• Published 18th May 2023
  • 270 Views, 2 Comments

Nighttime forever? - TheKing2001

When Night Mare returns, all of Equestria isn't prepared to deal with her. Six mares team up to take her down.

  • ...

Chapter I

“Are we there yet?” I groaned and stretched out on the train cars cushions. “This is boring.”

“Oh my stars Lyra,” Lemon Hearts groaned. “Be more like Twinkleshine. She hasn’t complained once the entire trip.”

“Because she hasn’t read every book she owns!” I shot back with an eye roll. “I have!”

“Here,” Twinkleshine levitated a book and set it next me. “This is right up your alley.” I picked it up and started reading.

“What is this?” I scoffed. “I don’t do romance books. Unless there’s-”

“That’s enough of that,” Minuette smirked. “There’s foals in this train car with us.”

“Besides,” Lemon Hearts piped in. “We’re stopping shortly. Ponyville is the next stop.”

“Thank Celestia,” I grumbled. “We’ve been in this train all day.”

“It’s been three hours,” Twinkleshine said dryly. The train grinded to a stop with a screeching sound of the brakes being applied. The doors hissed opened and
I shot out.

“Where is she going?” Lemon Hearts scoffed as she trotted out with her bags held in her magic.

“Bathroom probably,” Twinkleshine shrugged. “It was a long time to go without the bathroom.” The other three unicorns looked around the small dusty town.

“You guys excited for the Summer Sun Celebration?” I eagerly asked after I made a quick stop in the bathroom. We had been on the train for about four hours and I really had to go. For a train station bathroom, it was surprisingly clean. We had came all this way for this years Celebration. I’ve only ever seen it once and that was because it was hosted in Canterlot, my hometown.

“Yeah. Heard the Princess assigned Twilight to come help out with the preparations,” Minuette sighed. Twilight was our other friend if we could call her that. She was more obsessed with books and being alone than being around us. Hurt our feelings at first, especially mine because she was kinda cute but I quickly got over it. Single life is the best life. Nopony I need to spend all my bits on or take out twenty four seven. If I ever get back into the dating game, I hope it’s a pony who’s a lot like me and is lowkey. Granted, I may have my crazy moments but I’m not as crazy as others. Only my friends knew I was bi. It’s accepted around Equestria but I still preferred to keep it between close friends.

“Probably doesn’t even care we are here,” Twinkleshine scoffed. Twilight had offended her earlier in the day and she was still slightly mad about it. Twilight had skipped out on a party for Moondancer earlier today and yeah. Let’s just say it didn’t go over well with Moondancer and leave it at that. Best for everypony if we focused on enjoying ourselves.

“Let’s not worry about her right now,” Minuette suggested. She always did know when to change the topic before things got hostile. “We can have fun today and talk to her when we get back.” That sounded like a pretty decent plan. Typically I have to play the peacekeeper role between my friends.

“Agreed,” I added my two cents. That is such a weird phrase, I’ve never under stood what it means. “Remember to stay away from the bars, Lemon.” My yellow friend gave me a glare.

“You say that like I have a drinking problem,” Lemon Hearts scoffed.

“Probably because you do,” Minuette rolled her eyes. “It’s bad for your teeth. Heavy drinking can cause irritation inside your mouth and can even lead to severe issues like losing teeth.”

“Why are you telescope maker and not a dentist?” Twinkleshine asked her curiously.

“Because going to school to be a dentist is expensive and I already got a good thing going with my telescope and clock business. No point in throwing away what I have to chase a dead dream.”

“Maybe one day it’ll change,” I suggested. I was more so the optimistic one of the group. “Anything can happen here.”

“Maybe.” Minuette didn’t sound convinced in the slightest. I’ll have to talk to her about it later tonight after the Celebration. Maybe I could pull some strings and get her in. After all, I am an attractive young mare. See what I did there? Pull strings and my last name is Heartstrings? No? Okay.

“Where do you think the hotel is?” Lemon asked no pony in particular.

“If you don’t know where to find something, just ask around. We’re in what is allegedly the most friendly town of Equestria. Shouldn’t be that hard to find a pony to help us,” I reasoned. I trotted up to a blue mare with a horseshoe cutie mark and a silver mane. “Excuse me, do you know where the Horseshoe hotel is?”

