• Published 1st Jul 2023
  • 838 Views, 29 Comments

G5 Adventures in Scooby-Doo! and KISS: Rock and Roll Mystery - ponydog127

Our pony heroes team up with their mystery solving friends, four bat pony princesses and the legendary band KISS to stop an evil witch's scheme that could potentially destroy the Earth and Equestria if given the chance to succeed.

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Splitting Up (Part 1)

Sunny and her friends immediately led their friends to the medical wing to treat Shaggy and Scooby, who were still unconscious from their earlier encounter with the Crimson Witch.

After about 45 minutes of waiting for them to wake up, the bat pony sisters and KISS arrived to check on them, but it seemed like no progress had been made. “Poor Scooby and Shaggy...” Daphne said with worry laced in her voice. “They're still out!”

“You don't think they're... too far gone... do you?” Misty asked with a slight trembled, but Hitch was quick to reassure her. “No-- Shag and Scooby are strong,” he said. “Thise knuckleheads have survived more monsters than I can count-- they can make it through this too.”

Just then, Chip appeared right at their side. “Pardon me. Chip McGhoo, KISS road manager, executive officer of merchandise,” he introduced himself before bringing out a small bottle. “These KISS smelling salts work twice as fast and they're only $15.95.”

Daphne groaned and reluctantly handed him a twenty dollar bill before taking the smelling salts and placing them up near Scooby's nose. But however, there seemed to be no kind of response. “Oh... they're still not coming around!”

“Sorry,” Chip quickly closed his wallet. “No refunds.”

“Listen here, pal-- our friends are deep unconscious right now,” said Zipp in a threatening tone of voice, “so maybe you can stary bucking up and offer us another answer. Anypony got one?”

“I think I might have the solution,” Fred spoke up before handing Sunny a churro from a KISS World concession bag. “Try this churro I grabbed from the concession stand.”

Sunny held the churro in between the two, hoping it would give some sort of reaction out of them. And to their relief and surprise, they began to sniff and smell the churro between them.

Still with their eyes closed, they began to gobble down the ends of the churro... that is, until their lips met in the middle. However, this was enough to get them to open their eyes and greet each other.

“Hey, man!”

“Hi, Shaggy!”

“Oh, thank glitter you're awake!” Pipp said, hugging Scooby around the neck. “Are you boys okay? How are you feeling?”

“I feel like a couple more churros,” Shaggy truthfully admitted as he sat up. “How about you, Scooby-Doo?”

“Yeah,” Scooby nodded as he too sat up. “And donuts too.”

“How about some KISS Cakes?” Chip held up a box of pastries. “Now with Spaceman sprinkles.”

But one look from Zipp and Hitch caused him to sheepishly put them away. “Well, we're glad you all are all right,” Topaz said truthfully. “When we found out you were in the medical wing, we raced over as fast as we could.”

“We're glad all of you care enough to come. But... I gotta know something,” Zipp turned to Shaggy, Scooby, Misty and her sister. “What the hay happened?”

“Well, first we got some ice cream,” Shaggy recalled, ”which Scooby-Doo licked away from me...”

“Mmm...” Scooby licked his chops. “Yummy, yummy, yummy!”

“Then, there was this smell, and the stinky witch!” Misty took over the explanation. “She chased us all throughout the Rockin' Flume, and then there was all this running and music, and spinning! And then, uh... and then, uh...”

As Misty struggled to remember what happened next, Shaggy stepped in and pointed at KISS. “Like, they saved us. KISS and their super powers!”

“That's right,” Scooby nodded enthusiastically. “KISS has super powers!”

“Oooh, yes! Yes!” Pipp said, remembering things more clearly now. “And Rose, Emerald, Topaz and Sapphire used those beautiful tiaras to zap the witch with a full on unicorn magic blast!”

The sisters and KISS looked a little uneasy during this, not sure whether to let them know about this secret. “Whoa... I've heard from Dad's old journals of ponies using magical artifacts before, but... humans using super powers?” Sunny looked puzzled, in awe and bewildered all at once. “I thought that only existed in comic books.”

“If you ask me,” Velma whispered, “it sounds like they spun around one too many times in those drums.”

“No no no!” Misty violently shook her head, and then pointed to Starchild. “He shot eye beams...”

Then she pointed to Catman. “...he grew claws...”

Next she pointed to Spaceman. “...he did lightning bolts...”

And then finally, she pointed at the cross looking Demon. “...and he flew in and blew the biggest fire ever!”

“Thank you, Mr. Demon!” Scooby said, wrapping his paws around the rock star. “Beat it, mutt,” Demon snapped, “before you dent my armor.”

