• Published 15th Jul 2023
  • 665 Views, 0 Comments

Rain Is Awesome - TheKing2001

Raindrops is a rainloving mare and often ostracized for her love until she meets Ponyvilles resident human.

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Probably the only chapter

I hate my life. Well, it’s not that I hate it exactly. It’s just really, really lonely. I have like zero friends because everypony assumes I’m out to rain on their parade just because I’m named Raindrops and have three drops of rain for a cutie mark. So most ponies usually give me a pretty wide berth. Definitely doesn’t help with my anger issues.

Not even my co workers really like me. I usually get assigned the tasks far from everypony else. I suppose I do my best work alone. I will give them that. But it doesn’t mean it’s not well boring I suppose. My only real happiness is making storms. And I mean big ones. Not tiny small storms that are over in a few hours. I mean storms that shake the windows, last for days and make everypony stay inside.

That’s my source of happiness. I’ve never been happier when I’m in the middle of a storm, feeling the wind howling around me and covering my coat with rain till my mane is in my eyes and my tail is covered in mud from dragging it behind me.

We are having one of those storms right now and it’s even better because nopony is out right now. Fools is what I call them. They beg and whine because their crops need water or their flowers are gonna die but when we give them a storm or well I give them a storm, what do they do? Whine and beg because of the rain ruining their day. You can’t make anypony happy.

It’s why I’m sitting here up on my cloud, smirking at the ponies hiding inside their houses through their windows or the few ponies who still are outside running away to get inside. Listening to the rain drops pounding on the windows, roof and ground is the best music there is. I can only imagine what Rarity or Octavia must be thinking right now. Probably along the lines of “Oh dear! My day is ruined!” The only ponies I know that appreciate the rain is Apple Bloom, Applejack, Big Mac and Granny Smith. At least they say thank you to me.

I shift my focus to another house and stared with wide eyes. Our very own resident human as Twilight said they were called was sitting on his porch in a swing with his eyes closed, not even caring he was getting rain on his shoes. Humans were strange creatures, wearing clothes and shoes all the time. I did feel a bit bad for him. Apparently after one of Twilight’s experiments went wrong, he got stranded here. I took off my cloud and dropped down on his porch and gulped. He was taller up close but not that much. I came up to about his waist.

“Uhm sorry to bother you,” I muttered as I kicked a hoof along the ground. “You do realize it’s raining, right?” He opened his eyes and raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah so?” He asked with a faint smile. My eyebrows got raised higher at that.

“But shouldn’t you be inside? Everypony else is,” I pointed out.

“I like the rain,” he shrugged and my eyes widened. I quickly jumped on the spot next to him on the swing and pressed a hoof on his chest.

“Wait really? But I thought only I liked the rain!” I exclaimed. He shook his head with a confused expression as I stared into his semi bright green eyes with brown flecks swimming in them like a pond.

“Nope! Plenty of people like the rain! It’s calming. It brings life, grows crops and other great things. I like the sound of the rain hitting my roof and window. Helps me sleep at night,” he explained to my utter shock as I removed my hoof and sat down on my haunches.

“I never met anypony else who liked the rain. I thought it was just me. I kinda get avoided around the town because everypony thinks I’m gonna ruin their day with rain,” I admitted as he frowned.

“That’s not right. You made this storm, didn’t ya?” He asked curiously and I nodded. “I was watching a little bit. Nice work.”

“Thanks,” I smiled. “It’s nice to be appreciated. So what started you liking the rain?” His good mood disappeared as he looked down.

“Me and my grandpa used to sit on the porch swing when I was like five. We used to watch the rain late into the night till it was my bedtime. We started it when I was three or so. Good times. Miss him a lot,” he explained with a sad tone.

“Are you okay?” I asked worriedly.

“Yeah. Just miss him ya know?” He answered. I placed a hoof on his leg and nodded.

“Maybe one day you two will see each other again.”

“Not unless you have a way to see people who have died,” he gave a bitter laugh as I felt my ears press again my head. I will admit, I didn’t expect that. “And I’ll never get home. I’m fine here now.”

“I’m sorry. You two were close I take it?” He gave an eager nod with a grin.

“He was my best friend. When I was a kid, it was just me, him, grandma and mom living in a small house. The top was rented out by another woman who was really nice. Never did find out what happened to her,” he answered fondly. “I was about seven when he died or so. Maybe six. That part of my life is blurry.”

“He sounds nice. I never uh asked for your name by the way,” I mumbled. I couldn’t believe I forgot the first step of meeting somepony.

“James. What’s yours?”

“Raindrops,” I smirked and pointed to my cutie mark of three rain drops. “Most ponies recognize me by my mark.”

“Oh your ass tattoo,” he chuckled. “So most ponies tell who you are by staring at your ass?” My cheeks slightly turned red at that. I never really thought about it that way.

“I-I never thought about it like that. That kinda changes things a bit,” I admitted as I rubbed my head with a hoof and dropped my head on his lap. “Feel like a dog right now.”

“Is that so?” James chuckled as he dropped a hand onto my mane and started stroking it. “If it makes you feel better, I’ll be your friend. We can bond over our love of rain and crazy intense storms.” I giggled and nodded.

“I’d like that a lot.”

Author's Note:

I've never wrote a story of a human in Equestria so this is a first. It might not be the greatest but it was my attempt. Hopefully you enjoy it.

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