• Published 9th Jun 2023
  • 423 Views, 11 Comments

Trials of Sarah: A New Mark - Zipp Storm

Sarah's Adventures with the Mane Five, Mighty Ones and their new pokemon partners continue after returning magic to Equestria

  • ...

Chapter 4: Top Remodel

Today, we find the Mane Five and their pokemon, Mane Six, Petunia, Edge Blade, Sarah and her family at the abandoned Canterlogic Factory where they entered the main room and found a lot of boxes, shelves of forgotten items and more.

As the group looked around Sunny turned to Pipp, "Hey Pipp," she let out a nervous chuckle, "Remind me why we are here again?"

"Yeah, not that it isn't totally cool to be in a freaky empty building but...it is kinda freaky and empty.." Izzy replied before an echo was heard on the word empty as the group came to a stop.

"Empty, empty, empty."

Izzy gasped, "See I didn't even mean to do that."

"But that's why I love it! It's thrilling!" Pipp quipped cheerfully, spreading her wings, "Can't you just feeling the spooky energy in here?"

"Uh....why is she appearing to be having fun with this?" Swanna asked confused.

Hitch came trotting over to Pipp's left with Sparky on his back, "No. Not at all." he said before static was heard making him, Sunny and Izzy yelped in fright before Zipp found an old radio and picked up.

Hitch nervously laughed as Zipp threw it to the side.

"This is ridiculous." Hitch added before taking Sparky in his arms for comfort, "I've been inside Canterlogic millions of time. There's nothing to be afraid of."

Sunny chuckled, "I think Pipp disagrees." Pipp moved an old poster depicting a terrifying pegasus, Pipp screamed a bit before she laughed and fluttered upwards.

"Well Pipp has always had a love for spooky things."

"One time she convinced Haven that an entire wing of the castle was haunted by royal ghosts."

"Mom still trots the long way around." Zipp and Ryu informed.

"Seriously?" Hawlucha blinked while Sunny and Sarah chuckled before Pipp peeked from some old items, "Imagine what kind of terrors lurk in all these mysterious corners."

"I can't believe we all just forget about this old factory after Sprout and Phyllis shut this place down." Sunny quipped at the forgotten factory.

"It has been months since this place has been used." Sugarcake acknowledged.

"Well Sarah did buy this place when they shut it down." Celestia mentioned.

"Yeah and I've been planning for a while now on what to do with its, especially since this place is go big." Sarah added.

"She's right. This place extends into different hallways and such." Sugarcoat agreed.

"She can surely do something with this." Siren added.

Izzy and Pinkie Pie rummaged through some boxes and Izzy found a tiny tape, "There's much space in this place." Izzy chirped before echoing, "Place, place, place. That time it was me."

"It's like we all forgot it existed, except for Sarah," Hitch concurred before Pipp came hovering over them.

She gasped, "What is we forgot about it because the ghosts wanted us to!" she happily shivered and laughed with joy, "I have shivers!"

Pipp then flew off while Ryu and Zipp said in unison, "Here we go again."

"This is just an old building made of bricks and concrete." Hitch insisted as he walked a few feet with Sparky in his arms. "Besides, even if there were any, I'm not afraid of no ghosts!"

Hitch stomped his back left hoof and something suddenly scurried behind him and made him jump before more boxes began moving slightly and making him yelp in fright some more times and scream and hug Sparky a bit tight, "What was that?!"

Pipp and Rainbow Dash chuckled, "Not afraid huh?" they both asked a Hitch smiled awkwardly.

Hitch was still whimpering a bit while hugging Sparky a bit tightly, "Hitch, lay off on the hugging in fright." Bounsweet told her trainer whom saw Sparkys' discomfort and let him go with a small smile as everyone else was looking around.

"How are you all so calm?!" Hitch asked.

"Oh! I'm not!" Izzy stated with a frightening straight smile, "This is just my nervous smile. It looks a "lot like my happy smile. And also my unhappy smile." Izzy chuckled awkwardly before moving on.

"Oh please, you ponies should have seen the Castle of the Two Sisters ruins. They were way scarier; secret passages, scary dragon statues and more." Rainbow Dash quipped remembering when she and AJ bet on who could stay in the castle ruins all night unaware of Twilight, Spike, Rarity and Fluttershys' arrival at the castle and the four girls ended up scaring everypony cause of a rumor of the Pony of Shadows thanks to some scary pipe organ music. In the end, it just turned out to be Pinkie Pie whom secretly followed her friends and was playing the organ the whole time which Twilight found out not being scared cause she read Celestia and Luna's journal.

"Ahaha, sure as sugar it was." Applejack added.

"Hm. Now that Canterlogic is gone, what's gonna happen the building?" Zipp asked.

"Wouldn't it be super if it became something so fun-tastic that everypony and creature wanted to hangout here?" Izzy suggested.

"Izzy's right!" Sunny beamed.

"I am. Wait I am?"

"Yes! We should turn this old factory into something new for the whole community!" Sunny explained.

"This can be the biggest unicycling project I've done! And you ponies can help." Izzy grinned at the idea of Unicycling a whole building.

"Well Phyllis gave me the lease for the building when I bought it and she said I could basically do whatever I wanted to do with the building. So I've been planning this so far." Sarah sat down and took out some blueprints from her saddlebag and showed them to the ponies. "It's mostly for the second and third floor of the factory leaving the first floor open."

"I was thinking of using some of the different rooms in the factory for Rarity and the girls on the second floor - a section for Carousal Boutique for Rarity, Sugarcube Corner for Pinkie Pie, Farmlands for Applejack, Library for Twilight, Athletics for Rainbow Dash and perhaps some relaxing areas for Celestia, Luna and Cadence since Canterlot is governing itself now and the Crystal Empire still in a stasis." Sarah explained. "And with the Extension Charm I can make them big and better."

