• Published 10th Jun 2023
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Flurry Heart's Story: My Big Fat Pink Wedding - AleximusPrime

Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich are preparing for their wedding, but not all is as it seems and Flurry Heart starts to wonder if there is another changeling invasion underway.

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6. Speak Now Or Forever Hold Your Peace

Pound, Pumpkin, Chip, Annie and Stormy walked into the town hall, dressed in their wedding attire. The boys had on suits made for colts, while the girls wore their flower girl dresses, designed by Rarity. Rainbow Dash and Applejack had already arrived earlier since they were bridesmares, so their husbands waited outside with their kids and the Cakes.

“Where’s Flurry? She should’ve been here by now,” Stormy asked impatiently.

“Hopefully she’ll show up. We can’t miss one of our flower girls, especially not Flurry,” Annie said.

“She’ll be here, guys,” Pumpkin told them, cheerfully. “Flurry isn’t known to sleep in that late.”

“Hey guys. Sorry I’m late,” Flurry said, flying in with her parents behind her.

“We were a bit busy with some last-minute preparations last night,” Cadance told them.

“But we weren’t gonna miss this big opportunity, especially since our daughter gets to be a flower filly,” Shining said, petting Flurry on the head as she blushed.

“Alright, Flurry, you ready?” Pumpkin asked her friend.

“I’m ready!”

Flurry marched inside with Pumpkin and Annie. Before she crossed into the entrance, she looked back to her parents and winked to them. Shining Armor and Cadance then shared sinister glares and walked in after her.

“It’s kinda weird that she was this late,” Stormy told Pound.

“Yeah, you’d think Flurry of all girls would’ve come way earlier. You know how she gets with schedules,” Chip added.

“I did expect her to be way more apologetic upon arrival,” Pound said, thoughtfully. “Well it’s good to see she’s getting over her fears from last night.”

“Um…what fears, if I may ask, Pound Cake?” asked Tex.

Stormy then began to run his mouth as always.

“She thought changelings were going to-”

“THOUGHT CHANGING…uh…her dress…last minute was a bad idea!” Pound blurted out over Stormy.

“Yeah, you know how particular Flurry gets about what she’s going to wear…hehe,” Chip said before glaring at Stormy.

“What?” Stormy asked.

Tex and Thunderhead glanced curiously at each other and then shrugged their shoulders, as they all entered and looked for their seats. Little did they all know, the real Flurry Heart and both of her parents were far away from this wedding.

Inside the Everfree Forest, Flurry, Buttercream and Maud followed Elytra through the foliage.

“So how did you break out of your pod so easily, Maud?” Buttercream asked.

“Never underestimate the power of the Help-Me-I’m-Trapped Tap. I can sense it from a mile away. I had already found a way out of my cave when I felt the Tap. I thought it was my sister, so I rushed towards it. How did you know the pattern of the Tap anyway, changeling?”

“I learned it from your memories,” Elytra answered. “We changelings have learned a memory-transfer spell now. It’s how they’ve all been able to act so well this time around.”

“Well the queen definitely underestimated me by not putting me in a pod. I got out of there pretty quickly after I regained consciousness.”

“Yeah, that’s cuz I didn’t tell her about your ability to dig really good or use the Tap. I thought if I don’t have a chance to defect, I might as well not disclose everything to her about your memories. That way maybe the plan could fall apart somehow.”

“I guess you’re not as bad as you sound after all.”

“Shhh! Get down!”

Elytra stopped everyone, while whispering. All grew quiet and they heard some royal guards walking nearby. They ducked down behind a log and some tall grass to avoid being seen.

“Are those changelings?” Flurry whispered to Elytra.

“Yes,” Elytra whispered back. “We need to be careful. Pinkie should be about a hundred yards away. You girls stay here. I’ll take care of them.”

Elytra then transformed into a female royal guard and walked towards the other two. They were startled at first when they saw her, but calmed down once they saw it was a royal guard.

