• Published 31st May 2023
  • 436 Views, 13 Comments

Moonstone and Flameagate - Purple Seacow

Luna threw an annoying dragon off a mountain. The dragon came back for more.

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Fire Opal

There was, perhaps, something ironic in the places Luna decided to spend her free hours. One might think the Princess would seek out the company of her people, enjoying the lively and colorful ways ponies celebrated her night. However, she was ultimately a pony out of time, and the awkwardness of her ignorance of the new age made most meetings with the public stressful and painful, and she had bitterly accepted that she still needed time to acclimate herself.

Then why not seek the life and green of the wilds? Enjoy the land around her? Even this was at times overwhelming, the colors, scents and light was sheer assault on her senses, and would at times bring her into a stupor, and so she kept mostly indoors or, as she had done this time, sought out barren and desolate climates where she could carefully curate her experiences.

Still, one might think the desolate and emptiness of a volcanic crater would be too much like the barren landscape of the moon. But quite contrary, Luna found the warm and rich colors just similar enough to her moon as to not feel to lost, yet different enough that it was a new and pleasant retreat.

She had spent several hours enjoying the sweeping vistas, exploring the geological oddities and collecting interesting souvenirs from the cliffs. And now she was lounging on a pleasantly warm rock, soaking up the heat of her sister’s sun.

She was mentally contemplating whenever to begin her return to Canterlot in a sedated manner, or to spend a few more hours napping to make up for the sleep she had lost by staying up in the day, when she heard the sound of flapping wings.

Lifting her head, she expected to spot one of the few guards that she knew was staying close by, but instead saw a flash of glinting red scales.

A dragon. Though a smaller one. Likely only a drake, and possibly only an adolescent.

Dragons could be prickly to deal with, and a youngling with plenty to prove even more so. However, Luna was feeling pleasantly lazy and content, and decided to try and avoid a heated confrontation if possible. After all, Pony-Dragon relations had improved these last few years, especially after the reign of Dragon Lord Ember has begun.

“Hey pony!” The dragon was making a beeline for her. Dark red scales and yellowish belly with wings oddly tattered. Could be the dragon had a tendency to get into scraps, or simply a natural feature. Dragon physiology did have a flair for intimidation.

“This is my spot!” He (at least Luna guessed at a he, based on the roughness of the voice), landed right in front of the rock Luna was resting on, putting them at equal eyesight as he jabbed a claw at her.

Luna merely raised an eyebrow. “Are thou referring to this boulder upon which We are resting? Or the crater in its entirety? We have spent some time here already, and found no sign of occupancy”

“Why are you talking weird like that? Is that some new pony thing?” The dragon placed his hands on his hips with an annoyed snort. “And obviously I’m talking about the whole volcano. This is a dragon place, widdle ponies don’t belong here, you are getting cutsie wutsie all over my new digs.” He lifted a claw and waved it at her, as if trying to shoo her off.

Luna sighed.

So much for easy diplomacy, but there was still room for a relative peaceful resolution.

She slowly rose to her hooves.

“Yeah scram you, you.” The dragon actually stepped back.

“Uhm, you are kinda big for a pony.”

Luna was not as tall as her sister, but even without the elevation lent from the rock she was standing on, she could still have easily looked the dragon right in the eye. But she would not miss this opportunity for leverage, and so stayed in place, looming above the dragon.

The dragon paused, his eyes momentary wide, and Luna watched him run his sight across her horn, her wings and her flowing mane. He seemed to collect himself, and averted his eyes in thought as he scratched himself behind his ears “Man, you are really tall, and that hair thing you got going on is so weird. Does that mean you are some kind of freak pony?”

He lightened up snapping his claws as he looked up at her with a grin, “Yeah! Freak pony! Go away freak pony.”

Luna took a deep breath. “We were having quite a pleasant day, and if thou had approached with even the slightest bit of tact, We would have been quite satisfied with retreating in peace, or perhaps even engage in some pleasant socializing, as We truly do se the appeal of this caldera. However, We do not respond well to base insults.” She lowered her head, pointing her horn straight at the dragon. “We are providing thee one chance of apologizing, and are willing to begin this encounter as from new.”

The dragon stared, and then began a spluttering laugh. “Oh scales, you ponies really are hilariously stupid, as if I would ever apologize to a prissy pony.” He wiped a tear from his eyes, a small colored flame escaping his jaw.

“So be it. Do not claim We did not warn thee, dragon.” Luna said coldly.

The dragon howled with laughter once more. “Ha! And what exactly are you gonna do about it freak po – GlUrK!”

Luna did not completely squash the drake, but merely kept her magic tightly wound around him, giving him just enough space to breathe.

She lifted him up towards herself, staring him right in the eyes. “We are Princess Luna Invictus, Shepard of the Moon, Mistress of the Night, Sister-Ruler of Equestria. We do not make light of Our words.” She hissed. And then she swung her horn, hurling the dragon across the sky and off the side of the mountain.

