• Published 20th Jun 2023
  • 1,090 Views, 29 Comments

The Scales of Attraction - Relaxing Dragon

A rambling high school romance between a lonely dragon and a spunky pegasus

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Chapter 6 - October 31st

Spike stared into his gym locker. He’d been in a bit of a stupor since class let out. It happened sometimes. He shook his head. The sound of fading footsteps and the door closing indicated he was the last one in the locker room. Glancing around he found himself as alone in his row as he was in his thoughts. He shook his head again.

6th period gym right before AP Calc. That was a real bright idea. Just the thing my body and brain’s gotta deal with at the end of the day.

He sighed and took off his gym shirt. Hardly any sweat at all. He pulled on his Shepherd Of Evil shirt and then quickly covered it up with a plain blue hoodie. Old habits die hard.

It had been a pretty lackadaisical class, mostly just a lot of laps around the track. Spike figured that nobody had much of an interest in doing much when a three day weekend was nearly upon them.

Certainly not when it was a holiday weekend, too.

And I know Wormwood’s gonna be riding me all period long. Again. He just won’t let me-

Darkness loomed and cut Spike’s thoughts short. He turned to find the source of the shadow now covering his locker.

“Well well, what’s this… Looks like something green and scaly crawled indoors again.”

Star Rush stared down the dragon and grinned, his arms crossed across his chest. The tall pegasus was dressed in his flight squad uniform. A small captain’s C was freshly stitched on it.

Spike shrugged him off. “Huh, thought I was alone… well Star, I guess you can move fast sometimes. I’m truly shocked.”

Star’s grin faded. “Got a real smart mouth there.”

“Report card said I’m smart all around.”

“Pity grades for a charity case.”

“Ooh, real pithy. Had that one saved up?”

Star narrowed his eyes.

“So, uh, anyway,” Spike said, trying to sidle away from the situation. “I’m running late, so I’m just gonna go and-”


Star’s open palm slammed into the locker inches from Spike’s head. His head snapped back to attention, and he stared the larger boy down.

“Got your attention now?” Star growled.

Geeze what is this guy’s problem, I hardly ever even see him.

Spike shook his head in exasperation. “Look, dude, what is this? Why are you here? I gotta get to class and I know you got better shit to do, can’t you just leave me alone?”

Star kept staring, then relaxed and smiled again. He rested a hand on Spike’s shoulder, with a very firm grip. “Hey, relax there bud. I’m just here to pass on a message. From me, through you, to a certain cute little flyer you’ve been hanging out with recently.”

Spike's expression turned cold. Star leaned in close to Spike’s head, his mouth practically on the dragon’s cheek.

“You tell Scootaloo, when she’s done messing around with the sideshows? I’m still willing to take her back. Show her a real good time again.”

He winked.

Spike didn’t say anything. Slowly, he raised his hand up and grabbed Star’s wrist. A flash of anger went through his eyes. His hand started to squeeze.

Star’s smirk faltered, just for a moment. He tried to tighten his grip on Spike’s shoulder but felt his fingers start to tingle. Pressure was building on his wrist, right down to the bone. Pressure he did not predict.

Dragons can be so very, very strong...

“HEY! What is going on here!?”

Both students turned. Physically Fit, the flight team coach whose body matched his name, was standing at the end of the row. His expression was as stern as it ever was, his wings flared almost menacingly. He pointed at Star.

“Captain of the team carries certain responsibilities, Mr. Rush. One of them is being at practice first before anypony else gets there. You plan on keeping that C? Or do you have something more important to do right now?”

Star stared at his coach, then looked back to Spike. Slowly, simultaneously, the two released their grip on one another. Then, in one quick motion, Star hopped back, hands up and opened in front of his body.

“Nah, got nothing to do here, Coach. Just a friendly chat. I do got better shi- gotta get to practice.”

He nodded at Spike. “Be seein’ you.”

With that, he turned and left. He did his best to avoid rubbing his wrist until he was out of sight.

Coach watched him leave and then finally turned his attention to Spike.

“Mr. Sparkle,” he said plainly. “Don’t suppose you’ll finally be trying out for flight? Last year to grace us with your presence, and much as it pains me to say it, we could use you.”

I’d sooner hurl myself in front of the Canterlot Express.

“I think I’m good. Sir,” Spike said as respectfully as he could manage in the moment. “I got enough on my plate.”

“Then you better get to it. First bell has already rung. You got two minutes to get to class.”

Coach Fit spun on his hooves and marched out.

Spike stood still for a few seconds before suddenly clocking just how tense his body was. He let out a long, long breath and slumped against the locker. His mind went nowhere.

…shit, I am about to be late, aren’t I.

Grabbing his bag, he slammed his locker shut and dashed for the exit. Mr. Wormwood’s classroom was about as far away from the boy’s locker room as any room in the school, and he was a real stickler for punctuality.

The ringing of the last bell of the day brought an even larger fervor than usual. Students rushed to their lockers, shoved their books away, and hustled for the exits. It was a mass flood to leave the school grounds instead of the usual steady stream. Spike was jostled through the halls several times, once to the point of almost losing his backpack.

Jeeze, everyone’s overstimulated today.

Not that he could blame them. He’d normally be just like them. After all, it was October 31st. That night was Nightmare Night. Spike’s favorite holiday. And the learned adults of the school board, in all of their infinite wisdom, had decided that Friday, November 1st, would be an administration work day, and thus, a holiday for the students.

A Nightmare Night leading into a three day weekend.

The energy in the high school that day could’ve powered the town. Hardly anyone paid attention in class that day. Too much discussion of what parties there were to go to and who would be dressed as what. Half the school arrived in costume that morning, but everyone knew the good stuff didn’t break out until the sun went down.

It was a day of jubilation and that made Spike’s foul mood that much worse. To him, it had been a long day of longer classes.

Freakin’ Wormwood, all he could do not to just send me to detention today for being three minutes late. And then I had the audacity to ace that pop quiz of his. Bet he thinks I’m cheating.

The last class of the day was a perpetual source of stress on Spike’s mind, and the growing amount of work from his other courses was slowly starting to weigh him down. Every night his desk had a few more piles of homework, a few more sticky note reminders by his computer, a few more notebooks to study and first drafts to review.

Even Twilight had warned Spike about overloading on AP courses. Perhaps he had taken it as a challenge.

Still, school stress was Spike’s bread and butter. He could roll with it.

What Star Rush had said to him in the locker room, though… that had staying power. He’d spent all of Calc trying not to think about it, which just made thinking about it that much easier.

That big dumb asshole, who does he think he is… and why’s he gotta bring her into… I mean, it’s not like she’d…

Spike quickly banished the thought. Glancing around he thought he saw a few students looking his way. A few more than normal.

For the past few weeks, a lot more eyes seemed to be on him, and a lot more whispers. He couldn’t place them all. Or was he imagining things?

Spike rubbed his forehead as he headed downstairs and through the main doors onto the school’s front lawn. The student body as a whole moved in front of him. A fleet of bikes took off in every direction, while a score of pegasi hit the sky. Much to be done in these few precious hours of remaining daylight.

Spike just kept walking, his face set in a dull grimace.

Okay, it’s probably nothing, why would it be anything, that’s just a jerk trying to get a rise out of you on account of that’s what jerks do and probably spreading whatever dumb rumors that I’m clearly too smart to worry about and why am I worrying about this what am I even worrying about why is today going like this is it already ruined maybe I should just stay home tonight and-

“Heeeeeeeey Spike!”

A vocal ray of sunshine cut through Spike’s cloudy mind. He turned in time to catch Scootaloo hopping up to him. She threw her arms around him and gave him a big hug.

“How’s my favorite bookworm?” she asked. She gave him a small kiss on the cheek and looked him over.

She frowned. “Woof, rough day, huh?”

“Was it?” Spike stammered. He looked at her and found himself giving the first real smile he’d had since breakfast. “Guess I got lost in it.”

“I’d say so. Hardly saw you at lunch. Not at all in the halls.”

“Yeah, I’m sorry, just… all over the place today.”

“Okay.” Scootaloo gripped Spike’s hand as they walked towards the main boulevard in front of the school. “Anything you wanna talk about?”

Definitely. Probably. Maybe?

The two of them had been spending a great deal of time together over the past few weeks. A few more date nights, a lot of lunch and after school hangouts, and whatever they had going was developing into… something. Something very nice. Not yet something with a genuine label, but still, very nice indeed.

Though Spike still struggled with a few basic concepts.

Communication being one of them.

“...nah, nothing important, just school junk.” Spike squeezed a little tighter. Just her being there was enough for him to feel the stress of the day melt away. He looked at her and grinned excitedly. “Besides, it’s all over. Gotta get ready for…”

“Nightmare Night Party Time!” Scootaloo finished his sentence with a burst of energy.

“Heck yeah it is!” Right on cue, Button Mash, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom appeared from around the tree they’d been waiting by. They hustled over and after the usual amount of greetings and hugs, the five met in a tight conference.

“So…” Button started, “What are we doing tonight, again?”

“Button, you’re in the same group chat as the rest of us,” Spike said.

“I skim it from time to time, yeah.” He grinned. Button liked to be a pain from time to time. “But hey, real quick primer? Throw me a bone here.”

“We are all headed to Laid Back’s house tonight,” Scootaloo said. “Rumble’s telling me it’s gonna rock.”

There was no shortage of social activities in Ponyville on Nightmare Night. As such, the group decided days ago to pick where they were gonna spend their valuable party time.

The big festival in town square? Too family oriented. Pinkie and Cheese’s Wild Party Spooktacular Extravaganza™? Too many responsible older relatives in attendance. Diamond Tiara’s grand estate gala? One of those a year was enough for most of the group.

Consensus quickly fell on Laid Back’s house party. His house was only a few neighborhoods away, and this year he was the lucky teen whose parents didn’t get the hint and decided it was a good idea to have an extended business trip at the end of October. Laid Back certainly wasn’t complaining. He saw it as a great way to celebrate his senior year.

None of them knew the unicorn particularly well, which is to say, not at all, but they had enough friends of friends to socially daisy chain their way in. Button and the girls were likely to be the only juniors there, but that just added an extra layer of coolness to the whole thing in their eyes.

“So, Button aside, we’re all set for the game plan tonight, yeah?” Spike looked at each of their faces.

Sweetie Belle nodded. “Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and I are going to my sister’s shop to change into our costumes.”

“Then we’re headed right to the party,” Scootaloo continued.

“An’ wherever we’re done, the three of us are crashin’ in my treehouse tonight,” Apple Bloom finished.

Spike nodded. “Cool. I’m gonna go to the library with Button. And seriously, did you clear things with your mom about staying over tonight?”

“Yeah, yeah,” Button affirmed. “All set there… though, uh, she thinks we’ll be staying there the whole time and I’ll be asleep before midnight, so if anypony asks, that’s what I’m doing.”

