• Published 24th Jul 2023
  • 313 Views, 3 Comments

Outcast - the star bringer

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the only chapter

The vibrant land of Equestria was a realm filled with friendship, magic, and wonder. Ponies of all kinds roamed freely, each embracing their unique qualities and talents. But in this land of harmony, there was one individual who struggled to find his place: StarGazer, a cross-breed of a changeling and a unicorn.

Unlike his fellow ponies, StarGazer had no wings to soar through the sky. His appearance was a mixture of the two magical beings, adorned with a midnight blue coat and a shimmering horn spiralling from his forehead. He yearned to fit in but found himself an outcast, mocked for his differences. Yet, deep within his heart, StarGazer possessed a gentle nature and a thirst for companionship.

One fateful day, a group of non-cross-breeds discovered StarGazer's existence and feared his peculiar lineage. Irrational thoughts consumed their minds, leading them to believe that his presence posed a threat to Equestria. Driven by fear and ignorance, they set out on a mission to hunt down the innocent StarGazer.

Desperate to escape the clutches of this misguided mob, StarGazer fled deep into the enchanted forests of Equestria. With every step, fear gripped his heart, his hooves pounding against the ground as he desperately sought shelter. But his pursuers were relentless, closing in on him with each passing moment.

As the moon rose overhead, exhaustion took hold of StarGazer, causing him to stumble and fall. The non-cross-breeds caught up to him, their eyes filled with hatred and anger. With a final desperate burst of energy, StarGazer fought back, but his efforts were in vain. They managed to tear off one of his arms and shatter his horn, leaving him broken and defenceless.

Weakened and unable to continue fleeing, StarGazer found solace in a hidden cave, his body trembling with pain and fear. He had lost all hope, believing that he would spend the rest of his days alone, hiding from the world that rejected him.

Time passed, and StarGazer's wounded spirit began to mend. He resigned himself to a life in seclusion, finding solace in the beauty of the natural world around him. It was during these moments of solitude that a small voice called out to him.

"Hello? Is anypony there?" the voice asked.

StarGazer's eyes widened in surprise as he turned towards the sound. Standing before him was Apple Bloom, a young and curious earth pony. She had come across the wounded cross-breed during her explorations and, rather than react with fear, reached out with a hoof of compassion.

"Are you okay? You look hurt," Apple Bloom said, her voice laced with concern.

StarGazer hesitated, unsure if he should trust this newcomer. But he saw something in Apple Bloom's eyes that sparked hope within him - understanding. With a gentle nod, he allowed her to help tend to his wounds.

Days turned into weeks, and StarGazer and Apple Bloom developed a deep bond of friendship. She taught him the true meaning of acceptance and helped him see that his cross-breed heritage didn't define him. In her eyes, he was simply StarGazer, a pony worthy of love and friendship.

News of StarGazer's newfound safety reached the ears of the main six - Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack. Concerned over the well-being of their friend Apple Bloom, they swiftly set out to ensure her safety.

Once they arrived, however, they were met with a surprising sight. StarGazer stood before them, his wounded form a testament to the pain he had endured. But Apple Bloom stood firmly by his side, her eyes filled with determination.

"Wait!" she pleaded. "He's not a threat. He's my friend."

The main six exchanged uncertain glances before Twilight Sparkle stepped forward. She carefully observed StarGazer, searching for any signs of danger. But as she looked into his eyes, she saw only innocence and yearning for acceptance.

After what felt like an eternity of contemplation, Twilight nodded. "Apple Bloom, if you believe he means no harm, then we trust your judgement. We will give StarGazer a chance."

Ecstatic with their decision, Apple Bloom beamed with pride. StarGazer, although still scarred physically and emotionally, was overwhelmed with gratitude. He had finally found a place where he was accepted for who he truly was.

Days turned into weeks as StarGazer continued to build relationships with the main six, who came to see him not as a cross-breed, but as a valued member of their community. The wounds on his body slowly healed, but the invisible wounds left by fear and rejection remained.

