• Published 19th Jun 2023
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The Doctor saves the timelines - Snakes0

Doctor Whooves being the local and only Timelord of Equestria he deals with threats so that Equestria can remain the happy loving place he wants it to be.

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Chapter 3: 662

The TARDIS shakes a little as it passes out of a space-time tunnel. The Doctor sets the TARDIS to land on the ground this time.
Derpy smiles and gasps, "Doctor! We didn't land on a tree this time!"

"That was the intention. I altered the landing trajectory with the basic assumption that the Equestrias we travel to will have very similar terrain. Now tell me what you won't do this time Derpy." Doctor Whooves says tapping his front hoof and looking Derpy straight in her eyes.

"Oh! I'm going to stay here until you tell me it is safe to come out. I promise!" she says.

"Thank you. I promise I will not take too long." Doctor Whooves promises.

And so the doctor pushes some buttons to scan this dimension from a control panel.

"Ah! The air is pure, no Delaks, no Eldritch monster, and pony life seems normal. All signs point to us being able to go outside as normal."

Derpy just smiles and waits for the doctor to go out first. Indeed, it was safe to go outside. There didn't seem anything wrong at all. Doctor Whooves looks at Ponyville in confusion as he can't tell this Equestria apart from the one his. He bumps into somepony "accidentally" to scan them with his Sonic Screwdriver and the results claim they are ponies.

"What's wrong Doctor?" Derpy asked seeing Whooves's confusion.

"That's the problem... There doesn't seem to be anything wrong. But I could have sworn this is an Equestria with an anomaly... I'm sure I didn't make a mistake... Let's go to a library and see if anything in history is different from how we know things in our Equestria."

Derpy walks with the doctor to Twilight's rebuilt library. It didn't take long for them to find what was different.

" 'Long ago there lived two sisters,' yes... That's normal... Wait... What? This is the newest edition! This was published this year! Yet there is no talk about The Mane 6 anywhere!"

"Um... Doctor... I think you missed something important... It says that Nightmare Moon is dead. Does that mean she wasn't purified back into Luna?"

The Doctor grabs the book with his hooves and quickly reads and sees for himself that Nightmare Moon was Banished, but when the day of the Summer Sun Celebration came about and the moon aided in the release of Nightmare Moon as was prophesied she came back as a corpse.

"I mean... Logically that makes sense... How would you survive on the moon for a thousand years with no food or drink let alone air? But still... That's rather grim. And because she was dead upon arrival... Twilight would never have needed to work together with the ponies that would later become her friends and Elements of Harmony... Discord would remain trapped in stone because Celestia would still be the current holder of the Elements." Doctor Whooves speaks out loud as Derpy nods

"That's sad... But... What about Chrysalis? Tirek? Sombra? Cozy Glow? How would they have been handled?"

"I don't know. But without the school of friendship... Cozy Glow wouldn't have her misguided idea of friendship. Ember wouldn't be Dragonlord. As for Tirek... He had Discord's help otherwise it would have taken too long for him to recover his power and perhaps he was dealt with before he fully became a threat."

Derpy sighs as she has decided she doesn't like this Equestria anymore, "But... Sombra and Chrysalis. They were... Very dangerous... They managed to kidnap Celestia and Luna before... The false wedding... Doctor? Can we leave? I don't like it here very much..."

"I agree... It looks peaceful... But it's unsettling that a lot of good didn't get to happen because Twilight didn't get to meet her friends. And there is no reason for them to work together anymore. Don't worry Derpy. We'll figure something out. Let us talk to Princess Celestia about history and work on fixing it from there." The Doctor reassures her with a smile.

Celestia uses telekinesis to lift a cup of tea to her face as she takes a sip. Twilight does the same. Twilight does not have her wings as she never ascended to alicornhood.

"Princess Celestia... I'm honored to get to sit around and have tea parties with you. I really do... But..." Twilight starts.

"But? Go on. I'm all ears Twilight. You don't have to call me Princess. We are close enough that you can just call me Celestia." Celestia says with her eye twitching slightly. She had told Twilight to be casual several times over the last few years to no avail.

"Sorry Princess... It's a habit. Oops!"

"Sigh... Never mind that. What did you want to say Twilight?" Celestia says forcing a warm smile.

"Are you sure we should go to war with the Changelings? We know little to nothing about them. They can't all be bad, can they? I'm sure they have rich history or culture... This feels like a... Genocide." Twilight says the last word fearfully.