“What a protective mother who loves her little boy.” Sweetie giggled, making Button blush. “Think Twilight will go along with you coming out with us?”

“She’ll be busy at Pinkie’s party until who knows when,” Spike said. “Honestly, there's a good chance we get back before she does.”

Apple Bloom nodded. “Yup, same goes for AJ. I don’t think they’ll be leavin’ early even if they wanted to, not the way Pinkie runs things.”

Scootaloo shrugged. “Whatever keeps them occupied. LB’s party sounds like it’s gonna run late and go hard. Just the place for us.”

The friend group grinned. It was a recipe for a lot of good times. They put their hands in the center and fist bumped, then they splintered off to head to their respective destinations.

Scootaloo and Spike hung back, just for a moment.

“Still not gonna tell me your costume?” Spike whispered.

“Tradition says I can’t. Though if you really wanna know, I could make an exception… just because I like you.” Scootaloo stuck her tongue out.

Spike blushed. He was blushing a lot around her. It was a good thing he knew she liked it or else he’d be truly embarrassed.

“You gotta tell him!” Sweetie called out. “How else can you have matching costumes if you don’t!”

“Oh that would be so cute, just think about it,” Apple Bloom chimed in. The two of them joined arms for a joined chorus of “Awwwwww…”

Button just rolled his eyes. He was happy for Spike, but he could only take so many public displays of affection.

That was a bridge too far for Spike. As his cheeks went into overdrive he turned to go. Scootaloo stopped him with a hand on his shoulder.

“Hey,” she said pointedly. “You’re forgetting something.”

She pointed to her face. Doing what he could to ignore her friends’ piercing eyes, he leaned back and the two enjoyed an affectionate, yet brief, kiss.

This was a newer trend. One that never failed to make Spike glow.

“I didn’t forget,” he said as he walked away. “I just like hearing you remind me.”

Now it was Scootaloo’s turn to blush, and before her friends’ giggles could overtake them all, Spike was hurrying away with Button towards the bike rack.

“Giiiirls! You’ve been nearly an hour in there, so I hope you’re decent, because I’m coming in!”

Gliding into the fitting room with practiced ease, Rarity moved swiftly and knocked on the three changing room doors. She then took a step back, standing at the ready to inspect the three teens’ fashion choices for the evening. While she waited for them to emerge, she admired herself in a nearby mirror.

Never one to downplay things, Rarity had gone with a rather extravagant dress for her costume this year. It was a mixture of oranges and blacks, with ribbons crossing back and forth to give the appearance, at the right angle, of a very intimidating face staring back, like something one might see on a Jack-o-lantern. Eye-catching, classy, and even a little spooky, and all in a package that managed to grip her body in the most flattering way possible. She nodded with satisfaction at herself.

Apple Bloom was the first to step out. Her oversized coat nearly caught on the door handle, but with all the rips, tears, and patches it already had, it would only have added to the effect if it did. She tightened her oversized bow tie, pulled the fingerless gloves tight over her hand, and tipped the enormous hat on her head to one side. She’d spent a lot of time on her homemade Mad Hatter costume, and it showed.

“Ready to serve up!” she said with a grin.

“Marvelous work darling, marvelous! Love the hat especially, I truly do, and that makes the outfit here,” Rarity said. “Just be sure to keep it angled right, you stand it up straight and the whole thing falters.”

“No need to worry about being too straight,” Sweetie quietly joked through her door. Apple Bloom quickly coughed to cover it up. Rarity held her tongue, though reminded herself to tell Applejack she should really have a long talk with her sister sometime soon.

Next up, Sweetie Belle’s door opened. With grace that could match her sister, she stepped out, did a small spin, and took a bow. Thigh length leggings led to a very short dress, constructed from a wavy material all around and pulled in tight around the waist. Cutoff shoulders led to loose fabric draped around her arms, and she held a small decorative eye mask on a stick in one hand. Small flourishes from the back down gave her tail some companions, while elbow length gloves added an extra touch of class. The mask and her lipstick were red, the rest jet black.

It was her own take on the Masque of the Red Death, as she half-remembered it from her Literature course. As she saw it, something unique and certain to stand out in a competitive playing field that was to be the evening’s social engagement.

“Yes, yes I think this all came together rather nicely.” Rarity moved her fingers through her sister’s outfit, her expert eyes checking all the seams and stitches. “Sweetie Belle, you outdid yourself this year, this threadwork is top notch. Really matches the sketches I did perfectly. I will say I wish I had more time to work on the lace here, but this will have to do. Just don’t stand under too many bright lights and nopony should notice.”

“It looks great sis, relax,” Sweetie said, politely yet firmly moving out of her sibling’s grip. “Thanks a lot for all your help.”

Rarity glanced down and found herself seeing more of the teen’s thighs than she had anticipated. She frowned.

“Some last minute alterations I see? I’m afraid that upsets the balance of the whole outfit, and that just won’t do. Maaaaaybe just a little touch up here and here aaaand…”

Rarity’s horn glowed. Fabric blossomed out of the dark edges of Sweetie’s dress, adding a few inches up and down. Within moments the whole outfit had grown out, still looking stylish as ever but now no longer showing off anyone’s rear end in the process.

Sweetie Belle crossed her arms in a pout. “Rarity, come on! I’m the one who really made this thing, and I’m old enough to manage how my clothes look on my body.”

“Given how much work I put into designing it, those are as much my clothes as yours. Besides, you look even lovelier now, and in a much more ladylike way.” The sugar dripped off Rarity’s voice as she patted her sister on the head and tied an extra ribbon into a black bow. “And at any rate, if mom saw as much of you going out as I did just now, she’d flay us both alive.”

“Hmmmph,” was all Sweetie could muster. She knew better than to try and fight her sister on the fashion front. They all turned to Scootaloo’s door.

“Well, come on, what you got for us Scootaaaaaugh!”

Apple Bloom broke into a scream, joined by Sweetie Belle when she turned to look.

Scootaloo stepped out in a simple outfit. Red workout shorts, a white t-shirt, and a whistle on a string around her neck. Text on the shirt said Camp Crystal Lake Counselor in big green block letters.

The cause of the commotion was the enormous bloody gash, going from Scootaloo’s neck diagonally across her chest. The neck wound was still freshly applied, and fake blood oozed down her shirt, soaking into the white cotton in several dark splotches. She’d even poured a few splatter marks on her shorts for good measure. One of her eyes was dark red, the result of the costume contact she’d spent a good five minutes wrestling into place.

Seeing her friend’s reaction, she laughed and gave a little fist pump. “Awesome! I had to watch a lot of online videos to apply this stuff right, but it was worth it to get those screams.”

Recovering her composure, Sweetie Belle rested her hand on her chest and walked over to for a closer look. “Well, I must admit, it is a pretty effective look.”

“I’m guessin’ this is from one of those movies we wouldn’t let you drag us to?” Apple Bloom asked.

“And that was your loss,” Scootaloo said with a nod. “I love what both of you did this year, but guys, come on: tonight needs some good scares too.”

“There’s scares an’ then there’s outright nausea,” Apple Bloom said, but she had to admit, her friend got the heart of the holiday better than they ever could. Every year she found some creepy new costume, even as Apple Bloom started going kookier and Sweetie Belle going more… eye-catching.

While Scootaloo’s mind was already wandering to the elaborate zombie getup she wanted to try next year, Rarity bent down to take a closer look herself.

“My, my, what a gruesome style we have going this year,” the older unicorn said. Her hands went by her face in mock terror as she leaned in for a closer look. She smiled and nodded. “Impressive makeup work, you really used your reds well. You’ll certainly give the boys a fright tonight. Scare them all right off if you’re not careful.”

“So long as a certain one sticks around, she’ll be okay.” Sweetie grinned.

“An’ I think he’s gonna be into this look,” Apple Bloom said with a nod. “I’ve seen his shirt collection. Those two are on the same wavelength.”

“Yesssss,” Rarity placed an arm around Scootaloo’s blood-free shoulder and steered the pegasus into the outer room. “I have been meaning to ask about that.”

The boutique was closed and empty, but the activity of the street outside could be clearly seen through the shop windows. Rarity and Scootaloo headed for the counter while the other girls gathered the rest of their things in preparation for heading out.

Leaving Scootaloo on one side, Rarity rounded the till, put her elbows on the counter and her hands under her chin, and stared down. She smiled sweetly. “Sooooo… how ever are things going with our dear green friend? I’m asking because I’m both terribly curious myself and because I know certain friends of mine are simply too… skittish to ask themselves.”

Scootaloo chuckled and rubbed her head. “Well, uh… Spike’s cool. I like him a lot, we’re hanging out a lot, going out a lot, uh… we’re holding hands when we’re together, so that’s something.”

“Any official… titles to things yet? A relationship status, as it were?”

“No, no, nothing like that, but, um… I mean, maybe? Almost?”

Rarity thought for a moment. “Do you like him?”

“Oh sure.”

“I mean, like him like him?”

“Mmmmm… definitely.”

“Nice to be around?”


“Brightens your day?”

“Every time.”

“Good kisser?”

“Well he’s getting bett- hey!”

Rarity giggled and waved her off while Scootaloo turned beet red. “Sounds very promising indeed. Now! All of you! In front of me now, it’s briefing time!”

She snapped her fingers and watched the teens assemble in front of her. She loomed tall behind the counter. Her face grew less jovial, and she narrowed her eyes.

“Listen up girls. Despite what you all seem to think at your age, adults aren’t totally oblivious, and we have some idea of what all the teenagers get up to tonight, or at least try to get up to. And Sweetie, I have no idea how you talked mom into letting you stay out as late as you want, because goodness knows that was a luxury never afforded to me at your age.”

“Well maybe I’m just such a good little girl that mom trusts me more.” Sweetie smiled innocently and clasped her hands together.

Rarity sighed and continued. “Well, as the last responsible adult you’re likely to talk to tonight, I bring a message from a mother, a sister, and two aunts respectively: You’re all very smart. Please act like it tonight. Whatever party you’re headed off to and whatever shenanigans you’re planning on getting involved with, do try to keep your minds active and working the whole time. I don’t need to tell you to look out for each other, I know that’s a given, but look out for everypony around you too. Goodness knows not everypony out there is as responsible as you three are.”

The teens shifted in place, trying their hardest to look as respectable as their reputation apparently suggested.

Letting her expression soften slightly, Rarity leaned forward. “And as advice that’s me speaking from a lot of experience: Whatever alcoholic drinks that, of course, aren’t going to be around you tonight, don’t get crazy with them. Best case scenario you’ll find yourself puking all over somepony’s lawn. Should whatever drugs that certainly aren’t going to get passed around make their way to you, just don’t bother, because you will have a real bad time with them. Ponies your age only have access to garbage. And especially whatever boy tries to get you to go inspect his costume in the bathroom… well, that one hopefully needs nothing further. If one of your homes gets a knock on the door from the police at four in the morning, your weekend is only going downhill from there, believe me.”