“Yeah. Head down that street and it’ll be a few houses down from Roselucks flower stand. You can’t miss it. It’s the one with the three screaming alarms and a bunch of flowers all over the place,” she pointed with a hoof in the direction of a busier part of Ponyville.

“Thanks miss.....?”


“Thanks Shoeshine. Have a great day!” I eagerly bounced away, hearing a faint “You too!” follow me.

“This is a quaint little town!” Minuette gushed excitedly. It was a pretty nice quiet town, I’ll admit. Nice change of pace from busy Canterlot.

“I do like it a lot,” I agreed. “Nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of Canterlot.”

“Maybe you’ll get a marefriend while we are here,” Minuette teased with a grin.

“I wouldn’t get your hopes up. Single life is pretty decent right now.” Sure, it was a bit lonely here and then but I had great friends to hang out with. “I have really good friends that I love spending time with.” I quickly nuzzled each of my friends.

“We know and we love you,” Lemon Hearts hugged me. “But we worry about you somedays.”

“I’m fine. Trust me.” I was pretty damn lucky to have a supportive friend group.

“What’s that?” Lemon asked, pointing a hoof at a pink blur approaching at a rapidly fast rate.

“Prepare yourselves everypony!” Minuette exclaimed and dug her hooves into the ground. The pink blur tackled her and the two went rolling. “Hey Pinkie.”

“Hi Minuette!” Pinkie chirped excitedly. Where this mare had came from or knew where we where, I have no clue. I don’t even know her to be honest with you.

“Is this the pink mare of friendliness you told us about?” Twinkleshine asked as she stood over the two looking down at them curiously.

“Yep!” Minuette grinned as she and Pinkie stood up. “She was my pen pal for a few years and this is our first time meeting. I didn’t expect her to tackle me though to be honest.” I don’t think anypony expects to be tackled.

“You’re right!” Pinkie looked at me.

“Right about what?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Nopony expects to be tackled! It’s a surprise attack!” Pinkie beamed. I tossed a confused look Minuettes way and she shrugged.

“Uh how did you know I was thinking that?” I stared at her.

“Easy! It’s a story and I know everything the author is writing about us!” She shouted.

“Uh what are you talking about?” Lemon questioned.

“Nothing! You’ll learn the truth one day when the truth is ready to be shared!” Pinkie exclaimed. I gave Minuette another confused look. “Do you want help carrying your bags?”

“Sure,” Minuette hugged Pinkie. “It’s so good to finally meet you in pony!” No matter how weird her friend was, I was happy for her. She had been talking about meeting her for weeks. That had been the other reason we all came. I shouldn’t judge too hard, I’m the weirdest pony of my friend group.

“Where are you all staying?” Pinkie asked as she shoved a suitcase on her back.

“Horseshoe Hotel,” I said. “Shoeshine said it was over this way.” I hope she hadn’t been jerking us around.

“Yeah. It’s near Roselucks house that she shares with her sisters. Rose is the nicest, Daisy is very serious about her job and Lily is shy. Takes a lot to get them to open up. They get scared of anything and everything. We call them the first alarms because if anything comes into town that they don’t know, they all three scream at the top of their lungs,” Pinkie trotted away.

“Interesting,” Minuette bumped flanks with Pinkie. “We don’t have anypony like that in Canterlot.”

“Thank Celestia,” Twinkleshine grumbled. “I’d move away if we did.”

“We have a welcome to Ponyville party going on later tonight in the library. I met some Twilight Sparkle before I came here. She was less than enthused to see me I think. She had a weird green and purple thing with her.”

“She brought Spike?” I asked excitedly. I loved that dragon, he was one of the coolest creatures I know. One of the only creatures outside of ponies that I know as a matter of fact. Ponies and dragons don’t really get along well.

“She didn’t tell me his name. All that she needed to find Rainbow Dash and some of my other friends.” That sounded like Twilight, always so eager to get away from ponies. I’d bet ten bits she was trying to rush through it so she can study at the library. Minuette had said she heard her mumble something called the Elements of Harmony and Mare in the Moon as she ran from them so I did a little research on the way here.

