• Published 16th May 2023
  • 513 Views, 8 Comments

Sisterly Disagreements - TheKing2001

Sisters argue. A lot. Flitter and Cloudchaser are no exception to this. After having enough of her sister talking about herself, Flitter goes on an adventure to find her place. To her surprise, she finds a unicorn and a dragon on the exact same quest

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Chapter I

“And then Rainbow Dash was all like, “I get it, I want to be the best too.” And I was thinking, me too! But I don’t go creating tornadoes to get rid of CLOUDS just for an academy record or endanger ponies. I had to catch Fluttershy. How she forgets she can fly, I’ll never know. Anyway, Lightning Dust said something and Rainbow Dash got all angry and stormed off. And then Spitfire stormed onto the tarmac and was shouting at Rainbow. “I didn’t get a chance to speak, being a Wonderbolt is about pushing ourselves in the right direction” and I was like SO INSPIRATIONAL. Right sis?” Cloudchaser finished her rant as I kept stirring the soup. She was still wearing her Wonderbolt uniform even though she had gotten home two hours ago. She hadn’t even taken her bags upstairs.

“Yeah sounds awesome,” I grunted and rolled my eyes. It wasn’t awesome. All she does is talks about herself. I never get to talk about myself or my achievements. It’s like she made it her goal to be better than me in every single way possible. Getting into the Wonderbolts Academy? Check. Being more attractive and getting all the stallions? Check. Being mom and dad’s favorite child? Check. She did all of those and I just....didn’t. I’ve never been good enough. Yet as a foal, I always BEAT her in the flight camp. But no, that’s never good enough.

“Anyway as I was saying,” Cloudchaser continued. That mare loved to hear her own voice, I’m telling ya. I wonder if she has an off switch, maybe I should investigate that further. “Lightning Dust got kicked out of the academy and Rainbow Dash is a lead pony now. Wish I got paired up with her. Don’t get me wrong, Bulk Biceps is good and all but he isn’t Rainbow Dash. She could help me be so much better!”

“Kinda hard to improve that when you’re already the best at everything,” I grumbled softly under my breath.

“What was that sis?” Cloudchaser batted her eyelashes at me. Oh for fucks sake. I thought I was quiet enough that she didn’t hear me. Apparently I was not.

“Nothing. Just saying how fascinating this story is,” I feigned cheerfulness. I bit the handle of the spoon and took it out of the soup, spinning around. Cloudchaser gave a yelp and ducked, glaring at me.

“Watch it! You almost got the soup on my uniform and in my mane!” Oh what a pity that would be. I almost wish I did get it in her mane. “Is it ready?”

“Yeah,” I sighed. “You should learn to cook yourself. I heard Thunderlane liked cooking. Or get help from Pinkie Pie. Or Bon Bon. Or literally anypony in the Apple family.” She could use the fricking help. Maybe then I wouldn’t have to be the only one to cook twenty four seven.

“Pfft, good joke Flitter,” she elbowed me. “You should be a stand up comedian. Wouldn’t be as awesome as being a Wonderbolt but it’s close. By close, I mean being hundred spots down on the list.” Please kill me now, somepony. I beg of you. End my suffering with this egotistical mare. She spends way too much time in Rainbow Dashs shadow because she’s been saturating every sentence with “awesome” and “epic”. Maybe I should get her a dictionary for Hearths Warming so she can see there’s more than two words in the Equestrian language. I really shouldn’t even get her anything, she never gets me anything. Last year, I got her a really nice trip to the spa and you know what I got? Ten bits. That’s its. Which I know what you’re gonna say, money is technically a gift but I don’t care about money. Money doesn’t bring happiness all the time. All I really wanted was a book to be honest. A book about flight patterns and weather. I don’t get why she even asked what I wanted if she wasn’t going to get it. Sure it could have been sold out in Cloudsdale, but Twilight has a bunch of copies for sale. I don’t need it to be brand new, I’m perfectly fine with used books. I prefer them in fact. Shows they’ve been loved.

“Are you going to come eat or just stand there? I got more EPIC stories to tell you from the Academy!” I gritted my teeth so hard I could hear it. If she says epic one more time, that spoon is going up where the sun doesn’t shine. I quickly got my own bowl of soup and a spoon, pouring some milk into a glass and adding it to my ever growing tray and carrying it to the living room. I sat down and grabbed the TV remote. Thank Celestia for these new devices. It’s like going to the theater, but you can stay home. I’m glad the companies made the buttons bigger so pegasi and earthponies can click the buttons. Lucky unicorns, they get to use magic and shit. At least I’m very precise with my wings. I started flicking through the channels bored out of my mind.

“Give me the remote if you’re gonna not pick a channel.” I’ll be damned if she thinks I’m giving her the remote. I got better things to do than watch soap operas. That’s one of the things I’m glad about her being gone for the past two weeks. I had the house to myself.

“I am not giving you this damn remote. And if you try to take it from me and spill my soup all over me and this couch, I will be mad as fuck. So don’t try it,” I warned as I sipped my soup.

“Don’t you talk to me like that. I’m your older sister and this is my house,” Cloudchaser growled as she drank from her bowl. I rolled my eyes and tried to calm down.