"Those ideas sound amazing Sarah!" Sunny beamed at them.

"Marvelous ideas, darling." Rarity added.

"They're all still a work in progress given I want to make something for the other Kingdoms and Dragonstone Dragons too not to mention Discord, Mint, Gleam and Jupiter on the third floor too. And I'm thinking of adding like Nursery for the Filly Three and youngsters to hand out in together - but still all a work in progress."

"That's a lot of very cool ideas Sarah!" Zipp agreed.

"That's Island Girl for ya." Race teased.

"Hehe, I get inspired by my family and friends everyday." Sarah grinned with a blush.

"Oooh, something personally for me." Discord charmed in as he appeared before everypony and creature to their amusement. "Mind letting me in."

Sarah chuckled, "It's still all a work in progress Discord."

"Have you thought of anything for yourself in the meantime for the second floor or third floor?" Discord asked with a grin. "Since you're doing so much for everypony."

"Well.... since Pokemon and Dragons have still recently returned maybe for myself and my family - a store of Pokemon Items, foods and more and like the booth I did at the Maretime Bay Craft Fair but expanded."

"That sounds wonderful darling."

"Darn tootin!"

"Oh yeah!"

"It sound like a wonderful idea, Sarah."

"I agree. Something for everypony and every creature to share together." Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Celestia and Cadence praised and Sarah smiled happily.

"I've cleaned out the second and third floor already so all that's left is the first floor to clean up." Sarah added. "I've asked the Adult Student Six to help out too with this."

"Yeah, it does have potential." Zipp agreed as she flew up. "Maybe we can turn this floor into an indoor skate park."

"Woah!" Izzy gasped.

"Wow!" Maractus added.

"Or a theater-slash-concert hall!" Pipp suggested hovering near her elder sister.

"Now we're talking!" Izzy chirped before Maractus mimicking Pipp's singing. "Or singing~"

"Or a Community Center for official town meetings." Hitch suggested as well.

"Oh. Or that." Izzy stated with her ears lowered a bit.

"Boo..." Rainbow Dash quietly mumbled.

"I heard that!" Hitch pouted earning a cheekily laugh from the Guardian of Loyalty.

"These are all great ideas and I love them all!" Sunny yelped in joy.

"Yeah!" her Guardians agreed.

"Oh! But how about we ask the townsponies, too? That way, our new space will be what everypony wants." Sunny beamed. "Sarah, you can make your ideas on the second and third floors while we work on the first floor here."

"Brill Idea, Sunny! And while you two do that, Hitch, Zipp and I will clear the building of all its ghosties, and spirits, etcetera. Really cleanse the energies you know?"

"She's really into ghosts and spooky things. Unexpectedly." Rapidash blinked.

"Yep." her children nodded.

"Perfect!" Sunny beamed,

"Let's ask Toots! Oh an Dahila! Oh! Oh! And Windy!" Izzy listed the ponies as she, Maractus, Sunnys' Guardians and Sunny went off to work they could ask before Sarah said,

"Actually Pipp, I'll borrow Zipp for when the second floor is finished so we can do some research together, right Zipp?" Sarah quipped at the elder pegasus.

"Y-yeah!" Zipp nodded with a grin as she went over to the young fellow Princess, "See ya Pipp."

"Hey Sarah, we're here!" Sandbar called as he, Yona, Ocellus, Gallus, Smolder and Silverstream appeared together.

"Great timing, come on." Sarah gestured and she and her family, Discord, Jupiter, Gleam, Mint Burn, Race and his team, the Adult Student Six, Petunia, Edge Blade, Zipp, Guardians of Harmony, Princesses of Old went to the higher floors.

"Have fun, don't let the ghosties get ya." Zipp teased as they left.

"Uh...I don't know if I could help right now...Sparky is really...fussy!" Hitch tried to excuse himself but Sparky was anything but fussy as he was babbling cheerfully.

"Mmhmm.." Pipp gave Hitch a sneaky grin at his ploy.

"And I've got a lot of official Sheriff Buisness to get back to! Paperwork, you know!" Hitch added.

"J-Just stop, you're not going to fool her." Bounsweet deadpanned.

Hitch and Sparky both let out nervous whimpers, "You know, if I had to guess, I'd say that spooky, scary ghosts haunting it up in here is totally against regulation." Pipp mentioned knowing Hitch's strictness for rules would come into play. "Right?"

"You make a good point. As a Sheriff I can't allow that." Hitch stated, falling for Pipp's ploy; hook, line and sinker.

"Mm-hmm." Pipp nodded as the pair got to work with Hitch putting Sparky in his saddlebag unaware of something watching them.

On the second floor, Sarah and her family, Discord, Jupiter, Gleam, Mint Burn, Race and his team, the Adult Student Six, Petunia, Edge Blade, Zipp, Guardians of Harmony, Princesses of Old came to the second floor where they saw the first of the many renovated interior hallways which were now crystallized with rainbow colored crystals in the colors of the Elements of Harmony.

With stained glass windows each depicting Sunny and the Mane Five with their new Elements of Harmony and Twilight, Mane Six, Student Six and Pillars of Equestria and their previous Elements of Harmony.

"Darling, your design work is magnificent!" Rarity beamed at the design work of Sarah.

"Sarah pony did great!" Yona praised.

"Amazing!" Rainbow Dash beamed.

