• Published 27th Jun 2023
  • 676 Views, 25 Comments

The Right Pony - RB_

Flurry Heart still loves. Her love is just a little different from most ponies'. (Written for Pride Month 2023)

  • ...

My Love is Colder than Black Marble by the Sea

"Alright everypony, pair up!" Shining Armour shouted to his field of trainees. "Sparring time!"

Rising Hope knew exactly who she was pairing up with. She'd been planning this for a while.

"Hey Princess! Wanna go?"

Flurry Heart, heir to the Crystal Empire, alicorn, and royal guard recruit turned around and looked at her. Her mane swayed just-so from the momentum, and that made Rising's heart flutter. And giving as it was already hammering in her chest from what she was about to do, that was no easy feat.

"With you?" Flurry said, her horn glowing and a wooden practice sword levitating into the air beside her. "Sure!"

Alright, that was step one down. Rising grinned. "Just don't be too upset when you lose!"

"As if!"

They squared up in the middle of the field, waiting for their captain's order. Shining Armour was getting on in years, but he still had it in him to command respect from his recruits.

"Everypony ready?" he asked. "Okay. Three! Two! One!"

Rising sank down a little lower in her stance, her sword at the ready beside her.


Rising lunged forwards. Her sword darted ahead of her, but was easily met by Flurry's own.

"That all you got, Rising?" Flurry said, grinning.

"Just getting warmed up!" Rising shot back. She pulled back, then brought her sword around from the side. It made a loud clack as it was knocked aside by Flurry's parry.

Rising was anticipating this, however, and used the momentum to swing her sword around again, this time from below. Flurry had to move quickly to dodge this one, the end of the sword brushing the tips of her mane-hairs.

"Not bad," the princess said.

"Thanks!" Rising replied, but she only had a moment before she had to act fast herself, bringing up her own sword just in time to clash with Flurry's. They held there a second, each pushing against the other, Rising having to strain a little to keep up with Flurry's alicorn magic.

Might as well do it now, she said, with a glance towards the captain to make sure he wasn't looking.

"Hey, Princess, you want to make a wager?"

Flurry crooked an eyebrow. "Depends."

Rising took a deep breath. "If I win, you go on a date with me?"

Flurry's eyebrows shot up—then she smiled. "Alright. But if I win, then we hang out instead. Deal?"

Rising tilted her head to the side. "Uh... okay?"

"Cool! Prepare to get your butt whooped."

"It's on!"

Rising Heart lay on the ground, her breaths heavy and her chest heaving. Her sword lay on the grass beside her.

She had lost.

A shadow passed over her face. It was Flurry, standing over her. She reached down a hoof.

"You okay?"

"Fine," Rising said. Her entire body ached and her plan was ruined—sort of—but she was fine, really. With Flurry's help, she got off the ground and into a sitting position. Flurry sat down beside her. Rising noticed she hadn't even broken a sweat.

"I guess that's what I get for challenging an alicorn," Rising said.

"Being an alicorn had nothing to do with it," Flurry countered. "I'm just better than you."

"Yeah, I guess you are." Rising threw her head back and looked up at the clouds drifting through the bright blue sky.

"I also guess we're not going on that date, then," she said.

"No, but we can hang out instead," Flurry replied.

Rising bit her lip. "Am I just not good enough? Or are you not into mares? 'Cause I really thought—"

"It's not like that," Flurry said. "I'm, uh... I guess I need to give you 'the talk', huh."

"I already know about the birds and the bees."

Flurry shook her head. "Not that talk. This one's about me."

"Oh?" Rising dropped her head back down to look at Flurry, who was gesturing with her hooves.

"See, I'm not... I'm not into mares," she said. "Or... stallions. Or anyone, really."

Rising blinked. "What do you mean?"

"I don't really 'get' romantic love."

"Oh. Huh? How does that work?"

Flurry shrugged. "I dunno! I just don't feel attracted to other ponies that way."

"Maybe you haven't met the right pony yet?" Rising offered.

Flurry grimaced. "Everypony says that. I think I would know by now, y'know?"

"Huh." It was all Rising could say, really. "That's kind of ironic, you being the daughter of—"

"The Princess of Love, yeah, trust me, I know." Flurry let out an exasperated sigh. "She actually was pretty cool with it once I told her, y'know?"


