• Published 3rd Jul 2023
  • 1,261 Views, 25 Comments

Lukas: A New Generation - MyAwesomePony

After an accident involving one of Twilight's spells, Lukas gets sent to the future of Equestria and soon ends up on an adventure like no other.

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Chapter 5 - No Magic?

The whole world was a blur as Sunny, Izzy and I raced out of the town of Maretime Bay. As you'd probably expect, the two equines were both way faster than me as I struggled to keep up with them. Eventually, we ended up at what looked like a lighthouse, I assumed this is where Sunny lived. As we rushed inside, I allowed myself a moment to breathe as I took a look around, I was right, Sunny did seem to live here.

It looked like a rather nice place to live, and far away from where everyone else lives, which, being an introvert myself, would be perfect for me. But as I looked around, I noticed a picture on a nearby table with a pair of glasses next to it.

The picture was of a light blue colored Earth pony, with a royal blue mane and tail with white and purple streaks, cornflower-blue hooves, and purple eyes. His eyebrows and sideburns were dark violet. He wore dark maroon-rimmed glasses and a wooden pendant hollowed out with an outline similar to Twilight Sparkle's cutie mark. Was this Sunny's dad she mentioned earlier? If that was the case, where was he? Was he not here, or was he...

"Do Earth ponies also like staring contests?"

My train of thought was interrupted by the innocent voice of Izzy. I looked over and saw Izzy getting closer to Sunny while staring at her intently until the unicorn then blinked.

"Ah! You win! I blinked!"

I let out a small chuckle, Izzy seemed to be a very energetic and really adorable unicorn. Imagine if her and Pinkie Pie met?

"There's... a unicorn... in my house..." Sunny stuttered, like she was unable to believe what was happening. "This is so cool!"

Sunny's smile soon faded away as her facial expression looked more worried. "Wait, no, it's bad. Very, very bad. What have I done?"

"How is this bad, Sunny?" I asked her. "You haven't seen a unicorn for probably your whole life, I thought you'd be excited about this."

"Well yeah, I am excited." Sunny clarified. "But..."

"Wow! I've never seen an Earth pony before." Izzy interjected as she stared through a nearby telescope.

"Not much use for a telescope indoors." I thought to myself.

"We look exactly the same! Except for this, of course." Izzy then pointed towards her horn, before she jumped closer to Sunny and I, getting a little too close for comfort.

"Whoa, Izzy. Careful where you point that thing." I said cautiously.

"Why?" Izzy asked.

"Well, unicorn horns are usually really sharp." I explained. "You could accidentally poke someone's eye with that thing."

"Oh." Izzy replied in understanding. "Okay, I'll be careful. Sometimes my horn just has a mind of its own."

Just then, Sunny looked at Izzy's horn, as if she had noticed something off about it. "Isn't it supposed to glow, by the way? Or does that only happen when you levitate stuff?"

"Well actually, Sunny." I began. "Unicorn horns only glow when..."

"Wait! Don't answer that yet." Sunny called out, throwing me off in the middle of my sentence. "Let me get my notebook!"

"Notebook?" I said puzzled.

But before I could ask, Sunny had run off towards the kitchen counter, pushing a few items out of the way, before she brought out a book from her saddlebag and put it on the counter. She exhaled as she opened the book up to the first page.

"A hundred forty-two questions for a unicorn". Question number one - where do you live?"

"Bridlewood." Izzy replied with a smile.

"I knew it." Sunny exclaimed, before she started asking questions at a rapid pace, not even giving Izzy enough time to answer them. It was then she gazed at a can of beans on the counter. "Can you make this float?"

Sunny pushed the can of beans off the counter as it landed right next to Izzy's hooves, she looked at the can in confusion, before looking up at Sunny and replying with a saddened. "No." Then, her face lit up. "But I can do this."

I watched as Izzy proceeded to bring her hoof down on the can of beans, sending it flying up in the air, before it promptly landed on Izzy's horn. She then began bouncing the can up and down on her horn, like she was bouncing a basketball. Then for her final move, she flipped the can with her horn, opening it in the process as a lump of beans splattered onto the floor, before the empty can landed in the beans.

"Ta-daaaaa!" Izzy exclaimed, as if she had just preformed a magic trick.

"Wait. You don't have any magic?" Sunny asked, now looking disappointed.

Izzy didn't get the chance to respond before a sudden noise coming from outside caught the attention of both Sunny and I.

"Sunny Starscout!" An amplified voice, that sounded like Hitch, called out.

Sunny and I both looked out of a nearby window and, sure enough, there was Hitch, along with Sprout. They were both just outside Sunny's house, and while Sprout was cowering behind Hitch wearing one of those anti-unicorn mind reading hats, Hitch was speaking into a megaphone, which explained his amplified voice.

