• Member Since 19th May, 2021
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Auburn Meadow


Twilight is dead, and Celestia needs to go calm down her friends. This proves to be an easier task than expected.

An entry for the 1000 Words Contest. It's also my first pony story, so please be nice!

Edit 7/21/23: This made the feature list??? As a first story? I’m overwhelmed by the support, thank everyone so much!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 29 )

Sounds reasonable. I mean, since when did Twilight ever let what should have been a guaranteed death get in the way of things? I'm pretty sure she is still hanging around somewhere during G5. And in all honesty, this version of Celestia isn't much more cruel than the canonical version of Celestia who decided to pawn the crown and throne off of Twilight without ever asking her if that is what she wanted.

Celestia had that coming

:trollestia: And that's how you fill a jelly doughnut
:trollestia: You're going to need a bigger hoof
:facehoof: With an ass that big , It'll take two tanks of gas and a bagged lunch to get to where I'm needed

Hilariously daft fun. Kudos on your first ponyfic, it's very silly, bravo n_n

I know you say it's an overused idea, but this is the first time I've seen a story in which Twilight dying was the point of the spell. Usually, it tends to be some accident. The fact that you made it intentional made it a lot funnier.

Also, first fic or not, this is a really good story.

And then Twilight kicked Celestia’s ass and saved Equestria. Again.

And it was at that moment that Celestia knew. She fucked up.

Right on cue, an angry purple mare flashed into the room, with a flaming mane and newly grown wings. She cackled maniacally. “Finally! Thought you could leave me for dead, did you? Thought only an alicorn could escape that hell, huh? Well, I became an alicorn and I came back! Now I shall finally exact my reven—Spike, is that an entire bowl of ice cream I see?”

I for one welcome our new supreme goddess.


Trollestia never prospers :moustache:

Nice little snack for a first fic. Writing's solid even if the setting's a bit played out as you said.

That's not to add that Twilight was forced to move back to a city that pretty much would separate her from her friends causing the fracture in the first place that led to G5 this is why I write my stories that go past the coronation of Queen Twilight to where she lives in Ponyville and uses Canterlot as a secondary facility for the main bulk of governmental affairs since if she's around the friends that she made there wouldn't be such a distance between her and the common pony seriously one of the big features of the crystal Castle is literally a chandelier made of the memories of her and her friends the ones they shared even after they pass if they even pass (my theory is that while Twilight gained the wings all of them gained immortality in some way since they were connected by the elements and they only aged to a point just slightly past their Prime thanks to Twilight having to grow into Celestia proportions) she'll still have those memories of her time before the castle was even the thing which is honestly the most important part of her life.

Celestia's Two-Step Rule For Dealing With Impossible Problems

1. Tell Twilight Sparkle that it is impossible.
2. Stand back.

Spending a thousand years ruling over a country might just skew your ability to empathize with mortals.
Yes. Yes she did.
Believe me, if I had a word to spare, it would have been “plump” and gone right before “ass”.
Thank you for the kind words :heart:
Trollestia is Bestia.
It should not be as much fun to make fun of a 1000-year old cake-loving slightly-troll pony as it is.
Thank you! All the feedback is kind of convincing me to write more.
Twilight Sparkle not available? Call in a replacement at 1-800-SUNSHIM or 1-800-GLIMGLAM! Any impossible problem solved or your money back!

Optional step: if, at any point, Twilight is unavailable, tell Rainbow Dash the problem and tell her you wont think shes awesome until she fixes it. This will result in the problem being;
A: Solved in “Ten seconds flat”
B: blown away by a Sonic Rainboom
Or C: Mysterious third thing

You're right... It should be funnier than it actually is.

i want to read what twilight did to get out of there or how she kicked celestia's butt

also great story love it


They... do have destiny and fate as actual things in Equestria, you know? Kinda harsh. "Do you want the responsibility?" No. "Okay, guess we'll all die then."

Not a bad first attempt. Although it is clear that you already have some kind of ability to write stories. Or a large baggage of read stories behind your shoulders. Or talent. Anyway, thanks for the story.

Everything’s all sunshine and rainbows till you hear about the poor sap named Bucket Kicker.

I have indeed read a lot of pony and written a good deal of non-pony, though Comedy usually isn’t my genre of choice.

I honestly wouldn’t mind a version with a few more words at the end, but it is great as is!

A very good first attempt at writing, especially considering you chose comedy as you first foray. Writing good comedy is notoriously hard to do.

Nice, but I think the word limit hurt this a bit.
I mean, I know it wasn't supposed to be the focus, but some additional description from Twilight's pov would've been a plus.
Neurotic panicky book horse realizing that Celestia is a selfish moron while that silly conversation takes place would've been even better.

I do love that aside from AJ none of the mane 6 were the least bit concerned,they know how OP Twi is.

I also can't help but picture Starswirl nearly perfecting this spell.... only to die via tripping on his beard and falling down the stairs of the tower he insisted on building higher then any other building in sight simply because

The only issue I see with this is it suffered a bit from the 1k limit.

Also I laughed out loud at "she’s not gonna let something silly like being dead stop her". :rainbowlaugh:

Twilight Sparkle: The demon king of rizz. Lol

This is a really funny and fun story! Thank you for writing and sharing it!

“The 1984 Foal Protection Act against cruel corporal punishment does not explicitly apply to drakes.”

Excuse me?! :derpyderp2:

“Congratulations, Twilight,” answered Celestia, materializing from the aether. “You have died.”

a common interpretation of that scene for a reason!

Celestia continued, unimpeded. “You’ve finally completed Starswirl’s greatest work. A spell to kill even the most stubborn of ponies.”

Twilight’s mouth opened and closed wordlessly.

“The old wizard was tired of living, you see,” explained Celestia. “But he couldn’t just die like a normal pony. He needed something flashier. He wanted to go out with a bang, if you will.”

oh that is so him, that weirdo

The five mares (and one dragon) gasped in unison. Where Twilight had been now lay an empty, charred streak of wood.

right after they all zapped her with friendship beams in unison! like, wow!

Then Rarity did faint.

aww she is so good at fainting! love her

Rarity lifted herself from the ground gracefully. “It was a fancy-dancy schmoozy party,” she corrected. “Do try to keep up.” Then she went back to fainting.

she’s so good at fainting!

Applejack instantly mellowed out. “Apples?”


yeah AJ is an easy get

“Well,” added Rarity, “if it were a contest of brawn, it would be one of you two. But conversing with princesses is a much softer skill.”

so true she is the best at it

“Regardless,” continued Celestia, “I am required, by law, to give land to anypony who has saved Equestria. And Twilight has saved Equestria many, many times.” She hissed the words ‘by law’ with obvious distaste.


“The 1984 Foal Protection Act against cruel corporal punishment does not explicitly apply to drakes.”

oof, that’s not ogod!

And then Twilight kicked Celestia’s ass and saved Equestria. Again.


thank you for writing!

I am required, by law, to give land to anypony who has saved Equestria. And Twilight has saved Equestria many, many times.

”What about the rest of us.”
“According to public records, Twilight has saved Equestria many, many times.”

Some genuinely amusing stuff here. The characterization’s a bit iffy at times, but for a first story, this turned out quite well. A fine Fimfiction premiere; thank you for it.

Well, Twilight is known for achieving the impossible.... multiple times, next thing you know Twilight becomes a seraphicorn just because.

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