"Yeah," Flurry said. She was smiling. That smile quickly turned to a frown. "My dad, though..."

"He doesn't get it?"

"He's still holding out hope for grandchildren," Flurry said. "I dunno, he's just always asking if I've found 'the right pony' yet. IT's really annoying."

"That's kinda lame."

"I know, right? Total lame-o. Don't tell him I said that, though, or he'll make us both run laps around the Empire."

Rising laughed. Flurry joined in, after a moment.

"I mean, I know he just wants what's best for me, and he thinks that's what's best for me," Flurry said. "I dunno. He'll get it one of these days. Hopefully. Mom's tried explaining it to him a few times." She got to her hooves. "Anyway, I won. That means you have to hang out with me."

Rising stood up too. "Really? It's not too awkward?"

Flurry shook her head. "Nah. You're cool. Also there's a movie I want to see this weekend but I didn't have anyone to go with. That cool?"

"Depends on the movie." She said this, but she was going to say yes whatever Flurry wanted to see.

"Dread Trotter Three."

"Oh I am so there."

"Cool," Flurry said. "Alright, let's get out of here." She looked around. "Uh... where'd everypony go?"

Rising also looked. They were alone on the field.

"Did... Captain Armour dismiss everypony else?" she said. "Without telling us?"

Flurry facehoofed.


Comments ( 25 )


"I'm not sorry!"

The pride disliking bigots are crying from this one. it was a nice story :) sweet and short.


Love comes in many forms.

I was wondering why such an innocuous story had so many downvotes.

Happens every year. Even when the story doesn't bash you over the head that one side is right, and you're a homophobic asshat if you think otherwise, like this one.

Clicked out of curiosity...
I will now dispense my pointless drivel that will likely make people not like me:

If he wants grandchildren, Shining should just have another kid.
What are the odds he won't get some eventually?
I joke, I joke... kinda...

For some reason I feel Slightly offended by how it presents Shining... "mom had to explain it to him a few times..."
Also, to me it's not really "Lame"... but I understand why kids would say that I suppose... I still feel like the wording is... off. In contrast that bit about Shining wanting what's best for her right after that was nice to see. Bloodlines are important to many people as well so it was a bit nice to see the part about him wanting grandchildren.

I don't know about self-diagnosis...
But as a possible Ace or Demi myself, I can kinda get it... but I wonder if that is it or she just needs to form a bond with "the right pony" first...

Don't agree with the comments calling others bigots for downvoting, but I'm not here to chime in on such things. Just wish to make myself understood.

Edit: I realized that it was pointless for my to talk about length because it was specificly locked to 1000 words. I apologize. I sometimes don't realize I made a mistake before I hit send. I will remove that bit.

Kek lel #7 · Jun 27th, 2023 · · 5 ·

This is a cute story. Why are people downvoting I actually do not understand.

It's always nice to be able to find someone that helps one understand a difficult to comprehend notion. Excellent short little story, thank you very much.

Rego #9 · Jun 27th, 2023 · · 4 ·

A fun little romp and I totally get where Flurry is coming from, especially having experienced it myself being Ace. Though I'm not Aro.

Only gripe I would say is that I think you could've budgeted your words a bit better. Little less fencing, bit more concise wording. You got the message you wanted to deliver across though, so have a like to counteract the "strange" amount of downvotes you're getting on this one. My guess would be they didn't even bother reading it and just saw "Pride Month" and went for the dislike button instinctually.

hmaf43 #10 · Jun 27th, 2023 · · 16 ·

So many dislikes…..

This comment section looked like a random drone strike-ed middle east hellhole, wow!

Weeeeeeeeeee…… 💥 fuck yeah🦅
👎 👎 👎 👎 👎 👎 👎 👎 👎 👎 👎 👎


I don't know about self-diagnosis...
But as a possible Ace or Demi myself, I can kinda get it... but I wonder if that is it or she just needs to form a bond with "the right pony" first...

If she's demiromantic and/or demisexual then forming a bond with someone could lead her to feel attraction for them, but from how she was talking I definitely got the impression that she's aromantic asexual.

I don't know if you're already familiar with them or not, but you might want to check out the AVEN forums at asexuality.org. There are a lot of people there who are looking for support/guidance as they "self-diagnose", and the community is very nice.