She stared into the distance for a moment. The girls glanced at one another. After a moment, Rarity shook her head.

“So act smart, know your limits, and above all, just have fun tonight!” She clapped her hands together. “Nightmare Night only comes once a year, do make it count!”

“We’re gonna try.” Scootaloo grinned and high-fived her friends at the same time.

Rarity nodded, grabbed her purse, and they all headed for the store’s front door.

“Where are you goin’ tonight, Rarity?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Oh, I’m off to a group dinner with some other designer friends,” Rarity said as she locked up the store. “And then after that I’ll be spending the long night hours at Pinkie’s place with your sister and everypony else we all know. Where I imagine I’ll be doing what I do at Pinkie’s Nightmare Night party every year.”

“Dance a lot, flirt with cute guys, and end up getting completely shitfaced with Rainbow Dash and Pinkie?” Sweetie Belle said with a snigger.

Rarity tapped her nose. “Bullseye. And watch your mouth, young lady. Now I’m off. You all have every phone number you could possibly need, so use them if you need them, and I’ll see you all tomorrow to tell me all about whatever you get up to.”

Giving them all one final look of encouraging suspicion, Rarity turned and quickly disappeared into the crowd. The teens giggled as she departed.

All around them, costumed groups were moving in every direction. Decorations lined every storefront, creating a black and orange mosaic that stretched down every street. Groups of little kids giggled with delight as they worked their way towards their meticulously planned trick-or-treat routes. The mood of the town was an excited one.

Scootaloo took a deep breath and smiled. “Aaaaah, can’t beat this kind of atmosphere. Everypony in town gets into the swing of things.”

“Definitely makes it easier to have a good time tonight,” Sweetie said. She quickly smoothed down part of her dress that had folded wrong. “Oooh, really can’t wait to get to the party and show off our costumes.”

Apple Bloom glanced at her phone. “Come on, we gotta get goin’. The house is a bit of a walk from here.”

“Yup, don’t wanna be late,” Scootaloo said. The three took off down the street, dodging through the mob as best they could. She pulled her phone out. “Let me text Spike, make sure they’re all on their way. Can’t waste a minute tonight!”

[You here yet???]
[This party aint waiting!!]


[At last]
[We’re out back]

Spike snapped his phone shut and slipped it back into his pocket. They were at that very moment standing on the stoop of Laid Back’s house. The modest McMansion was placed prominently at the end of its respective street, just far enough away from any nearby houses to feel totally self contained. Perfect for a battalion of high schooler seniors to invade for a night.

The sun was barely setting. They knocked on the front door.

The thumping music and sounds of conversation inside told them things were well underway. And also that nobody could hear them. Spike pounded again, much harder this time, and a skeleton opened the door.

“Aaayyyyy, Spike! Button!” A grinning skull waved them inside. “Welcome! Glad you guys could make it.”

“Hey Rumble,” Spike said as he walked in. “Good work on the costume.”

Besides the skull face paint, Rumble had on a black long-sleeve shirt and tight black pants, with bright white bones printed along every surface. The two shared a fist bump. “Thanks. Some cool girls in the makeup department were happy to help. Wait until you see me under a blacklight. Didn’t have time for the wings unfortunately, so y’all will have to imagine bones on the black. And you two, we got a nice Gedi Warrior and an… office worker?”

Button’s Galaxy Wars robe, however simple, was still distinctive enough and he smiled, doing the film series’ iconic hand gesture along with it.

Spike was in black pants, a white collared shirt, and a red tie. The only other prop was a small nametag, white text on red plastic, which read “4E-ELECTRONICS: Sunrise - Sales Associate”.

He rolled his eyes and shook his head.

Can’t believe nobody gets this. I showed Button this movie. He liked it!

Rumble shrugged. “Featherweight with you guys?”

“Nah, he’s out of town,” Button said. “Some family thing over in Fillydelphia. Left for the train after school yesterday and won’t be back until Monday. Gonna spend tonight at his cousin’s party over there.”

“Hey, so long as he’s having a good time somewhere.” Rumble gestured them both inside. “Anyway, come on in, let me show you around.”

He led them through the entryway to the small foyer. A staircase headed up in front of them and open doorways led in every direction. He pointed through one of them. “Living room is the dance floor. Somepony hooked up their ePod to the speakers. Dunno who, but it’s a pretty good playlist so far. Den downstairs is the chill space, all bedrooms are off limits, bathrooms are scattered around, every other room is fair game. Lotta folks out in the backyard, too, including some girls I think you know.”

He winked at Spike, who stuck his tongue out in return. All around them, dozens upon dozens of teenagers dressed in a variety of costumes conversed, danced, drank, and generally partied the night away. A few recognized Spike and exchanged hellos as he walked by. He reflexively high fived a pony dressed as a banana, even though he had no idea who it was. The fruit didn’t seem to mind and went right on drinking.

Walking through an archway brought them into the dining room. The extended wooden table that dominated the center of the room was covered in open pizza boxes, a few smaller boxes of tofu sliders, bowls filled with chips and pretzels, and even a few fruit bowls. A veritable feast for all.

“Grab whatever you want,” Rumble said. “I’d get the pizza early, that ain’t gonna last. But first, most important, we gotta make a stop in the kitchen. You guys are noticeably drinkless.”

It was true. Everyone else at the party was holding a colored cup. Whatever drinking culture that did exist at Ponyville High was out in force tonight.

Rumble ushered them through a nearby doorway into what seemed to be the most crowded room in the house. Besides being packed with teens, cooking appliances, and a cornucopia of half-empty cups, cans, and bottles stacked on every surface, the side of the room was dominated by a large folding table pushed against the wall. Atop it was a large spread of just about every drink that anyone there could really want, along with multiple stacks of colored cups.

A griffon wearing a fuzzy shark-themed kigurumi was busy pouring herself a drink from a green bowl. She turned and locked eyes with Spike. A big smile broke on her face.

Spike! Hey there!” In one smooth motion she hopped over and gave the dragon a big hug. His eyes bulged as she squeezed him as hard as she could.

“...little tight Gabby,” Spike was able to get out. She quickly released him and gave a sheepish smile.

She hasn’t hugged me like that in forever. Guess I was overdue.

“Whoops, sorry. Lotta punch tonight, got me amped. So happy to see you here though! I feel like I hardly see you at school at all anymore, you’re not in the library at lunch anymore. And don’t say we see each other in class, that doesn’t count and you know it.”

Spike smiled. Gabby wasn’t in nearly as many classes with him this year as in the past, but they were longtime classmates and friends, not to mention his current lab partner in chemistry. He should’ve been seeing her more and he knew it.

“Yeah, sorry, I’m kinda… all over the place right now. Having a good time tonight?”

“Oh totally, it’s early but things are good. And hey Button! What’s up?” She waved at the other pony, who had been standing quietly just behind Spike the whole time.

“Just hanging, you know, being cool, doing… cool things.” Button gave an awkward pair of finger guns. Gabby and Rumble laughed. “Hey, has anypony seen this Laid Back guy? I’ve never met him.”

Gabby and Rumble shook their heads.

“He’s around somewhere, but to be honest, I don’t know him either,” Gabby said. “I came here with friends, I think they know him.”

“I’m sure he’ll turn up. Meanwhile, I’m just bringing these two to the watering hole,” Rumble said. “Wanna give them the rundown? I’ve done it twice tonight already.”

“Ooooh, my pleasure.” Gabby turned and waved a hand over the table, starting with a gesture to the green bowl she’d been drinking from. It was filled halfway with a dark red liquid, complete with ladle. Surrounding it were a seemingly endless amount of fresh soda cans and two-liter cola bottles. “Okay, so, LB coded things for their, uh, level of intensity. Stick to the cup color that matches the bowl, it’ll make life easier. Green bowl: fruit punch, homemade and sugary as cuss, so watch yourself, you’ll be buzzing after two cups. Also the usual suspects of sodas and whatnot for whoever wants something nice and basic.”

With a flourish, she brought them to the middle of the table. The centerpiece of the whole kitchen spread was the huge metal beer keg sitting right smack in the middle of the table. Large strips of yellow duck tape had been slapped onto it. Stacks of yellow plastic cups surrounded the nozzle. Below it on the floor, a large yellow cooler sat open, stuffed with ice and practically overflowing with a random assortment of beer bottles and cans. “Yellow is beer, naturally. Don’t know what’s in the keg or how LB got it. Supposedly he’s got a spare ready to go when this one’s empty, but nobody’s seen it. The cooler has a mix of… well, whatever anyone was able to scrounge up. I don’t drink so I don’t know what’s good.”

“Keg’s got Batty Light.” Rumble took a drink from his yellow cup. “Tastes about as good as this stuff can, I think.”

Gabby giggled. “And finally, the red bowl.”

She pointed to the bowl at the end of the table. It was by far the smallest one, barely a third the size of the punch bowl, and still mostly full. A strange, somewhat brown, mostly clear liquid was pooled inside. A few empty bottles with labels nobody could read were sitting nearby.

“Whatever real hard stuff is here, it’s in there. I think LB got the recipe from his older sister. He calls it Firestarter. No idea what the ingredients are, and everyone who’s tried it has made it about half a cup before puking. But then they go back for more, so, you know, must be something to it.”

Spike leaned in and took a whiff. The hard liquor fumes seeped hard into his nose and fried them like a bad fuse. He winced and backed up. “I think I’d burn the house down if I took a drink of that.”

Rumble chuckled. “Yeah, that one is for dudes looking to get properly fucked up. So I’ll at least wait until after midnight to take a crack.”

Spike smiled and reached for a yellow cup. The keg filled it quickly. He didn’t drink particularly often, but when the situation called for it, he found he could enjoy it just fine.

Button watched him, took a breath, and filled a cup of his own. Spike frowned.

Huh, first time he’s gone for more than just punch.

“Gonna be okay?” Spike leaned in and whispered. “I mean, have you ever even-”

Button waved him off. “Relax, I got this, it’s fine. Gotta start sometime, right?”

He took a breath and then a big sip. His face made a variety of expressions as he forced it down. “...smooth.”

“That’s the spirit, dude!” Rumble slapped Button on the back, causing the pony to nearly choke on his next sip. He laughed and the two steered themselves towards the backyard door.

Gabby sidled next to Spike as he calmly drank his cup.

“Soooooo, Spike, how, uh… how are… things?”

“Huh? Oh, uh, good! Real good, yeah, everything’s going pretty good right now I think. Only stress is class stress.”

Well that’s just not true, why’d I say that.