“She always was a shy one,” I shrugged. Well that and she didn’t really care about making friends but minor details don’t matter to me.

“Well here’s the hotel. Will you guys come to my party?” Pinkie asked with a hopeful expression. “It’s at one am and lasts till the sun comes up. All of town will be there.” We all looked at each and I gave Minuette a nudge with my hoof.

“We will be there!” Pinkie eagerly gave us all hugs and took off to I assume get ready for the party.

“She’s pretty cool,” I gave Minuette a smirk. “What was with that flank bump early?”

“Yeah. Got some feelings for the pink party pony?” Lemon teased with a grin of her own.

“Absolutely not!” Minuette exclaimed as we walked to our rooms. “She’s just a friend. A loud, energetic friend. Just like Lyra.”

“Exactly!” I nodded. “Hey! I’m not that loud!” Everypony laughed and Lemon Hearts rolled her eyes.

“You’re shouting right now love,” she said dryly. I rubbed the back of my head and turned bright red.



“I hear Twilight has been running around town like crazy,” I commented as I shoved a hat I bought Minuette onto her head. “Celestia did pick the best pony for making sure preparations are going smoothly.” We were all hanging around a stand that sold water and other items.

“I agree. For a small town, this place is full of stuff to do. Surprisingly,” Twinkleshine glanced around as she drank her water. At least she calmed down and mentioning Twilight didn’t set her off this time.

“Aren’t you surprised it’s twelve at night and businesses are still opened?” Minuette asked as she adjusted her hat and posed in a mirror. “They don’t even do that in Canterlot.”

“Probably because it’s the Summer Sun Celebration and most ponies need the bits here to survive,” the salespony leaned on the stand. “We typically close up at eight pm around here. I stay up till twelve every day. Got a growing hungry filly at home and I like money.”

“Do you only sell water here?” Minuette asked curiously. The plum coated pony shook her head.

“I sell grapes, water, wine made and bottled by me and grape juice,” the mare pointed to each product with a smile.

“Ooh. What kind of wine?” Lemon eagerly asked.

“Red wine, white wine, rose wine and sparkling wine. I grow my own grapes in the backyard and my daughter helps me harvest them. Would you like to taste one?”

“Yeah sure,” Lemon shrugged. “I’ll try the red wine please.” The mare nodded and dropped down to all four hooves, displaying her grape and strawberry cutie mark. She nosed around some bottles before grabbing a bottle of red liquid and took the cap off and poured it into a small cup. She nudged the cup across the stand and grinned.

“Go ahead and try it,” the mare urged. Lemon shrugged and took the cup in her magic and swirled the liquid around before drinking it.

“Wow!” Lemon exclaimed. “Good stuff. How much for a bottle?” We all learned to stay away from Lemon and her wine. You will get trampled, trust me. And I’m speaking from experience. Minuette was there. She spent most of the time laughing on her back with a bright red face from laughing so hard as I tried to avoid taking a hoof to the face accidentally.

“Fifty bits.” Lemon stared at her with wide eyes.

“Can I negotiate you down to forty?” Oh Celestia here she goes bartering.

“Forty five,” the mare shot back. “Final offer. I typically don’t barter but I’m feeling nice tonight.” Lemon sighed and gave a nod.

“Works for me,” she levitated some bits out of her bits purse and slid them toward the mare. The mare started counting them out.

“Not that I don’t trust you but I always count the bits outs. Ponies have intentionally paid me less and with fake bits before,” the mare apologized and nodded, apparently satisfied with the number and grabbed a new unopened bottle of wine and placed it on the counter.

“I understand,” Lemon smiled and grabbed the bottle in her magic. “Have a nice night! Happy Summer Sun Celebration!”

“Happy Summer Sun Celebration,” the mare smiled back and we trotted off.

“I don’t have any saddlebags with me,” Lemon groaned. “I’m gonna take this back to the hotel. I’ll meet you guys at the party.”

“Are you sure you’re not just saying that to sneak away and get drunk?” Twinkleshine asked suspiciously.

“I’m not,” Lemon promised. “On my mother’s grave.”

