• Published 26th Jul 2023
  • 322 Views, 5 Comments

Too Shy To Say Anything - Partycannon_

With a low social battery and tied words, life can be difficult but sometimes there is something to be said.

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Chapter 1: The Cottage Of Bunnies

A light casted over the cloud stage, a brown pegasus spoke into the speaker. He said name after name, each time a pegasus flew up to the stage with bright smiles. They would claim a paper and shake hooves with the ponies.

“Fluttershy,” he spoke, yet nopony came to the stage. The crowd was silent and two ponies held their heads in shame. The speaker placed the paper to the side and continued.

I jolted awake. I felt my heart beat quickly in my chest as sweat ran down my body. I heard my heavy breaths slow. My eyes darted around the dark room and my spread wings folded back to my side.

I was in my room and once again the nightmare came back. Night after night it returned to torment me. No matter what I tried it always interrupted my dreams. It was starting to become a problem and the ponies around me noticed the bags under my eyes. Any attention was bad attention, pity was definitely the most common.

It didn’t help that most of my days now stayed directionless. Most days began with the nightmare and ended with laying awake until sleep finally overtook me. I have no friends, well, except Rainbow but I haven’t seen her in years. So now I stay awake, staring at a paper on my wall that I received when I was a filly.

What do you want to be when you grow up? The paper read. My answer was quick, I was the first one in class to write it. I want to be a confident pony. Afterall, it is the only wish I have ever had.

“Fluttershy, dear. Are you awake?” my mom called from the other side of the door.


My heart raced, I couldn't help it. I felt my face and noticed my large grin. It's just so exciting! I flew joyously as I giggled to myself. The air in my mane never felt this good.

“I have the best parents.” I squealed aloud. I held up a set of keys and chuckled with excitement. Bliss flowed through me like a fallfish in a stream. It was the best gift that anypony could have given me. I can finally be on the ground and give my tired wings a rest.


I swirled in pain but I recovered quickly. I looked ahead to find a gray pegasus that I slammed into also regaining composure.

“Oh no,” voiced the pegasus, she dove down. Finally I realized what had happened. Dozens of white envelopes floated down, aiming for the river below. Only freezing for a second, I dived down.

Collecting the papers was far from difficult, adding one on top of another. The imminent dread of being yelled at entered my mind but I shook it out of my head and focused on the envelopes. We finished gathering all of the papers and the gray pony pointed her hoof to the grassy field which I followed shamefully.

“Thanks a ton!” The pegasus smiled as she placed the envelopes in her bag using her wings.I answered with a light nod as she took the papers from me.

“Sorry I crashed into you,” I recoiled slightly at that as my eyes dropped to the grass below. It didn’t feel like she gave off any malice but it was always so hard to tell.

“My name is Derpy Hooves,” I watched the blades of green at my hooves and a small red and black insect appeared.

“Um, can you not talk?” she sounded so genuine that I staggered. “Hm, wait a second, I can ask yes or no questions,” does she really think I can’t speak?

“Where are you from? Wait, that isn’t a yes or no question. Do you live in Ponyville?” She seems nice.

“I um, just m-moved here,” I managed to whisper as I watched the ladybug move.

"Oh wow. That's great! That means you probably have," I hear her as she begins digging in her saddle. "Here it is," she said with something in her mouth.

She gave me a pink envelope with my name on it. I looked for the sender but there wasn't one. "Who is this from?" I subconsciously ask.

"One of my friends," I could hear the smile. "Oh, I need to get going. You live in the cottage outside town right?" I nod as I hear her beginning to flap her wings.

"If you see me delivering your mail, come say hi," and with that she took off.

I picked up the ladybug as I recovered. After a while it flew away and I suddenly felt a lot better.


I very cautiously find my way to the outskirts of town, dodging every possible conversation and interaction. When I finally lay eyes on the small cottage I once again get filled with immense joy and I flap my wings like crazy. I can't believe it, my very own home. I land by the door and take out my keys as my heart pounded, quickly I turn the key in the nob and with a click it opens.

With optimism I trot inside to find a cozy room, with a broken couch. Okay, that's a little odd. It also had some smashed windows... That's, hmm. But what stuck out most of all was a baby bunny, no more than a year old giving me a menacing stare. Well my parents did tell me they bought the cottage for pretty cheap, it just needs some tidying up. First I should probably talk to the bunny.