Yet, not all of Equestria saw StarGazer as a friend some still saw him as a threat. They began to believe that StarGazer's broken horn made him a dangerous and unpredictable threat to their safety. Weeks went by, and even though StarGazer had never shown any sign of malicious intent, the rumors persisted, and a few ponies still thought he should be banished.

One sunny afternoon, as StarGazer tried to fix his horn using magical crystals and herbs, a group of misguided ponies approached him. They were led by a particularly outspoken mare named Cherry Blossom, who believed it was her duty to rid Ponyville of this perceived menace.

"He's a danger to all of us!" Cherry Blossom shouted, her words filled with anger and uncertainty. "We need to get rid of him before something terrible happens!"

As the crowd grew in size, StarGazer realized he would need help to defend himself. Summoning all the courage he could muster, he lifted himself up and ran with all his might towards Ponyville, hoping to find assistance from the only ponies who had never treated him with suspicion – the legendary Main Six.

Meanwhile, in the heart of Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle and her friends gathered at the library. They were caught up in their own tasks when suddenly, a frantic Apple Bloom, a member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, burst through the door.

"Ponies are gathering in the town square!" Apple Bloom exclaimed, her voice trembling with worry. "They're after StarGazer! We have to help him, Twilight!"

Without hesitation, Twilight Sparkle and her friends raced to the town square, where they were met with a hostile and divided crowd. StarGazer hovered near the edge of the chaos, his eyes filled with fear and desperation.

"Everypony, stop!" Twilight Sparkle's voice rang out, commanding attention. "StarGazer is not a threat! He has never shown any sign of aggression or harm towards anypony!"

The crowd, momentarily silenced, turned to look at Twilight Sparkle with a mix of doubt and curiosity.

Rainbow Dash, never one to shy away from a confrontation, joined in. "Yeah, she's right! StarGazer may be different, but that doesn't make him dangerous!"

Some members of the crowd began to doubt their original intentions, and a feeling of unease spread throughout the square.

Applejack, always the voice of reason, stepped forward. "Now, why don't we all take a step back and give StarGazer a chance to explain himself?"

Reluctantly, the crowd parted, allowing StarGazer to approach the main six. His voice trembled with vulnerability as he spoke, "I mean no harm, my friends. My horn may be broken, but my intentions have always been pure. I am here seeking your help, as I feel powerless to defend myself against the accusations."

Fluttershy, known for her empathetic nature, stepped forward with gentle encouragement. "We believe you, StarGazer. We've seen your kindness and love for the universe. We won't let them harm you."

With the Main Six taking a stand and vouching for StarGazer, the crowd began to disperse. Some still held onto their fears and doubts, but they now stood in the minority.

Days turned into weeks as StarGazer found solace in the friendship and support of Twilight Sparkle and her friends. Together, they devised a plan to mend his shattered horn using the ancient magic of the Tree of Harmony.

Under the watchful guidance of Princess Celestia, an enchanting ceremony was held at the Tree of Harmony, where StarGazer's broken horn was placed at its roots. The power of friendship surged through the tree, knitting together the fragments of the horn with strands of pure magic.

As StarGazer's horn was restored, a radiance emanated from it, illuminating the once-dark meadow. The crowd, who had gathered to witness the ceremony, looked on with awe and wonder, their fears finally dispelled.

From that day forward, StarGazer became a symbol of inner strength and resilience. His story taught the ponies that they shouldn't judge a book by it's cover

Author's Note:

Hope you enjoyed this short story, as it sorta just pooped into my mind and I began writing it down. please let me know your thoughts and where I can Improve in this FanFic

Comments ( 3 )

Unlike his fellow ponies, StarGazer had no wings to soar through the sky.

Summoning all the courage he could muster, he took to the skies and flew towards Ponyville,

These two lines seem to contradict each other. Other than that, I think this was a pretty good short story, and it gives a little more insight to StarGazer in the process. Whether this is canonical to the other stories, I couldn't rightly say, but it's a welcome addition to his narrative.

Thanks for the feed back! P.s I've fixed the story error now


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