Because some people are bigoted idiots.

Edit: the bunch of downvotes proves my point. Cry some more, you hateful losers.

As a straight person who has noticed there seem to be more gay shippings on this site than straight ones, it surprises me too. I always thought this site was super welcoming of Pride members and that most of the community identified somehow because I see so many lesbian shipping fanfics or gay shipping fanfics being released I didn’t think anyone had a problem with these people (I’ve even referred to this site as LGBTQ+ dominant). I’m not gonna read this story, but I was intrigued by the large amount of dislikes and wondered if the comments had an explanation...

You know… maybe I will read this. Perhaps there’s something people aren’t noticing that maybe a straight person will notice… I don’t even know 🤷🏻‍♀️

This was indeed a cute story. Wholesome, not too in your face, and that last bit was funny too! 😂 It seems at that point Shining didn’t even care if the date was a stallion anymore (to make grandkids) “just get fricken married please even if it is a mare!” 😂 (she can adopt some grandkids for him 😊)

I know this will get downvoted no matter what because every comment did, but it is a genuinely cute story and, again, it doesn’t end in any kissing or love action, just a simple rejection and hang out later as friends. The story hardly even counts as romance in the end.

More likely, one or two bigots using a pile of fake accounts

I read this and it was cool and I liked this. Sometimes I feel like Flurry sometimes, too, but it’s hard to tell if that’s me or just the medication I’m on.

People are dumb lol. A great story with no problems but people are such assholes that they downvote anyways. Grow up


I'm straight as well, but all of my characters are lesbians (even if it's never shown, they are). Call me weird 🙃. Hell, I usually have Twilight start straight, but change at some point. Or even be into mare her entire life in some stories.

Bring me your downvotes, salty trolls. I never cared about getting them anyway.

Nice to see some aromantic representation, it's not really something I've seen in many stories I've read on here :p

The story was cute and concise, and the ending was quite funny :rainbowlaugh:

All in all, I enjoyed the story :twilightsmile:

Cheers mate, and don't let bigotry discourage you from writing! :heart:

Definitely did not go the way I was expecting (I thought Flurry was going to come out as a lesbian at first), but it's nice to see some aromantic rep all the same. As someone who is aroace, this was sweet and cute and I can definitely relate to it. Brava!

Hey why are people disliking this? I like it!

Here's to good representation! Cute and concise, well done. n_n

Flurry Heart, heir to the Crystal Empire, alicorn, and royal guard recruit turned around and looked at her. Her mane swayed just-so from the momentum, and that made Rising's heart flutter. And giving as it was already hammering in her chest from what she was about to do, that was no easy feat.

so true

Rising took a deep breath. "If I win, you go on a date with me?"

Flurry's eyebrows shot up—then she smiled. "Alright. But if I win, then we hang out instead. Deal?"

Rising tilted her head to the side. "Uh... okay?"


"I guess that's what I get for challenging an alicorn," Rising said.

"Being an alicorn had nothing to do with it," Flurry countered. "I'm just better than you."

skill issue

"Huh." It was all Rising could say, really. "That's kind of ironic, you being the daughter of—"

"The Princess of Love, yeah, trust me, I know." Flurry let out an exasperated sigh. "She actually was pretty cool with it once I told her, y'know?"

oh that is ironic! and oof, yeah, i am sure Flurry has heard that a million times at this point

"Did... Captain Armour dismiss everypony else?" she said. "Without telling us?"

Flurry facehoofed.


ahaha, so Flurry is talking about her dad when he could very well be within earshot! classic. and yes, love the irony of Flurry Heart being aroace, which just means she has to decline romantic overtures from every gender of pony for who knows how long as a young alicorn princess. and happy Pride Month, two months late, or three months by the time you read this!

Cadence’s child being aromantic is—

That's kind of ironic, you being the daughter of—

Yes, thank you, Rising.

Lovely little tale. Impressive work in fitting both a fight scene and a heartfelt conversation within this word limit. And Shining continuing to play matchmaker is the kind of adorkability I love to see from him. All in all, a delightful read. Thank you for it.

Aro flurry, hell yeah. I envy her realizing early on :twilightsheepish:

btw, Shining's lucky to be a very lovable idiot

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