"Sunny Starscout, I know you're in there with that unicorn! Come out with your hooves up and surrender!"

"Yeah, you're completely surrounded!" Sprout added, I internally laughed at that since there was in fact no one surrounding us.

"Will you let me do my job?" Hitch whispered to Sprout, before turning around to speak into the megaphone again. "You are under arrest!"

"This is bad." Sunny said nervously.

"Yeah, no kidding." I added.

"How sneaky are you two?" Sunny asked Izzy and I.

"Uh, medium sneaky?" Izzy replied.

"Well, I wouldn't say I'm the worst at sneaking." I replied honestly.

"I can work with that." Sunny said, before looking back out the window. "Okay, I'll distract them."

"Oh, pffft. Relax. I'll talk to them." Izzy said nonchalantly.

"Uh, Izzy. I don't think that's such a good idea." I inquired.

But it was too late, Izzy made her way outside, and was now trying to reason with the two ponies that could very well arrest her right then and there.

"Hi, guys!" She greeted casually. "Now, I know what you're thinking."

Suddenly, Sprout let out a small yelp in surprise as he grabbed Hitch's face. "Aah! She's already reading our minds! Quick, before she fries our brains!" And just like that, Sprout was off, much to the confusion of Hitch.

"W-What are you doing? Where are you going?" Hitch called out, turning away from us.

Seeing this as our chance to escape again, Sunny then pushed Izzy away as I quickly followed behind. But just before he was out of hearing range, I heard Hitch yell out:

"Oh come on!"

The whole world became a blur once more as Sunny, Izzy and I were back to running through the vast meadows of Maretime Bay. As we continued running, Sunny turned to Izzy, who was running next to her.

"You don't have any magic?" She panted out.

"Nope." Izzy replied.

Coming to a sudden halt, Sunny and I both gasped in surprise upon hearing what Izzy had just told us, Sunny then sat down on the dirt path. "No magic?" She said, clearly confused, as was I.

"Wait a minute, if you don't have magic, then how am I supposed to get back?" I asked, now feeling worried again about not being able to return back to my timeline. I thought that Izzy could just cast me with another time travel spell, sending me back, but now, that didn't seem to be a possibility.

"Oh, but if it makes you two feel any better, we did have it, but that was many, many, many moons ago. It just – poof – disappeared. Everypony thinks the pesky Pegasi had something to do with it, but.."

Izzy's explanation fell when she noticed Sunny's expression. "O-Oh. Hey, you look kinda woozy. Are you okay?"

Sunny stood up as she paced around worriedly. "Huh. I am on the run with a unicorn who has no magic. What are we gonna do?"

"And how am I going to get back?" I added, throwing in a question of my own.

What Izzy did next was really strange, she went up to Sunny and proceeded to smell her, much to her confusion. "What are you doing?"

"You don't smell." Izzy replied.

"Thanks." Sunny said warmly, before she realized what she just said. "Wait, what?"

"I was told all you Earth ponies smell like rotten sardines, but you do not. Hmm." Izzy shrugged.

"Hey Izzy, do I smell like rotten sardines?" I asked out of utter curiosity.

After immediately realizing how weird that question was, I didn't think she'd actually do it, but Izzy didn't seem to mind as she went up to me and promptly smelt me as well. Once she did, she had a thoughtful look on her face, like she was trying to process the smell.

"No." Izzy soon replied. "Not even a little."

"What else do unicorns say about Earth ponies?" Sunny wondered.

"Oh, just that you're lazy and not the brightest crystals in the forest." Izzy answered.

"Charming." Sunny said sarcastically.

"Nope, just those three. So, what's the plan?" Izzy asked.

"Wait. I've got it!" Sunny's face lit up.

"What is it, Sunny?" I asked, curious as to what Sunny had planned.

"Izzy, Lukas, we're going on a quest... to Zephyr Heights."

Right as she said that, she pulled out a book from her saddlebag and threw it on the ground in front of us. The pages the book was opened to appeared to be a map, Sunny then pointed towards this "Zephyr Heights" which looked to be a city in the sky, similar to Las Pegasus or Cloudsdale.

"The Pegasus city?" Izzy inquired.

"Yes. We need to find out what happened to your magic and bring it back. They have magic. Maybe they can help." Sunny thought.

"Great idea, Sunny." I commented, but Izzy didn't seem too sure about this plan of Sunny's.

"Uh, but the Pegasi are bad news." She said worriedly.

"What if you're wrong about them? Earth ponies were wrong about unicorns. They could welcome us with open wings." Sunny replied.

"But what if they don't?" Izzy asked with concern in her voice.

"Come on, Izzy." I encouraged. "We never know until we try, and besides, once you get your magic back, you might be able to send me back."

Izzy then pondered for a moment, before she asked with a smile. "When do we start?"

To Be Continued...