"Thanks." Sarah beamed before they came to the first room and she opened it up to the empty but vast interior. "Okay, according to the blueprints and layout I made this could be Raritys' Boutique area."

"Oooh! Of course darling!" Rarity beamed at the idea of having an area similar to her boutique where she could get back to selling dresses and such as she used to do in Equestria alongside ruling Equestria with Twilight.

"One Boutique interior coming right up." Discord grinned and with a snap of his fingers created the interior of Rarity's boutique into the room including, Rarity's workroom; stocked with materials and supplies such as mirrors, dress form mannequins, movable screens, and a small display stage.

Rarity squealed in delight over having another sense of familiarity back with her. "Wonderful!" Rarity beamed.

"Great Discord, now up next is Pinkie Pie's Sugarcube Corner room."

"YAHOOOO!" Pinkie Pie joyfully screamed.

Pinkie's Sugarcube Corner room was to the right of Raritys' with the large kitchen having everything Pinkie Pie would need to make her treats and sugars for everypony and creature.

"Now Twilight's Library Area." Sarah grinned and Twilight couldn't help but quietly squeal in happiness.

This time Gleam created Twilight's Library Room was to the right of Pinkie's Sugarcube Corner room akin to the one in the Castle of Friendship however, Edge Blade added the books that she managed to salvage from abandoned Librarys' during her travels with the Filly Three.

"Perfect." Sarah grinned. "Now for Celestia, Luna and Cadence's Relaxation Room."

"I can do that." Jupiter offered.

Sarah chuckled and guided the group to the room across the Library Room and opened it up, "Now I know Celestia is more of the thrill seeker of the trio so how about we make this room half spa for Cadence and Luna and half thrill seeker room for Celestia?"

"What would a thrill seeker room have?" Sandbar asked.

"Anything that causes excitement and thrills?" Gallus questioned.

"Hmm....how about zip-lining, cave spelunking, skydiving, and mountain climbing?" Ocellus questioned.

"Hmm. I can do that save for the skydiving since we don't want to give your sister a spiritual heart attack." Discord quipped and with a snap of his fingers created a spa like area for Luna and Cadence and the thriller seekers area for Celestia.

"Hehe, wonderful." Celestia grinned.

"Perfect, now for Applejack, Rainbow and Fluttershys' concepts, they seem more for the outside which were can use the hill." Sarah thought. "And for Fluttershy's part maybe we could include the species from the Everfree Forest as.....like a reintroduction program?"

"To reintroduce them to Bridlewood with rules and boundaries." Twilight smiled seeing where she was going with that.

"Hmm...I suppose that could work." Fluttershy thought about it to. Her gift with animals should allow the creatures to trust her enough for this plan to go through. "And we could put it behind the Factory at the base of the hill."

"Sounds great." Sarah smiled. "And Rainbow's Athletics course could be the left of the factory and Applejack's Apple Acers Farm could be to the right to get plenty of sunlight.

"Oh yeah!"

"Yee haw!" Rainbow Dash and Applejack beamed happily.

"Looks like everythings' coming together, Island Girl."

"Thanks to your planning." Race and Edge Blade grinned.

Sarah blushed at their words shyly, "Hehe, thanks. Now for the third floor."

What they didn't know was Misty was spying on them and gasped seeing her with Edge Blade, the Filly Three, the Guardians of Harmony and Princesses of Old. Misty knew the truth but was still acting as a double spy for the gang, "Opaline has to know about this."

At the Dark Castle, Opaline was shown the images on Mistys' phone, "So that nasty Twilight Sparkle and those Guardians have returned and that daughter of my enemies must be seeking to take me down now." Opaline growled fuming with anger as Misty winced from behind her.

"What else did that daughter of my enemies reveal?" Opaline tossed Misty's phone back to her and she fumbled with it and dropped it before picking it up.

"I don't know. But since she's the daughter of this Delilah and Doug ponies than there could be more."

"Of course there's more!" Opaline growled as her fire powers began to show out of anger. "Time is running out before this daughter of theirs becomes just as powerful as those two were when they defeated me the first time! No thanks to Discord whom I thought I destroyed all those moons ago!"

Opaline put out her own fire magic and growled, "Ugh! I need the rest of that dragonfire! And that royal brat probably put an enchantment on these new species of dragons to prevent me from doing that! UGH! SHE'S MORE ANNOYING THAT HER PARENTS!"

"What if...we didn't steal Sparky?" Misty suggested irking Opaline.

"What did you say?" she asked dangerously.

"I-I mean, there's still Spike and Smolder whom you missed the first time so maybe you could take their dragonfire instead of Sparkys'?" Misty offered.

"Ugh! I would but that daughter of theirs must have put protection on them, no thanks to that Discord revealing my history to them all."

"U-Uh, Oh! You said those four dragons created the Unity Crystal in the first place and put all the magic in Equestria inside of them and created the shield to protect Equestria from you, so what if we just steal the Crystals instead?"

"We can't just steal the crystals! For one thing, they're now tiny pins on those pathetic ponies and besides now I know what they truly are. Conduits." Opaline quipped going to her cauldron in the floor.


"Long ago when Sefu, Drake, Tamu and Ryu created the Unity Crystals and placed all of Equestria's Magic inside of them, Doug and Delilah enchanted them. Stealing them now before I'm strong enough could destroy the Prisbeam magic the very source of magic that I want to posses!"

Opaline turned to Misty, "You were willing to risk that?"

"No, of course not!" Misty replied and laughed nervously and weakly, "It was a terrible idea. But um...uh...what's a conduit?"

"An Element." Opaline stated bluntly only to get blinking eyes from Misty.