"Twilight... My most faithful student. You know that I have done my best to make the best decisions for Ponykind. I don't do this out of malice. I fought and met Chrysalis in the past Twilight. Beings like that don't change. I tried negotiations, but they are all a love-sucking power-seeking race. We must strike first and first. She will be surprised as she won't expect us to take the fight to her." Celestia says firmly.

"Y-Yes... I... See... Well... They aren't ponies... And they don't act like us... Nor love like us... So they are monsters... Have you waged war before Celestia?" Twilight asks nervously.

"Not often. No. And you know I can just ask Perfect Butler for battle advice. He truly is an instant win button." Celestia says as she raises a hoof to her snout and chuckles.

"Right... Perfect Butler... I don't really feel needed whenever whatever I can do he can also do..." Twilight says as her ears droop.

"He is invaluable but he isn't a normal pony so don't worry and compare yourself to him. You are plenty important to me."

"Sigh... I know... I'll just... Go to Ponyville and see if anything is interesting there... I'll give you a full report if I find anything out of order..." Twilight says as she leaves. She doesn't feel useful anymore. Twilight passes a perfectly dressed unicorn.

"Is everything in order miss Twilight? You seem distraught." comments the pony.

"Sigh... I'm fine Perfect Butler... I feel... Lost... I get to practice and learn all the magic I ever wanted... But... I feel... Empty... And Celestia no longer sends me on missions, making my efforts seem so...." Twilight says.

"I believe "lonely" is the word. I apologize if my existence has taken away your purpose. It will do good to get fresh air and try living for yourself. Try something new." Perfect Butler says with both elegance and sympathy.

"Sure... But before I go... Why? Why do you let Celestia treat you like that? Like a tool? Doesn't it bother you?"

"It does not bother me, Miss Twilight Sparkle. It is my purpose to serve to the best of my ability. It warms my heart that you feel the need to care about my well-being, although misplaced. I am content with serving." Perfect Butler says before Twilight trots away and goes to the royal carriage to travel to Ponyville.

"Alright, Derpy! You can start your descent slowly! We are here!" Doctor Whooves tells Derpy who is carrying him with her eyes closed.

"Can I open my eyes now? It is strange flying with my eyes closed." Derpy says as she starts to fly down.

"We can't risk the TARDIS being discovered so close to Canterlot. Nopony is going to do anything with the TARDIS in Ponyville. Don't open your eyes yet... Oh. You already did..." Doctor Whooves says.

Derpy ends up tumbling into a tree with the doctor.

"Hehe... I see why you wanted me to close my eyes and guide me."

"I'm sorry... I promise we'll get a train next time. I don't want you to feel exploited."

"It was fun!" Derpy says smiling.

A guard approaches them "Halt! Do not linger at the gates! State your business now. If you don't have an appointment, I'll ask you to leave."

"Ah! You see good sir, we have business with Celestia that is rather urgent." Doctor Whooves states after adjusting his bowtie.

"I wasn't informed of anypony of your description having an appointment. This isn't a tourist attraction." the guard says annoyed.

"I got a package for Twilight!" says Derpy as she holds up a package.

"Oooh! So that is why you wanted to stop by the post office first! Way to go planning ahead Derpy!" Doctor Whooves says with a smile.

"And the strange earth pony is with you?" the guard asked after reviewing the package and confirming that it is as Derpy claimed.

"Yes! The Doctor is a very important pony! We are together!" Derpy said with a smile and the guard blushes at her cute Derpy smile and opens the doors for them to enter.

"Here I am... Ponyville. I don't get it. Why did Celestia want me here to make friends? Why here? Sigh... I'll just look around and make a report..." Twilight says to herself.

Twilight looks around in the typical places, Sugarcube Corner still has that party-crazy pony Pinkie Pie, Sweet Apple Acres has that hard-working Applejack, Rainbow Dash is punching clouds into oblivion, Rarity is still doing her thing at her boutique, and edge of town the shy pegasus Fluttershy lives alone. All is normal. She then notices a strange blue police box.

"Huh? What interesting detail. I... Don't know what I'm looking at." Twilight continues talking to herself. She is feeling excited about finding something strange. She walks around it and still fails to understand its purpose. She pushes what she assumes is a door and the TARDIS door opens. Twilight's jaw drops. She looks in awe at the inside of the TARDIS.

"It's bigger on the inside! Spatial manipulation magic?! That's a complicated spell! Everything here is so bizarre! I have NEVER seen anything like this before! Not even in books! It's so... strange! Alien in fact! Oh my gosh! I could write a report about this!" Twilight says with a sparkle in her eyes and with more excitement than she had in a long time. "Spike. I make this discovery in your honor."

Twilight proceeds to take photos of the interior using magic to turn her vision into a solid image and she takes notes while fiddling around with everything. She pauses as she is putting together something from all these observations.

"There are beds that seem to be used. Two seats. A photograph of an Earth pony with the cutie mark of an hourglass and the mailmare? This feels like a living space and a laboratory! I haven't heard of ANYTHING like this being here!" Twilight says before she stops and squints at a photo of Doctor Whooves dancing with Derpy at the Great Galloping Gala, but what was odd was that Luna and Celestia were in the background. "Luna? That can't be possible... She's gone. She died on the moon as Nightmare Moon! But... How? It can't be an old picture because I'm in it!"

Twilight makes a copy of the picture and then leaves. Something was strange about all of this and she starts to worry that whoever is living here might come back. Twilight focuses and leaves a tracking spell rune on the TARDIS before leaving.

"This is going to be one long report."

"I am sorry. Twilight Sparkle is not here in Canterlot at this moment. Please leave the package here and be on your way." A guard from the inside tells them.

"What?! Not here? This is getting tricky... It might be difficult to talk to Celestia now..." Doctor Whooves says slightly worried.

Perfect Butler trots over, "Did you say you need to talk to Celestia? All matters that relate to Celestia go through me. I'll be able to help you with anything that you might need in her place."

"Um... Thank you, good sir, but I don't think so. Celestia is the one we have to talk to."

"Ah... It has been a while since I heard somepony call me "good sir". Not that it matters. I apologize but Celestia is currently going over her battle plans with her generals." Perfect Butler says with a smile.

"Battle? Generals? Is Equestria at war?" Derpy asked curiously.

"I'm afraid I can say no more of that matter. Anything beyond that is classified. And good sir, your screwdriver is buzzing."

"Huh?" Doctor Whooves says as he looks down and sees his Sonic Screwdriver reacting as it has located an anomaly.

He takes it out, waves it around, and sees that Perfect Butler is the anomaly of this world.

"Huh... Actually. I think you are right. You might be who we need to talk to. Can we have a moment in private?" The Doctor asked Perfect Butler.

"I'm fine with it. I shall notify the guards of your extended stay. However, I must ask that if I am summoned by Celestia that you let me go without stopping me."

"A reasonable request." the doctor agrees.
And so Derpy and Doctor Whooves follow Perfect Butler into a private room to talk.

"You aren't from here are you?" Doctor Whooves says getting straight to the point.

"It appears that neither are you. However, you will simply have to give me more context behind your statement."

"I think the Doctor wants to know where you are from," Derpy adds trying to be helpful.

"If you are trying to imply that I might not be from Equestria then you would be correct. However, before you ask, I do not remember where I come from exactly nor the era."

"Ok. Could you tell me your name or how you got here?"

"I don't know how I got here. My Equestrian name is "Perfect Butler" and as you can see I am a white-furred stallion unicorn
with a Cutie Mark of a silver bell. You have quite the British accent Doctor." Perfect Butler says professionally.

"Wait... British? How would you... wait... Earth. Does that word mean anything to you?" The Doctor asked curiously.

"Earth. The planet is inhabited by humans. If I had to guess my origins may come from there. However, I can not say for certain."

"Ok... And your not Equestrian name?"

"Mr. Deeds. However, such a name would be unusual here and I would stand out hence I have given myself the name 'Perfect Butler'."

"Well, Mr. Deeds are you aware that you are an anomaly in this world?"

"I am aware. Me and the silver bell that summons me are quite the oddities in this world though maybe not as much in a world of magic and talking ponies."

"Bell? Like a magic bell?" asked Derpy.

"Indeed. Though I don't know if the process is by magic or other means. Celestia is the one with it and she uses my services to great effect. Might I ask what you want to ask Celestia about?" Asked Perfect Butler.

"Well. We want to know about what happened in history. Everything after Nightmare Moon." said the doctor.

"That's quite a lot. Anything more specific?"

"Chrysalis?" says Derpy.

"We are currently about to go to her hive and burn it all down. Twilight might not be so eager about that plan. I hope she will find the fresh air in Ponyville to be quite relaxing and to cool off."

"She is at Ponyville?! Oh no... Right where I placed the TARDIS... Also, she can't! Changelings can be redeemed! We come from another Equestria where they became redeemed and didn't have to feed on love to survive!"

"I was not aware of that fact. I shall mention it to Celestia. Though she is bent on Genocide. I worry that she may have only been going downhill mentally the night Nightmare Moon's body came back."

Doctor Whooves panics a little, "N-no! You can't! Things are becoming a lot more complicated now! The fewer ponies know about the multiverse and alternate timelines the better!"

"If she asks me I will be forced to tell her. Speak of the alicorn and she will be there." Perfect Butler says as Celestia walks in.

"Ah. Derpy. I hope you are happy right now in retirement. You have made so much collateral damage plus horrid package conditions. But that's beside the point. How are you?" Says Celestia with a practiced smile. Tears start to form in Derpy's eyes.

"Princess Celestia! That was very untactful! She can't help that her eyes are like that! I would have thought you were kinder than that!" The doctor says jumping to defend Derpy.

"And who let you in? You might want to watch your TONE with me my little pony. I am Princess Celestia. Sole ruler of Equestria. Princess of the Sun. I will not tolerate disrespect in my castle." Celestia says annoyed.

The Doctor takes a step back reflexively, "T-then perhaps we can sit over a cup of tea and talk like civilized ponies?" Doctor Whooves says giving a shaky forced smile.

"I'm not somepony who is pushed around so easily. When I make a mistake the right thing to do is to politely ignore it. If you make a mistake then you apologize."

"P-Princess Celestia... You are scaring me..." Derpy says wide-eyed as she isn't used to seeing Celestia acting like this.

"Oh, sweet filly. If you get scared over every little thing then you should go see somepony about that. If I wanted to be scary then you would know what "scary" really means."

"What happened?! How did you become like this?! What happened to love your ponies and your loving aura?" Says the doctor stressed and a little frightened.

"I lost my heart when I lost my sister. Thankfully I got over it quickly and realized I was holding myself back with all my moping around for a thousand years waiting for Nightmare Moon to show up. That's when I found Perfect Butler. He is perfect in every way. He would never betray me. He was even willing and did end up dying for me and never complains, nor asks to be paid. He is skilled with magic, and there don't seem to be many limits to his power. A perfect replacement for my traitorous sister who couldn't control her dark impulses and he is helpful unlike her." Celestia says half monologuing.

The Doctor's eye twitches and he stands up to her, "Very mature of you. You could have coped in many ways and instead, you chose to blame it on everypony else. I'm disappointed in this version of you. Twilight Sparkle would make a better princess."

"Twilight? HAHAHAHAHA! THAT riddled mess? She can BARELY keep her cool and breaks down over the smallest of things and I swoop down and hug her with my wings and tell her that it's all ok. Honestly, it is getting on my nerves. And so are YOU. Perfect Butler. Please take them to the Canterlot Dungeon."

Perfect Butler grabs Doctor Whooves and Derpy and starts dragging them to the prison and takes away Doctor Whooves's Sonic Screwdriver.

"Huh?! How did you bring us down here so fast?! I blinked and we were here! And give me back my sonic screwdriver!" shouts the Doctor.

"I am sorry. However, I am compelled to follow the orders of the pony who rings my silver bell. I appreciate the attempt to make her see reason. But she is in denial."

Twilight has returned to Canterlot

"Perfect Butler? Are you nearby?" Twilight calls out.

"Of course miss Twilight. I am always available. Did you enjoy your outing?" Perfect Butler says as he walks out from the dungeon basement.

"I saw something really interesting. I'm not sure what I saw... But I'm in a good mood. Can you double-check my report? I already checked it twenty times, but I'm not sure..."

"Of course. Let me take a look."

Perfect Butler looks over Twilight's report and the pictures. He pauses when he sees the picture of Derpy and The Doctor.

"They were kind ponies. Not exactly from here, but they were interesting to talk with."

"Wait... You know them?" Twilight says excitedly.

"I sent them to the dungeon just now. Princess Celestia's orders."

"W-what? Something isn't right... Did they do anything to warrant that?"

"I am afraid Princess Celestia is in a foul mood. Again. How about I take your report to her? You don't need to be an outlet for her mood. That's why I'm here."

"Perfect Butler... You are a pony... Just like me... Why? It's not ok that you get worked to the bone...."

"Twilight. After talking with those ponies you happen to have a photo of... I might not be a pony. I know you asked me many questions about my past and I could answer none of them for reasons I don't know... But That's ok. I will calm Princess Celestia. I have done it when she was grieving over the loss of her sister and I can do it now." Perfect Butler assures Twilight as he levitates the papers and brings them with him to Celestia.

Twilight was curious. She decided to go down and see the ponies first hoof. Being Celestia's pupil she had clearance to go down there. She sees an earth pony and a crossed-eyed pegasus. They were the ponies from the pictures.

"Gasp! Doctor! It's Twilight!" says Derpy.

"Huh? Princess? Eeerr! I mean Twilight!" Doctor Whooves says hoping she didn't notice his slip-up.

"Do you know me? I saw your blue box and your gala picture." Twilight presses.

Doctor Whooves gasps, "It's more than a mere box! It's the TARDIS. But never mind that... You have to free us."

"Ok... But first, tell me. Why was I in that picture? And Luna. That photo isn't possible. And your... TARDIS... Who are you?"

Derpy answers for The Doctor, "He is the wonderful Doctor! Doctor Whooves! Sometimes he goes by Time Turner! The kindest and best doctor ever!"

"Aw... Thank you, Derpy. Sigh... The cat is out of the bag. Twilight Sparkle. We are not from this Equestria. We come from another version of this timeline. One where Nightmare Moon came back alive and you and your friends purified her to her original form."

"Time travel?! Interdimensional travel?! Wow! That's so awesome! But I doubt that. I don't have friends." Twilight says with a flat expression toward the end.

"That's because Nightmare Moon never caused problems. You didn't have to save Equestria and thus you never had to work together with a bunch of random ponies who would eventually become your friends and define your fate. You at this time would have become the princess of friendship and accomplished peace with many non-pony races," The Doctor answers.

"Defined my fate... It's too late for that... I missed the timing." Twilight says now realizing how empty her life is that she never met her friends that would change her life.

"No Twilight. It is never too late to make friends. Never! Just try!" Derpy says with an encouraging smile.

Doctor Whooves adds to Derpy's words, "Take it from Derpy. She was alone for a long long time. She was bullied for her eyes. She could have closed her heart, but she didn't. She was kind to everypony no matter what even if they made fun of her. Now she has many friends!"

Twilight stands there baffled, "You really think so? I used to think Friendship was a waste of time... That magic was all I needed... I can do so many things now... I'm at the level of Star Swirl the Bearded... And yet I'm alone and can't share my achievements with anypony..."

Derpy and The Doctor said at the same time, "The magic of friendship!"

"Do you think... That friendship can heal Celestia's heart? She has become so cold..."

"Of course. With the power of friendship, there is nothing you can't do."

"Princess Celestia. Your faithful student has brought you a report from Ponyville," says Perfect Butler.

"Oh? Sigh... The overachiever. I'm not her mom. I can't always give her praise for every little thing she does." Celestia says sighing as she flips through the papers not even reading before using telekinesis to throw the report into the flame. Suddenly her mind processed the gala picture and she reached her hooves into the fire in a panic and pulled it out. Being an alicorn of the sun the flames hardly even scorch her. She pulls it out and sees a picture of Luna and her holding hooves at a gala that never happened.

"... This... Luna... This... This... It... How?... It can't be faked... Nopony but me remembers how she truly looks and that pose... That's... My sister... But how? And... Twilight is there... This... Is what I have always wanted..." Celestia says while tears flow down her face and she holds the picture close to her chest with her hoof.

Celestia pulls the burning report out of the fire using her magic and reverses the flow of time of only the report making it unburn. She starts to carefully read every detail. From her theories of its purpose and theories of the photo.

"Alternate Timelines... Hehe... HAHAHAHA! Luna yet lives in other realities?! and she only dies in this one?! PERFECT BUTLER! Bring me the two ponies in this photo!"

"Yes, Princess Celestia. I shall do it at once," he says as he bows before trotting away to do her will.

Celestia wipes the tears from her eyes with a hoof and smiles, "Hehe... Sister... I can't wait to see you again... Why should any other Celestia have their sister? They don't know the pain of having to not only banish their sister for a thousand moons but be the reason she was dead and suffer alone! Timelines~ All there... Just WAITING for me... I can have it all... All back... Yes... I deserve it... I promise you, Luna. I will have you back... and I will never forsake you again. I will never let you go or let you become Nightmare Moon!"