“Your mother isn’t dead,” I pointed out.

“Oh. Well everypony dies sometime. On my moms future grave I’m not sneaking away to get drunk and skip the party.”

“You’re awful you know that?” Minuette scoffed. “We will see you there or I’ll have Lyra make a big beaker and shove your head in it like back in school when we were fillies.”

“Okay okay. I get it,” Lemon rolled her eyes.

“See you there Lemon,” I gave a wave and trotting to the library. “If she doesn’t show up, do I really get to shove her head in a beaker?”

“We can talk about it,” Minuette smirked. “I doubt she would forgive you for doing it a second time.”

“She still doesn’t know it was me who helped her shove the beaker on her head, does she?” I asked in awe. I thought it was obvious at this point.

“Nope!” Twinkleshine laughed. “She still thinks it was an accident. Hay, I thought it was an accident until you and Minuette told me the truth.”

“Good times. Remember Moondancer?” Minuette sighed wistfully.

“I forgot all about her. Wonder what ever happened to her,” Twinkleshine sighed as she looked around her.

“I have no idea. I haven’t seen her since graduation day,” I rolled my eyes. “She was a second Twilight. Kind of scary really, I thought one was scarily boring enough.”

“Seriously?” Minuette stared at us. “We literally saw her last night at the party that Twilight avoided.” Me and Twinkleshine glanced at each other.

“We totally remember that,” I gave a weak grin.

“Pfft,” Minuette snorted. “Is this the library?” We stood in front of a tree house looking thing.

“Only one way to find out,” I decided and opened the door, stepping inside. “Yeah this is a library.” A bunch of books decorated the shelves and Pinkie was setting up tables of drinks and food. A rainbow maned pegasus was zipping around and hanging directions from the ceiling.

“Hi! You guys came!” Pinkie bounced over and hugged us. I will admit, she was starting to grow on me. Everypony in this town has been fairly kind and friendly.

“Of course we came!” Minuette squeezed her back. “We said we would.” The rainbow pegasus gave a laugh.

“Trust me, you haven’t seen anything like a Pinkie party. It’s a sight to be seen,” she hug up and streamer and landed in front of me with an extended hoof. “Names Rainbow Dash.” I quickly shook her hoof and smiled at her.

“I’m Lyra Heartstrings. She’s Twinkleshine and she’s Minuette,” I pointed to my respective friends and Rainbow Dash gave a nod.

“Nice to met you all,” Rainbow smiled.

“Likewise,” Twinkleshine shook hooves with her. “Do you need help with anything Pinkie?”

“Uh, you could help Applejack make the punch. She’s in the kitchen and Rarity is currently gathering the town to come here. Fluttershy is hiding upstairs because she’s super shy. Super DUPER shy!” Pinkie shrugged. “You guys don’t gotta do anything if you don’t wanna.”

“I’m always down to help. Got nothing better to do,” I shrugged and went to the kitchen where a orange earth pony was pulling a tray of cupcakes out of the oven.

“Howdy Sugarcube. Ahm Applejack,” Applejack smiled and gave a very enthusiastic hoofshake. I swear, I can feel my brain shaking from how fast she shook my hoof.

“I’m Lyra. Lyra Heartstrings,” I gave a smile her way. “Pinkie said if we wanted to help, you were in here making punch.”

“Alright sugarcube. If you wanna get down that big bowl up there and fill it with water please.” I quickly levitated the bowl down and started filling it with water and set it down on the counter.

“I assume you use a powder packet or something?” That’s how I always made it. Applejack gave a smug grin and shook her head.

“No ma’am. It’s a water based one yeah but by the time we mix it with a bunch of different fruits and sugar, ya ain’t even gonna taste the water,” Applejack explained. “Ah got all the fruits already squeezed into separate jars and a bag of sugar ready. Just dump half the bag in, pour all the juices in and stir then we’ll taste it.”

“Alright,” I levitated the sugar in and closed it, setting it where I got it and started adding the juices. “What all are these juices?” Might as well be friendly and start some small talk. Based on the laughter I could hear coming from the main room, my friends were doing the same.

“Apple, pineapple, grape, strawberry and raspberry,” Applejack told me as she started decorating the cupcakes.