Spike quickly took another drink and started walking towards the back door. “How about you? Sorry I haven’t been keeping up, been, uh, pretty distracted this last month.”

“Oh I got nothing, just, same old same old peppy me, doing my thing.” Gabby kept a quick pace with him. “I’m sorry I haven’t been seeing much of you, too, because there was, uh, well, something I kinda wanted to, well…”

She trailed off for a moment as they stepped into the backyard.

A large concrete patio stretched back to a well-maintained lawn. A small tool shed was the only structure. String lights ran along the fence, giving lots of illumination to the teens massed back there. To one side a table had been set up for beer pong, and a large and rambunctious group was huddled around it. Besides them, a good twenty ponies were all scattered about in small clumps, all chatting away. A few pegasi flapped around overhead, tossing a ball back and forth and more than once coming dangerously close to flying right into someone’s head, if not the side of the house.

“That is, something I’ve been meaning to ask you, for, well, a while…” Gabby continued on. Spike turned to her.

“Yeah? What’s up?” he asked. She sputtered, her eyes fixed with his.

She’s acting goofy again. Been doing this a lot in class lately. Wonder what’s up. Hopefully nothing’s wrong.

A member of a nearby cluster looked over and waved. A familiar voice shouted out.

“Spike! Over here!”

Spike waved back and led Gabby over to the group. Button was already there with Rumble, chatting away with Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo.

Scootaloo let out a long whistle as they walked up. “Sunrise of the Dead, good choice, love that movie.”

“Ooooh, that’s what it’s from,” Button said, eyes going wide with recognition.

“I keep meaning to watch that one,” Rumble said with a shrug.

Spike was aghast. “It’s a classic! Scootaloo never showed it to you? Genuinely shocked to hear that.”

“I tried! A lot!” Scootaloo said defensively. “That boy just will not give an inch for anything with zombies in it, even funny ones.”

Rumble nodded. “It’s true. Don’t trust zombies. Too shifty for me, too bitey. Very aggressive vibes.”

“Gonna have to tie you down one of these days and force it on you,” Scootaloo said.

Rumble grinned. “See, if you’d opened with the tying part, it would’ve happened a long time ago.”

Scootaloo laughed and slapped Rumble on the butt, which made him laugh in turn. Spike felt a strange emotional twinge somewhere in his gut, one he couldn’t place right away but which he knew he didn’t like. He forced it down.

“Sunrise of the Dead… I liked that one, I think,” Apple Bloom said, steering the topic back. “Kinda hard to remember, it’s been a while.”

“I liked everything except the crazy violence at the end,” Sweetie said. “That’ll always stay Scootaloo’s thing.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever heard of it,” Gabby said, a little too quietly for anyone to hear. She was edged near the outside of the group.

Spike could only shake his head. He looked up and down Scootaloo, properly taking her costume in for the first time. Her bloody makeup really glistened in the light. “Really good Camp Crystal Lake costume here. I wanna say… Part VI?”

Scootaloo laughed and gave him a fist bump. “Got an eye for quality, this one! I like that in a boy.”

My favorite one of the series. That’s nice. Did I tell her that? Would it matter?

Her friends rolled their eyes simultaneously.

“He would get that,” Sweetie sighed.

“It’s not that hard, it’s the only one in the series where the camp is actually, like, open for business. I forget the name of this specific character, she gets a machete in the neck in the supply shed, right?”

“I’m not even sure she has a full name. Didn’t live long enough to get one. Been planning this costume for a while, glad it’s working. Been getting great looks all night.”

I’ll say. You look amazing in those shorts…

“You know, my backup costume was gonna be Silent Grove himself,” Spike said, somewhat awkwardly. “Got a real good replica mask back at home. Sitting on my bed right now, in fact, I kinda chose last minute to go with this instead.”

“Wait, isn’t that the main bad guy for those movies? With the hockey mask?” Sweetie Belle’s eyes went wide. “So you two really could’ve had matching costumes!”

“Awww, dude, that would’ve been cool! Should’ve gone with it!” Scootaloo playfully punched Spike in the arm.

“Eh, I didn’t want to have a mask on all night,” Spike said. “Gets in the way of, you know, general party merriment.”

“Among other things,” Scootaloo said with a grin. She leaned up and gave Spike a nice smooch. He had a hunch it was coming, and the two enjoyed the moment with a tight embrace.

The inevitable giggles around them eventually broke it off. Off in some other nearby group, Spike’s ears picked up a snigger directed at them. Maybe.

Did I hear anything at all?

He shook it off.

“Aww, don’t stop on our account,” Apple Bloom said.

“Cute couples doing cute couple things,” Button snorted and took another drink. His cup was nearly empty now.

Spike waved them off while Scootaloo leaned against him, gently grasping his hand. Spike turned to Gabby. “So Gabby, you wanted to… hey, are you okay?”

Gabby’s face was pale, her expression wiped out. She looked from Spike to Scootaloo and back again. “...sorry, I think I feel a little off… I gotta go find, uh, someone. Good seeing you all, see you around!”

She managed a friendly wave and quickly scurried back inside. The others watched her fleeing form and looked at Spike.

“What was that about?” asked Rumble.

Spike could only shrug. “No idea.”

Should talk to her later, really not sure what’s up.

“Well, anyway, we’re all here and we all look lovely!” Sweetie Belle said, clapping her hands in front of her. “Good friends on good costumes, the most important foundation for any Nightmare Night.”

“You really like my costume?” Button asked, his cheeks redding.

Sweetie smiled at him but didn’t directly respond. “Come on everypony, we’ve got a party to mingle through. Oh, and as we all know, one of us has an ulterior motive here to find a special somepony to start sharing some sparks with.”

Now it was Apple Bloom’s turn to get red cheeks. “Hey now, that’s not what I-”

“In fact I was talking about me,” Sweetie said, sticking her tongue out with a cheeky wink. “I dressed to impress to be a mare on a mission, thank you very much.”

“Wait, so what are you exactly?” Spike asked. He liked the outfit, though she was unique at that party for not dressing as a known famous pony or character or object.

“I’m a conversation starter,” Sweetie said with a wink.

“Sorry Rarity had to give you a chastity extension,” Scotaloo remarked, pointing to Sweetie’s slightly-more-covered flank. “How you gonna compete with those girls practically stripping inside with their costumes?”

“Ugh, don’t remind me. I saw Berry Sweet inside dressed as a cat, you’d think she was just wearing underwear and ears.” Sweetie tugged at her hems, but it was no use. If Rarity wanted her material a certain length, no force in the universe could tear it shorter. “Don’t think I’ve seen so many cutie marks outside of the locker room.”

Spike made a show of looking to the sky and whistling, not at all thinking about that setting in his head. Scootaloo laughed and gave him another playful punch on the arm, this one with slightly more oomph. Button just stared into his cup.

Sweetie composed herself and looked determined. “No matter. More than one way to be noticed at a party than dressing extra slutty. I’m just gonna crank up the charm. Hot boys will look my way tonight, count on it!”

Button coughed and hurriedly finished off his drink.

“Oh, I’ll take some help in that department, too,” Rumble said without a hint of embarrassment. “Anypony see anypony cute, send them to the skeleton. I’m covered in bones, can’t miss me.”

“Like you’ve got any trouble finding cute girls,” Button half muttered under his breath. The rest of the group winced slightly.

Rumble just laughed. “Oh yeah! Knew I was forgetting something. Button, let's take a walk, got a fun chat for you. Ladies, dude, see you all around.”

Taking Button by the shoulder, Rumble gently steered the younger pony off to a more secluded part of the yard, whispering into his ear the whole time.

“Glad he’s getting more comfortable telling folks,” Scootaloo said. “It’s been a struggle, but he’s working on it.”

“Really proud of him,” Apple Bloom said.

“A journey to be copied, perhaps?” Sweetie asked sweetly.

Apple Bloom pointed to her. “Hey, you find me a cute girl here, we’ll talk.”

“Working on it. For now, friends, I bid you all adieu. My social senses are hitting their cruising speed, and I’ve a shindig to dominate.”

Sweetie gave her head a little dip, and turned to walk further into the yard towards another group.

“I’m off too,” Apple Bloom said. “I wanna find some other friends of mine I know are here, an’ get another drink. Later you two.”

Apple Bloom tipped her massive hat and headed back inside. Spike and Scootaloo stood and enjoyed the crispness of the evening air. Their hands remained gripped tightly together.

“So…” Spike eventually said. He finished off his cup and tossed it towards the nearby trash can that had been dragged from the side yard. “Uh… what does one do at a party again?”

Scootaloo laughed and pulled him towards the beer pong table. “Come on, Sunrise. Time to properly socialize you.”

The moon rose. The party kicked into gear.

Spike proved surprisingly adept at beer pong, sinking shot after shot and making Scootaloo cackle with glee every time. Their team made short work of a pair of unicorns, despite their blatant attempt to magically cheat. No matter. That just cost them double shots, which drew no complaints.

Then they ventured back into the maw of it all.

Time passes in mysterious ways at a party. Conversations can feel like hours and be only minutes, or a single song on the dance floor can make half the night go by. The night went on, and the party grew. New groups arrived in clusters as the hours ticked by. A large contingent suddenly barged in around 11, apparently due to a different house party on the other side of town being shut down by some very uncool cops.

Despite the population growth, the party kept a calm flow. The drinks flowed, the laughter grew, the music swelled. The worst occurrences that sprang up were when someone accidentally spilled a drink on someone else. No big deal. What costume could really survive a proper Nightmare Night party anyway.

Good times leaked out the walls and into the street. The neighbors didn’t mind. It’s Nightmare Night. Everyone gets a pass on Nightmare Night.

Through it all, Spike and Scootaloo weaved in and out of the crowd, hand in hand. There was no set course and no destination. They just went where the vibes took them, stopping only to chat with friends or to head back to the kitchen for a drink refill. Spike’s first yellow cup led to two more, as well as a bottle selected at random from the cooler. Meanwhile Scootaloo put down four yellow cups herself. The two of them and Rumble even split one of the feared red cups, and it was all Spike could do not to puke it back up right there and then. Scootaloo got a big kick out of that, even if she didn’t fare much better on her turn.

Eventually, they found themselves on the dance floor. The room was packed. Standing room only and practically bulging out the walls. Someone had swapped out all the light bulbs in the room for black lights, giving a strong purple glow that lit up certain colors like flares while hiding others in shadows. EDM blasted out of a cobbled-together pile of speakers. It throbbed loud, a pulse cascading through the mass of swaying bodies.

Spike tried to protest that he didn't know how to dance. Scootaloo smiled and pointedly ignored him. She just dragged him right to the center, put her arms around his neck, moved in close with his around her hips, and moved him to the beat.