Luna watched the small red speck disappear, before stretching herself and settling back onto the rock. At this height the dragon would have plenty of time right himself before he hit the ground, and hopefully find some other creature to bother.

She had only been resting for a few moments when she once again heard the sound of wings. Though this time it was in fact one of her guards.

He quickly bowed in front of her. “I apologize we didn’t interfere before your majesty.”

Luna shook her head. “It is all fine, We did instruct you to not interfere with any locals approaching us, and the intentions of the dragon were not clear.”

“And if he returns?” The guard looked toward the sky. “We haven’t seen him leave the mountain yet.”

Luna hummed quietly. “No, should he attempt to seek us out once more, he does so at his own risk. Keep you distance unless We call on you, and focus on keeping thy selves and others out of harms way. Though We do not think it will be necessary.”

“As you wish your majesty.”

Luna had hoped the dragon would simply leave, but alas, youth were always brash, and admittedly, she knew she was tempting fate by staying in place. She could already hear Celestia berating her for it.

Still, she was equally disappointed and amused when a flash of red appeared above the cliffs.

“Hey freak pony! Thought you got rid of me? No way I’m just gonna stand still and let you do the same thing again.” He flew across the crater, looping in the air. “I bet you can’t catch a moving target! I’ll burn that weirdo hairdo right o- HEY?!”

Luna didn’t even bother getting up, merely grasping an edge of his wings, and gripping him tightly as he swung off course.

This time she flung him off the northern side of the mountain.

The next time the dragon appeared he actually tried to think. Luna only just spotted him out the corner of her eye, crawling slowly from behind her back. He had even dulled his colors with mud and sand.

She allowed him to get nearly to the edge of the rock, before she simply flattened him with a magical field, pressing him onto the rocky silt.

“Were thee aware that ponykind have quite excellent peripheral vision?” She conversationally stated as she wrapped him in a cocoon of magic.

“No?” He managed to squeak out.

“Tis’ true, it can be quite difficult to approach a pony without making us quite well aware of your presence. But We applaud you for the attempt.”

“Uh, thanks?”

“Much obliged.” Luna even smiled at him before she flung him towards the horizon.

With both agility and stealth out of the question, the dragon ended up resorting to brute force. Or at least, an attempt was made.

He came from afar, at high speed, drifting low across the crater, finally letting out an impressive bout of fire as he strafed Luna.

However it was all in vain, as Luna merely erected a standard magical shield, lowering it after a moment, which inevitably lured the dragon into another attack.

Through it all, she stayed comfortably on her rock, wings at rest and legs crossed, dangling slightly over the edge. Only flickering her ears as the dragon flew back and forth, trying again and again to break through her shield.

“Go ahead freak pony, no way you are gonna be able to keep that up.” The dragon wheezed eventually, hovering at a distance he thought safe. “Dragons are tough!” He coughed and belched a cloud of smoke. “I’m not going anywhere!”

Luna rolled her eyes and grabbed him once again as he dove for another attack.

“Thou are indeed correct.” She said as she squeezed his jaws closed. “Dragons are quite a resilient species; it is among your finest traits.” She narrowed her eyes. “And quite convenient, for We are running out of patience with thou
foolishness. Cease or apologize thou rudeness, or We will put this to the test.” She eased her grip enough for the dragon to speak.

For a moment the dragon was quiet, working his jaw.

“Yeah no, no namby pamy pony princess is going to order me around.” He said.

“As thou wish.” She hardened the magical shell slightly and flung the dragon right through a nearby cliff, leaving a most peculiar shape in the rock.

Luna stood, somewhat admiring her work, rolling her shoulders. While she hoped the dragon would finally get the hint, she had a feeling this would not be the last geological redecoration.

She was right.

An hour later the crater had gotten quite a perforated look, and Luna was vaguely wondering if there was a future in dragon shaped windows and rocky architecture, when she was approached by a guard.

“You majesty? It is getting rather late, and if we are to return to Canterlot in time for sundown we will need to leave soon.”

Luna sighed and looked at the dipping sun. “That is correct. We likely should have set out some time ago, thank you for reminding Us. Gather the rest of Our guard, we shall leave shortly.”

“Giving up already?” From a fresh hole the dragon weakly crawled out. “I knew it.” He wheezed. “Ponies, ponies are *cough* so pathetic.” And then he fell directly onto his face.

“Thou may tell thyself such, if it shall aid you in sleeping this night.” Luna shook her head and took off, leaving the dragon in the dust.

It had been a reasonably pleasant day, even if the end of it had been vexing. Or, mostly vexing. Luna somewhat had to admit there was something cathartic in being able to throw her problems to the sky. Perhaps she would suggest that as a means of dealing with persistent nobles. Obviously Celestia would never agree to it, but it was a rather pleasant fantasy.