wing took out a knife and stuck it in the side of the imperial. "And I will die in Serevyan!“

He fell to the ground wounded. The political commissar shot him with a submachine gun and immediately attacked the other, helping his comrades.

Lunar noticed that Corporal Scarlet Star was lying down on the ground and trying to throw off a huge stallion who was aiming a knife at her neck.

"Scarlet!“ The political instructor exclaimed and ran to her friend.

Scarlet fought to the end, but the enemy was much stronger than the fragile filly. The knife stuck in the corporal's throat and she expired.

Lunar was unable to help in any way, on the way she herself was attacked by an enemy who attacked the political instructor with a bayonet.

Dodging the first attack, Lunar lunged with a knife, but the opponent was faster. The Imperial struck from the other side with the butt of his rifle and Lunar fell to the ground. He aimed at the political officer, but realized that for the shot it was necessary to put the bolt in the firing position.

She took advantage of the moment, rolled over on her stomach and clanked the enemy with her feet. The Imperial flew off and hit the damaged tank.

But the enemies were approaching in large numbers and tried to surround the Lunar platoon.

She quickly crawled into the shell crater and began firing at the approaching enemy. The hand-to-hand combat has already ended and a shootout has begun at a short distance. The enemy's advance has been stopped, but at what cost...

And suddenly a long and prolonged whistle was heard. "Uh-huh-huh!!! Give it a boost, lads!!!“

An old wheelbarrow pulled by two pegasuses and with a huge red flag flying flew out from behind the hill. One of the harnessed was Zotov, and the machine gun had a Saige Sickle in a black hat with a diagonal red ribbon.

"Chief! We've come to your rescue here!!!“ Saige was shouting loudly on a car bouncing on bumps, so much so that another would have torn off his voice. "Eh!!! The Northerner's car is our pride and beauty!!! Go left!“

The car turned around, and the old man fired a machine gun at the enemy. The enemy infantry did not expect a machine-gun strike from the naked side and began to slowly retreat under massive artillery strikes.

Soviet soldiers threw anti-tank grenades into tanks, burned them with a special combustible mixture. But now not only the artillery and infantry smashed the Fascist equipment, but also the second tank regiment decided to join the battle.

The fast BT-5 left the forest first, followed by the slow Nestor Lunina-1. They opened fire on enemy vehicles, which finally undermined enemy morale. The Imperial tanks turned around and turned their fire on Soviet equipment, which made the way much easier for the infantry.

"Now try shooting at us, you fascist mice!“The regimental commissar Lazarenko said when the first shell arrived on his Nl-1. "What is difficult? We didn't even feel it! Now it's our turn!“

A heavy tank fired a salvo on the move at enemy vehicles. I didn't get it.

"Well, it happens. The commissar snorted. "High-explosive fragmentation, charge!"

"There is.“ The loader answered and quickly took the shell and loaded it into the breech. "Done.“

"Enemy artillery for three hours. Open fire!“

"There is.“ The shooter pointed the turret at the enemy battery. Shot.

The explosion and shrapnel hit several Imperial gunners. The fascists began to deploy their guns on tanks.

"Just try, creatures, to deploy your guns! We're like them right now...“Shouted the regimental commissar. "Come on, shoot these brutes with a machine gun!"

The built-in machine gun flashed like lightning. The enemy was running away in different directions, trying to avoid hitting Soviet equipment by itself.

The Commissar Nl-1 ran over one of the guns and turned it over. But while the regimental political officer was engaged in the destruction of artillery, one of the enemy tanks drove into his side and shot at the engine part. The engine caught fire, but the crew survived and hurried to get out before the tank finally burned down.

Their exit was covered by a wheelbarrow, which was swinging at great speed from one side of the battlefield to the other and pouring machine-gun fire on the Imperials, and the enemy could not hit the maneuverable pegasus.

Lazarenko got out of the tank and began shooting at enemies with a pistol. He was a unicorn and he was able to shoot much easier for the rest of the races.