Opaline groaned. "Ugh. A Crystal that's protected by a very complex powered by," Opaline shivered before continuing, "Unity Magic. The only thing that could possibly drain those Crystals permanently is an equal magical power."

"Like an Alicorn?"

"A Fire Alicorn." Opaline corrected with her flames emitting from her horn and wings slightly. "And for that, there's only one thing I need."

Misty gulped, "A baby dragon?"

"Don't fail me again." Opaline threatened as she walked away leaving Misty discouraged.

In Maretime Bay, Sunny, Sugarcake, Sugarcoat, Siren, Maractus and Izzy are in front of Dahlia, Windy and an Earth Pony stallion as Izzy is searching through her Izzy’s Does It cart while Sunny is holding her phone to take notes.

“Oh I know I’ve got that somewhere!” Izzy said quickly as she tossed some stuff out of her cart. “Did I put it under the macaroni?” She asked herself as she then held out a cactus. “Ah-ha!”

“There should definitely be balloons.” The earth pony stallion said. “I love balloons!”

Sunny wrote it down.

“Okay!” Izzy said with a smile as Sunny smiled as well as Izzy returned to go through her cart as she then blew on the balloons and levitated them out as the three ponies smiled.

“Oh! And a glitter banner.” Dahlia spoke next. “We’ve got to have a glitter banner.” She stated.

“Yeah, that too!” Windy said in agreement.

“Okay!” Izzy nodded as Sunny wrote that down as well as Izzy levitated some glitter cans.

“And an art gallery with a painting of every pony in Maretime Bay.” The Earth Pony stallion said again.

“Okay…” Izzy said uncertainty as she turned to Sunny, who shrugged in confusion as well as she wrote that down as well as Izzy went back to her cart as she levitated some painting supplies.

"Uh...Sunny..." Maractus tried to call at her slightly overwhelmed trainer before the three ponies then walked, leaving Izzy and Sunny and their pokemon behind as Sunny looked through the notes they’ve taken.

“Lots of color, no color, extra space for dancing, and a cool pony statue in every corner.” Sunny said while listing out the things she wrote down as Izzy sigh tiredly as she levitated some more of her tools from her cart as Sunny continued. “Rainbow ribbons, no ribbons, and only ribbons.”

Izzy began to struggle with all the things she levitated as she got some on her. “Balloons, a glitter banner, and a painting of every pony in Maretime Bay. And that’s just the decor category.” Sunny turned to Izzy, while the unicorn levitated so many things. “Do we have all that? We do, right?”

“I think so…” Izzy said uncertainty.

“Wow, the town’s ponies sure want a lot of different things.” Sunny commented as she got a ribbon off Izzy as the unicorn stood up.

“Yeah, and they don’t always go together.” Izzy added as she then shook her head to get the stuff off her, but she lost her focus as her magic faded and all the things fell to the floor.

"This might be a bit too many ideas." Siren suggested.

"Too many random ideas." Sugarcake agreed.

“Maybe there’s just too many ideas to--” Izzy began before Sunny cut off.

“Make it work?” Sunny asked hopefully.

Izzy gave a smile as she spoke and nodded. “Uh-huh!”

“But we’ve got to take everypony’s idea into consideration!” Sunny pointed out in worry. “After all, we’re all part of the community.”

She looked around at the stuff Izzy dropped as she picked up a spatula. “Everypony should all have an equal say and be able to enjoy the new space. Right?” She asked as she turned to Izzy in concern. “Right?”

Izzy gave a nervous smile as she gave an awkward chuckle as she nodded. “Right!” She said while her guardians sighed.

Meanwhile, back in Canterlogic, Pipp, Swanna, Hitch, Bounsweet and Sparky were walking through ducking underneath of some collapsed metal shelves and looking at the many equally empty hallways as the lights flickered trying to come on.

"Oh..." Hitch whimpered.

"Ooh!" Pipp grinned having found an old Unicorn Mind Reading Protection Helmet on a shelf. She flew up, grabbed it and brought it over to Hitch, "Remember when you thought these would protect you from scary brain melting Unicorn Mind Rays?" she brought up before adding eerily, "Spooky."

"Boo!" she exclaimed and Hitch flinched while Sparky whimpered.

"Pipp! Don't scary Sparky on purpose." Swanna scolded slightly.

Hitch sighed, "Great, just what we need. More scary thoughts." Hitch took Sparky into his arms whom hugged his pony father as Hitch sat down.

Some clattering was heard as some items in front of them moved slightly, making Hitch hug Sparky tighter earning whines from the baby dragon. "Maybe you could loosen your hold on the baby dragon a bit?" Pipp quizzed.

"Yeah you're gonna make him into a slush like that." Bounsweet agreed and Hitch eased his grip.

"Phew." Sparky sighed.

"I just...You know don't want anypony taking Sparky! The last time he went missing when Misty tried to take him to Opaline it was scarier than this creepy building." Hitch excused not wanting Sparky to end up in the hooves of the evil Alicorn.

Sparky burped some dragon fire which just popped itself, "Let's keep moving." Hitch added with a straight face.

"Before Sparky makes something big and dangerous out of this stuff with his flames." Bounsweet agreed.

The five of them continued on their way but they didn't notice someone was watching them.

At the front of Canterlogic, Sunny hopped off Izzy's motor scooter as Izzy looked unsure about this.

“Alright, are you ready for the biggest unicycling project ever?” Sunny asked Izzy in excitement.

“I sure am!” Izzy said cheerfully before she got nervous. "I think! I hope so! No, I am! I’ve decided!” She said with a determined smile.

