• Published 27th Jun 2023
  • 468 Views, 4 Comments

Star Wars: Equestrian Empire - Octavia_Melody

The entire planet Equus is transported into the Star Wars galaxy. Can Equestria survive being torn apart by the Galactic Civil War?

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4 - The Doctor

"I'm afraid the entire planet has undergone a temporal shift." The Doctor explained.

"A temporal...what?" Celestia inquired.

"Is there someplace private we can talk?" The Doctor asked.

"Yes..." Celestia said, as she teleported herself, The Doctor, and Twlight back inside the Canterlot Caves.

"Do I really need to be here?!" Twilight questioned.

"Yes...yes you do." Celestia said.

"As I was saying..." The Doctor continued, "This planet is now in the exact same spot that it would be in its own galaxy, except its also in a different galaxy. You can still harness the sun, moon, and weather except that the inhabitants of this galaxy now have access to this planet."

"How can that be?" Celestia asked, "And how do you know?"

"I..." The Doctor stammered, "Let's just say I've been studying 'magic' for quite a long time. I don't know exactly how it happened, it's just the readings I'm getting from observing space. I can't really reverse the process either. But I can help you defend the planet."

"How?" Celestia asked.

"Advanced technology." The Doctor replied, "If we can manage to contact some friendly galactic inhabitants, then we might be able to put together some equipment that can drive off any invaders."

"Very...well..." Celestia mused, "I'm not really sure who to trust in this new world, including you. What did you say your name was, Dr...who?"

"It's just 'The Doctor'." The Doctor replied.

Before The Doctor could explain any further, the entire cave seemed to shake.

"It's a cave-in!!" Twilight shouted.

"Take us out of here, now!!" The Doctor ordered.

Celestia quickly teleported the three of them above ground. She cleared her throat and gave a stern look.

"I appreciate you offering to help, Doctor." Celestia said, "But as Princess of Equestria, I don't appreciate you giving orders like-"

Celestia was cut short when she looked up and noticed the object causing the shaking flying overhead. A massive flying saucer, seemingly made of bronze, with all kinds of nodes and a large blue light underneath it. The light at the bottom of the ship, projected a large hologram. It was grainy at first, but when The Doctor could make out the form of the person in the hologram, he trembled in disbelief.

"Welcome to my new empire, Doctor." the being said in a distorted voice.

The being appeared to be similar to the other bipedal creatures, except its lower half was stuck in some kind of rolling mechanical device. The being's right hand was also mechanical, it had wrinkled skin, a bald head, and glowing sphere embedded into its forehead. It also had no apparent eyes.

"It is only fitting that you should bear witness to the triumph of Davros." the creature announced, "The lord and creator of the Dalek race. Have you nothing to say?"

"But you were destroyed." The Doctor answered, "Your command ship was obliterated in the Time War. I tried to save you."

"But it took one stronger than you." Davros replied, "Dalek Vek."

The being that was apparently Dalek Vek appeared in a second hologram, a seemingly mechanical being with the same lower half as Davros, but completely covered by a metallic dome with a stalk protruding from the front.

"I performed the emergency temporal shift." Dalek Vek said, "But I targeted the wrong galaxy. Your planet appearing here is a byproduct."

"It is of no consequence." Davros added, "I can conquer this galaxy just as well as any other. A testament to my remarkable creations."

"And you made a new race of Daleks." The Doctor noted.

"I gave myself to them quite literally." Davros replied.

Davros unbuttoned his jacked and revealed his grotesquely exposed ribcage.

"I have my children, Doctor." Davros continued, "What do you have?"

Before The Doctor could answer, the nodes underneath Davros's ship opened up and formations of Daleks flew out.

"EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!" the Daleks shouted in unison.

"This is bad...this is very, very bad..." The Doctor stammered, "RUN!!"