"Why hello there Mr Bunny sir. Is there a rea-"

The bunny held up his leg as I approached and once in range he threw his little foot into the ground causing the floorboard to fling up and slam into my jaw, I stagger back and the little bunny leapt forward and drop kicked me out the door before getting up and slamming it behind me.

"W-What just happened?" I recovered quickly but my mind was struggling to keep up. I shake myself off as I jump up from the ground. I placed my hoof on the door and the resistance of the twist told me that the bunny locked the door. Now wearing a frown I take out my keys and open the door quickly. Being met with a very similar scene I make sure to avoid any loose floorboards. We stare daggers at each other.

"That isn't any way to behave to a new friend my little bunny," I say in a low voice. Before I knew it the bunny jumped to me and began scratching my face. I reel back as I swiped at the white blur, attempting to catch the mean critter. Before I knew it the bunny jumped away and I noticed I was now outside, I looked to the door to find the small little bunny, with my keys and with his tongue out he slammed the door. I felt my roughed up face and found a small stream of red.

"YOU ARE A DEMON BUNNY!" I shouted as I threw myself to the door. The anger consumed me for a short moment.

"Calm down Fluttershy," I say to myself, resting my head against the door I sigh. Breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out. Alright, now it's time to take care of the bunny, not to cry.

I search the property, finding a nicely built chicken coop with some nice scenery. Finally stumbling across the back door I check if it's locked, it isn't and I smile mischievously. I open the door as silently as I can and trot inside just as quietly. Hm, that's odd. I think I just stepped in something. The lights flicked on and the bunny stood with an eyebrow raised. Looking down I find myself in a pile of flowers, but not just any flow-


Oh no... I bolted out of the building sneezing non stop as the little bunny rolled in laughter.


I'm out of options, I HAVE to do this. With all of the courage I have, I speed trot into the shopping center with my eyes firmly planted on the ground in front of me. As I trot I hear the voices around me stop and the few hooves that I do see get out of my way quickly. Then I made it to the fish stall with a few breaths to spare.

"Uh, Mam," the pony behind the counter starts. "Do you need medical help?" she asks dumbfoundedly.

In a shake of my head I look up but still trying to avoid eye contact. The little stall sold a lot of tools for anything water related, some decorated cards, some alcohol, and finally a net.

"Is that dried blood? Um, are you sure you're okay? You're shaking really bad," she asks but that doesn't matter right now.

"O-O-OnE N-n-NEt... P-please," I raise my hoof to the net the best I could. Then looking at the mare I find the face of an incredibly worried pony.


With the hard part out of the way now I just lie in wait. I found a small entrance the demon bunny didn't account for and all that was left was to find a hiding place. Until... I hear him, his tiny little jumps. Now he's sniffing, how cute but that isn't going to work on tired homeless Fluttershy, no sir, my dirt bath took care of that. Just a few more hops forward, and...


"Got you," I grew a rather large smile. The demon rabbit doesn't lose hope just yet as he tries to bite the wire and after the failed attempt he quickly tried to swipe at me but his lack of footing made it very difficult as I held the net up.

"I just wanted to get to my cottage and meet nice little animal friends. YOU HAVE BEEN THE ABSOLUTE WORST ADORABLE CRITTER I HAVE EVER HAD THE DISPLEASURE OF MEETING!" I yell loudly in a huff.

When my rage finally clears I open my eyes to find the small bunny cowering in the back of the net, his little heart beating so swiftly I can see where it pounded in his body. I was filled with remorse, even after all this little bunny put me through. Next I heard a door open and I looked up to find such a scene. A little bunny head poked around the wooden door then two more, then the room began filling with a community of bunnies. I was actually frightened before I noticed their sad faces.

"Mr Bunny, promise you won't attack me ever again," I say to him in a low voice before he quickly nods and I drop the net. The demon bunny quickly bounced into the crowd while one older bunny hops in front of the group.

"So Mr Bunny was protecting all of you, I'm sorry, I didn't know," I whimper. "I was just so excited to finally get a place to live, on the ground, with all the animals but I can't possibly live here with you all," my voice began to falter as the dam in my eyes started to break. The bunny in front began muttering in his cute little bunny voice.

"What? You don't want to live here?" I repeat and the bunnies nod in unison.

"Then why are you here?" I ask and the elder continues.

"Something took over your homes? How terrible," the elder nodded his head in shame while another bunny dragged over a book and laid it in front of me. The bunny flipped to a page and at first glance the photo was that of a bunny but quickly I realized I was wrong.