“Hey, what are you doing over…oh, lieutenant, it’s you,” said one guard, recognizing the disguise.

“Scutellum says I need to move you two out towards the path,” said Elytra in her disguise. “Apparently there are some ponies walking through there to get to the Treehouse of Harmony. Just keep an eye on them, so they don’t see what we’re up to.”

“Uh…okay. We’ll check it out,” said the other as they both took flight and left.

Elytra waited till they were out of sight and then signaled to the others to move through. They tip-toed to where she was and slowly continued on foot, so the other changelings would not see them. In a few minutes, they had reached a very dark area in the forest. Before them stood some old ruins that appeared to be ancient houses made of stone. Most of them had roofs and doors that had decayed and fallen in over the years, so they were easy to enter. Inside one of the huts, hanging from an archway was a large changeling harvesting pod with something pink inside.

“That’s her,” Elytra said as they stood underneath the pod.

“Will she be alright?” asked Flurry.

“She should be conscious, but I can’t promise she’ll be that responsive. The sedative fluid is breathable and feeds you with nutrients, but it keeps you tranquilized as long as you’re in there. Chrysalis filled this one with a lot of it. She wanted to make sure Pinkie would never come back but could still be harvested for all her love magic.”

Buttercream and Elytra flew up to pull the pod off of the archway and gently bring it back down. Flurry and Maud rushed over to help open it up. The pod was foggy and it was hard to make Pinkie out inside, but they could still see the pink from her body as well as the blue from her bow.

“Start digging, Flurry,” Maud said as she began to chip away at the walls of the cocoon with her hooves. Flurry had a difficult time doing it since she was not used to working with her hooves, but she was determined to get her friend out, so she didn’t hesitate. Buttercream’s claws weren’t the sharpest, but she managed to scrape away at the pod with Elytra’s help. The pod started oozing green liquid and began to crack. They all backed up and it finally burst open, leaving liquids flowing out like a large water balloon that had just been popped. Pinkie slowly settled to the ground, but what everyone saw next shocked them. She was thin, desaturated of color, and her hair was straight. Flurry remembered stories about how Pinkie’s hair would ‘deflate’ and she would lose her natural pink color whenever she would get depressed in the past, but now her own body fat had disappeared as if she was undernourished and hadn’t eaten in a while. This was likely an affect from the sedative liquid, but the fact that her wedding was being commandeered and she could not marry the love of her life must have taken a major toll on her.

“Oh no! What happened to her?!” Buttercream yelped.

“She’s shell-shocked,” Maud replied, worriedly. “I’ve seen this happen to her before whenever she’s depressed. We have to wake her up.”

Maud knelt down by her sister and lifted her head. Pinkie slowly began to open her eyes.

“Ch…Chee…Cheese…” she began to say.

“Pinkamena Diane Pie, it’s your sister, Maudileena. Can you hear me?”

“Maud…Flurry…Butter…I’m…the…they took…they took him…”

“It’s okay, Pinkie. We’re here for you,” Flurry said, nearly starting to cry.

“She looks awful,” Buttercream said. “Can we get her back to normal.”

“I’m afraid the fluids were too much. She may be like this for a while,” Elytra said, nodding her head back and forth.

“No! There has to be a way!” Flurry said.

“If we can’t get her back to normal in time, we won’t have that Pinkie clone army,” Maud stated. “Maybe we should just try to get to the wedding first and warn everyone before the I-do’s are made. You three go. I’ll stay with her and keep my sister safe.”

“Wait…” Elytra said.

“What is it, Elytra?” Flurry asked.

“I… I think I have an idea. If I could use the memory transfer spell on Pinkie…maybe she’ll see some of Maud’s memories and it will be enough to bring her back to her senses.”

“It’s worth a try,” Maud said, taking one last chance to talk to Pinkie. “Pinkie Pie, can you hear me? I need you to stay focused. We’re going to fix this.”

