• Published 13th Nov 2023
  • 1,394 Views, 5 Comments

Insomnia Comfort - Erynaster

Your marefriend volunteers to stay up with you on yet another sleepless night.

  • ...


Pale moonlight filters through the blinds, scarcely illuminating the confines of the small bedroom you were in. The silence is deafening, pierced occasionally by the perpetual tick-tock of the grandfather clock downstairs, its sound echoing through the empty halls of the cottage you lived in.

It's a peaceful night in Bridlewood.

It's also half past twelve. Or at least, that was your guess. The alarm clock you normally use lies broken by the windowsill, its surface cracked. You had no choice but to rely on your sense of hearing in order to guess the time judging by the hourly chimes of the grandfather clock downstairs, which according to Izzy had been in the family for generations.

That was another thing. Her.

Love is a peculiar thing. It's like a sudden, unexpected ambush that grabs a hold of you with a vice-like grip, like a parasitic leech that refuses to let go. The analogy may not be the most apt, but the message comes across clearly.

It was now well over two months since you and Izzy had confessed your feelings for each other during a storm. That sleepless night, she had kissed you. And it was at that moment when all felt right in the world. It was a surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one nonetheless.

Izzy was the most attentive and loving partner you could've ever asked for. You were baffled as to how quickly your relationship had escalated since then, but you weren't complaining. For once in your life, you had somepony to call your own, and vice versa. Izzy had been desperately in need of comfort outside of her relationships with her friends, and you were happy to provide her with that intimate affection that only true love could bring.

Speaking of which, Izzy was with you right now. Fast asleep against your chest, her horn pressed gently against the side of your cheek. Your arms are wrapped loosely around her waist, with one free hand buried deep in the sea of her mane as you gently stroke her hair.

To your surprise, Izzy sighs. You only noticed now how irregular her breathing pattern was, which alerted you to the fact that perhaps she wasn't as fast asleep as you thought.

"... Izzy?"

Her eyes fly open straightaway, locking onto yours almost immediately. She tilts her head upwards to face you, her breath warm on your lips.

"Yes, love?"

"Why are you still awake?" You ask.

Izzy smiles sleepily, her head falling back onto her pillow as she lets out a cute little yawn.

"I would ask you the same." She chuckles, whispering softly. "I can't sleep."

You reach out with a hand, gently tucking her mane behind her ears before cupping her cheek in your hand. She's warm to the touch, as opposed to the chilly air of the bedroom you were in.

"Your hand is cold." She whispers, reaching out with a hoof as she giggles. "Feel my hoof, is it cold as well?"

Izzy's hoof meets your cheek, causing you to shiver slightly at her touch. The broad pad of her hoof is surprisingly warm, which surprised you.

Izzy giggles at your flustered expression, poking you teasingly with her hoof.

"You're such a cutie-pie. You know that, right?" She giggles softly.

Her words cause a fluttering sensation in your chest, and you can feel the heat rising to your cheeks at her words.

"D-Don't call me that." You stutter. "I'm not cute..."

Izzy's smile is still visible in the dark, albeit slightly obscured by a portion of her mane that falls across her face as a gentle breeze billows into the room. In the sparse lighting, you can see Izzy's eyes twinkle, a faint glimmer that sparked from within the deepest recesses of her soul. You could tell, at that very moment, that the only thing those eyes yearned for was to see you smile, something that you found yourself subconsciously doing as you continue to gaze deep into Izzy's deep pools of orchid.

"You are, you really are." She sighs dreamily. "You're my... cutie-patootie."

The two of you share a giggle at the mention of the silly word, breaking the silence with your shrill notes of amusement. Izzy sighs again, shuffling closer to you under the covers, prompting you to tighten your grip around her waist as she gently presses her body against your torso, your size difference making it apparent that you would have to be the big spoon for tonight. Izzy's body radiates a comforting heat as you caress her in your arms, and you can feel her body melt into the embrace as the two of you lay together underneath the covers.

"Something's off, though. I can tell." Izzy hums, pressing a light kiss to your neck. "What's on your mind, love?"

You shiver slightly as Izzy kisses your neck, wanting more than anything for the sensation to linger far longer than it did. Her question catches you off-guard, however.

"... I can't hide anything from you, huh?" You sigh, gently stroking her back as she leans into you.

"Of course not. I'm your marefriend, silly. I just know when something's wrong." She whispers back, keeping her voice low as a cool breeze wafts from the open window.

"Is it... is it maybe why you can't sleep?" She asks tentatively, her eyes peering at you in curiosity.

"W-Well, it's just..."

You let out a long, drawn-out sigh.

"Izzy, am I... good enough for you?"

In the dark, you can see Izzy's eyes widen. Her lustrous orchid eyes peer at you in confusion, mingled with a hint of concern as she notices the sudden shift in your demeanour.

"W-What? Of course you are, love. What would make you think otherwise?" She leans in, giving you a quick peck on the lips in an attempt to lift your spirits.