“We both paid for this house. It’s in both of our names so it’s not just YOUR house. Besides, I cook and clean up all the time,” I sighed.

“I pay the bills!” Cloudchaser snapped.

“Oh yeah because I totally don’t work on the weather team and pay the bills fifty fifty. LIKE WE AGREED!”

“Not as much as I make as a Wonderbolt,” Cloudchaser boasted and groaned. There it was. She really can’t go thirty minutes without mentioning the fucking Wonderbolts. She really tries her hardest to be better than me and it’s starting to get real old, real fast.

“Uh huh,” I said simply as I picked a channel. I really liked the transformers movies. Good action, funny scenes. All around good fun.

”When it’s not your war, you pick the side that’s going to win,” the character on the screen said.

“We’ve seen this movie a million times,” Cloudchaser groaned as she flapped her wings and dropped the bowl and spoon in the sink.

“Your turn for dishes tonight by the way. And so what if we’ve seen this movie a million times? It’s a good movie and one of my favorite. Don’t be judgy,” I said. “It’s annoying.” Almost as annoying as her running her mouth all the time.

“I’ve been flying all day. I don’t feel like doing dishes. You do them.” I’m gonna kill myself I swear to Celestia. I really didn’t want to do dishes. We had rotations set up for a reason.

“Fine,” I sighed. “I’ll do them.” I paused the movie and carried my bowl, glass and spoon to the counter. I started filling with the sink with soap and water.

“I’m gonna go take a bath,” Cloudchaser called.

“Don’t take up all the hot water or else,” I threatened. “You’ve been flying all day, I’ve been cleaning and working all day. We’re both sore and I don’t want to argue.”

“Fine I won’t,” Cloudchaser promised. I wasn’t getting my hopes up though. She’s said that before. If she does, I’ll just drop by Sprinkle Medleys house and take a quick shower. She let me keep a spare bottle of my shampoo there. She was probably one of my best friends. I turned the water off and filled the pot with water and set it aside to soak. I started scrubbing the plates from this morning I had dirtied. I grabbed the plates with my hooves and put them in the drainer, turning my attention to the bowls and spoons we had just used. I glanced at the bowls and made sure there wasn’t a speck of food on them. I was super serious about clean plates, bowls, silverware and glasses. Single streak in the glass and I rewashed it. Mainly after Cloudchaser did the dishes.

“Are you done yet?” I shouted up the bathroom. It’s kinda weird she’s older than me and I can be more responsible at times. Yes, we are twins. She’s only five minutes older and that fact is special to her. Sure I could be immature at times but she is even worse about it. “I am talking to you! Don’t make me come up those stairs!”

“Not yet! I still gotta wash my mane!” Cloudchaser shouted back. That’s it, I’ve had enough.

“Don’t even worry about it! I’ll shower at a friend’s house,” I growled and flew out the door. Thankfully, Sprinkle lived a few cloud houses down. I flew past Blossomforth and Cloudkickers house, past Rainbow Dashs, past Parasols house. I sighed and landed on the cloud house. I wiped my hooves off on the mat and knocked on the door. The door opened and I sighed.


“Hey Flitter,” Sprinkle grinned. “Need to borrow my shower again?”

“You know it’s bad when you can automatically guess,” she stepped aside with a chuckle and I started to walk in before pausing. “You’re not gonna brag or bring up getting into the Wonderbolts, are you?”

“No! Of course not. Why do you think I would do that?” Sprinkle demanded as she shut the door.

“Cloudchaser has been home for about four to five hours now and it’s all she’s been talking about. Wonderbolts this, Wonderbolts that. Rainbow Dash this, Rainbow Dash that. And then Lightning Dust and just random shit,” I groaned. “It’s just always about her. Never let’s me talk about myself or ask about my day. Me, me, me and me with that mare. She’s lucky we are sisters.”

“I’m sorry about that,” Sprinkle sighed. “If it makes you feel better, I’m not going go mention it. She is kind of arrogant to be honest.”

“If you weren’t my friend, I’d get mad at you for saying that about her. That being said, you’re right about her,” I sighed.

“Want a hug?” She suddenly offered. I raised an eyebrow at her.


“Do you want a hug?” She punctuated each word with hoof thrust into the sky. I didn’t want any physical attention tonight but I knew she would keep asking till I said yes. I don’t mean any sexual physical attention, get your mind out the gutter.

“Yeah,” I allowed and she eagerly wrapped her hooves around my neck and squeezed lightly. I slowly returned the gesture. “I actually needed that. Thanks, Sprinkle.”

“You’re welcome,” she let me go. “You know where the shower is. I locked up your shampoo because my sister came over and I didn’t want her using it. Upper shelf of the cupboard, code is one two three four.”

“Very genius of you,” I said dryly with a smirk. “Very hard for a filly to figure out.” I ducked a wing and grinned wider.

“Damn it. You’ve gotten better that,” she sighed.

“Thanks,” I smirked. I quickly walked up the stairs and into the bathroom, tossing my trademarked bow onto the counter. I sighed and put the code in, pulling my shampoo out and placing it in shower. I stepped and eagerly and turned the shower on, pulling the curtain closed and lathering the shampoo in my mane and closing my eyes, enjoying the hot water cascading down my body. I smiled and started rinsing my coat and mane off. I prided myself on my appearance unlike my sister. She had the most unruly mane I have ever seen. Ponies think she styles it like that but that’s further from the truth. She goes to sleep and it just ends up like that. I will give it to her though, it looks cool and she’s very good at bullshitting her way out of anything. I shut the shower off and stepped out, drying my mane and coat off.

“How was the shower?” Sprinkle asked and I jumped. I didn’t expect her to be sitting on the couch. I thought she went to bed.

“Pretty decent,” I admitted with a smile.”Gotta preen my wings at home though.”

“Here,” Sprinkle stood up. “Let me.”

“Uh okay?” I stood still as she startled nuzzling my wings. Preening is a sign of trust between pegasi, we have social preenings for that purpose. Typically only family, very trusted friends and special someponies. Sprinkle was a close friend. The fact she’s a former ex means nothing. We were friends before we started dating. The fact we sometimes have sex here and there means nothing too. I gave a short moan and bit my lip.

“Enjoying it?” Sprinkle whispered in a husky voice that I knew very well. She pulled out a broken feather and spit it out, straightening my feathers and moving to my right wing.

“Mhmmm,” I sighed contently as I felt her smooth down the feathers on my right side. She kissed the base of my wing and I let out a barely restrained moan.

“Wanna take this upstairs to bed?” Sprinkle whispered in my ear with her seductive smile.

“You know it.”


I moaned softly as I opened my eyes. I tried to roll over and accidentally bumped into Sprinkle. I nuzzled her affectionately and felt her hooves twitch around my waist. I could still feel the jelly in my mane and coat. To say we both had enjoyed last night was an understatement. After the day I had, I really needed to get the stress out.

“You awake?” I quietly asked and nudged her softly.

“Mhmmm,” Sprinkle cracked an eye open and smiled. “Hello there.”

“Heyo,” I smiled back faintly. “How are you?” I felt her slowly remove her hooves off my waist and she stretched out on her bed, her back making a cracking sound.

“I’m amazing. Especially after what we got up to last night,” she gave me a wink. “Still kind of exhausted.” I leaned in and kissed her forehead.

“It was pretty nice,” I agreed. “I really needed it after the day I had yesterday. Thanks for that, by the way.”

“I’ll go make us some breakfast if you wanna stay,” she said hopefully. I typically didn’t stay long after our sexual encounters.

“I can stay for a bit. We gotta get to work soon though,” I nuzzled her again. “Don’t wanna risk Rainbow being mad.” Sprinkle chuckled at that.

“Trust me I know that,” she gave me a quick kiss.

“Remind me to grab my bow before we head to work,” I looked around at the now messy room.

“Uh Flitter?”

“Yeah, Sprinkle?” She pointed a hoof at the bow tied to the headboard.

“We used it last night as a blindfold and like rope to tie your hooves to the headboard,” she explained with a blush.

Oh. I completely forgot that had happened. Now I get why she was blushing. I need to remember to grab that before I left and just hope it wasn’t dirty.

“Do you want help making breakfast?” I sat up and groaned.

“Nah. I’ll bring it in, might have to make instant pancakes,” she left the room, swaying her hips and moving her tail side to side. She tossed her head back seductively and grinned before she disappeared. I smirked and leaned back into her bed, resting. I really should get a bed like she has. Very comfortable and spacious. I closed my eyes to rest for a few moments.

“Flitter? Wake up. We got work,” my eyes slowly reopened to Sprinkle shaking me gently and dangling a pancake in front of my noise.

“What’s up?” I mumbled and rubbed an eye with a hoof. Thank Celestia my hoofs weren’t still tied to the headboard.

“You’ve been asleep for twenty minutes. I’ve been trying to wake you up. We got to go to work and I have your pancakes.” I shot up and stared at her.

“What time is it?” I demanded. Sprinkle pulled the curtains aside and squinted at the sun.

“Eight twenty. There’s coffee also,” she shrugged.

“We gotta eat and fly!” I grabbed my bow and started tying it. “We’re almost late. Shift starts in ten minutes!”

“I know.” I finished tying my bow and grabbed the offered pancake, bolting out the room only stopping for coffee.

“Who do you think is getting the promotion at work?” Sprinkle asked as she flapped her wings next to me.

“Probably Cloudchaser and Dizzy Twister,” I grunted as I swallowed the pancake. “Cloudy always gets what she wants and Dizzy is a very capable pegasus. She would be a great team leader.”

“You would be too you know,” Sprinkle smirked. I gave a snort and rolled my eyes at that.

“Please. Rainbow ain’t even going to look at me,” I smirked. “You’d be a good one.”

“You’re just saying that because we slept together last night and if I got it, you could secretly whisper ideas into my head that benefit you.”

“Maybe.” We both laughed at that as we landed at the weather teams office. It was a pretty small room that the town gave us. We mainly used clouds for team meetings but the office was just there to make us look cool I guess. Plus it kept all the paperwork. Shift changes, orders from Cloudsdale and stuff like that. Real boring stuff to most ponies but I enjoyed the paper work aspect.

“Hey Flitter. Hey Sprinkle,” Rainbow greeted us as we trotted in. “Right on time, I was just about to announce the promotions.”

“Hey boss,” I greeted her back. “Beautiful morning. Night shift did a damn good job.”

“They did. Now quiet down everypony,” Rainbow Dash glanced at a sheet of paper. “I’m just gonna get straight to the promotions because we got a lot of work to do today. We only got two as you know and that’s for the team leaders. So congrats Dizzy Twister and Flitter, come to my office to get your vest.”

“Congrats Flitter!” Sprinkle patted me on the back. “Now I get to whisper ideas into your head for my benefit.” She gave an evil laugh and I stared ahead stunned. When I applied for the position, it was because Sprinkle encouraged me to do so. I didn’t actually expect to get it. I shook of my shock and gave a wide grin.

“Holy shit. I didn’t actually expect to get it,” I mumbled.

“Well you did,” Dizzy Twister said from behind me. “Congratulations, you earned it.” She held out a hoof and grinned. I quickly shook and nodded.

“You too,” I smirked. “Figured Cloudchaser would have gotten it instead of me.” I glanced over at my sister and instead of the happy expression I was expecting, she was glaring at me with an angry expression. I don’t know why she was mad at me, I didn’t actually expect to get the position.

“Go get your new work vest,” Sprinkle pushed forward with her head.

“Get your head away from my tail,” I grumbled.

“You weren’t complaining about it last night,” Sprinkle said quietly with a smirk. I turned slightly red at that.

“Shut it.” She only laughed at that as I stepped towards Rainbows office where she was waiting for me with Dizzy, who was admiring her new dark blue jacket with silver lining and the words team leader on the front.

“Here you go Flitter,” Rainbow nudged the jacket across her desk. It was a messy room, papers all over the place, a bunch of lopsided posters here and there decorated the walls and a picture of her family and multiple of Scootaloo were all over the walls and desk. An empty pizza back sat in the corner and I scrunched my nose in disgust at the smell. It smelled like what I imagine the colts locker room back in highschool would smell like. Just missing the smell of cologne and a bunch of rowdy pegasus smacking each other with towels.

“Thanks boss,” I slipped into the jacket and admired how comfortably it was on me. Now I know why Dash had asked what size I typically wore last week.

“No problem. Alrighty, down to assigned teams. Dizzy Twister, you get Cloudchaser, Thunderlane, Summer Rain, August Wind, Clear Skies, Parasol and Milky Way. Flitter, you get Raindrops, Cloudkicker, Sprinkle Medley, White Lightning, Sassaflash and Silverspeed. Those are your assigned teams to lead. Twilight observed all your guys strengths and which would be suited best under your individual leadership because that sounded boring to do myself. You guys have your own offices down the hall next to each other.”

“Thanks boss. We won’t let you down,” Dizzy promised and we quickly saluted her. She gave a nod and we all flew out the door to where our separate teams were waiting.

“We have a big storm to set up today. It’s gonna last all week so the farms and flower ponies crops can get enough rain for this summer and coming winter. I’ve already gave Flitter and Dizzy Twister here their assigned teams. I’ve already pulled aside the ponies who are under them so you know who you are assigned. Let’s get to work,” Rainbow announced. My team followed me up to a cloud and I sat down on it

“Alright. I’m not gonna be as strict as some of the other ponies would be or like Dizzy Twister is, but I expect work to get done. If you work with me, I’ll work with you.”

“What about breaks?” Sassaflash asked with a hoof in the sky. That mare was absolutely obsessed with taking her breaks and lunch. How she became a Wonderbolt reservist, I’ll never know. Now that I think about it, half my team was in the reserves. White Lightning, Sprinkle, Raindrops, Sassaflash and Cloudkicker all went together.

“I’m not taking away breaks from anypony. Besides, I’m legally required to give breaks to you all. Any other questions?” I asked while a look of relief crossed Sassaflash’s face. Cloudkicker raised a hoof. “Yes Cloudkicker?”

“What are you going to do about the pegasi who don’t wear their goggles during work? It’s a major safety issue and should be addressed,” Raindrops nodded her agreement and stared at me. Those two and I valued safety above all else so it was a fair question.

“Well considering it’s the rules and law to wear them, I expect everypony to wear them. I have mine and I expect everypony to have theirs at all times while they’re on the clock,” I gave my own goggles a shake on my hoof. Cloudkicker nodded and lowered her hoof with a satisfied look.

“Are you gonna put the equal amount of work in too or just make us do everything?” Raindrops asked. She was the grumpiest of us all. I learned quickly to not talk to her until she’s had her coffee. Even then I still be careful with what I say and when I talk to her.

“Are we going to work or just bombard her with questions?” Sprinkle Medley groaned. “This is just a weather team. She’s not running for a political office.” We all gave a chuckle at that. I was really glad the team I’m in charge of was made up of mostly ponies who were fun but serious about their jobs like me. We spent most of the day getting the storm clouds in position and checking to make sure they were the clouds we got delivered. I really didn’t want to get a bunch of clouds of snow like we did last year. That was a hard one to explain to the higher ups and the earth ponies.

“You’re chipper today,” Cloudkicker noted with a grin. “What’s up?”

“What do you mean?” I asked as I pushed a cloud.

“You’ve been really happy and chill instead of your no nonsense self. So what’s up?” Cloudkicker glanced at me and gave me a nudge. “Get some action last night?”

“Maybe,” I admitted with a smirk. “Maybe I did.”

“Ooooh. Anypony I know?” Cloudkicker started looking around the working ponies before settling on Sprinkle Medley who I knew had been watching us. She quickly looked away with a blush and a mischievous grin grew on Cloudkickers face. “I see.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I grinned and rolled my eyes.

“You bow has a stain on it and you have something in your coat,” Cloudkicker announced.

“What!” I twisted my head around to look at my bow and there was a tiny clear stain on it. “Shit.” I tried to look at my coat and found nothing.

“I was kidding about the coat,” Cloudkicker flashed a grin my way. “Gotcha.” I forgot Cloudkicker was the prankster of the team. My plot still hurt from the lightning bolt she snuck into my cloud I sat down on earlier tonight for my break. She was lucky I enjoyed her pranks unlike Raindrops.

“You got me there,” I admitted. “At least our shift is over.”

“Got that right,” Cloudkicker sighed. “What you doing after work?”

“Going to take a bath, clean my bow and sleep. You?”

“Taking Blossom out for dinner. It’s been a few weeks since our last date.” She gave a wave of her hoof and swooped to the cloud where a watermelon maned pegasus with a white coat was patiently waiting. I didn’t know Blossomforth well, but from the few conversations I had with her she was a nice enough mare. Shrugging, I swooped down to my sister.

“Ready to go?” I asked her. Nothing. No reply, just silence. “Hello? I asked a question.”

“Don’t talk to me. Mom and Dad are waiting for us,” she snapped. I let out an internal groan. I hated when they came to visit, all they did was speak about Cloudchaser and her achievements and talk her up. As if she needed any more of it. Her ego was already big enough that Rainbow Dash of all ponies said she was egotistical. When Rainbow Dash says you’re egotistical, that means something.

“And why shouldn’t I talk to you?” I asked curiously. I had a slight feeling what it was about though.

“Because! You got promoted. The promotion I wanted!” Cloudchaser spun around and glared at me.

“I didn’t even know I would get the damn promotion! I only applied because a friend encouraged me to do so!” I snapped. “I thought you or Dizzy Twister would get it. After all, you get everything you want, you spoiled brat!”

“I’m not spoiled! I work for everything I have!”

“Oh please,” I scoffed. “Could have fooled me. Last time I checked, mom and dad gave you everything and I bought all the stuff in the house.”

“Yeah you wasted our bits on a popcorn machine!”

“I don’t even like popcorn! Why the hell would I buy a machine that makes something I hate?”

“Because you’re stupid like that.”

“I literally saw you carry it inside Cloudchaser. You bought the damned thing!” I snapped as we landed on the cloud of our house.

“Whatever,” she stared ahead and stomped inside. I followed suit and plopped down on the couch.

“When are our loving mother and father arriving?” I asked sarcastically.

“Soon. And they love me,” Cloudchaser beamed. “I’m the perfect daughter.” I let out a snort at that and tried to not burst out laughing. Breath Flitter. You can laugh at her expense later, I told myself.

“Everyone loves you,” I grumbled softly. “Make dinner please.” Hopefully me saying please would help her quit being annoying.

“I will make dinner,” Cloudchaser announced. Oh this should be entertaining to see. Maybe she’s finally stepping up. “After all, I’m the only one who knows how to make mom and dad’s favorite pasta.” And there it was. The other shoe. I rolled my eyes and stretched out on the couch, passing out.

“Wake up lazy,” Cloudchaser shook me. “Mom and Dad are here and asking where their other daughter is.” I groaned and climbed to my hooves.

“Where are they?” I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

“Dining room. Where else would they be?”

“We normally eat on the couch so it was a fair question.”

“Mom and Dad said it was uncivilized to eat on the couch. Ridiculous of them in my opinion,” Cloudchaser scoffed.

“For once, we agree something.” We sat down on the chairs in the dining room across from a black pegasus stallion with a gold mane and a blue pegasus mare with a blue mane. How me and my sister got our coat colors, I’ll never know. All I know is I can’t wait for this dinner to be over.

“Hello Cloudchaser and Flitter,” my mom said coolly. “Glad you could finally join us.”

“I was waking Flitter up,” Cloudchaser smiled sweetly at them.

“Why was she asleep? It’s not even late.” Oh yeah because ten pm isn’t late at all Dad.

“Long shift at work,” I grumbled.

“It wasn’t that long,” Cloudchaser scoffed as we started eating.

“You should be more like Cloudchaser, Flitter. She’s a Wonderbolt now, works hard,” my dad chided.

“I’m fine where I’m at. Just got promoted today in fact,” I stated proudly. My sister shot me a glare and Mom sighed.

“Still isn’t a Wonderbolt darling. Being stuck in a weather team in a back water country town does nothing for you,” Mom explained and my sister shot me a smug grin. I slammed a hoof into the table and stood up.

“I’m going for a flight. Goodnight.”

“Sit down now,” my dad snapped. “And don’t talk to us like that.”

“This is my house. Not yours, I can say whatever I want. If you don’t like it you can stay home,” I growled. Instead of walking through the door like a “civilized” pony, I dropped straight through the floor. I was headed to the one place that didn’t judge me: the bar. I always came here after Mom and Dad had their visits. I tucked my wings to my body and felt the wind rush into my face. My sister may be the Wonderbolt, but I enjoyed flight just as much as she did. Stronger flyer my plot. I had the strongest wing power out of the two of us during tornado duty. I spread my wings and soared right to the bar. I dropped to the ground and stepped inside, looking around. My favorite bartender was here tonight. Makes sense, she owned the place. I trotted up to the bar where a unicorn and a dragon were taking shots.

“Hey Flitter!” Berry Punch leaned on the bar with a grin. “What can I get ya?” I sighed and sat down on the seat.

“The usual,” I sighed and Berry’s grin disappeared.

“Parents visiting again huh?” She asked sympathetically. I knew she didn’t have great relations with her parents either.

“Yup,” I said sourly. She gave a nod and turned around, grabbing a bottle of bourbon and expertly poured it. She nudged the glass to me.

“First one is on the house,” she turned to place the bottle back and I grabbed the shot with a wing, tossing it back and slamming the glass back on the table.

“Another please.” Berry turned around and stared in awe.

“Damn girl. Alright,” She grabbed the bottle again and poured another shot, this time placing the bottle on the counter next to the glass. “In case you want another. I have a feeling you will.”

“Thanks,” I took the shot in my wing and tossed it back again. I don’t remember how many I had taken till I noticed the unicorn and dragon staring at me. “What?”

“Just watching you take shots,” the unicorn slurred out.


“We’ve never seen anyone handle the same amount of shots like that. Wanna join us?” The dragon asked. The voice sounded familiar but I was far too drunk to place it.

“Sure why not,” I shrugged and slide over to them. “Wanna try it?” I nodded to the bottle.

“What is it?” The unicorn asked.

“Uhhh,” I couldn’t really remember. “Berry, what is this?” The earth pony stepped over to us after giving a bottle of alcohol to a white unicorn wearing sunglasses. Who wears sunglasses inside?

“Big Macs Ponyville Bourbon. Made of apple juice for some reason, grain, yeast and water. Surprisingly good considering it has juice in it,” the earth pony told us expertly.

“Fuck it. Pass it here,” the dragon shrugged.

“Aren’t you a bit young to be cussing Spike?” Berry asked.

“I’m old enough to drink. I can stop cussing if you want,” Spike offered.

“Just teasing,” Berry smirked. “Have fun you three. If you throw up, you’re cleaning it up when you’re sober.” She stepped away to help another patron.

“Here,” I slid two shot glasses to the pair. They looked at each other before shrugging and tossing it back.

“Oh my Luna,” the unicorn coughed. “That’s strong.”

“It is,” Spike gagged a bit. “Pretty good though.” The unicorn nodded and looked at me sheepishly.

“Can we have some more?” She asked and I smirked.

“You bet,” I grinned and poured us all shots. “On three.” They nodded and grabbed their glasses.

“One, two, three,” We tossed them back at the same time and slammed them down laughing.

“Why you all here drinking?” I slurred as I felt the alcohol affecting me.

“We both got tired of being in the background and not noticed. Sure I live with Twilight and help out but everyone still sees me as the little dragon. She just got tired of nopony appreciating her,” Spike nodded to the unicorn who took the bourbon in her magic and sipped from the bottle.

“Damn girl,” I smirked “I feel the same way. My sister gets all the attention and is my parents favorite daughter. I’m constantly in the background and always being upstaged. Nothing I do is good enough. Give me the bottle back please.” The unicorn slid it back and I sipped from the bottle. “What’s your name, by the way?” She smiled at me.

“I’m Amethyst Star. Commonly known as Sparkler,” she smiled.

“I’m Flitter,” I introduced myself. “Pleasure to meet you.”

“Likewise,” Amethyst sipped from the bottle and passed it to Spike. All I remember next was us passing the bottle around and laughing.


“Oh my Celestia,” I groaned. “What the fuck happened?” I looked around curiously at the walls. Where was I even at? This wasn’t my bed or my house.

“Well for starters you got really drunk with Amethyst and Spike in my bar, drank four bottles of bourbon and then all three of you passed out in a pile in the bathroom,” Berry stated with an eyeroll as she turned a page of her book. “You’re lucky all of your vomit made it into the toilet. Amethyst wasn’t so lucky and she’s going to be cleaning it up today. She should be there right now so it’s gone before I open up for tonight.”

“Why am I in your bed? We didn’t hook up or anything right?” I asked with a blush. Berry gave me a smirk.

“In your wet dreams,” she teased. “Bet you wish we did. I’ve never done it before but I’m sure I could get some pointers on how to pleasure a pegasus and touch their wings from Cloudkicker.” I snorted at that and winced when I sat up.

“My fucking head is pounding,” I moaned in pain.

“Bet that isn’t the only thing you wish was pounding,” Berry smirked harder before a look of faint concern crossed her features. “I some extra strength pain meds in the bathroom cupboard. Want me to get you it?” I gave a faint nod and immediately regretted the action. It made my head worse more.

“Be right back,” she set her book down and slipped out of the bed, trotting into the bathroom. I slowly laid back down and groaned.

“Here,” Berry set the two large pills and a large glass of water. “You can either take it yourself or I can shove it in your mouth.”

“That could be taken badly if anypony heard you,” I grumbled as I grabbed the two pills and tossed them in my mouth and washed them down with water. A grin tugged at the corner of Berry’s mouth as she picked up the glass and trotted to the bathroom. “How much money do I owe you?”

“Nothing actually,” Berry sat back in her bed and started reading. “After you started dancing on the bar, stallions started tossing dollar bills your way and paid for your tab.”

“Did I actually do that?” I turned bright red. Berry gave a laugh and shook her head.

“Nah. I just thought it was funny to see your reaction. In all honesty, someone did pay your tab. I have no clue who he was. I’ve never seen him around town before, just asked how much the tab was and paid in full and then some,” Berry shrugged.

“Why am I in your house and not mine?” I asked.

“Well I didn’t want you wandering the street and getting ponynapped or trying to fly home drunk so I took you to my house. I’ve done it for Spike and Amethyst a few times. Sometimes I take Spike home but I mainly take him here and then we have wild sex,” she smirked.

“Really?” That surprised me, I didn’t know she and Spike had a thing going on.

“Nah but I would I could. He’s kinda cute and Ruby could use a father figure,” Berry grinned.

“I’ve only met Spike a few times but he seems pretty nice. He’s a cool dragon,” I sighed.

“He is,” Berry sighed wistfully. “Congrats on the work promotion by the way.”

“How do you know about that?” I asked confused. I didn’t remember mentioning that to her but then again I didn’t remember much of last night.

“I overheard you and your annoying sister arguing about it. When you can bring a picture of her and I’ll put it on the banned pony board,” Berry patted me on the head.

“Thanks. You’re a good friend,” I sighed and gave her a quick friendly nuzzle. She smiled and returned it.

“I try to be. You’re a good friend too.”

“I know,” We both shared a laugh. “Where’s Ruby?”

“She’s at school. I took her when you were asleep still. She wanted to jump on you but I told her not to and let Aunt Flitter sleep.” I raised an eyebrow and stared at her.

“Aunt Flitter?”

“She calls you Aunt Flitter because of how often you come visit or take her to school. Or pick her up from school when I need help. She loves you a lot,” Berry smiled.

“She’s a pretty cool filly,” I nodded before closing my eyes and relaxing into the bed. I was about to go back to sleep before I shot back up in bed. “I have work today. What time is it?”

“Seven fifty,” Berry guessed. “Give or take.”

“Not bad,” I sighed. “Thought it was later.”

“Yeah nah. I know your schedule pretty well. I would have woken you up before your shift started,” Berry shrugged and picked up her book again.

“Thanks for letting me crash here for the night. Hopefully I wasn’t too much of a hassle,” I said as flapped my wings to help get me out on the bed.

“Anytime. Have a good day at work. Don’t kill Cloudchaser or yourself please,” Berry grinned as I flew out the door and through her house. It was a pretty small rundown house but it worked for now as Berry stated. I only paused to adjust a picture of Ruby and Berry before flying out the front door. I winced at the sun in my eyes. Never get hung over and go outside. Makes things so, so much worse.

I gave a faint grin as I flew straight up, spinning when I did so. My sister wasn’t the only pony who liked doing tricks in the sky. I straightened out and tucked my wings close to my body, free falling. Right before I could crash into the ground, I spread my wings and flew over a crowd of cheering earth ponies and unicorns. I didn’t realize I had garnered a crowd watching me. I did a quick barrel roll for the colts and fillies before landing at the weather teams office.

“That was some flying there Flitter,” Cloudkicker grinned as she landed next to me with Raindrops and White Lightning. All three had coffees in their hooves.

“Thanks. I’m in a decent mood today, admittedly a bit hungover but good. How are you all?” I smiled and adjusted my bow.

“Pretty good,” White Lightning smirked. " I saw you in the bar last night with Spike and Amethyst getting wasted. I’ve never seen you in there before.” I had a vague recollection of seeing her in there.

“I go there all the time. Me and Berry Punch go way back, she knows my drink of choice by heart at this point. It was nice to get drunk with other ponies instead of being alone for a change,” I sighed and the other three pegasus gave each other concerned looks.

“Are you good?” Raindrops grumbled. “Maybe you shouldn’t drink so much.”

“I’m perfectly fine. It doesn’t matter and I don’t get drunk often,” I snapped.

“Calm down Flitter,” Cloudkicker placed a hoof on my back. “We’re just asking because we care.” Now that was a funny sentiment, my sisters friends caring about me.

“Oh she’s fine,” Cloudchaser scoffed as she walked up. “She’s just acting.” I gave her dirty look.

“I don’t know,” Cloudkicker grunted. “She doesn’t act often.”

“We are having dinner in a few days with my friends. You’re coming with,” Cloudchaser told me.