Pinkie was still speaking faintly. Tears formed in her eyes and trickled down her cheeks.

“Maud…they took Cheese. Chrysalis…is going to get married in my place. I’ll…I’ll never see him again…”

“No, Pinkie, that’s not going to happen. We’re going to bring you back. Go ahead, Elytra.”

Maud moved aside for Elytra, and the changeling charged up her horn. She emitted a beam onto Pinkie’s head. Pinkie barely reacted at first, but her eyes slowly widened. She then winced and closed her eyes. She began seeing flashbacks through Maud’s point of view. She saw stages of her life as she grew older and became known to many as the happiest pony around that loved putting smiles on everyone’s faces. Eventually she started seeing scenes of her with Cheese Sandwich that Maud had remembered. Finally, she saw the moment when Cheese proposed to her in Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie slowly began to smile and speak again.

“I…I remember…Cheese Sandwich…I won’t…I won’t let this get me down. I’m coming for, you, Chee-”

“YOU THERE!” shouted a voice behind them.

Everyone jumped abruptly as they looked to the entrance to see the two royal guards from earlier. Their eyes turned green and they transformed into changelings.

“ATTACK!” screeched the other as they rushed forward.

Thinking quickly, Buttercream took to the air and blew fire at both of them, while Maud grabbed some nearby rocks to throw. Flurry could do nothing without her magic so she hid behind a stone. Elytra wanted to stay for Pinkie, but her friends needed her help so she tried firing blasts at the changeling drones. While the other three were occupied with them, Flurry did her best to help Pinkie along.

“Pinkie, it’s Flurry! Don’t forget all the great things you’ve been through! Don’t let this get you down! You’re strong! We’re going to stop Chrysalis and you and Cheese are will be married one way or another!”

Pinkie’s color came back and her hair slowly started to curl. Her eyes opened wider while a pinkish aura surrounded her body. Flurry backed away and Pinkie stood up. She turned around to the changeling drones. They had just subdued Buttercream and Maud in webs while Elytra was cornered. The drones then looked back at Pinkie. They watched as she puffed up and became plump again. She stood bipedal, while her head was bowed. She slowly looked up with rage in her eyes.


Pinkie then reached back into her puffy tail and pulled out a small silvery canon. It was a smaller version of the Party Canon, but one of the flower wheels on the side acted as a dial and there was a tiny sight with crosshairs on top. She put her arm in the hole in the back. The canon transformed and extended. She swung it forward and pointed it at the drones, firing a huge explosion of confetti, cake and random party supplies. The drones flew out of the doorway and were smashed against a large boulder, flattened like pancakes. Everyone in the room looked at Pinkie in amazement. She was panting but slowly regained her composure. Lifting the canon, she transformed it back into its smaller form. She smiled and flipped her bangs to the side.

“Thanks, guys,” she said.

“PINKIE, YOU’RE BACK!” Flurry squealed as she dove for a hug.


Elytra helped Buttercream and Maud out of their webs and they rushed over to Pinkie and Flurry to join them in a group hug as Elytra watched happily. Pinkie was so overjoyed; she started crying.

“I knew you guys would come for me!” she said, wiping away her tears.

“Love the new Party Arm Canon!” Buttercream replied.

“Thanks! Cheese helped me make it. I still haven’t patented it yet. And I’m guessing she’s on our side?”

They all parted to let Pinkie speak to Elytra. Elytra walked forward.

“Hey, Pinkie. I’m Elytra. I mimicked your sister earlier, but I defected and they imprisoned me too. What Queen Chrysalis has been doing all these years is unacceptable, so I’m here to help you.”

“We’ve got to hurry! The wedding might be starting soon!” Buttercream said.

“But what will we do? I see Flurry can’t use magic,” Pinkie said, pointing to the black shell on Flurry’s horn.

“We have backup. We were in the Mirror Pool cave earlier and we saw your clones,” Flurry told her.

“My clones? Wait, they’re still alive?”