“Oh. Hey Minuette!” I called out and the blue unicorn trotted in with a grin.

“Yes Lyra?” Oh I hated to do this but friends look out for each other.

“You can’t drink this it. It has pineapple in it,” I sighed.

“Why can’t she drink it?” Applejack asked curiously.

“I’m allergic to pineapple. Thanks for the warning Lyra,” Minuette sighed and turned to leave the kitchen.

“Now wait a second,” Applejack told us. We both faced her. “Don’t use the pineapple juice. We can survive without it. Ain’t a good time if only a few of us can drink it.”

“Are you sure? I wouldn’t wanna be a bother?” Minuette asked hesitantly.

“Ahm sure sugarcube,” Applejack grabbed the pineapple juice and drank it in one go. “Now problem solved. Easy solutions.”

“Thanks miss,” Minuette gave a smile. I levitated all the juices in my magic and dumped them in and started stirring.

“I think it’s done,” I announced and levitated us all down three glasses and a tiny amount. “Here ya go Applejack. Here Minuette.” We all took a sip and my eyes widened. I wasn’t the greatest in the kitchen. I expected this to be a dumpster fire.

“Wow Lyra! You can’t cook but you sure can make some punch!” Minuette teased.

“Gee thanks Minuette. Love the vote of confidence,” I said dryly and Applejack gave a laugh.

“How long yall been friends?” Applejack asked curiously as she stacked the cupcakes on a plate.

“Since we were fillies. Same with my other friend out there. Our other friend is dropping off a bottle of wine at the hotel right now. She will be back before the party starts. Or well she promised,” I explained.

“Ah’ve know Pinkie and Rarity since Ah was a filly. Glad to see both of us stuck with our friends,” Applejack grinned. “Wanna take the bowl of punch out for me? Guests sound like they are starting to arrive.” I hadn’t even noticed the background laughter and talking ponies. I could vaguely hear the pony I asked for directions talking and the one Lemon bought wine from giving a laugh at something.

“No problem,” I carried the bowl and placed it on a table. “Hey Lemon. Surprised ya ain’t drunk.”

“I was tempted,” Lemon admitted with a sheepish grin. The door flung open and slammed shut. We all stared at Rainbow Dash panting in the air.

“She’s coming! With Fluttershy!” Rainbow hissed.

“Positions everypony!” Pinkie shouted. “Amethyst, shut the lights off!” We all dove into random spots and the light shut off. I was hiding next to a cream colored pony with two tone pink and blue curled hair.

“How’s it going?” She whispered.

“Pretty good you?” I glanced over at her and froze. She was the most beautiful mare I’ve ever seen. I’ve never seen anypony like her in all my life, I’m telling ya.

“Good,” she smirked. Before I could reply, the door opened.

“I don’t really care Spike. We have to investigate this further. This could be the end of all of Equestria if we don’t do something. Can’t believe Mom didn’t believe me,” Twilight scoffed.

“What about making friends like Celestia said?” Spike asked.

“I got you and my mom. And Shining Armor. I don’t need anypony else. Where is the light switch, why is it so dark in here?” Twilight demanded and the light flicked on.

“SURPRISE!” We all jumped out and I gave a grin at Twilight’s shocked face.

“AHH!” Twilight screamed and fell backwards. “What the hay!” I wandered off after that and hung out with Lemon Hearts and Minuette. I don’t remember how many hours went by. I remember laughing at Twilight accidently drinking hot sauce and taking Spike up to bed to sleep.

“Alright everypony!” Pinkie shouted. “It’s turn to head to town hall to watch Princess Celestia lower the moon and raise the sun.” I stomped my hooves like everypony else.

“Hey Spike!” I gave him an eager hug. He had come down like ten minutes ago. “Coming to watch the sun rise?”

“Nah I don’t feel good,” he groaned and held his stomach. “Too much cupcakes and punch. Good job on it by the way.”

“Aww thanks Spike!” I wrapped a hoof around him. “Hopefully you feel better!”

“Thanks Lyra. Bye Minuette, bye Lemon, bye Twinkleshine!” He waved and practically shoved us out the door.

“Wow he was eager to get rid of us!” Minuette giggled.

“Probably eager to start playing Ogres and Oubliettes with Applejacks brother. He was very excited to find out someone other than Lyra played it,” Twinkleshine smirked. We started trotting to where town hall was presumably at. Honestly, we were just following the ponies in front of us and hoped they went where we wanted to go.

“You guys, I got a weird feeling,” Pinkie mumbled with her ears pressed flat against her head. “Like something bad is about to happen. Something REALLY bad.”

“Like what?” I asked idly. I don’t even know where she came from, I learned to not question it based on all I saw tonight.

“I’m not sure. Just a gut feeling,” Pinkie said in a serious tone. That made me focus.

“Okay,” I said cautiously. I trust gut feelings seriously and I definitely trust mine. It’s been right in the past.

“Here’s town hall!” Pinkie said eagerly. I guess she quickly got over her bad feeling. Whatever that meant. We followed her inside.

“Hey there’s Twilight,” I pointed her out in front of the crowd. She was standing there with a concerned expression, looking out the window.

“Thank you for coming everypony!” A old mare with a grey mane announced. “Today, on the longest day of the year, we witness our grand ruler lower the moon for make way for the sun!” I stomped my hooves and it echoed as everypony else did it. She nodded towards a white unicorn who I learned her name was Rarity. Rarity pulled aside the curtains and we all gasped. There was nothing there. Rarity quickly trotted into the backrooms and rushed back on the balcony.

“She’s gone!” Rarity cried out. A black mist started to form and Twilight’s expression grew grim. A pony took form and she laughed.

“Hello my ponies!” The dark mare shouted.

“Where is our princess!?” Rainbow demanded.

“I’ve only been gone for a thousand years. Am I not royal enough for you? Have you not see the signs? Do you not remember me?” She asked.

“I did!” I stared in shock as Twilight took a step forward. “And I know who you are. You’re the Mare in the Moon, Nightmare Moon!” We all gasped again. I thought she was just a fillyhood story to scare us into behaving.

“Ah somepony remembers me. Then you must know why I’m here?” Nightmare Moon asked.

“You’re here to-” Twilight’s voice turned into unintelligible words. “Where is my mom?”

“And who is that?” Nightmare Moon asked, sounding bored.

“Celestia!” Twilight snapped and shot a beam of magic at Nightmare Moon. She easily dodged it and glared at her.

“Step aside now or die!” To my shock, Twilight refused to move and stood her ground.

“No!” Twilight shot another beam of magic and Nightmare Moon launched her own beam back with a sneer. A look of fear crossed Twilight’s face and she gritted her teeth. She flew back into a wall as her magic laser was overpowered. She let out a scream as Nightmare Moon shot her in the chest. She fell on all four hooves and my eyes widened in horror. She had gaping hole in her chest and I heard a scream next to me. Twilight took two staggered steps forward and collapsed.

“Y-you can’t do this,” Twilight whispered.

“I can and I will!” Nightmare Moon screamed. Twilight and I locked eyes. I’ll never forget the tear dripping out of her eye or the regretful look on her face as the life faded from her eyes. A red liquid started spreading under her, staining her coat red. At that point, everypony shook their shock and horror off and all hell broke loose.

“The library is the safest place!” I shouted to Minuette and the others. They all gave terrified nods and we galloped to it. I had a vague recollection of a unicorn I didn’t recognize, two earthponies running next to us and two pegasus flying above us. I kicked the door of the library open and we rushed inside. I was panting from running. I don’t run that hard usually.

“Who are you all?” I finally asked. A jasmine coated pegasus looked confused.

“I’m Raindrops,” she introduced herself.

“I’m Cloudkicker,” the lavender and blonde maned pegasus added.

“She’s Golden Harvest and I’m Roseluck,” a red maned earth pony introduced her and her friend.

“I’m Sea Swirl,” the lilac unicorn announced.

“I’m Lyra Heartstrings,” I sighed and hugged a crying Minuette.

“Twilight is dead,” she sobbed. Twinkleshine slammed a hoof against the wall and Lemon Hearts stared into the air blankly. I had seen both my mom and dad die so I was the most used to it. Not to say I wasn't traumatized, I just have to focus on stopping Nightmare Moon.