It was slow going at first, but he quickly found a rhythm. The buzz from all the drinks was kicking in. He laughed, and so did she. It was shoulder to shoulder and it was all either could do to avoid elbowing the pony dancing alongside. Thankfully Spike’s wings and tail got them as much of a pocket as they could. All around them everyone was dancing, some laughing, cheering, sometimes along with the song, other times just because someone else started it. Pounding hooves shook the house to its foundation.

They moved together, often clumsily, sometimes as one almost by accident, but the groove was their own and they were loving it. Their eyes were glued to each other. He leaned in and kissed her, and then kissed her again and again. Their lips stayed together longer each time. One tongue met another. All eyes shut tight now. They pressed against each other. Hands moved over each other's bodies, reaching, exploring. Nothing too risque, but then, still much more than either of them had ever really felt of one other.

An intimate moment sneaking its way into the herd. Spike felt a desire that, while far from unknown, was rearing up in a way he’d never truly experienced before. He could feel a white hot sun forming inside him, an intense heat that threatened to overwhelm him entirely.

He opened his eyes. Hers were half open as she looked at him. Her smile was slight, but it spoke volumes. A magical moment was there for them.

One that boiled over.

Right then and there, Spike’s mind rebelled.

He broke eye contact. Just for a moment. Why, he didn’t know and couldn’t say. Around him it was the same sea of dancers as it had been. Who knows how long they’d been there in the thick of it. Time was a total nonentity. The party rolled right along. And yet…

He thought he caught a glimpse. Just a few. Here and there, eyes watching them. Sometimes couples, sometimes groups of friends. Looking at them. Laughing. Whispering to each other. He even thought he saw someone point. At them? Was it him? Did he do something? Did Scootaloo?

What am I doing, there’s not… nobody is looking at us. Nobody cares. Why am… why aren’t I enjoying this. What’s wrong, what’s wrong, what’s wrong…

His pulse, already fast, was beating out of his chest. He was sweating, more than he had in weeks. He could feel drops sliding down his back and slicking his stomach. The butterflies in his stomach had morphed to hornets.

He looked back at Scootaloo. She was still smiling, but it fell off when she saw his face. She leaned in, close to his ear this time, and even with all the noise her voice got through to him clear as day.

“Are you okay?”

“I… I…”

Spike didn’t know what to say. What had just happened. What switched in his brain. His body wanted to fall apart.

What am I doing to myself, what’s wrong with me…

He gestured vaguely over his shoulder and smiled as best he could.

“Gotta take a quick break!” he said.

“Do you want me to come with you?” Concern was in her voice, even over the music.

“No! No, I… real fast break! Take a… bathroom! That, yeah!”

Scootaloo looked at him for a long moment. “...okay. I’ll be here when you come back.”

Spike wriggled his way out into the hall. Glancing behind him, he saw Scootaloo dancing peacefully to the music, just for a moment, before the other bodies swallowed her from sight.

Spike sighed. Through it all he had managed to work himself up into actually needing to pee, and he searched for a free bathroom. The ones downstairs were a lost cause with the lines around them, so he headed upstairs. Snippets of conversation flashed by with every step as he maneuvered his way through the throng. He drifted along, willing his pulse to return to normal and eavesdropping all along the way.

“...such a sick costume, wish I’d thought of that…”

“...believe that he said that to her? After all she does for him, she’s gotta dump his ass already…”

“...no, cops totally took it down, I heard it from my cousin, trust me. Found the stash under the TV. Party’s over, and ain’t no way Lightwave’s at school on Monday…”

“...too stupid to know better. Who even calls up and does that, I can’t believe…”

“...gotta be lighter fluid or something in this, couldn’t he just steal some vodka like anypony else would? Gonna get brain damage drinking it, I’m telling you. Anyway, give me another cup…”

“...don’t know what she expected, dressing like that. This party ain’t the place for a dyke to go fishing.”

That last one caught Spike’s attention, and he paused behind two girls he didn’t know, one unicorn and one earth pony. Each was dressed in a nurse outfit, though with how much skin was showing, the only real clue was the red cross hat on their heads and the stethoscope around their necks. The fishnet stockings certainly didn’t seem hospital safe.

“Hey, you can’t call her that, that’s not okay,” the earth pony said pointedly.

“It’s what she calls herself! I’m trying to be supportive,” the unicorn replied, hands up defensively.

They can say it, we can’t. We say lesbian. Or just gay. Or queer. I think. I don’t know the rules on that last one actually.”

“Whatever the case, coming to a Nightmare Night house party dressed as a scantily clad Little Green Galloping Hood is just gonna get a bunch of horny wolves circling her. I don’t know how many other dy- lesbians are here, but I don’t think they’re gonna stand a chance.”

Spike filed this one away and continued to the bathroom. Luckily the one at the top of the stairs was vacant.

Washing his hands after he did his business, he stared long and hard at himself in the mirror. A few beads of sweat still lingered on his forehead.

Get your shit together. What are you so anxious about? You were having a real nice time on the dance floor, probably the nicest you’ve ever had, and then… and then… you broke away and had a panic attack? What the hell! Where does that even… And then you imagined… nothing. Nothing at all.

He sighed. He thought about seeing her dance, and the feeling of eyes on them, and shook his head again.

Cut this out, you’re being weird and insecure. And you know you are, which means you can stop it. Be smart about this. She’s here with you and for you and… and that’s that.

He splashed some water on his face. He’d seen it done in the movies. All it managed to do was get his face wet. At least it dealt with the sweat.

He quickly dried off and stepped into the hall, where he nearly tripped over Button, who was slumped on the floor by the door.

“What the- Button? Are you okay?” Spike knelt down to check his friend over. Button’s eyes were a tad out of focus, but he otherwise seemed okay. Physically, at least. His expression told another story.

“...jush needed a momen ress,” Button slurred. Spike smelled the alcohol on his breath with every word.

Haven’t seen him in a bit. How many drinks has he had?

“...how’d you do it?” Button managed to ask. He was staring down the staircase in front of them.

The response “Do what?” was formed and ready on Spike’s tongue, but he caught himself. He followed Button’s eyes.

At the bottom of the stairs, leaning on the wall by the front door, Sweetie Belle was laughing and generally entertaining a small group around her. All guys, and fairly attractive ones at that. Each was subtly doing his best to keep Sweetie’s attention fixed on him and him alone.

Spike looked back at Button. A rather obvious brick crashed through a window in Spike’s brain.

…right, duh.

“Um… I mean, I just… did?” Spike knew how lame he sounded and tried again. He rested a hand on Button’s shoulder. “It’s just… I don’t know, it's not like a trick or anything. You really do just have to be direct and, well… talk to her. Tell her how you feel and, you know, what you want.”

“An if she didn like yoo back? Or jush… didn notice you at all?” Button finally turned and looked at Spike. A small tear was forming in his eye.

“You move on. There’s a whole other world out there, dude. You… you can’t get hung up on one girl.”

Spike spoke with determination. Button just grunted.

“Easy for you say,” he muttered under his breath. “It work fer you.”

A green wave started overtaking his face.

“Uh oh, gun throw up.” With surprising deftness, Button popped up, darted into the empty bathroom, and slammed the door shut. Spike tried the handle a few times, but the door was locked tight.

“Hey Button?” he called out. “You okay in there?”

The sound of active retching was the only reply he got.

“Well, just… stay in there, okay? I’m gonna come back and check on you in a bit.”

Not much else I can do for him now. Don’t feel like breaking the door down just yet.

Spike took a few steps downstairs, and stopped.

What are you doing, she’s waiting for you.

He turned around and went down the hallway instead, through the second floor landing. The doors up there, presumably all bedrooms, were shut and covered in caution tape in an effort to keep out snoopers. A window at the end of it fed out into a view of the side yard. Carefully climbing through it, he flapped his way up onto the roof. It seemed like the only place in the party he could really be alone with his thoughts.

Get back down there you idiot.

Three pegasi were huddled on the far corner of the roof, giggling and passing a joint back and forth. They turned and waved at Spike, one offering him a hit. He politely waved them off and headed to sit down at the roof’s edge.

For the second time that year, Spike sat alone and overlooked a party as it carried on below.

Even as the night grew colder, the backyard remained packed, likely by those seeking a break from the increasingly jammed house. Groups mingled and split off, ponies headed off to chat or drink or make out or, way at the back of the yard, very casually try to take a leak against the fence. Costumes were starting to feel the wear and tear of the party now, but everyone was still having a grand old time. The banana from before was laughing with some bowling pins. A whole host of superheroes were in a tight conference watching one of their number try to shotgun a beer. Spike even spotted Rumble and Apple Bloom chilling in some patio chairs, drinks in hand and deep in conversation.

Time passed. Spike sat and watched.

Suddenly, directly below him, there was a commotion. He looked down. Scootaloo had just walked out the back door and into the path of a group of girls. He couldn’t make out what they were saying, but the other girls started laughing, and Scootaloo tensed up. She smacked a drink out of the hand of the closest girl and stormed back inside, her fists balled up by her side. The girls just kept laughing and wandered away from the house.

…shit, I gotta see what that’s about.

Three quick flaps brought Spike down to ground level, only narrowly avoiding a tight group of inflatable dinosaurs trying to come out the back door. He hurriedly apologized as he pushed his way inside.

He couldn’t see Scootaloo anywhere in the crowded kitchen or surrounding hallway. Bumping his way through the partygoers, he nearly ran face first into a short unicorn dressed in a green hood and very tight, very revealing leotard. It took a little magic from her horn to keep her drink from spilling all over them.

“Whoa! Sorry, I didn’t… look, did you see an orange pegasus girl just come through here? Blood covered shirt for a costume?”

The unicorn turned and pointed to the closed bathroom door at the end of a hallway.

“Thanks.” Spike nodded and started to walk away. His mind tossed up a flag.


He turned. “Uh… are you supposed to be Little Green Galloping Hood?”

The girl raised an eyebrow but said nothing.

“I, uh, well, I heard that… look, here…”

Spike pointed out the kitchen window. Barely visible through the forrest of heads was Apple Bloom. Or at least, Apple Bloom’s hat and part of her eyes.

“You see that girl sitting out back? Red hair? Huge green hat? I think, uh, you should go say hi, because… you two have a lot to talk about. That is… uh, you two have something in common and, um… came here looking for the same thing?”

He tried to gesture with his hands but didn’t really know what to do. Luckily, a spark of recognition went across the girl’s face, and she smiled. She quickly finished off her drink and made a beeline for the backyard.

“Don’t tell her I sent you!” Spike called after her. He then turned and headed straight for the bathroom. Amazingly there was nobody else around it. He knocked once, twice, a third time. “Uh… Scootaloo? You in there?”

In one smooth motion, the door flung open, Scootaloo yanked him inside, and the door shut and bolted again.

It was a small, narrow bathroom. Toilet, sink, towel rack, and a standing shower half built into the wall. That’s it. The window on the wall was completely frosted, barely giving an indication of light or movement outside. Scootaloo paced back and forth in front of Spike, taking deep breaths and working to regain her composure.