Doctor Whooves sees Perfect Butler. Twilight is currently racing back to Ponyville to try and make friends for real. Talking to the party pony, the hard-working pony, the fashionable pony, the shy pony, and the fast pony. She didn't know what friendship was and she hoped to learn.

"Doctor. Derpy. Princess Celestia wishes to see you. She has an interest in you. I suspect it was the photo of the alternate Gala with Luna in the background that made her change her mind." he says.

"No! She wants to use me and my TARDIS! Good Sir! You don't need to do this!"

"I must. I gave you as much time as I could. I didn't use my other method of travel and walked here by hoof. Twilight, Celestia is overjoyed. She has cried and expressed more emotion than she had in a long time." Perfect Butler says.

"Must you be a slave to the bell?" asked the doctor.

"I can refuse her requests if they are unreasonable. Ringing the bell merely summons me and makes me change who I serve."

"Ok. Derpy. I have a plan."

"I trust you Doctor!" she says with a smile.

Perfect Butler takes the two to Celestia who is humming.

"I'm SO sorry for snapping and being so nasty! I was still in the process of grieving and lied about moving past my sister's death. I figured you out. You are from another Equestria! Please! Tell me EVERYTHING!" Celestia says with hope and a warm smile.

"H-how?! Ugh... I should have locked the doors on the TARDIS... I'm too used to having Derpy fly in and out..."


"No no! It's fine Derpy! It's my bad!"

Celestia's eye twitches, "I am STILL here you know. Let's not waste each other's time. I want to see these other versions and timelines of Equestria."

"No," said Doctor Whooves. "I will not."

"How cruel. I lost my sister you know. I would SURE love to see her again."

"Your sister met her end and that won't change. I know a thing or two about grief. And I can't let you use my TARDIS."

Doctor Whooves takes out his Sonic Screwdriver and makes it shoot out a small laser that hits and rings the silver bell that is currently hung.

"Did you call?" asked Perfect Butler.

"I don't care how you do it... You seem to be able to do so much and there is very little you won't and can't do. Make him get the TARDIS working and force him to bring me to other versions of Equestria!" Celestia orders.

"I apologize Celestia. I did enjoy serving you and I know you are a good pony deep down. But currently-"

"P-Perfect Butler... Y-you are betraying me? B-but... WHY?!" Celestia screams.

"The bell. I serve whoever rings the bell. I promise this is not a betrayal. Now Mr. Whooves, how might I serve you?"

"Use your anomalous powers to knock Celestia out!" Derpy says and the doctor nods.

"What foolishness is this-" Celestia says before Perfect Butler neck strikes her unconscious.

"It was for her own good. I'm surprised you both realized I could do that."

"I think we will be taking your bell with us. For safekeeping. I was thinking how Celestia could get this far without the mane 6 and she always seemed to use you so I figured that she has been abusing your properties and that led her to have a power trip to cope with loss."

"I want to see how Twilight is doing!" says Derpy.

"Then let's go! Mr. Deeds, can you take care of Celestia and make sure she doesn't go to war or do anything crazy?"

"Please. Call me Perfect Butler. It's my Equestrian name. I shall do my best. If I fail then I'll send a magical beacon using all the unicorn magic that I possess."

"Everypony... You would all really be friends with me? For real?" asked Twilight to Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Fluttershy.

"Ya bet, sugarcube! I'm sorry ya took so long and became so lonely!" said Applejack smiling.

"Sure, why not?" said Rainbow Dash.

"Darling, it is never too late for friendships," said Rarity.

"I-If you want... Then... Ok...." said Fluttershy timidly.

"Okie Dokie Loki!" said Pinkie Pie.

Derpy and Doctor Whooves arrive. Derpy crashes into the ground.

"Ugh... We got to work on your landings..."

"Hehe... Sorry Doctor!"

"Twilight! It looks like you made friends after all! That's great! I'm going to leave Equestria in your hands I know that you will do what needs to be done to make this Equestria a better place!" Doctor Whooves says.

"I will! With the power of friendship! Thank you! You helped me find what I was missing in life!" Twilight says smiling.

And with that Derpy and The Doctor go back to the TARDIS and leave knowing that this Equestria is in good hooves. They leave with the Silver Bell. They miss the beacon of magic that Perfect Butler made as they left.

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