Sunny then spoke nervously. “Sure, there are a ton of ideas, and sure, no all of them go together, and sure, this is a lot, but I know we can do it.”

“I think I agree!” Izzy said nervously as she got off her scooter.

"Or not." Siren frowned seeing Izzys' stress already.

“This is gonna keep us busy.” Sugarcoat commented as they walked to the Canterlot building to begin their work.

But then Posey appeared from the other side of Izzy’s scooter as the others turned to her. “Hey, I heard you’re redesigning the old factory.” Posey said with an interested expression. "Can I add my two bits real quick?”

“Sure.” Sunny answered. “What’s one more idea?” She added as Izzy chuckled nervously.

“Perfect!” Posey said with a smile as she continued. “So, I was thinking flowers--”

Suddenly, Rocky flew by as he landed behind Posey. “I have an amazing idea, too!” He called out.

Izzy then grew nervous about this. “Oh, ah!” She called out as two more Earth Pony stallions began coming up to them as she started panting.

"Oh boy." Siren winced at this before Glory appeared from behind Izzy.

“A dance studio!” She called out to the unicorn.

“Laser tag arena?” Peach Fizz asked as she appeared as well as she trotted to them as Izzy backed away a bit.

“A science lab could be cool.” Seashell said from behind Izzy as well.

“Uh…” Izzy said while looking nervous as the ponies around them looked at them.

Sunny, Izzy and their pokemon huddled closed as they backed up a bit as they gulped nervously at this outcome.

“This is gonna be complicated.” Maractus muttered, seeing that this will be harder than it looks.

"I am loving this~" Pipp sang as she fiddled with some dusty items before flying up to a shelf and messing with an old radio before flying back down to Hitch while saying, "It's just like in The Spooky Stables Series when Esmerelda Ghoulington searches for the old Whinney Mansion looking for her great grandponys' spirit."

Hitch was beginning to freak out with Pipp's ghost references and spooky stories tellings as she excitedly circled Hitch, Sparky and Bounsweet before stopping beside them on his right, "It's spine chilling!"

"I must have missed that one." Hitch excused nervously.

"Haven't we all?" Swanna agreed.

"Neigh way?! You have to read it!" Pipp insisted. "Esmerella thinks she found her Great Grandponys ghost and then BAM!" Pipp clapped her hooves together and made Hitch flinched again and scream which made him drop Sparky. "It was actually her great great Grandponys' spirit. Oooh...!"

"Pipp I think you should stop with the ghostness before you give Hitch a heart attack." Swanna advised while Sparky hummed happily and began climbing some items.

"That's okay Sparky, I'll keep you safe!" Hitch exclaimed as he ran over and hugged Sparky, earning slight whines before he and put him in his saddlebag.

"You mean, keep you safe, Hitch." Bounsweet teased before the group continued, turning a corner, not seeing a large shadow appear.

Outside, Izzy and Sunny are taking notes of so many ponies ideas as Izzy is levitating some more things while Sunny tired to write them down, but everypony all kept speaking their ideas at the same time that it’s tough to get at least one down.

“Sure, huh…” Sunny said to a pony.

Izzy began to get nervous as she doesn’t know what to say as she levitated more stuff as she gave a nervous smile and chuckle.

"Izzy..." Marcatus cooed with worry.

“Everypony, slow down! One at a time! Okay, got it!” Suagrcoat called out as Sunny wrote down as many ideas as she could.

“Of course! No worries.” Sunny said as the overlapping continued.

Seeing that enough is enough, Sunny called out. “Okay! Got it, thank you!” and the ponies heard her as they walked off.

“Phew, ha!” Sunny said in relief as she wiped her forehead.

“Ugh!” Izzy groaned as she laid on the floor, exhausted. “I better hurry up and get to unicycling!”

“Yeah, that’s probably a good idea.” Sunny said in agreement.

“I completely agree. Let’s get started before any other ponies come by and give us their ideas.” Maractus added in agreement.

“Ahem!” But when the three ponies turned around, they saw two ponies, Mayflower and a Unicorn stallion as Sunny gasped as Izzy looked in shock as Mayflower waved her hoof at them.

“You two go ahead. I’ll catch up!” Sunny said to Izzy whom smiled at her in response.

"Did it get darker in here? I feel like it just got darker in here." Hitch whimpered as the group continued down the hallway with a light flickering off and on as he held Sparky before he put him on a crate.

"Where's a Unicorn or Alicorn with a glowing horn when you need one?"

"Maybe we need to try talking to them?" Pipp suggested going in front of Hitch.

"Oh no." Swanna and Bounsweet sighed.

"Um...not so sure that's-"

"Come on out, you ghostly spirits!" Pipp began to call spookily as Hitch winced and fretted behind her putting his hooves on cheeks and then over his mouth, "We are only here to help! If you are here, give us a sign!"

Suddenly a loud clattering sound came before something came bursting out of the shadows. Bounsweet and Swanna unleashed Razor Leaf and Bubblebeam as the figure crashed into Hitch whom opened his eyes and saw he was holding.....




"Seriously?" Hitch, Pipp, Swanna and Bounsweet gawked in shock while Sparky laughed at the Earth pony.

"What was that?" Sprout asked in Hitchs' arms, scared, unaware of Izzy having knocking into some drum sets.

"Oopsie! Gotta remember to turn this thing on before trotting around in the dark." Izzy quipped (now wearing her crafting sash and glasses) as she put the instruments back and lit her horn to light her way.

"Uh...Ghosts..." Pipp replied before Hitch dropped Sprout on the ground, displeased.

"Sprout, what are you doing here?" Hitch asked.

"I saw you ponies and creatures entering the factory and I figured since it was my family business, I'd follow you to make sure you didn't mess anything up." Sprout replied acting arrogant as Pipp rolled her eyes as Hitch came to her side.

"Us, Mess things up?" Hitch echoed in disbelief.

"Yeah, you're the only whom nearly let Scarlet Nightmare and her Shadow Army take over Maretime Bay!" Pipp brought up again and Sprout laughed nervously at that.

"I thought we agreed to move past that." Sprout replied but Pipp and Hitch shook their heads along with their pokemon.

"Plus, I don't think we can mess thing place up anymore than it already is." Hitch reasoned.

"Yeah, it's wrecked enough as it is." Bounsweet agreed.

"Yeah, what happened in here?" Sprout questioned loudly as Hitch put Sparky onto another crate.

"Its......haunted." Pipp stated before laughing eerily, worrying the two stallions. "But don't worry Sunny and Izzy have big plans to make this place a-ma-zing! And Sarah and the Guardians are working on the second and third floors already. We just have to un-spooked the first floor first." she gasped and added, "Aw, unless it was just you? Aw."

Hitch sighed in relief, on the other hand, "Okay I'll admit it. For a second there, I thought this place was haunted, but it was just you the whole....."

Suddenly Hitch saw something large and scary behind them all and he fell back and screamed, "TIME!" Turning behind them, they saw what appeared to be a dark figure in the dark and they all screamed while Bounsweet and Swanna prepared to defend the trio before the lights came in (thanks to Izzy).

"Oh the lights work." she beamed before moving on.

The 'monster' only turned out to be items and pegamouse whom moved into the building.

"They're Pegamouse." Bounsweet blinked.

"Pegamice, you mean." Swanna corrected.

They all squeaked and chirped while the ponies were confused. Hitch approached some, "Uh..." but the pegamice ignored him and flew off.

"My factory is infested with rats." Sprout asked.

"They are pegamouse or specifically pegamice." Hitch corrected.

"Read a book." Swanna griped.

"Aw, why couldn't it have been ghosties." Pipp groaned sadly that there was no real ghost.

Elsewhere, the group moved to the third floor hallway, "Hmm....Oooh! I know what we can do with the whole floor! Maybe we can turn into a large hangout, like the Treehouse of Harmony was for us with the Nursery area for the little ones." Sandbar remembered how he and his friends repaired the Tree of Harmony which was destroyed by King Sombra and restored itself as the Treehouse of Harmony.

"Oh yeah!"

"Sounds perfect!"


"Sandbar great idea!"

"Count me in!" Ocellus, Gallus, Silverstream, Yona and Smolder agreed.

"Coming right up." Discord beamed and with a snap of his fingers turned the third floor in the Creature Hangout - with food buffet table to the far right of the room, a large television with several couches around it. A Kitchen was to the left of the television and couches with an automatic food ATM as well and a closet filled with cleaning supplies too.

There were Hippogriff Houses, Kirin Treehouses, Griffin Homes and Changeling CoCoon Huts for each creature to rest and relax as well next to the entertainment section with the Hippogriff houses attached to the walls.

The Nursery was to the left filled with baby items such as a crib, play toys, diaper changing stations and more.

"Perfect." Sarah smiled happily.

"This place looks awesome!" Zipp praised happily.

"Indeed." Hawlucha nodded. "Perfect for everycreature."

Meanwhile, Pipp, Hitch, Swanna and Bounsweet were trying to catch the Pegamice but they were too quick for them all. "Remember when all those animals got inside the Brighthouse and we couldn't get them out?"

Hitch was running back and forth to grab a Pegamouse, "Yeah." he grunted before he leaped to grab on but he fell on the floor and came towards Pipp.

"Oh I don't have a solution, but this is exactly like that." Pipp quipped at the dejavu moment before two pegamice crawled over Hitch and scurried away.

"Alright! No more mister Nice Sheriff." Hitch exclaimed before getting up and going over to the pegamice before sitting down in front of them, "Listen up little buddies. You're going to have to leave and got back home to Zephyr Heights, please."

Two pegamice looked at him and started chattering, "I know I know." Hitch said to them as Sparky was chasing another pegamouse behind them, "It's just that we're trying to turn this into a cool place for the community and its hard to do that with all of you hanging out here."

"Yeah and you really ratted the place up, why don't you scram?" Sprout rudely asked.

"Says the pony whom hasn’t done a single thing about this area for months."

"Yeah so technically you're the only responsible for this mess." Swanna and Bounsweet pointed out.

"I didn't ask you two!" Sprout snapped at the pair while the pegamice squeaked. "Is that a yes?"

"It was a no." Hitch replied earning groans from Sprout and Pipp before one pegamouse squeaked at Hitch again.

"He says that they were bored in Zephyr Heights, but this place has got lots of cool stuff to play with." Hitch translated before he leaned in closer and another pegamouse squeaked, "Uh-huh?" The pegamouse flipped in the air, "They...They need entertainment!"

But Sprout wasn't having any of it, "That's it! This is my building and you are all getting evicted!" Sprout chased the Pegamouse away and however, he came back screamed as some Rattata appeared with Bite and chomped on him for messing with their friends and one Pegamouse gave him a raspberry.

"That's what he gets."

"Shouldn't we tell him Sarah bought the place already?"

"Maybe later on, it's be better." Swanna and Bounsweet discussed.

At Opaline’s Castle, Misty was in her room as she is putting together a makeshift unicorn out of junk in her room.

Misty scratched her head a bit before she spoke. “I feel pretty silly talking to a unicorn made of junk, but I just have to have somepony to talk to about Opaline.”

Misty stood quiet as she looked at the homemade unicorn for a bit as she continued.

“You see, she wants me to steal Sparky. And I really, really don’t want to.” Misty said while looking down. “I tried that already but I got caught big time.”

The makeshift unicorn just stood silent again as Misty kept going.

“What do I think I should do?” Misty asked the makeshift unicorn, but kept silent as Misty gave a sigh, feeling a little silly doing this and conflicted.

In another room, Izzy started humming to herself as she started spreading some glitter on a banter while levitating a lot of cans with her magic while Sunny paced back and forth.

“Too much glitter?” Izzy asked her friends before she gave a smile.

“Psh, who am I kidding? There can never be enough glitter!” She cheered as she put on more glitter.

“For your love of glitter, Izzy, that’s true to me.” Maractus said with a small smile as Izzy gave a chuckle in response.

“I’ve made so many promises to the community, but I can’t keep them all!” Sunny pointed out as she sat on the floor.

Izzy dropped the cans of glitter as her magic faded as she and the pokemon looked at each other as they nodded and then came to Sunny.

“Sunny, sometimes there are promises that we just can’t keep. Whether it’s going to happen or not, it is a tough choice to make to even happen, but there are times when some of them just aren't gonna work and that you shouldn’t feel overwhelmed by them.” Sugarcoat said as she placed her hoof on Sunny’s shoulder.

“Sugaroats' right.” Izzy said in agreement as she placed her hoof on Sunny as well. “Whenever I used to feel super duper overwhelmed, I used to go talk to the oldest pony in Bridlewood, Elder Flower.”

Izzy took a breath and continued. “And now I will share with you, her wise, sagebrush advice like Sunset gave you.”

Izzy took a meditating position and levitated her glasses off and levitated a flower crown as she placed it over her head before she made a silly crazed face, which surprised both Sunset and and the pokemon.

“You can’t please, everypony, Izzy. Sometimes being a leader means making the tough decisions, Izzy.” She said while intimidating Elder Flower while walking around just like said pony around the pokemon and Sunny. “You, Izzy, must take everypony’s opinion under your hoof and then make the final call. Izz…”

She levitated her flower crown off and put her glasses back on. “Just change the Izzy part to a Sunny part.” She said in her normal voice with her usual smile.

“Yeah. We figure.” Sunny said with a smile.

“This Elder Flower sure is… wise.” Siren simply said with a smile before she nodded in agreement. “But that is true, Sunny. You can’t always do everything, you gotta take their opinions and make the final call to the choices you make.”

“You girls really think so?” Sunny asked with a small smile.

“Hoof to heart.” Izzy grinned as she raised her hoof and placed it over her heart.

Sunny smiled at them as she gave an encouraging look. “You’re all right.” She said to them as she looked around the whole room. “And I think I know just the way to make this the perfect space for everypony.”

Meanwhile, the Pegamice were still in the area while Sprout, Bounsweet, Swanna, Hitch and Pipp were hiding behind some creates, "We need to change our strategy." Pipp panted.

"What have you got?" Hitch asked out of ideas.

Pipp gasped, "I know." she got up onto one of the crates and started singing, "All you need is your beat, All you need is your beat, Oh, Oh, yeah. And all you need is your beat. Come on, Yeah, come on! All you need is your-"

However the Pegamice weren't paying attention and one was playing with a radio. Sparky giggled and babbled as he petted one pegamouse and another flew around his head.

"Okay what gives? Everypony loves that song!" Pipp frowned as she leaped off of the crate and the boys and Sunset came out.

"I think they've heard that song before Pipp." Swanna quipped.

And a pegamouse squeaked, "He says they've heard that song a bajillion times before." Hitch translated.

"What?" Pipp cried.

"They play it all over the big screens in Zephyr Heights. And she said 'Right! Like every single day!' And then he said-"

"Okay, Okay! I got it!" Pipp exclaimed with a groan.

Izzy was removing the items Sunny wanted as she walked around with her phone in her hooves, leaping over a ball of yarn in her magic, "Huh.....let's remove that.” Sunny stated looking at a pony statue which Izzy removed with a, "On it!"

Sunny walked around some more and saw a hedge in the shape of Pipp, "Hmm. And definitely that."

"Poof! Be gone!" Izzy chirped as she appeared and pushed it out of the way. Sunny turned to a picture of Sprout and Phyllis, "And definitely, definitely that."

"You got it." Izzy chirped as she levitated it away with her magic and Sunny smiled happily.

Back with Sprout, Pipp, Hitch and their Pokemon, they are still having trouble with the pegamice.

Sprout tried to jump at a pegamouse, but missed as he fell to the floor with a thud as he then gave a smile with a straight face. “So hear me out. What if we just let the rats stay? Huh?” He suggested Pipp and Hitch as he gestured to the pegamice, who had stacked a bunch of stuff into a structure.

“What! No way!” Pipp protested.

“That’s against code!” Hitch firmly stated.

Sprout just gave them a grin as he spoke again. “Okay, then idea number two… I leave! Good luck!” He said as he walked away from them.

"And good riddance, thank Celestia." Swanna quipped.

"Yeah, he's so annoying. Can't wait to see the look on his face when Sarah tells him he bought the place." Bounsweet agreed with a nod.

Pipp and Hitch just look dumbfounded at Sprout’s idea as they looked at the pegamice as they then starts groaning in sync, sounding like vocalizing.

The pegamice copied them as they started harmonizing when they heard them.

Pipp and Hitch were surprised by it as they smiled and looked at each other. “Ah-ha!” Pipp said, having an idea as Hitch is thinking the same thing.