"Help! Somebody! The hatch is stuck!“ Shouted the shooter in the tank.

The political instructor really wanted to hide behind his tank from enemy fire, but when he heard his shooter, he climbed on the contrary to a more shooting point.

"Now, Semyon! I'm on my way!“ He used magic to try to open the hatch. "Ang-n Now... Goto...“ There was an explosion and the regimental political officer fell dead on the opening hatch. Blocking the way of the shooter with his body.

There was a rumble of engines in the sky. Soviet soldiers looked into it, trying to find the source of the sounds. It turned out to be enemy dive bombers. They flew out of the clouds and rushed to the positions of the defenders. The "Hum Of Death" rang out.

The soldiers of the Lunar Empire were trained not to be afraid of these sounds, but no one trained Soviet soldiers, some even heard this sound for the first time. Ponies began to run away in different directions, hiding in craters and under damaged tanks. Lunar did the same. She dived into a large funnel, to which the enemy propaganda machine was stuck.

Saige, noticing the planes, tried to shoot at them with a Cornflower, but he didn't succeed in a fast car — the enemy dropped bombs.

Explosions rang out… A lot of enemy bombs exploded all over the battlefield and the near rear.

One of the bombers was specifically aimed at a wheelbarrow. A 250-mm bomb fell in front of the wheelbarrow. Zotov tried to turn to the left, but only substituted the side of the wheelbarrow. The bomb exploded. The wheelbarrow flew in different directions, as did its crew. The red banner fell to the ground, the machine gun fell silent... forever…

Lunar opened her eyes. It was all covered with earth and lay in the center of the funnel. She didn't understand at first whether she was alive or not? "M-mh… I think… I think it means I'm alive!“ Lunar exclaimed, rolling over on her back. She fixed her gaze on the night sky. There was not a single plane, the sound of the siren stopped completely. "They flew away, bitches! If I were a believer, I would pray right now, but I know...“ Lunar laughed. "Goddesses — will not help to survive the bomb in any way! Ah-ha-ha!!!“ The political instructor became hysterical.

She lay around a little more at the bottom of the funnel, and then decided to get up and look at the situation around. The enemy's advance was stopped, but the enemy also did not seek to retreat. Soviet soldiers exchanged fire from hiding with the enemy. The Stallongrad light tanks — almost all were destroyed, and all the heavy ones, from massive shelling, were immobilized and could only rotate their turret. Soviet artillery bombarded the enemy not as intensively as before.

"What creatures, ah! They took us and broke off the counterattack!“ Lunar looked at the propaganda machine. Breaking off one of the mouthpieces from her, she spoke to herself. "Now we will restore everything! You're going to run, you Nightmarish mice!“

She held the mouthpiece up and began to speak. "Comrades, soldiers! Why did you stop beating the enemy? Will you let him walk on Our Northern land? No — we will not let the enemy destroy our home! Come on, brothers, go ahead and sing! The Party and the Motherland will not forget you!“ Lunar got up and took her pistol, she lost her submachine gun at the last shelter.

Lunar ran and sang:

Vpered, vpered! I ne sdavatsya!
Ne opuskat pred smertyu flag!
I do poslednego srazhatsya!
Pobeda ili smert dlya nas!…“

Other soldiers got up behind her and ran to attack, singing along to the political instructor. The choral song began to sweep over the battlefield again.

Vpered, vpered! I vyshe znamya!
Smetem burzhuev na veka!
Ved na domnoy aleet znamya...“

Lunar stopped singing. But the soldiers finished the verse and continued to sing while they ran to enemy positions.

...Svobody, mira i truda!“

The political instructor dropped her mouthpiece. And the field fell on its back. Death overtook her instantly…


And no one else will remember about the political instructor Lunar Wave.

She gave everything she had to the common cause. And I didn't have time to start a family or make good friends.

But one thing will remain unnamed: "She lived and died — a communist!

Author's Note:

I have a poor command of English and this is my first fan fiction. So please criticize.

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