“Yeah, but they can’t get out. They said only you can bring them out.”

“It’s on the way back to Ponyville. We have to be quick though. I think the ceremony will be starting really soon,” Maud said.

“And if Chrysalis gets that kiss, she’ll gain so much power from your fiancé.”

“Right. No time to waste! Let’s go, guys!”

They rushed out of the ruins, not worrying about startling more changeling drones nearby. Time was running out and they would be safer in larger numbers once they had the Pinkie clones with them. By the time they had gotten to Maud’s cave, there were already several drones disguised as guards that were chasing them, demanding to know what they were up to. Maud and Buttercream stayed behind to distract the drones.

“You guys keep going! We’ll keep them busy!” Buttercream called as the drones transformed and hissed.

Maud ran towards the drones and did a flying kick to one of their faces. The other one lunged for Buttercream but she pushed her belly forward and allowed him to bounce off of it like a trampoline. Another one tried to fly over her to get to the others, but she pulled him down and locked him in a really tight bear hug.

As the fight went on, Flurry, Elytra and Pinkie finally made it inside the Mirror Pool cave. Pinkie walked to the edge of the pool to look into it. She didn’t see anything at first.

“Hello? Real Pinkie Pie here!” she called.

Suddenly tons of younger versions of her popped their heads out of the bottom where the edge of the shore started. They smiled and started jumping up and down.


“Hey there, myself!”

“Great to see you again!”

“Wow, did you gain weight?”

“Love the bow!”

“Congratulations on your engagement!”

“Thanks!” Pinkie told her clones. “Now could you guys maybe help us out? We’re having a bit of a changeling problem with my wedding right now.”

“Sure! We’ll take on that mean bug queen!”

“Alright, but what do I do?”

“Just jump right into the water!”

“Yeah, give us a big ol’ canon ball with that big, plump body of yours!”

“Just don’t forget the chant!”


Pinkie took a few steps back and inhaled deeply before reciting the chant.

"And into her own reflection she stared, yearning for one whose reflection she shared, and solemnly sweared not to be scared at the prospect of being doubly-mared!"

She leapt in the air, curled herself into a ball, and landed in the water, splashing Flurry and Elytra. As the water settled, rumbling could be heard coming from the pool. Tons of bubbles erupted like a hot tub and the water turned pink.

“I think it’s working!” Flurry shouted.

“GUYS! WE REALLY NEED THAT ARMY RIGHT NOW!” Buttercream called as she and Maud rushed into the cave with a squadron of changelings behind them. The changelings all stopped as they felt the rumbling. The water from the Mirror Pool rose up with the Pinkie clones. Their total number had increased exponentially from the last time they were created, leaving Pinkie a much bigger army of clones than she expected. They stampeded over the changelings like a wave crashing on the shore. Pinkie road on top of them with her hoof pointing forward.



The changelings drown in the seemingly endless sea of pink ponies. Flurry, Buttercream, Elytra and Maud all hopped on top of the clones. They rode them out of the cave and into the forest.

“Alright, everypinkie! Ponyville is that way! Let’s go kick some changeling butt!” Buttercream shouted to them as they all turned in her direction and swept through the trees.

Flurry, Elytra and Buttercream flew along with them while Pinkie and Maud continued to surf on top of the clones. They were so great in number; plenty of them were already on their way to Ponyville and nearing the edge of the forest. Pinkie gazed at Ponyville with a smile on her face.

“I’m coming, Cheese!” she shouted.

Back at the town hall, the wedding had already started and was reaching its climax. Annie, Pumpkin and the changeling that was mimicking Flurry skipped down the aisle with their flower baskets. Behind them were Igneous Rock Pie and Chrysalis disguised as Pinkie Pie. All the other attendees had huge smiles on their faces; it was hard to imagine this wedding would go up in flames once it was revealed who Pinkie Pie really is. Chrysalis kept up her act rather well, smiling to everyone in the room, while walking down the aisle arm-in-arm with Pinkie’s father. They finally reached the altar. Igneous gave her a kiss on his cheek and a nod of approval to Cheese Sandwich. Cheese nodded back and smiled to his bride. They met on the altar before Twilight and held hooves.

“Mares and Gentlecolts, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Pinkamena Diane Pie and Cheese Sandwich. They’ve have had a long journey together, and their happiness shall remain till death do them part. At this time, I will take the ring.”

Pound Cake walked forward with the pillow containing the wedding band for Pinkie. Twilight used her magic to lift and put it in Cheese’s hoof. Cheese carefully put it around Pinkie’s neck and attached both ends. They stared deeply into each other’s eyes and smiled, waiting for their finest moment. Twilight finally asked them to honor their vows.

“Pinkamena Diane Pie, do you take Cheese Sandwich to be your lawfully wedded husband, to love and comfort, to honor and keep for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until you are parted by death?”

“I do,” Pinkie answered.

“Cheese Sandwich, do you take Pinkamena Diane Pie to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love and comfort, to honor and keep for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until you are parted by death?”

“I do,” Cheese answered.

“And if anyone objects to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace.”

The room was silent for a moment until she began delivering the most important line.

“Then with the power invested within me, I now…”

Suddenly, the entire building began to shake and rumbling could be heard in the distance, accompanied by the word “fun” being shouted over and over again. Pinkie and Cheese looked around nervously. Everyone turned around and saw the doors to the town hall entrance burst open. The Pinkie clones rushed in and quickly began to flood the building. The entire room was in an uproar as they shouted and revealed the truth to everyone.

“WE OBJECT!!!” they all screamed in unison.

“Attention, everypony! That is NOT the real Pinkie Pie!”

“That’s an impostor!”

“She’s Queen Chrysalis in disguise!”


Everyone else gasped loudly and turned their heads to Pinkie.

“WHAT!? No I’m not! I’m the real Pinkie Pie!” she shouted.

“Sounds like something a changeling would say!” said one clone.

“Yeah, we met the real Pinkie Pie earlier cuz she’s the only one that can release us from the Mirror Pool!” added another.

“No really! I can prove it! Go ahead, Twilight!” Pinkie said, turning to the princess.

Twilight used her changeling necklace and scanned Pinkie.

“She is the real Pinkie Pie, everypony! Nothing to worry about!” she said, nervously.

“No she’s not, Twilight! We saw the real Pinkie earlier! Oh, by the way, congrats on becoming the new leader of Equestria! You totally earned it!” said one Pinkie clone before being bopped on the head by another one behind her.

“UGH! Girls, did you have to come in here on today of all days?!” Rainbow Dash grumbled.

“Twilight, I thought ya took care of these wild pink clones!” Applejack shouted.

“I thought I did too! Everypony, please do not panic! This necklace was made by Starswirl the Bearded and it does not lie!”

“Yeah, for all we know, these might not even be my clones!” Pinkie added. “They might be the real changelings!”

The clones all glared at the pony everyone believed to be Pinkie Pie. She looked nervous and tried her best to smile and convince everyone else.

“Girls…let’s be nice, shall we?” she said, cautiously.

“EVERYPINKIE, ATTACK!!” ordered one clone.

The rest of the clones all flooded the altar and started chasing Pinkie around.


Everyone watched as the pandemonium unfolded on the altar. Twilight went airborne and tried lifting some of the clones away from the bride while the rest of their friends assisted. The changelings disguised as the guests of honor and Element Wielders did their best to help. The ones disguised as flyers swooped in and carried a few away while Applejack used her lasso to round up a few. All the unicorns and alicorns used their magic to keep them away, but there were so many clones, they couldn’t keep up.

Pinkie climbed up a column into the upper balconies and ran around as the clones followed after her. She shouted at them angrily and grabbed random objects to throw back at them. Everyone watched in bewilderment as they saw how out-of-character Pinkie was behaving. Chrysalis had gotten so angered in all of this chaos; she was losing her mind and forgetting to act like the real Pinkie Pie. She kept running until she saw more Pinkie clones coming around the other side. They all came together in a clump and piled on top of her as she kept fighting them back without using magic.


Everyone else heard Pinkie and finally figured out this was in fact Queen Chrysalis. Cheese stared in horror at what was happening.

“That…that’s not her. That’s not my Pinkie Pie!” he shouted. “Pinkie would never call anyone a fool! Not even her own clones!”

Scutellum was running out of options. He knew he would at least need to keep his disguise if Chrysalis’s failed, so he did his best to still remain in character as Princess Twilight Sparkle and pretend to be on their side. It was clear the clones had only been told about Chrysalis being disguised as Pinkie. They didn’t know Twilight and many others were also changelings.

“You’re right! I’ll take care of her, Cheese!” he said, still with his disguise up.

Scutellum then flew in to help his queen as she tried to fight off the clones. He used his magic to lift them off of Chrysalis and used a shield to cover over her as the drone disguised as Spike flew in and helped him out. All three of them sat inside the shield as the clones pounded their hooves against it.

“My Queen, we are too late!” he whispered to Chrysalis. “Maybe we should just start the invasion right now. You are already powerful enough,” he told her, frantically.

“No, I will have that kiss no matter what!” she bellowed.

“Well how do we get it at this rate?” asked the Spike drone.

Suddenly, Chrysalis noticed something outside of the window. The real Pinkie Pie was in the streets of Ponyville, trying to get inside the town hall, but the clones were so great in number, they were blocking her path. Things grew dark as the clones all piled on top of the shield, but Chrysalis grinned wickedly. She was not about to give up.

“General, I have an idea!” she said as she ripped the wedding band off of her neck and started removing the dress.

Meanwhile on the first level, tons of attendees had already scattered, trying to avoid the other Pinkie clones. Everyone was already asking where the real Pinkie Pie was, but with all these clones around, it was hard to tell from a distance even with her fatter appearance and blue bow. Finally Twilight flew in through one of the open windows, carrying the real Pinkie Pie with her. She was a bit disheveled and dirty, but she wasn’t wearing the wedding dress. Meanwhile, the sound of Chrysalis’ real voice could be heard, yelling underneath the pile of clones. Now everyone knew this was the real Pinkie.

“I FOUND HER!” Twilight shouted. “I found the real Pinkie Pie!”

“Everypinkie, keep her down!” the real Pinkie shouted to her clones.

“Pinkie!” Cheese called.

Twilight let Pinkie down and she rushed over to her soon-to-be husband. She hugged him and started crying.

“Cheese, I’m so sorry about all this! I wanted our wedding day to be perfect, I really did!”

“It’s okay, Sweetie Pie. I should’ve known something was up.”

“Alright everypony,” Twilight called, as they all walked towards the altar again. “We may have had a bit of a setback and a near-attempt at another changeling invasion, but we’re going to continue this no matter what.”

Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity all walked up with confused faces. Twilight turned to them and winked and they appeared to understand. Celestia, Luna, and Cadance all flew up to the pile of Pinkie clones to guard them with the Pillars so Chrysalis wouldn’t come out. She would be no match for all of them together at once. All the bridesmares and groomstallions returned to the altar and everyone did their best to get back into place. Cheese and Pinkie took each other’s hooves. Pinkie still had tears rolling down her cheeks and she couldn’t help but laugh at all of this.

“I guess our wedding couldn’t be perfect either, huh?” she giggled.

“Now I don’t feel so bad about my proposal being so disastrous,” Cheese added.

“Ahem!” Twilight said, clearing her throat and straightening herself up. “Pinkamena Diane Pie, do you take Cheese Sandwich to be your lawfully wedded husband, to love and comfort, to honor and keep for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until you are parted by death?”