“Uh, yes sir. Of course, sir.”

“Pipp... are you sure you saw KISS and the sisters with superpowers?” Zipp asked her sister in a stern tone. “It's not that I don't wanna believe you, but I wanna make sure all the facts are straight before I go making assumptions.”

“Zipp, I swear to Celestia, I am NOT making this up!” Pipp said firmly, taking out her phone. “What these eyes saw is pure, genuine footage. From the eyes and from my phone!”

That got Zipp's attention immediately. “Okay, that changes things... I'll have to look at that later.”

“Shaggy, no offense to the ponies, but you're imagining things!” Velma said. “Well, they didn't imagine the witch, that's for sure,” Sunny pointed out. “She's still out there and she could be dangerous!”

Daphne knew Sunny was right, but wasn't sure on how to proceed. “What should we do now?”

“You must leave!”

Out from the doors emerged a stern looking woman with auburn hair blowing in the wind and a green cloak on, startling the groups into looking at her. “Trust me, KISS, these children are nothing but trouble,” she said. “You think they're allies, but in the end, the only person they'll help is the Crimson Witch... in her plans to bring total devastation to this world! They must go now or all is lost!”

The ponies gasped out of fear before a slight rattling sound was heard. When Sunny went to the lockers to investigate, she found Shaggy and Scooby shivering together in total panic. “Guys, you have to stop doing this,” she said before the woman turned to leave. “If you wanna speak further, you know where to find me.”

And as she left the room, the door slammed shut behind her. Misty shuddered at haunting feeling she gave off. “That's a message Opaline would give and I know it...”

“Who was that?!” Daphne asked. “Chikara,” Topaz answered. “The psychic.”

“She works at the park,” Catman added. “She tells people's fortunes,” Rose nodded. “Well,” said Velma, “she smells like a mixture of patchouli and hobo.”

“She's actually very wise,” Starchild spoke. “Maybe some of us should talk to her.”

“Spaceman and I will go,” Rose said. “Me and Zipperooni will go with you!” Izzy volunteered. “I've always wanted to see a real live psychiatrist!”


“Isn't that what I said?”

“Mind if I tag along?” Velma asked. “I find it odd that she thinks she knows so much about the witch.”

And so, the five of them set off, and once they had left, Daphne came up with another suggestion. “Some of us should go back to the drum ride and try to pick up the witch's trail.”

“I'll go with you,” Starchild volunteered, “if you want.”

“I want...”

So, she and Starchild began to walk off, but Fred immediately followed them. “I'll go too.”

“Pipp, Hitch and Sunny? It might work better if you came too,” Topaz said, and the four ponies galloped to catch up. “Demon, Catman,” said Starchild. “Keep an eye on Misty, Scooby and Shaggy.”

But as they walked out, Demon crossed his arms in protest. “I got better things to do than babysit horses, dogs and hippies.”

Emerald chuckled as she got beside Demon, turning to her remaining sister. “You guys have fun.”

And just like that, Demon used a smoke bomb to make him and Emerald disappear, and Chip rushed in to sweep up the mess. “These confetti bombs just aren't getting any cheaper.”


At the drum ride, Pipp was talking with Topaz while Sunny and Hitch helped Fred search for clues around the ride's barriers. “So... what can you tell me about your sisters and any other family you have?” Pipp asked. “This could be great for a Pipp Petals exclusive interview.”

“My sisters are really great. Each one shines with her own light,” Topaz said with a soft smile. “But... the rest of my family is... different.”

“Oh...” Pipp frowned. “I hope I didn't barge in on something touchy.”

“No, of course you didn't,” Topaz was quick to say. “It's just... my mother died about 5 moons ago. That was when me and my sisters left home to start a music career with KISS.”

“Oh... Topaz, I'm so sorry about your mom,” Pipp said consolingly. “My father actually passed away when I was a little filly. Sunny's too, from how she talks about him.”

“I'm sorry that both of you had to go through that,” Topaz frowned. “My father is still alive, but... he is... he loves me and my sisters dearly, but he is a tad... overprotective. He supports our music career, but doesn't like the fact we have to interact with mortals.”

“Have you ever tried telling him that they're not as bad as they seem?”

“I tried, repeatedly. But he just doesn't want to listen to reason.”

Pipp comfortingly put a hoof on Topaz's shoulder with a smile. “I'm sure we'll figure out a way for you to tell him. Together.”

Topaz smiled at this. “Thank you, Pipp.”

“Hey, Hitch,” Fred's voice came up. “Hand me that scrapper. And Sunny? Hold the bag right about here.”

Fred had found some mist residue on the walls, and together with Sunny and Hitch, they worked to get some of the residue in the bag. “There. I got some residue from the witch's mist.”

“Oh, heh heh... that's nice, Fred,” Daphne said, too infatuated with Starchild to pay much attention before handing Fred her phone. “Say, could you take a picture of me and Starchild looking for clues?”

Fred blinked before walking forward and grasping the phone. “Is this really necessary?”

“He's a rock star, Fred...” Daphne said through clenched teeth. “A rock star. Just do it!”

“All right...” Fred groaned and took some pictures at Daphne’s request (and the ponies even got in the last picture). And when the photo shoot was done, Daphne smiled at the rock star. “Thank you SO much.”

“My pleasure.”

“Let me see, let me see, let me see!” Daphne ran over to check the photos, but immediately groaned upon seeing one. “Ugh! Fred! Your thumb was in the way!” she commented, scrolling through the pictures. “On ALL of them!”

“Oh, gosh...” Fred faked an apologetic tone. “I'm sorry...”

“Freddy! Are you implying you did that on purpose?” Sunny scolded. “No way, Sunny! I just don't see what the big deal is,” Fred shrugged as Daphne growled. “We've solved over a thousand mysteries together, and Daph's never once asked to have a picture taken with me.”

“But that's no reason to purposefully sabotage Daphne's photos!”

“Yeah, Fred!” Daphne huffed. “No worries,” Starchild assured from behind an easel, and Topaz held some painting equipment in her hooves. “I got one of the both of you. In vibrant, colorful acrylic!”

Daphne gasped to Starchild as they approached. “You just painted our portrait?”


“Just now?”

“It's no big deal,” Topaz reassured. “Just something he does in his spare time.”

When Daphne and the ponies glanced at the canvas, they tried their best not to giggle at the giant thumb in Fred's face. “Oops...” Starchild said. “Well, look, my thumb got in the way.”

“But... you painted it,” Fred pointed out. “Luckily,” Starchild lifted up another portrait of Daphne, “I did a couple more for safety.”

Daphne gasped in awe at the portrait. “It's beautiful...”

Starchild then lifted up the one he did of Fred, making him look like a monkey with some giant ears. “I think I liked your thumb better...” Fred grumbled. “Ooookay, enough of that,” Sunny scolded, putting a hoof to Fred's chest. “Maybe we should take some more pictures of the scene itself.”

“No need,” Starchild spoke. “One scan with my special eye will tell us all we'll need to know. It puts the X in x-ray.”

“Oh!” Sunny giggled and followed him with Pipp, Daphne and Topaz, while Starchild tossed his beret right in Fred's face. “My nephew had a special eye...” he grumbled. “A pink one we called conjunctivitis.”

Starchild paid no attention to the remark and focused more on the scene around them. “There's definitely a supernatural presence at work here.”

As she trotted over the floorboards of the ride, Pipp then heard something thag sounded off to her and Daphne both. “Hey, guys, wait!” Daphne said. “Listen. Do that again, Pipp!”

Pipp tapped her left hoof, and then her right hoof, resulting in a sound difference between the two. “Not bad,” Starchild said, “but I am not into tap dancing. I am purely into rock 'n' roll! Whoa, yeah!”

“Okay...” Daphne trailed off. “Well, one side sounds solid. And the other hollow.”

That's when Fred realized what the two of them were trying to say. “As if it's some sort of trapdoor.”


Daphne opened a trapdoor on the right side, and Starchild stared down them, pondering for a moment. “It looks like one of the doors to the catacombs.”

“The what-a-combs?”

“The catacombs are what we call the maze of hallways that run under the park,” Topaz explained. “Lots of musicians use them, right, Pipp?”

“Oh yeah! Zipp used to explore the ones we have back in Zephyr Heights all the time,” Pipp nodded. “They give anyone access to any area, including the main stage.”

That's when a bell in Sunny's head began to ring. “I bet that's how the witch disappeared! Good thinking, Topaz!”

“Sounds dangerous,” Starchild pushed Fred backwards. “Stay back, Frank!”

“It's Fred.”

“I'll go first to make sure it's safe.”

Starchild leapt down into the deep darkness of the catacombs, leaving Daphne to whimper with worry. “I hope he's all right...”

“Oh for Pete's sake...” Fred muttered before moving toward the entrance. “What are you doing?” Hitch asked as Fred began to climb down the ladder. “It's not like this is the first time I've ever climbed into a-- YAH!!!”

Everyone groaned at the sound of the impact, and they glanced down to see Fred at the bottom of the ladder. “I'd watch that last step. It's a doozy.”

“We better go down there with him, everyone,” Topaz rolled her eyes. “Better make sure he doesn't get in any sort of trouble.”