Pipp and Hitch started harmonizing again as the pegamice follows along.

"Oh....they like your singing." Swanna chimed in.

“Are you thinking what I am?” Hitch asked with a smirk.

“Oh, I sure hope so.” Pipp said with a smile as she began to sing.

(With Each Other Song)


Makin' a plan

Hitch then sang next as it got the pegamice attention.

Lendin' a hand

Helpin' a friend is

(Pipp and Hitch)

Hitch then grabs Pipp’s hoof as he tosses her in the air as she twirls and does a pose.

Work together

Two manes are better

The pegamice then moves their heads to the music as Swanna and Hitch started flying by (with Hitch having balloons on him) while Pipp is on the ground doing a pose before they twirl around in their perspective position as they keep singing.

(Pipp and Hitch)
Findin' new ways
To fly-ee-y-ee-y-y-y-y

Sparky burped out a dragon fire in front of them as he, along with Swanna, Bounsweet, Pipp and Hitch, walked down the hall with them doing a cool walk as the two ponies sing.

With a little bit of confidence

And a little bit of kindness

Pipp and Hitch tossed Sparky in the air as the baby dragon cheered as he twirled around and uses his wings to slow his descendant down as he landed on Hitch’s back as he twirled around and does a pose as the pegamice then began to follow them out the building.

(Pipp and Hitch)
We can make it fun! To! Do!
Work together, make it better

The pegamice turned the lights around them into multicolor as it became some kind of stage hallway as colored lights reflected off the walls as the pegamice formed a line behind them with their makeshift instruments playing.

Workin' smarter with each other
Work together, make it better
We are stronger with each other

Bounseeet, Swanna, Hitch and Pipp walked out of the Canterlogic building with the pegamice following them, but what they didn’t notice is that their cutie marks began to glow as well as Hitch did a twirl as he and Pipp kept singing.

The other ponies in Maretime Bay saw them as they moved their heads to their song and moved their bodies to the beat.

Work, work, let's unite
Everypony shining bright
Work, work, work it out
Everypony shout it loud

They finish singing as they guide the pegamice to the edge of town with a sign that shows them the path to Zephyr Heights.

“We did it!” Both Pipp and Hitch cheered in joy as two pegamice landed in front of them.

The pegamouse on the left started squeaking to them with a smile.

“He says, ‘Thank you for that exciting new song.’” Hitch then translated for Pipp as the two smiled. “It really invigorated them. And now they’re excited to find fun things to do at home in Zephyr Heights.”

The two pegamice flew in front of them with the pegamouse on the right squeaked to them next as it twirled around.

Hitch translated again. “She said, ‘They’re sorry if they insulted your song. They love it. They just needed something new.” He quickly translated as the two pegamice flew away.

Pipp smiled at them from that. “Aw, I knew they love it. Everypony does!” She said with a smile.

That might, Sunny, Izzy and their Pokemon welcomed the others into the renovated factory which was made into a television set like stage, “Welcome to Canterlove Studios!” Sunny chirped as she changed into her Alicorn form.

“A place where everypony can hang out and make cool stuff. Yeah.” Izzy added throwing glitter into the air.

“Ooh we could put on a play.” Pipp beamed.

“You could.” Sunny nodded.

“Or a music video.”

“”Why not.”

“Or have really big community meeting where we discuss rules and guidelines.” Hitch suggested.

“Sure Hitch.” Sarah replied.

“Sky’s the limit!” Sunny chirped as Sprout approached them.

“Gotta admit. I like what you did with the place. It’s kinda impressive. And technically it is still mine. Boo-yah!” Sprout bragged arrogantly.

“Actually Sprout, I already bought this whole building from your mom.” Sarah smirked.

“WHAT?!” Sprout yelled in shock as the Mane Five laughed.

“Yep. I have the lease papers and everything so it’s mine technically and belongs to all of us now, except for you Sprout. And no arrogant ponies allowed.” Sarah sneered. "So bye bye."

Sprout huffed and stomped off while the Mane Five and the others still laughed.

Sunny confirmed with a smile. “Sarah's right. It belongs to all of us now.”

Sunny gestured to their friends as Hitch and Pipp started singing again together in sync while Sparky was dancing around while Zipp was looking at the camera equipment.

“We really did make this place shine, didn’t we?” She asked Sarah and Izzy.

“We sure did.” Izzy said with a smile.

“When we work together, we can make the impossible possible.” Sarah added with a wide smile.

“Booya!” Izzy cheered as she tossed some glitter into the air as Hitch and Zipp kept singing while Zipp came rolling by with the camera set as the Filly Three, Sparky and Petunia watched while everyone enjoyed their achievement

Back in Opaline’s Castle, Misty is still in her room while talking to the makeshift unicorn doll.

“And that is why Opaline can’t stand strawberry smoothies even though they’re absolutely the most delicious smoothies in the world!” Misty vented out, apparently talking more about Opaline other than stealing Sparky and getting the dragon fire as she fell to the floor and lay on her back with a sigh as she stood up and looked at the doll.

“So, Madame Taffytail? What do you say now?” She asked her makeshift unicorn doll, which she named.

Misty then grabbed Madame Taffytail as she moved it around. “I say you better try again.” She intimidated a voice. “Go get that dragon and finally make Opaline proud of you.”

Misty then spoke in her normal voice. “Really?” She asked her doll.

“You need that Cutie Mark!” Misty spoke in Madam Taffytail’s voice again.

“But Twilight and the others said no pony can give you a cutie mark you have find it yourself and they showed me what Opaline did all those moons ago. Can I really do that?” Misty asked uncertainty at a big crossroads about her future.

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