“Did you know her?” Raindrops asked in a somber tone.

“Yeah,” I sighed. “We knew her since we all were fillies. She was our friend.”

“I’m very sorry,” Cloudkicker placed a hoof on my shoulder. “Want a hug?” I gave a shrug and a nod. She quickly hugged us both.

“Hey Twilight you’re back early,” Spike looked at us confused. “What’s up Lyra?”

“Oh uhm hey Spike,” I mumbled as my ears went flat.

“Where’s Twilight?” He looked around. “Why isn’t the sun up?” Minuette gave me a nod.

“I’m okay now,” she stood up shakily. “I knew him first. I’ll tell him.”

“Tell me what?” Spike asked hesitantly.

“Spike, let’s go somewhere private for a moment,” Minuette suggested and lead Spike to the kitchen. I wiped a tear away and we all braced ourselves. A loud crying sound came from the kitchen and Spike stumbled out. None of us could bare to look him in the eye.

“How can I help?” Spike finally spoke up. I stared at him.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“She took the closest thing I had to a mom away. I want to stop her!” Spike slumped over and whimpered. Roseluck took a step to him and sat down. She grabbed him in a hug and started rubbing his back.

“Let it all out,” she said softly. I was amazed. She didn’t even know the kid and was stepping up. Impressed me a lot.

“Twilight was talking about something called the Elements of Harmony on the way here. We were researching it in Canterlot. She said they were connected to stopping Nightmare Moon and had sent her to the moon before. In some castle of the twin sisters in the Everfree forest.”

“Then that’s where I’m going,” I announced.

“What?” Minuette asked in shock.

“I have to stop Nightmare Moon. She killed my friend,” I snapped. “I’m the one who did all the research and I have the strongest magic out of all of us.”

“It’s dangerous! She just killed Twilight like she was nothin!” Lemon exclaimed, finally saying something.

“Which is why someone has to stop her! Celestia could be dead!” I shouted. “Look. You three stay here with Spike. Stay safe, I’ll go alone.”

“I couldn’t live with myself if we let you do that,” Twinkleshine whispered. “I just lost one friend. I can’t lose another.”

“I won’t judge you for letting me go alone. It’s not safe,” I soothed her. I really didn’t judge if she did stay. I was a strong mare and could fight for myself.

“She’s not going alone,” Raindrops stood in front of the door blocking my exit. “She’s got us.” The other five mares who had came with us stood with her and nodded.

“Thanks but I can do this myself.”

“Not a chance,” Sea Swirl spoke up. “This is our hometown. I was born here. Despite my dislike of violence, I’m gonna protect it.”

“Me too,” Golden Harvest chimed in angrily. “My daughter is traumatized after what she saw.”

“Same with my sister,” Cloudkicker kicked the floor. “She’s with Rainbow Dash right now.”

“So what do you say? You gonna let us help you?” Roseluck asked with a smile.

“Let’s go,” I announced. I gave each of my friends a hug, giving Spike a longer one. “I’m sorry Spike. I’ll avenge Twilight.”

“I know.” I nodded and Raindrops finally stepped aside, opening the door and following me out.

“Where to boss?” She flapped her wings to stay aloft.

“You can call me Lyra please,” I smiled. “I’m no better than anypony else.”


“Let’s go find this castle,” Sea Swirl sighed. “In the terrifyingly dark forest.”

“It’ll be fine,” Roseluck smiled. “We’ll be with you every step of the way.”

“Where is the forest?” I asked.

“Right this way,” Raindrops pointed with a hoof. “I’ll lead the way.” I gave a shrug and she flew ahead, with us following her behind. What awaited us, I had no clue but I needed to do this.

Author's Note:

So I'm creating my own universe so I can make a bunch of connected stories. Yes I killed Twilight off. No I do not feel bad. Yes I have a replacement mane six. Yes I have Celestia's reaction to Twilights death planned. I'm shutting off reactions because people will dislike it because idk why. Leave a comment and give me ideas what to name the universe. Have a great night because it's currently 11:13 at night. Be sure to join the group I linked also because all stories related will be posted there to find easier.