Okay, so, this is something I gotta deal with, gotta ask the right question, don’t screw this up.

“Uh… is everything okay?” Spike asked.

“Yeah… no! It’s… ugh, it’s nothing,” Scootaloo said with a wave of her hand. “Just some girls saying stupid shit. I’ll get over it.”

She stopped and looked at Spike with more focus.

“But you! Where did you go? Are you okay?” She asked, more than a little annoyed.

“Yeah, I… I was up on the roof, I-”

“Up on the roof? What? Why?”

I need a break.

“I just… I needed a moment to, like, clear my head.”

“Uh-huh.” Scootaloo crossed her arms and took another breath. “Okay, dude, what’s going on? We were dancing and, I thought, having a real nice time and then you just, like, did a total 180 and ditched me.”

Spike stared and said nothing. His hands fidgeted, and he suddenly got extremely self conscious about where to hold them.

“Hey, come on, what’s wrong?” Scootaloo continued, her tone making an effort to remain inviting. “Did something happen? Did… did I do something wrong?”

“No! I mean, not… not really? I don’t think so? Maybe?”

Spike regretted the words as soon as he said them.

Scootaloo frowned, hurt. “Okay, so… what? I really need you to talk to me here, not do that thing where you stare into space or avoid the issue. Spell it out, tell me what’s up.”

Well I thought things were fine except now I keep getting this super weird feeling and I think it’s something to do with your past with other guys and I can see others looking at us or whispering behind our backs and I don’t know what it all means and I’m feeling what is probably a ton of insecurity or maybe even jealousy and I don’t know what to do about it without making you mad or saying the wrong thing but I still need to know because it’s driving me up the wall-

“I just…” Spike tried, took a moment, and tried again. “I guess I just got really… lost? In the moment? And it felt like everyone was staring at us and also I know it’s probably nothing but I had this really weird encounter with Star Rush at school today and-”

“FUCK!” Scootaloo’s sudden outburst made Spike jump.

She paced back and forth, fuming under her breath. “That no good sack of… what did he say? Was it… what?”

Okay we gotta clear this air.

“Did something happen? Between you two? Something that everyone else in school seems to already know about?”

“Look, that’s not… that’s none of your business.”

“Uh, actually, it kind of is.” Spike spoke like he suddenly found his footing. “Because now I got a lot of guys who seem to want to make it my business.”

“That still doesn’t-”

“You wanted me to talk to you, you gotta do the same back!”

I can already guess the answer, why am I doing this to her.

Scootaloo threw her hands up in frustration. “Fine! Star and I hooked up! We were at a party and I drank too much and so did he and we went and I blew him in a bathroom! It was a stupid thing to do but sometimes I do stupid things and it happened and I can’t change that and ever since it happened every single pony at this school has apparently made it their mission to never ever let me forget it! There, now you know, hope you’re feeling satisfied.”

Scootaloo stood back and fumed, glaring at him.

That’s not the feeling, nope.

Spike thought for a moment. At once, memories he’d mostly forgotten came rushing back. He pressed on. “Was this… that party at the end of August? At Goldenrod’s place?”

“That’s right, you were there, weren’t you.” She looked at him and sighed. “Didn’t stay very long, if I remember right.”

“Yeah, I… dunno how I ended up at that party in the first place.”

I wanted to talk to you.

Scootaloo snorted. “At least you were getting out more.”

“Yeah, well, then I… did what I always do, and felt out of place and left early.”

Because you were tight with all those guys and dancing with them and I figured I didn’t have a chance and would just be bothering you and got a headache and had to get out of there.

“Probably saw me grinding away on the dance floor with Star.”

Him and a few others.

“Wasn’t exactly a sight to cherish.”

Scootaloo leaned against the shower door and slid down until she was sitting on the floor, her hand rubbing her forehead.

Great, made her feel like shit, real good job, fantastic use of the situation, A+ work there Spike.

Spike rubbed his hands together. “I’m… I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have made you-”

“You didn’t make me do anything,” Scootaloo snapped. She collected herself, and softened her voice again. “Also, no, it’s… it’s okay. We’re a couple, this is a thing to talk about. It had to come up eventually anyway.”

She stared into space for a long while. Spike had a vivid realization at how often he did that when talking to her, or to others, or just in general.

“Well, I’m not sorry,” she finally said. “I mean, I’m sorry I did it with him, because he’s a huge asshole who wasn’t worth it, but I’m not gonna apologize for being as dumb and horny as everypony else around here. Probably some happy couple going at it upstairs right now. That’s high school, Spike. It’s what we all want to do when we’re not alone, or at least we really really try.”

Spike had no response. Even the idea of sex didn’t enter his mind much. That was something that happened to others. Simply not a concept in his life… until, suddenly, recently, he realized how very much it was an important component of serious relationships. And something he is going to have to contend with, probably sooner rather than later.

He’d been grappling with this train of thought ever since.

Tired of standing over her, Spike knelt and leaned against the cabinet under the sink, directly across from Scootaloo. In the tight space their knees were slightly overlapping.

“I’m not… mad, or anything,” Spike said.

“You’d have no right to be,” Scootaloo replied.

“I know that. I don’t… I don’t care that you, like… did stuff with another guy before me.”

Scootaloo bit back a laugh. “‘Did stuff’. Wow, Spike… okay, I am sorry there, I just…”

“I’ve never done anything with anyone,” Spike practically blurted out.

No shit, who doesn’t know that.

“I know Spike,” Scootaloo said, as gently as she could. “Well, I have. Lost my virginity with Rumble.”


“Only did it with him once. It was… awkward. That’s kinda what really helped him figure out he was gay, so…” Scootaloo could only shrug. “Hooray for him, I guess. Meanwhile, I had a boyfriend for a nice long while, eventually broke up, and then hooked up once a few short months later, so everyone just started connecting their own dots and now I’ve got the reputation as the biggest slut in school who banged half the flight team. Doesn’t matter if that’s not true. Doesn’t matter if I hardly did anything at all, or that lots of other girls have done a lot more, I’m still the one ponies look at and whisper about and write shitty messages about in the bathroom.”

“And those girls in the yard just now?”

Scootaloo nodded. “Okay it’s rare for, like somepony to actually say something to my face, but they were pretty drunk. Hopefully they’ll forget it all tomorrow. Ugghhh…”

She slapped the wall in frustration. “And there’s nothing I can really do about it. I ignore it as best I can but, well, here I am. I am this close to just taking a bat and beating the shit out of Star. And don’t think I couldn’t.”

The grim determination that worked into her voice surprised Spike.

Whoa… she can be really scary when she wants to be.

“Okay that’s mostly a joke, but, still… ugh…” Scootaloo trailed off in a long groan. “Fuck, my head hurts. And I didn’t even drink that much tonight.”

Spike frowned. “Why’s Star doing this? Seems like he’s the epicenter for all the gossip. Can’t imagine you’re the only girl he’s been with.”

Scootaloo snorted. “Probably because I’m the only girl who didn’t treat him like a stud afterward. And then started dating some nice geeky guy who he really has it out for.”

Yeah he does. Good thing him and his crew decided to go somewhere else tonight.

“Anyway, fuck him, he graduates in eight months and probably will get some bullshit flight scholarship that’ll take him far away and I’ll never see him ever again. And… I do all I can to just, like, keep living my life and not let everything get to me.”

She hung her head again. Spike slumped his shoulders. They sat on the bathroom floor, listening to the thumping sounds of music and chatter from just outside the door.

“Except…” Scootaloo said slowly, “It is getting to me. It really, really is. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, they run interference and tell me not to worry and I know it’s all bullshit that’ll blow over but it is still exhausting to deal with it. Especially so fast! That party was barely two months ago! It’s like the worst case of emotional whiplash you can think of and it’s coming at me from ponies I don’t like to deal with and ponies I don’t even know and who certainly don’t know me! And with it comes the worry that every guy who even approaches me just wants to get a piece, and…”

She trailed off. Her eyes glanced pointedly at Spike.

He stared right back. “Scootaloo, I… I’m not here just to get in your pants.”

“I know! I know, I do, I just…” Scootaloo sighed. “Look, with this reputation, I gotta… I just got this little voice, waaaaaaay in the back of my head, that was saying, like, ‘Oh he’s just talking to you because he thinks you’re easy’ and I, well, I don’t want that to be the case with you. And I know it isn’t. But… you asked me out only a few weeks after all that started, so…”

Spike mulled this over. “When I asked you out, I had no idea about any of this. Never heard a word. That stuff doesn’t filter to me, I guess.”

“Benefits of a loner lifestyle.” Scootaloo gave a weak chuckle.

“I guess. But I mean… like, I know why you’re with me, and that you like me, and all that other good stuff that we’ve talked about, I guess, I just, I wanna know…”

He trailed off, searching for the words. Scootaloo thought for another moment.

“Spike, do you think I agreed to go out with you just because I thought you were harmless?” she asked.

“Did you?”

“I mean… maybe a little.”

Spike nodded. “Well, did you think I wanted to go out with you because I thought you were easy?”

“Honestly, no. And even if I did think that somewhere in my head, I still would’ve said yes.”

“I don’t think me knowing anything any sooner would’ve changed me asking you either… I think that sentence made sense. Sorry, I’m a bit buzzed here.”

“No worries, I gotcha.”

They smiled weakly at each other.

A pounding on the bathroom door interrupted the moment.

“YO! Is whoever’s in there done already? Some other ponies out here gotta go!”

FUCK OFF!” Scootaloo shouted. She reached for the nearest thing at hand to toss at the door, which happened to be a can of air freshener. It bounced and clattered loudly, sending whoever was on the other side of the door scurrying away.

A brief pause, and then Spike laughed. Scootaloo joined him, the momentary levity a good break for them both.

“Anyway…” Scootaloo started as she stopped giggling, “It’s just those two. That I’ve done anything sexual with, I mean. Just Rumble and Star, and just those two times, total. And I… I don’t think I wanna… do anything else. For the foreseeable future. So… nothing with you, I mean. You didn’t do, like, anything to, uh, put me off, nothing like that, it’s all me. Right now sex just… I think it’d put me in a real bad headspace. I’m sorry.”

Spike shook his head at her. “No, please, please don’t apologize. You didn’t do anything wrong. And to be honest, well… I don’t think I’m ready to do anything with anyone anyway. Including you. Not yet.”

Is that true? Am I saying that to make her feel better? I was getting pretty antsy before, wasn’t I? What do I want here?

Scootaloo flashed another smile. “I’ll be ready again, someday.”

Spike returned it. “I hope I’m ready then, too.”

Scootaloo shifted over, rotating around until she was sitting next to Spike. She leaned over, resting her head on his shoulder. They clasped hands, letting a familiar feeling of comfort and security wash over both of them.

