• Published 31st Aug 2023
  • 247 Views, 6 Comments

CRYSTAL WARS II Return Of Magic - discordjediknight

Star Wars and My Little Pony inspired tale, three years after Spike learned he can control magic, he must face he's best friend again. Will he save the galaxy, or will he choose to save her.

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Chapter I since then

Author's Note:

WOO HOO, Were back guys. book two as i promissed. Now if you had not read book one Last Hope, you will be lost, so heres a link:

Hope you all enjoy and leave a comment letting me know your thoughts.

Long ago in a galaxy far far away.

A young Alicorn named Twilight Sparkle went on a journey given to her by her aunt, to protect an ancient powerful relic capable of bringing peace harmony, and magic to the Galaxy or destroy and cause chaos. She only had a shard of that great power, and with the evil empire on her tail, she ran to go find Starswirl in hopes of being trained as a Knight of Harmony.

She did not go alone however, not only was she accompanied by her owl droid, she also had her best friend, who was like a little brother to her, Spike the dragon. Who turned out to also be able to use magic.

On their journey, they met friends who were willing to help defeat the Lord of Chaos and his empire. But when she came face to face with one of his shadows of chaos known as Nightmare and learned that she was her mother, she felt conflicted about what to do, but when her mother was nearly struck down by Star Swirl, Darkness another shadow offered to save her if she fell into chaos.

Three years since that faithful day Spike and her friends keep hope in their hearts for her return to the light, while on the run of the empire.

Chapter I

As a shooting star flew past the window, its light shined into the room making a rainbow of colors dance across the walls as it slowly passed by.

The room was rather empty, It had a few bunk beds lighted into the walls and a few doors that led to a small closet. An empty chair in the corner, by its side small table.

He took in a deep breath and exhaled as he opened his green eyes, staring out at the window. Spike sat in the middle of the room on the floor. Legs crossed his claws together as if he was meditating, an ancient book sat in front of him.

He watched the shooting star go by slowly. Strange he thought. They look so fast when down on the planet. Yet here in space, they seemed so slow as they burned through the atmosphere.

Spike remembered the last time he saw a shooting star. It was the night, technically morning of the empire attack that sent him on this crazy journey with his friend Princess Twilight. A small tinge of pain came to his heart as he thought of her and her.

He was supposed to protect her. He was tasked with that by her aunt, the queen, and he failed. He failed to keep her safe, and now she was who knows where, doing who knows what, working for the empire they were supposed to defeat. Another memory came to his mind. One that felt so long ago.

When he was seven years old he woke up, not being able to sleep one night, he ran upstairs to Twilight, his caretaker and best friend to ask her if she could help him get back to sleep. She was looking at a telescope, keeping an eye out for the Empire. She was a teenager at the time and the two were like brother and sister.

Her ear twitched with the sound of him coming up the stairs. "Spike," she said slowly, with a smirk. "You're supposed to be asleep."

"I can't sleep. Can you tell me a story or something?" He asked her.

She chuckled and looked back into the telescope. "Oh, oh, come hear," she said excitedly and walked out onto the balcony.

Spike followed her, confused at what was going on.

She then picked him up and wrapped her wings around him. Look there she pointed. See that, He looked up and saw what looked to be a star moving across the sky, in a few moments it was gone.

"That is a shooting star, Ancient archives say if you make a wish on a shooting star it could come true. Close your eyes and make a wish," she told him.

He closed his eyes as the wind blew past his scales. "I wish I could sleep." He said out loud making her chuckle.

"That's your wish, you're supposed to make one from your heart, silly"

"From your heart?" He repeated as a question.

"Yes one full of magic and wonder," she hugged him. "I know what I'd wish for," she told him.

"What's that," he asked.

"My Mother."

Spike nodded at the time as he yawned.

Although Spike and Twilight were alone, they had each other. It was them against the world, it was them against the Galaxy. Them against the empire. Both were orphans yet they stood together as friends, as family for so long. Now, now Spike sat alone in his quarters on board the golden phoenix, in the middle of space.

He used to dream about flying off his home world and following the shooting stars to a happy place. Never realizing how lonely it would be without her, he's big sister.

As the light of the shooting star diminished Spike closed his eyes as he made a wish. Before he would wish for the family he never knew. Now he wished for the only family he did know, as he whispered "Twilight where are you?"

Shortly after there was a knock on the door. "Come in," he called back.

He heard the door slide open and he could tell who it was by the sound of her glass slippers.

"There you are, Spike. Jacky was looking for you we need your help to go over the inventory before we make our trip back to Sweet Archersrs."

Sweet Archers was the name of Jacky's home world, where Spike was supposed to train.

"Alright, I'll be there in a second." He sighed.

Rarity looked at him. She knew him for three years now yet he seemed so down. She bit her lip as she thought about what to say. "Umm, Spike."

"I know Rarity," he said in a mellow tone. His voice was deeper now. His height was twice that of what he was when they first met. Tho that wasn't saying much, he still was shorter than her.

He stretched as he got up. Revealing his wings, They were small and not strong enough to carry his weight for flight yet, but they were growing. He picked up the book and set it on the table by the chair before he turned to her. A smile on his face.

"I'm ok alright," he said falsely cheerfully.

Rarity knew he was faking but she decided to let it go and return the smile as he walked past her. She remembered how she was kicked by a shadow bolt, and when she opened her eyes, it was Spike who came to her side. Though he was young he showed such bravery, as he stood against the forces of the empire alongside his friends. Now she was gone and it seemed like he stood alone.

"Spike," she said before he walked out of the room. He paused for a moment waiting for her response.

"Spike, your not alone, you have us." She told him.

Spike chuckled, "I know, you don't have to remind me every time you see me". He said still holding his facade.

Her eyes softened. Spike.

"Come on before Jacky yells at us again." He laughed.