“I do,” Pinkie answered.

“Cheese Sandwich, do you take Pinkamena Diane Pie to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love and comfort, to honor and keep for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until you are parted by death?”

“I do,” Cheese answered.

“Then with the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

Everyone in the room applauded loudly. Pinkie and Cheese moved in and pressed their lips together. The deed was now done and they were officially wedded. They continued kissing until Cheese squinted his face and started grunting. He opened his eyes and drew back from Pinkie as she kept her mouth open. A green aura surrounded him and he was lifted in the air. The entire room gasped in confusion. Suddenly, someone from the entrance shouted.


They all turned to see another Pinkie in the doorway that had just pushed through all the Pinkie clones and thrown several royal guards off of her. She was fat, wore a blue bow, and was disheveled like the one on the altar, but now it became clear what had just happened: the one on the altar was actually Queen Chrysalis. The real Pinkie Pie never made it inside in all the commotion. The real Pinkie Pie knelt on the ground, crying. On the altar, Chrysalis’s expression went from innocent to sinister. The green aura was sucked into Chrysalis’s mouth as Cheese dropped to the ground and blacked out. All of the changelings in the room finally put up their disguises and began laughing and hissing as attendees screamed. Underneath the pile of Pinkie clones, the same changeling mimicking Spike earlier was now mimicking Queen Chrysalis’ voice, but he put down his disguise and cackled at all the clones as they parted. Everyone else screamed in horror as the bridesmaids and most guests of honor were revealed to be changelings all along, including every single creature that ever wielded the Elements. This wedding had been hijacked and finished with Chrysalis receiving the kiss. Now it was too late. She had exactly what she came for.

Still disguised as Pinkie, she hovered in the air. A green aura surrounded her her, but it started to turn orange. Her voice sounded like Pinkie’s at first, but it slowly evolved into Chrysalis’s and grew deeper and more demonic.

“You’re too late! AHAHAHAHA! YOU’RE TOO LATE!”

Fiery energy danced around the fat, pink pony as she started to turn black and grew tall and gaunt. Her legs stretched out and now had holes in them. She sprouted her wings and horn and her hair grew out, but things were different. With all the love magic Chrysalis had stolen, she had become far more frightening than before. Her legs were barbed on the side and had insect-like claws on the tips. Her hair was now maroon while her wings and eyes were orange. A glowing hornet’s abdomen and stinger grew out of her tail. There were two long barbs sticking out of her chin, while the jaw had split in half, forming two hideous mandibles. The inside of her mouth glowed orange and her hissing now sounded more like a dinosaur screeching. Several spots on her body glowed orange against her black shell, giving her the appearance of a furnace. She opened her maw and roared as everypony in the room evacuated. All changelings in the town hall flew around her at the altar.

“CHEESE!” Pinkie shouted as she was pushed out with the crowd.

Cheese was left on the altar, unconscious. Pinkie lost sight of him as they moved her further out. All attendees ran outside, far away from the building. Only Pinkie and her clones stayed behind. Elytra, Maud, Buttercream, and the real Flurry finally appeared.

“PINKIE!” shouted Flurry.

“Pinkie, what happened?!” Buttercream asked.

“She kissed him. She got the kiss,” Pinkie said, crossly.

“Then…then we are already too late,” Elytra added as she hung her head.

“AHAHAHAHAHA!!!” laughed Chrysalis from inside the town hall.

Suddenly, an explosion sent debris flying everywhere and the town hall was instantly demolished. Elytra did her best to put up a shield with her magic and Buttercream stretched her wings and arms over her friends to keep them safe.

“FLURRY!” shouted all of her friends from behind a nearby tree.

“Guys?!” she responded, rushing over to them.

“Flurry, you were right,” Pound said, dejectedly.

“Now what do we do?” asked Stormy.

Flurry looked back to see the changelings and their powerful queen emerge, laughing in her monstrous voice.

“I…I don’t know…” she said.