"Wait, they shouldn't be outside the Everfree Forest," I held a hoof up to my jaw in thought. "Then I know what I must do, I have to get your homes back," I stand as the bunnies begin cheering and I can't help but smile despite my rising dread.


"This is the easy part, this is the easy part," I whisper once again, eyes planted firmly on the ground below me as I trot into the shopping center. This time I don't see any hooves and the voices stop long before I trot next to them. I once again reached the fish stall. I summon all the courage I can and look up to the mare. The look of pure bewilderment met my gaze.

"Why do you have stovepipes strapped to your hooves now?" she asked, almost whining.

"W-W-WhisKey... P-pleAse," I point to the jar.


"B-but" I whimper.

"Whiskey is not the answer," but it IS the answer, why can't I just say that? I looked away while cringing. "Listen kid, you must be going through a lot. Let me take you to the doctor, you don't look good."

The dam in my eyes starts to crack again as I recoil. I shook my head and I began to run away. Why can't I just talk things out? I'm such a stupid pony.


It'll have to do, I frown. Trotting back to the cottage I looked up as the sun began to set. I breathe calmly, this isn't going to end well, this will go terribly. I walk past my soon to be house and I enter the forest. During the day it isn't bad but at night... WHAT WAS THAT? I turned but nothing was there, but it could be there. What could be there? Calm down Fluttershy, breath in, breath out. I get the feeling that I'm being watched and I DO NOT LIKE IT!

After only a dozen many heart attacks I found a small camp and when I mean small camp I mean it. A little fire made from a few twigs sat in the middle of a few dozen holes while many bunny lookalikes dance around it. Finally was a small figure sitting on a tiny throne also made out of twigs.

Here they are, the dreaded Jackalopes. Long antlers jolt out of their ears, they sharpen them and ram them into each other. Shakely I move forward, courage Fluttershy, courage. They notice me and I freeze instantly. The collective hiss entered my ears harshly. I take out the bottle of a clear bubbly liquid and place it in front of me. One of the Jackalopes hop over and pick it up to take it to the one resting in the throne.

"It isn't whiskey, but it's made of alcohol. It's for cleaning," I say cautiously in a gulp. The king opens the lid and puts a drop on his tongue and throws it to the back of his small throat. Instantly he began coughing. In between the wheezing the king threw his tiny paw in my direction and began grinding his teeth.

And now I wasn't going to be seen again. They approached in teams and my eyes started to water. Why did I do this? Next time can I be a strong pony? One who doesn't cower in fear when a pony wants to have a conversation. Can I be somepony who isn't lonely all the time?

My parents flash before my eyes and in an instant my fear turns into something else.


"MY PARENTS BOUGHT ME THE BEST COTTAGE IN ALL OF EQUESTRIA! I AM SLEEPING IN THAT COTTAGE TONIGHT! AND YOU ALL DO NOT BELONG HERE, GO BACK TO THE EVERFREE FOREST! NOW!" I stare so hard at the group my eyes feel like popping out. They all back up, almost in a trance, even the king trips over his throne. They scatter into the forest, presumably back to the Everfree.

I felt beyond drained. I looked back to find a baby bunny with his jaw dropped. It was the demon bunny, I smiled.

"Do you know the way back?" I asked in a gravelly voice. He nodded quickly and I followed him all the way to the cottage. It was night and I looked to Ponyville, it seemed like there was a party going on, was I forgetting something?

I waited outside as the community of bunnies exited one by one, they all thanked me in their cute little voices. I smiled brightly and waved at each and every one. Then the last one was the demon bunny, he didn't thank me but instead he stared at me until reaching the edge of the forest. I never saw him enter the wooded area as I trotted inside.

Closing the door behind me I noticed how much of a mess the cottage was. I went upstairs to the bedroom with heavy eyes. The bed was in ruins.

The dam finally broke and my face was nothing but a river of tears. I fell to the wooden ground and curled up in a ball. I don't know how long I cried before sleep overtook me.

I only remember two things after I fell asleep. First was a knock on the front door and second was a blanket being placed on top of me. Maybe an angel visited me while I slept.


Author's Note:

Hi everyone, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. This story has taken a lot of time to make and I hope it has been worth it. This story is sort of an obsession of mine and with all the time with it I certainly can't wait to be fully done with this chapter.

This story will be updated every three weeks, sometimes sooner, sometimes later. The next three chapters have been made but still requires a bit of touching up. If you enjoy this story so far and are interested in becoming an editor for this story please send me a private message.

Also please check my friend out for his awesome work on the cover art: PastaPower64

See you soon :yay: