• Published 2nd Jul 2023
  • 470 Views, 52 Comments

Digital Dustin - Campout or Freakout - Prince Dustin Hogan

  • ...

Pain and Empathy




Telepathic link



"Transformation Index

Rough night

OP - The Voice by Celtic Woman

Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rainbow, Rarity, the Dazzlings, and Pixel were working on the dock, with Rarity sitting upon a beach chair, stitching an indigo poncho together, while the others were hard at work.

Rainbow breathed, wiping the sweat away from her forehead while looking to Rarity. "Uh, you gonna give us a hand here, Rarity?"

"Oh, I'd love to," Rarity replied, "but I really need to get the stitching on this poncho done if it's going to make it into the camp fashion show.' Rainbow looks to the dock. "Though at the pace you are moving, I don't know that the runway will ever be finished."

"The dock is our gift to the camp, and it's gonna get finished." Applejack stated, casting a look to Rainbow Dash. "That is, if Rainbow Dash would hurry up and bring me more wood."

"Oh, I can't go any faster! I don't want to end up in the woods again." Rainbow deapanned.

"Knock it off!" Adagio said with an annoyed look. "It's bad enough that I have to hear Aria and Sonata bicker like an old married couple."

"Hey!" Both Aria and Sonata cried out.

"I've got your back, AJ." Salazar said as he brought more wood to girls.

"Thanks, Sal." Applejack said before looking aroubd. "Hey, where's Dustin at?"

"Uh..." Salazar stuttered, and the others look to him. "He had a rough night last night."

"Uh-oh." Rainbow said in worry. "What happened?"

"I'd rather not say." Salazar said, glancing to the tent he and Dustin stayed in.

Speaking of Dustin, he was still in his bed with a depressed look. Sunset and Twilight were there to watch over him in case he needed anything.

"I feel awful for him." Twilight whispered to Sunset. "I wonder what happened?"

"I don't know." Sunset replied in a hushed tone. "I asked him, but he tell me. He hasn't said a word since last night."

"Can't you do... whatever you did with me last night?" Twilight asked. "You know, how you saw what I was thinking?"

"I would, but I don't want to pry." Sunset answered before she and Twilight looked back to Dustin. "Dustin... is there anything we can do for you?"

"Yeah... just leave me alone." Dustin said in a depressed tone.

"Dustin..." Twilight spoke, but Sunset placed a hand on her shoulder to stop her. And with that, the two left. "Oh... I hate seeing him like this!"

"Whatever happened beteen him and Gloriosa last night, he must be taking it hard." Sunset stated as they apprached.

"Dustin and Gloriosa?" Rarity asked, making the two girls look to her and the others. "Oh no!" Rarity gasped, "Tell me thay didn't..."

"I'm afraid so." Sunset replied with a sad nod. "I'm not 100% certain, but it looks like it."

"Oooh..." Adagio stated in pity. "Should we confront him?"

"I'd rather not." Sunset advised. "He's pretty depressed. He hasn't gotten out of bed since this morning."

"Poor thing." Fluttershy said out of sympathy, "I wish there something we could do to cheer him up."

"The only thing we can do right now is give him some space." Sunset said with a melancholic sigh. "He's pretty heartbroken."

"I know I said we should try to forget all about this new magic business, but I can't." Applejack said with a light groan. "What if I hammer the board into splinters?" Applejack was aboutbto reach for another nail, only to see that she was feesh out. "Aw, shoot! I'm all out of nails.

"Oh, here you go!" Pinkie exclaimed, making the others scream a bit. "What? Ohhh, did you think the nails would explode like the sprinkles?" Pinkie giggled at the thought. "Wow! Glad that didn't happen, huh?"

"Sorry, girls." Rarity said with a sigh. "I didn't mean to. I don't know how to control this."

"It's okay." Rainbow replied with a nod.

"Oh, none of us do." Fluttershy said.

"Which is why we shouldn't pretend this isn't happening." Sunset stated, making the others look to her.

"Do you have them now, too?" Aria asked.

"It started last night." Sunset admitted. "When I touch people, it's like I can feel what they're feeling and see their memories."

"Did you do the same on Dustin?" Pixel pried.

"No." Susnet shook her head. "I dint want to intrude. But anyways, we can't just brush these powers aside because it doesn't seem like the ideal time to get them. What if it turns out that they could actually make things better?

Sunset: So you have magic
And it's not that great
But when it found you
You know it was fate

Sunset went up to each of her friends in reassuring manner, much to their surprise as they blinked as they are considering Sunset’s words.

Sunset: And it might seem scary now
But it can be wonderful, too
So how about we embrace the magic
And make the magic part of you?

Moments later, the gang were hard at work, feeling more confident in themselves. And many other campers decided to lend a hand.

Sunset: You take a little dash of magic
And you let it ignite
Mix things up a little bit
And it might start to go right

With a handful sprinkles, Pinkie used her magic to make holes on a few wooden boards and holding them up for Rainbow Dash to use her superspeed to make a bench.

Sunset: In just five seconds flat
How the story has changed
All 'cause now you've embraced the magic
And it just got better in every way

Some of the campers seemed upset as the handsaw they were using was ineffective for cutting the boards up. Pixel approached with jer right arm turning into a plasma buzzsaw and cuts the board cleanly, much to the shock of the others.

Sunset: I say embrace the magic
No more holding back, just let it out
If you can take the magic
And learn a little more what it can do
Once the magic is part of you

Three boys are struggling a little to pull up a wooden pillar for the dock, but thankfully Applejack was there to help as she used super strength to sit the pillar up.

Sunset: What's standing in your way
That you can't move today?
You've got the strength in you
To make your dreams come true

Rarity is sitting on the beach doing some sewing again until her eyes widen in surprise upon seeing Derpy about to fall into the lake from the sailboat she was upon. On instinct, she quickly uses her diamond magic to save her from the water just in time, glad that she was okay.

Sunset: No need to shield yourself
From the magic that can help
Protect from any harm that might come
So you have magic
And it's not that great
But when it found you
You know it was fate

A bird lands on Fluttershy’s shoulder asking her if she needs help. She nodded and handed the bird the chain flowers she was working on as bird hangs it on the front gate of the dock.

Sunset: So if you listen close
You might make a new friend
And together we can make it!

Sonata, Aria, and Adagio were putting up the sign while Pixel and Salazar were setting up the lanterns. Pixel was setting up another lantern until she slipped and was about to fall in the lake, but Salazar was able to catch her. The two look to eachother with blushes while the Dazzlings looked to them with knowing smirks.

Sunset: I say embrace the magic
No more holding back, just let it out
If you can take the magic
And learn a little more what it can do

After gathering with her friends and comrades as they finished setting up the food boxes and lanterns on the dock, Sunset walks down the now completed dock with her friends walking behind her to the end and standing side by side, the wind rush through their hair before taking a look back at what they had completed.

Sunset: Once the magic is part of you
Once the magic is part of you
Once the magic is part of you
Once the magic is part of you

"Okay, that was pretty awesome!" Rainbow said in pride.

"And look what you managed to accomplish!" Sunset added, gesturing towards the completed structure that all of the students were awing.

"Please, please, please can we do a run-through for the fashion show on it right this minute?" Rarity pleaded to Sunset, catching everyone's attention.

"Thought you weren't finished with the stitchin' on yer poncho," Salazar chimed i . Upon hearing her remark, the Rarity immediately reached over and grabbed the article of clothing, taking the needle and making another stitch.

"I am now," Rarity retorted.

"Hey girls," Salazar said as he appraoched them, "Have you seen Dustin anywhere?"

"He's in our tent." Salazar replied.

"I went to check on him, and he's not there!" Allister replied.

"What?!" Sunset declared in concern, running to the tent to see that Dustin wasn't in bed. "Oh no! Where is he?!"

"Twilight saw him walk into the woods." Spike called out as he approached her. "She went to follow him."

"Can you lead me to them?" Sunset asked, really starting to worry.

Dustin was sitting near a waterfall, his guitar in hand with a saddened look on his face.

He was tuning the strings of his guitar, and when he had tuned the way he wanted, he began to play.

Sunset placed a hand on his shoulder, feeling awful for him. "Figured you could use some company."

"We're sorry about what happened between you and Gloriosa." Twilight spoke in sympathy. "You must be taking it really hard."

"Yeah. I am." Dustin said, trying his best not to cry. Twilight and Sunset embraced in in a group hug, and Spike nuzzled his leg. Dustin sighed melancholically up as he wraps his arms aroubd the two girls.

Twilight, Spike, Dustin, and Sunset were walking back to camp, casting a sad smile to his friends.

"Thanks guys..." Dustin to Sunset and Twilight. "I needed a shoulder to cry on."

"No worries." Twilight said as she picked up Spike. "I'll be in my tent if you need me." Twilight then walked off.

"I just wish you didn't tell them that ridiculous story!" Gloriosa's muffled voice screamed from inside the edifice, getting Sunset and Dustin's attention.

"Ugh! This is all too much for you!" Timber's voice yelled from beyond the logged walls of the building, making the Sunset arch an eyebrow. "You have to let it go!"

"I knew it!" Sunset exclaimed quietly towards Dustin. "He wants her to get rid of the camp!"

"Wait, what?!" Dustin declared in shock. All of a sudden, the door was swiftly swung open by Gloriosa, hitting Sunset in the face as she grimaced while also noticing the angered expression upon her. Timber after her, not noticing the three behind the open access.

Dustin helps Sunset up while she slowly pushed the door away with a creak afterwards.

"Hey, there you are! Flash called put as he appraoched Sunset. "I wanted to talk to you." Flash then looks to Dustin and Twilight. "Could you excuse us for a bit."

"Oh, sure." Dustin said with a nod before walking off, leaving Sunset and Flash.

"Hey, listen," Flash began, "I really wanted to thank you."

"For what?" Sunset replied in confusion.

"For the tough love." Flash answered with a chuckle. "Telling me I should get over Twilight. I needed to hear that," he said.

"Sure, no problem…" Sunset replied before going back to looking around, much to Flash's confusion.

"Is… something wrong?" Asked Flash, raising an eyebrow.

"What? No… Why?" Sunset claimed while still searching the area.

"Come on, Sunset. We used to date." Flash said out of exasperation. "I know when something's bothering you." As Flash and Sunset talked, Dustin was listening in.

Sunset sighed, realizing that she needed to tell him before he could get any more suspicious. "Okay, here's the deal." Sunset started. "My friend really likes someone, but I don't think that someone is who she thinks they are. I don't wanna upset my friend by telling her what I think, because I also want to protect her, because if what I think is happening is really happening, then she deserves to know."

Dustin was perplexed at first, but he then realized that she was talking about Timber.

"Well...I think that your friend is lucky to have someone like you to look out for them." Flash stated with a smile.

"Really?" Sunset responded while Dustin smiled to Flash.

"Yeah." Flash replied. "You know, you've changed a lot since we went out. You're so much... nicer…".

'She certainly has.' Dustin thought as he looks to Sunset, a fond smile to her. 'I guess Princess Twilight and I were a good influence on her.'

"Thanks," Sunset said in gratitude as she brushed her hair back, "I'm glad you noticed.".

However, Sunset and Dustin both took notice of Timber heading towards the woods.

'The Hell?' Dustin thought to himself in confusion as he sees Timber enter the forest .

"Uh, look." Flash said, rubbing his neck. "Maybe you and me, we could start over as... friends."

"Uh, uh, sounds great," Sunset concurred, patting him on the shoulder as she passed him by, surprising him a little, "Gotta go!" she cried out. Dustin then ran to follow Sunset, leaving Flash to look in confusion.

Meanwhile, Timber was carefully navigating through the woods, looking around to make sure no one was following him before jogging off into the depths of the trees.

"Now where in the Hell…" Dustin muttered out of suspicion as he and Sunset jogged along the path before stopping, standing back-to-back as they glanced around. "Dammit! Where is he?!"

All of a sudden, the rumbling in the ground caught their attentions as they gasped. It stopped quickly though, causing them to both arch an eyebrow out of confusion. Sunset pushed a few pine needles away to see Timber head into a cave.

"He's definitely up to something…" Sunset realized, pulling out her phone.

"I don't get it!" Dustin said with a puzzled look while scratching his head. "Why would Timber want to pawn this place off?"

"That's what were going to find out." Sunset declared, typing on it.

Back at the Sapphire Tent, Twilight was sitting cross-legged upon her bed, reading a book as Spike was resting beside her. All of a sudden, the sound of a phone ringing caught their attentions, enticing her to grab her upon the dresser as her pet woke up, noticing a text message immediately upon it as it was in her hands.

"It's Sunset," Twilight spoke. "She says to meet her by the rock quarry," she told the two with her.

"I though we weren't supposed to hike out that far. " Spike said, arching an eyebrow out of confusion.

"She says it's important," Twilight replied as a concerned expression came across her face, getting off the bed with them and standing up.

Ciel was looking into a bowl of water that was displaying Sunset and Dustin near the quarry.

"Looks like the boy and one if his feminine comrades are going somewhere they aren't supposed to be!" Ciel spoke with a scowl.

"Let them come!" Pendragon declared with a snarl. "By the time they arrive, it will be too late!"

"Pendragon." Rouge declared, walking alongside him. "I've amassed the army, as you've requested!"

"Good!" Pendragon declared as the army Rouge gathered showed up. "Today is the day we show them that nature has a spiteful side underneath its majesty!"