Spike sighed, very quietly. He didn’t even realize he did it. Scootaloo still picked up on it.

“Hey Spike… anything else bugging you? You just… still seem down, a lot, in general, outside of… everything we were just talking about,” she asked softly. “What’s up?”

Spike thought long and hard.

So the truth is I’m a weirdo loser dork who likes keeping to himself and also somehow got the super hot girl he likes to like him back and now I’ve stumbled into some kind of actual romantic relationship and things are going well and maybe it’s even becoming something more serious and I feel great around you and so happy and you’re the best thing that ever happened to me and I really can’t believe you’re here and I am so far out of my depth and that means I’m so scared of finding some way to fuck this all up and I can’t make sense of this and I’m trying my absolute hardest not to take the easy way out and cut and run and why can’t I just say these words to you right now because I don’t want you to worry because holy shit you can do better than me and you’ve got so much more important stuff than me to worry about and even after everything you just now said I can’t stop feeling insecure and even a little jealous and now I’m thinking I’ve somehow fooled you into being happy around me and I don’t deserve you at all and this isn’t going to work none of this is going to work I can’t keep this up I can’t-

“Nothing,” Spike said.

Scootaloo studied his face closely. “...nothing?”

“Nothing. I mean, nothing besides… just general stress.”

“You’re always generally stressed.”


“Well… I hope me being with you makes you less stressed.” She turned her head and kissed him on the cheek. “You make me less stressed, that’s for sure.”

Spike turned and looked at her. The two shut their eyes and kissed again, tenderly, Spike reaching over to rub her cheek.

“One thing,” Scootaloo said when their lips finally broke contact. “Please, for me… no more just flying off when you get too, like, lost in your own head or something. Take me with you. Let me help you. I’d want the same from you for me. We don’t gotta do any of this alone.”

No way I can promise that. But can I try?

“...okay,” Spike said with a nod. He looked down and adjusted his name tag, which had been awkwardly poking him in the chest. “Sorry I… kinda ruined Nightmare Night for you.”

“Pfft, please,” Scootaloo said, shaking him off. “This party’s been great, and one rough talk isn’t gonna change that. Especially since it kinda seems to have helped things?”

…yeah, I think so.

Scootaloo reached into her pocket and checked her phone. “Besides, it’s 12:20. Nightmare Night was yesterday. Whole new day now.”

“Lucky us.” The two of them stood up. As they did, Spike noticed Scootaloo’s blood makeup smeared onto the counter behind them, as well as the shower door she had initially been leaning on. Red streaks dripping down onto the tile and for all intents and purposes looking like someone had gotten slashed real bad.

“Uhhhh… should we clean this up?” he asked.

“Nah, fits the aesthetic.” Scootaloo looked down at Spike and grinned. “You got red on you.”

Spike checked his shirt and saw the fake blood smeared on it. “Fitting.”

He reached for the door handle and paused. They both looked at the bathroom door and tensed up. The same thought entered both their minds.

Yeah, probably wouldn’t help matters if everyone sees us coming out of here together after being locked in for so long.

As one, they turned and looked at the window. Frosted though it was, it could be opened, and let out into the small side alley between the backyard and the front of the house.

“...think your wings can fit?” Scootaloo asked.

Eventually, all parties wind down.

The food table was picked down to crumbs. The drinks were completely exhausted, not to mention the table itself broken in half after one particularly inebriated unicorn’s failed attempt to do a keg stand on top of it. Even the music playlist had reached the songs that everyone was tired of hearing.

So it goes. The fatigue, however unwelcome, was inevitable.

Plus, at some point, every teen in attendance knew their parents might start to actually wonder what they were up to at half past one in the morning, regardless of whether or not there was school to get up for when the sun came up.

Out in the yard, Scootaloo and Spike were chilling in a small circle of chairs. They’d been there ever since Spike managed to wiggle his way out the bathroom window and sneak back into the house. He took a quick trip upstairs to find Button passed out in the hall, after having emptied his stomach contents into the bathroom sink. After some thorough checking to be sure he was alright, and then some careful maneuvering, he was able to deposit his friend into a chair directly behind his outside to sleep it off, and get himself back to socializing.

It had been a rotating order of friends stopping by ever since, all having pleasant conversations about nothing at all, and at this late hour it was Sweetie Belle who finally wandered over and flopped into a chair.

“Well!” she said dramatically, “I do believe I am quite spent.”

Scootaloo eyed her smeared lipstick and extra-ruffled dress. “Have a nice night then?”

“Ah ah ah, I know that look. I was a proper lady with polite gentlemen all night, thank you very much… of course, as my sister might say, a lady must still test certain attributes.” She gave a small wink.

Scootaloo smirked and took a drink of soda.

“Got a weekend of activities lined up now,” Sweetie continued. “Date with Dew Drop tomorrow- or rather, tonight? Whatever, he’s first, then Spring Step on Saturday, and finally… well, somepony on Sunday. Can’t remember who. But it’s fine, he’ll text me.”

“I hope they all know they’re part of a package deal,” Rumble said as he walked over and took another seat.

“Such are the rules of the game,” Sweetie said.

“Wait, I thought you already dated Spring Step before,” Spike said, looking up and scratching his chin, trying to remember.

“Everypony deserves a second chance.”

“I’ll bet,” Rumble said, sticking his tongue out at her.

“Well, how about you, Mr. Cool Bones,” Sweetie asked. “Have any luck tonight, or a total strike out?”

Rumble grinned and sheepishly threw his hands up in the air. “I never even made it to the batter’s box. Lots and lots of hot guys here tonight, and they all had one thing on their mind: all you cute girls.”

The others laughed. Scootaloo leaned over and patted her ex on the head.

“Buck up, champ,” she said. “There’s always other parties.”

Out of the darkness from the back of the yard, Apple Bloom wandered forward, large hat in hand. She calmly sat down, a blank look on her face.

“Howdy, y’all,” she said. The others looked at her closely. A small mark on her neck caught Rumble’s attention first.

“Why my dear little pony…” He leaned in for a closer look. “I do believe you’ve got yourself a hickey.”

They all looked back to where she’d just come from. The mysterious pony in the green hood was wandering out, straightening her leotard. She blew a kiss Apple Bloom’s direction as she walked past and headed inside.

Apple Bloom had a terrible poker face. Her cheeks turned bright red as her friends collectively started to hoot and holler.

“Somepony found somepony!” Sweetie practically sang. “My social sense has been in overdrive all night because of the party, but I knew I detected a little spicy twang in there.”

“It’s nothin’, she’s just… a nice girl I may have met,” Apple Bloom managed to say. “An’ we had a whole lot to… talk about.”

“Spill the details, sister.” Scootaloo pointed at her friend. “I wanna hear everything, start to finish. Like… who the heck even was that?”

Spike said nothing. He just smiled and drank his cup of the last fruit punch in the house.

The conversation flowed on. Teasing, pseudo-saucy details, and a fine flowing camaraderie kept them occupied until phones started dinging. 2AM had arrived. Whatever passed for a curfew that night was gonna be in effect soon.

Time for goodbyes, farewells, and See You Soons.

As Spike stood, he looked around at the incoming ponies headed for the exits. Behind him, the chair he had left Button in was conspicuously empty. He suddenly realized he hadn’t actually laid eyes on his friend in over an hour.

“Anyone seen Button?” Spike asked. “I left him right here… did he wander off?”

Oh man, if he’s passed out in a bush somewhere…

“Oh, you don’t know?" Rumble asked. Getting only a blank stare in return, he motioned him to follow him.

While the girls went to retrieve their bags, the two of them walked inside. After a few turns, they headed down the stairs into the basement, where some shouting could be heard. Reaching the bottom revealed a small den, one set up with a lot of overstuffed shelves, thick shag carpet, two big plush couches, and a very large TV. Hooked up to that tv was a Playbox 3, and hooked up to the controller was a very inebriated Button Mash. Three other players were gaming with him, all of them looking a mixture of frustrated, baffled, and impressed.

On screen, a Toadstool Racers: Triple Dash race was nearing completion. As Spike watched, Button’s character effortlessly dodged two rockets sent his way, drifted around a turn for a speed boost, knocked off two other racers with surprise traps, and crossed the finish line a good five seconds ahead of his competitors. All the while, he never moved or said a word.

“For fuck’s sake!” the pegasus next to him shouted, tossing her controller on the couch. “Every time! How is he doing it!”

She leaned over and snapped her fingers in front of Button’s face. Nothing. His eyes were hardly even open. From the right angle he seemed to be sleeping.

“Yeah, he stumbled down here a while ago,” Rumble said. “Been schooling every challenger ever since.”

“He’s one hell of a gamer,” a voice to Spike’s left said. He turned and saw a unicorn dressed as a mime flopped on the couch.

The vaguest bit of recognition from school pinged off, and Spike took a stab. “Uh, are you Laid Back?”

“So they say.”

“Hell of a party, man.”

“Thanks. Happy to provide for the community.”

“Sorry that community trashed your house,” Rumble cut in. “I didn’t think it would get that crazy.”

“Broken kitchen table, couple smashed windows, a mountain of garbage, puke in every bathroom and bush, and somepony did something truly awful to the guest bed and I’m probably gonna have to burn those sheets. But…” the unicorn sat back and shrugged. “So the party goes. It’s cool. Got my sister to help me get a cleaning company to swing by tomorrow. Should make it work by the time the ‘rents get back.”

Spike had to respect his attitude. He gave him a quick fist bump, and then returned his attention to Button. He’d instinctively started another race, even though by now it was only bots playing along.

“Okay buddy,” Spike said, leaning down and taking his friend under one arm. “Time to bounce. Rumble, grab an arm would you?”

Button didn’t resist, but he didn’t help much either. It was like hauling a sleeping bag full of potatoes. The stairs were a true group effort, as was navigating the hallway out the front door. Trash was everywhere, and Spike saw at least three ponies passed out on various couches. The front yard was just as bad, cups and beer bottles strewn everywhere. A griffon wearing a homemade cardboard armor was staggering off into the night, evidently not even bothering to fly this one off.

“Yup, good times tonight. Great party,” Rumble said. Spike looked at him. He knows he saw him knock back twice as much beer as he’d had, plus at least two of those red cups, and he still seemed fresh as a daisy.

Must get it from his brother.

Outside, the girls had put their jackets on, small bags over each shoulder containing additional clothing changes. Seeing those jackets made the boys suddenly realize how chilly it had gotten.

“Damn, should’ve thought to plan ahead,” Spike said.

Scootaloo laughed. “I can’t get by on a t-shirt and shorts all night.”

Rumble nodded. Carefully, he leaned out from under Button’s arm, letting Spike get a steady grip by himself, with Button half-slumped on him.