You shake your head.

"It's nothing. I was just being silly." You whisper softly, attempting to play off your insecurity as nonexistent. "You know me. Silly old Anon."

Izzy continues to peer at you with concern, not buying your act. She lifts a hoof and gently cups your cheek, forcing you to look directly into her eyes.

"Don't you dare think for one minute that you aren't good enough, Mr. Anonymous human. You are my everything. You hear me? My everything. If I could give the world to you, I would. But I can't, because you are my world."

"Please don't ever doubt your worth, okay? You are more than what your mean thoughts are telling you. You're stronger than that."

You smile sadly, wishing it was that easy.

"It's just... hard, you know? All these intrusive thoughts, telling me that I'm this and that, telling me that I'll never be the man I want to be, the man you deserve."

Izzy strokes the side of your face, listening intently as you pour out your deepest insecurities to her.

"But that's the point, Anon. They're intrusive thoughts, not intrusive facts. They're just that, you know? Lies. Lies your brain tells you to make you miserable. But you are in control, Anon. And you'll come out on top, I just know it."

Izzy smiles, leaning in ever closer until your lips are merely a hair's breadth away from touching.

"... and please, for the love of Celestia, don't ever think that I deserve better than you. Because I don't. You are all I could ever ask for, and you are more than I deserve."

Izzy slips a hoof around the back of your neck, pulling herself up to stare you down lovingly.

"I love you with all my heart. It's you and me, Anon. You and me, together, forever."

After a long moment, you nod in response to Izzy's tender words. Her reassurance calms your nerves, at least for the time being. You can't help but feel a little guilty for worrying her, but at the same time, you feel a sense of warmth and acceptance from her. You realize just how lucky you are to have her in your life.

Feeling grateful, you let out a small, contented sigh before leaning in to plant a gentle kiss on Izzy's lips. You hold the kiss for a few moments, allowing her tender words to sink in.

"I love you, Izzy..." You whisper, smiling softly as your eyes meet hers.

Izzy smiles back at you, her own eyes shining with emotion. She leans in to press her forehead against yours, her body radiating a sense of contentment.

"I love you too, Anon." She whispers back.

As the night continues, you and Izzy remain embraced under the warm covers, unwilling to part. The quiet of the dark room enclosed around you makes it easy to enjoy the moment and lose track of time. Soon, however, it becomes apparent that neither of you is feeling tired in the slightest.

"... Anon?"

"Yes, Izzy?"

"Are you tired yet?" She asks, leaning on your chest as she looks up at you.

"No, not really." You sigh. "Go on ahead and sleep, Izzy. I'll... I'll fall asleep eventually."

Izzy props herself up on one elbow, grinning from ear to ear. "I'll stay up with you!"

"Um... no, I don't think I'd like that. You need your rest." You argue, not wanting to burden your marefriend with the prospect of sharing your cursed insomnia. "Just go to sleep, Izzy. I'll be fine."

Izzy pouts.

"I'm. Not. Sleepy." Izzy enunciates each word with clarity, giving you a puppy-eyed stare. "Please let me stay up with you."

You sigh, nodding in defeat. Izzy lets out a yelp of joy, rubbing you up and down with her face like a dog. She purrs in your arms, resting her head in the crook of your neck, giggling.

"That's great! Oooohh, this will be so much fun! We can tell each other stories, sing each other lullabies... there's so many possibilities!"

Izzy's excitement brings a smile to your face, and as the two of you embrace each other underneath the weighted blanket, you can't help but feel in your heart that somehow, everything will be okay.

Izzy's cute snores reach your ears as she rests against your chest, locked away in her dreams. You can't help but feel endeared to the sight, knowing full well that at least one of you would be getting a good night's sleep.

You watch as Izzy's chest rises and falls with every intake of breath, and you can feel her heart beating against your chest, a rhythm that had lulled you to sleep all those moons ago. You vaguely wonder if it would work now.

No matter. It didn't matter whether or not you would be able to sleep at all tonight. All that mattered to you in this moment is that your beloved would be getting the rest she needed. After all, an energetic pony like her needs to recharge.

You sink deeper into your pillow, letting out one final sigh before closing your eyes, just as the sun begins to rise on the horizon, signalling a new day.

Author's Note:

The (hopefully) long-awaited sequel to Midnight Comfort! This one is much shorter compared to its predecessor, but the love is all there! I hope you all enjoyed giving this a read.:twilightsmile:

Comments ( 5 )

Oh trust me. This was well worth the wait.

Maaaan, if only I had a cute pone to snug during nights like that....insomnia sucks...pro life tip 2+ days of no sleep is not a good time at all.

I don't really have problems sleeping and, in fact, it is somewhat difficult for me to stay up very long. So, how does the "no sleep for 2 days" feel? Can you just do stuff normally or do you just feel sleepy, but cannot sleep?

Congrats, author, you just gave me cavities from how sweet that was.

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