“Well, I’m off everypony,” Rumble said, spreading his wings. “Anypony free this weekend? We can grab lunch.”

“I’ll text you,” Spike said. Apple Bloom and Sweetie agreed, and on that, the skeleton gave one last wave, took a few steps, and flew off into the dark night sky.

“Spike, will you be able to get Button back okay?” Sweetie asked.

Spike nodded. “Yeah, I can walk him to the tree. Hopefully he sobers up by tomorrow morning. I don’t think his mom’s gonna be happy if he stumbles home hungover. Sleep will do him good.”

“Time for us to get goin’, too,” Apple Bloom said. “Treehouse isn’t too far away, thankfully. Got our sleepin’ bags out there an’ everythin’.”

“That’s smart thinking dear,” Sweetie Belle said. She pulled out her phone to send a few quick texts to family to confirm the plans, confident they wouldn’t be read until morning.

“Actually… I think I’ll go with them,” Scootaloo said. Her friends shared a look. Spike kept his mouth shut. Scootaloo leaned over and gave her friends a few quick whispers, then stepped over to Spike and Button. With a slight lean, she was able to hoist Button up onto her shoulder.

With her on one side and Spike on the other, Button was held up like a particularly floppy scarecrow. He mumbled something under his breath but otherwise stayed out of it.

“Well, if you’re sure about this…” Apple Bloom shot Spike a very pointed expression. He gulped.

“Hey, girls: relax,” Scootaloo said. “I got this. You get going, I’ll text you later.”

Another long pause, then her friends relented. After one final round of hugs, the two of them turned and headed off into the quiet night.

The three remaining friends turned and got underway for the staggered walk home. Button did his best to keep up, but only managed to make one step out of every three. At best.

“Are those two really worried about me?” Spike asked.

“They’re just perpetually protective,” Scootaloo said. “They don’t know how to be any other way. I wouldn’t worry.”

Someday I’ll learn how to do that.

However close the tree may have been, actually walking the path back proved tricky. It was decided that the two of them half-dragging a nearly-unconscious, utterly plastered teenager through the main streets of Ponyville in the middle of the night might attract some unwanted attention. Cops liked to sniff around more after Nightmare Night. Spike also ruled out just trying to fly him back, the extra weight combined with his lack of grip and Spike still having some faint buzz himself meant that was asking for trouble.

So, they found a back path through a nearby park. Added about twenty very cumbersome minutes to the walk, but hey, they’d get there. And towards the center of town, a beam of light and faint echoing music told them that Pinkie’s party was still cruising right along, so Twilight was likely still busy.

She hasn’t texted me in a few hours, probably a good sign. Maybe she’ll make it all the way to dawn this time, like Pinkie keeps hoping.

They walked on, alone to the world. Spike and Scootaloo didn’t say much. Button stayed silent.

Eventually, a t-junction appeared, cutting through the neat grass and low shrubs that made up this side of the park. A neighborhood off to the left, and their route home to the right. They made a wide curve for the turn.

Up ahead, they noticed a few silhouettes in the dark, illuminated by some lights from some nearby houses. Voices told them it was a small group talking and laughing amongst themselves. Didn’t seem like adults, but the three of them steered clear anyway.

Their path took them under a light in the park. A member of the mystery group turned, and a very familiar and unwelcome voice sounded out.

“Oh, SHIT! Look who we got here.”

Spike tensed up, and he was certain he felt Scootaloo do likewise, but they didn’t stop moving, or even look over.

A streetlamp abruptly turned on. Motion sensor triggered, most likely. Star Rush appeared in the light, his bulky form made all the larger in the amber shadows. Behind him, his earth pony goons Goldenrod and Shineheart stood even taller. Three golems standing at attention, all wearing their letterman jackets and cheap plastic monster masks haphazardly resting askance on their heads. Standard bully attire, stretching back through time immortal.

“Still some real freaks skulking around tonight,” Star said. Spike could hear his smirk from there. “Tsk tsk. This town’s really gotta do something about them.”

“Can’t believe they just let them wander around at will,” Shineheart said.

“Real social problem, somepony’s gotta do something about it,” Goldenrod added.

The three bunched up and moved closer. Spike and Scootaloo kept walking and still didn’t look.

Star got a better look at who was there. His grin got bigger.

“And hey, somepony real special here! Hey Scootaloo! Ready to ditch the dead weight? I’ll take you back, no questions asked. Least I can do, because I’m such a nice guy.

His friends laughed. They moved closer. There was a slight stagger to their steps. Spike wondered how much they’d had to drink that night.

“In fact, I think I’m so nice, I could show you a real good time tonight.” Star’s body tensed up, ever so slightly.

“All three of us, even, could have real good party,” Star said, spreading his arms. “Make some new memories tonight.”

Star took another step forward. His tone sharpened. “Seriously, get your crippled ass over here and-”

In one smooth motion, Spike turned, took a breath, and breathed out a fireball.

It was like a bomb going off. The burst of yellow and green flames exploded out of his mouth and made a jetstream that lit up the park in every direction. Intense heat flared up and burned away the grass, turned the bushes to twigs and ash, even making a slight ooze out of the top layer of concrete on the path. Crows in nearby trees abruptly took flight and fled, cawing in annoyance the whole way away. Somewhere a few blocks away, a dog started barking.

And just like that, the fire went out. A flashbulb in the dark. The smell of smoke lingered in the windless air.

A dark black scorch in the shape of an arc lay between Spike and the jocks. The edge of it stopped a few inches from Star’s hoof. Star himself was flat on his back, laid out by the burst of heat and struggling to catch his breath. What remained of one of his eyebrows crumbled away when he turned his head, ever so slightly, to see if his friends were still there.

They were not; they’d turned tail and fled faster than they might’ve thought possible.

Star remained motionless. He watched the sky for a long, long time.

Spike, Scootaloo, and Button walked on.

After about a block, Scootaloo finally spoke up.

“Forgot you could do that.”

Spike grunted. “Do what?”

Between them, Button coughed. “Think I’ve got a fever…”

The tree was as quiet as a grave. The candy bowl Twilight had left out front for trick or treaters was nearly empty. Even though she had a good selection, everyone in the neighborhood knew to obey the Just Take One sign. Local lore amongst the schoolkids spoke harshly of those who dared to cross the witch librarian.

By now Button was nearly walking on his own. He’d thrown up a few more times on the way back, but luckily managed to miss everyone’s clothes, and didn’t seem to have much left in him as they walked through the front door. It made it easier for them to walk him upstairs and, as gently as they could, toss him onto Spike’s bed.

“Thanks guys, love you both, gonna nap nowwwww…” Button was asleep before he finished his thoughts.

Spike collapsed onto his desk chair, breathing out a long sigh of relief.

“Think Twilight’s back yet?” Scootaloo asked in raised whisper.

“Nah,” Spike said. “She’d be standing right here if she was. Trust me on that.”

“I’ll bet.” Scootaloo walked around Spike’s room. It was her first time there. Her eyes slid over the messy desk, walls covered in horror movie posters, and finally paused at the shelf by his door. Low and wide, it held Spike’s modest DVD collection. Hardly 100 titles, alphabetically ordered. She smiled and looked over at Spike.

“Tired?” she asked.

Spike yawned.

“Nope,” he lied.

“Cool. Pick something good, I’m gonna go wash this makeup off and change. Meet you downstairs.” Her blood had largely smeared all over now, making a very deranged pattern on her neck and shirt. She headed down the hall to the bathroom.

Spike quickly changed out of his worn costume and into a more comfortable pair of sweats and whatever ratty workout shirt was closest, and looked at his movie shelf.

He considered his movies and the situation. Nothing too long. Definitely nothing foreign, neither of them were up for reading subtitles right now. Slow burn? They’d barely last through the menu.

Nope, time for a tried and true favorite. Spike knew just the ticket.

He was down in the den when Scootaloo returned. Her face was still a bit damp from the water, but she was free of any red, and the contact finally gone from her eye. Now she wore a navy blue tee with a graphic of a bloody ax bursting through a wooden door, with a crazed face just behind it. The word Overlook was in thick blocky letters just underneath. It was a bit big for her, drooping over the leggings she had on now.

Spike popped the disc into the player and hopped on the couch. The tiny tv room was seldom even entered by Twilight, so it was largely Spike’s domain, and he made it his own. A big plush corner couch, small table at ideal popcorn bowl height, and a wall mounted flatscreen provided him the perfect viewing spot for many a bloody movie over the years.

As he settled into his usual spot, Scootaloo approached and pointed at him.


Spike shook his head. “No, me Spike. You Scoot.”

Scootaloo’s sigh would have drained the life of a lesser soul. “Funny boy. Now move over.”

Spike acquiesced. Scootaloo grabbed the blanket from the armrest and laid down, her head across Spike’s chest, arms folded in by his side. She snuggled up as close as she could, blanket over her body. Spike’s hand ended up resting on her warm abdomen.

At that moment Spike realized this was the most physically comfortable he’d ever felt in his entire life. It was like a puzzle piece snapping into place. He smiled, picked up the remote, and hit the button.

The opening title sequence for A Nightmare on Cherry Lane 3: Dream Fighters started. Scootaloo practically vibrated with glee.

“Awwww, my favorite!” She rested her hand on Spike’s knee and gave a squeeze. “My boyfriend is such a sweetie.”

Spike caught the gasp in his throat.

“...well, my girlfriend deserves the best.”

“Dang right she does.”

They watched the movie for a while. Spike hadn’t seen it in a hot minute, but he still remembered it all like it was yesterday. The teens in the psych hospital, Shreddy Shears invading their dreams one by one, the terrific gore effects, everything. They laughed together as the movie went on, sometimes chiming in with a random trivia fact that the other already knew but didn’t care. Sometimes one dozed off for a few minutes, only to be awoken by the next round of screams.

Eventually, apropos of nothing, Spike brought up another topic. “I liked dancing with you. Before, at the party, I mean. I liked it a lot.”

Scootaloo imperceptibly shifted in place. “I liked it too. It was fun. You’re a fun guy, Spike. When you let yourself.”

“So they say. I’m… I’m sorry I didn’t stay with you on the dance floor, and made things so awkward. I’m sorry I keep, just…”

Sorry I keep trying to run away.

Scootaloo rolled up to look at him. She lifted her hand and held it to his cheek.

“I want you to believe what I believe, right here, right now: you’re doing good. You are not screwing this up. You can do this.”

Spike looked into her eyes. He saw the truth she was desperately trying to show in her eyes. She meant every word.

I love you.

“Okay,” he said.

They leaned in for a kiss. Both their hearts soared.

They returned to watching the movie. Onscreen, Shreddy transformed a screaming girl into a giant fly and smashed her with a giant flyswatter. Terrific effect. One of their favorites. Worth fighting off sleep for just a few minutes more to see it.