“Oh yeah because I totally want to have dinner with you Wonderbolt friends. Putting up with your bragging at home is already practically a second job,” I grumbled. White Lightning gave a laugh and Cloudchaser glared at her.

“You don’t have a choice. I already got the reservation,” Cloudchaser boasted.

“And I care why?” Raindrops and Cloudkicker glanced at each other.

“Because I said so. I want you there.”

“Want me as a punching bag is more like it,” I mumbled. I didn’t bother listening to any possible comment, I just took off into the sky to start my shift.


“I wonder what Lightning Dust is up to,” Sassaflash commented. I wanted to slam my head into my dinner. If I had to hear one more story about the academy, somepony would lose a tongue or a wing. At least half the table barely brought it up.

“Why should we care?” Raindrops grunted. “She could have killed a lot of ponies. There’s a difference between being good and being dangerous.”

“I wish I got to be Rainbows wingpony,” Cloudchaser sighed. I rolled my eyes and just focused on eating.

“What have you been up to recently Flitter?” Sprinkle Medley asked me with a wink and immediately the events of the other night rushed through my mind and I blushed. I rolled my eyes again at Cloudkickers mischievous grin.

“Not much. Just working, cooking, hanging out with some friends. What about you?”

“Oh not much. Do you like being a team leader?” My sister ignored me and the eyes of the others were suddenly all on me.

“It’s pretty good. Got an office of my own, me and Dizzy get along pretty good. Me, Amethyst and Spike got plans for tomorrow night,” I shrugged.

“All she does is cook really. Kinda lame,” Cloudchaser scoffed.

“Because you’re too lazy to learn. You don’t do anything around the house like clean or doing the dishes. It’s always me doing it,” I shot back.

“Because I don’t care. I’m going places and it’s boring.”

“Going to drive me fucking crazy is what you’re going to do,” I sighed. The table burst out laughing and even Raindrops had a small smile.

“Oh my gosh! It’s Cloudchaser!” Oh Luna help me. It’s a crazy fan of my crazy sister. We all glanced over at pink unicorn with a shield on her flanks.

“How can I help you?” My sister asked sweetly and I wanted to vomit. She knew when to play the charm unlike me.

“Can we get a picture?” She asked. That was the worst thing I’ve ever heard. Cloudchaser loved an impromptu photo session.

“But of course! Just one though,” Cloudchaser grinned as she got off her chair and posed with the fan. I rolled my eyes for who knows how many times tonight. Cloudchaser quickly sat back down next to us.

“Who is she and why does she look like you?” The fan pointed a hoof at me.

“I’m her sister. Flitter.”

“Can I ask you a question?” She asked.

“Yeah sure go for it,” I shrugged. No harm in me answering some questions.

“Do you get bored of living in your sister’s shadow?” I glared at the mare. Sprinkle gave me a concerned look.

“Excuse me?” I growled.

“I mean, everypony knows her. Nopony knows you,” the mare shrugged. “How do you feel about that?”

“I feel I don’t care. I don’t need fame or fortune to be happy. The moment I become a stuck up flyer, kill me. Now I’m leaving,” I got up and flew outside leaving a stunned table behind.

“Flitter!” I settled down on my cloud and stared a fuming Cloudchaser, the others following behind slowly looking nervous. “How could you embarrass me like that?”

“You do that pretty good yourself. You don’t need any help in that department,” I retorted.

“You don’t need to be jealous of my Wonderbolt status. It’s normal to feel that way but you don’t have to.”

“Trust me. I am not even remotely close to being jealous,” I grumbled. “I could honestly care less about it.”

“Then why have you been so annoying tonight?” Cloudchaser asked and I finally lost my patience. I have my limits.

“Because! I’m really fucking sick of you acting better than me all the time. You’re a Wonderbolt, cool, congratulations. I’m tired of always being less important. You’re already mom and dad’s favorite, you already have all the friends. You’re more attractive than me, it’s your goal to be better than me in every way!” I got in her face.

“Because I’m the first family member to join. Of course mom and dad are going to be happy. I’m the stronger flyer.”

“That’s real funny considering I had a stronger wing power than you did at tornado duty,” I scoffed.

“You did not!” Cloudchaser snapped.

“I actually did. Ask Cloudkicker, she was helping Twilight with the anemometer during that whole thing,” I smirked.

“She uh she did,” Cloudkicker admitted. “She has a wing power of twelve point five.” That got me a lot of impressed looks and a proud look from Sprinkle. She and Kicker were the only ones I told.

“Must suck huh?” I flapped my wings. “To be the one being upstaged for once. Must suck for me to actually talk about myself for once instead of it always being about you.” Wow, this felt really REALLY good to get out.

“I don’t always just talk about me!” I gave a loud snort at that. “Right guys?” The others looked at each other uncomfortably.

“You kinda do,” Raindrops admitted.

“You’ve been doing it all night if I’m being honest,” Sassaflash sighed. “I’m your friend but maybe you should be more open to your sister and her feelings.”

“And you’re not unattractive Flitter,” Sprinkle piped in.

“At least I can get stallions in the house,” Cloudchaser boasted angrily.

“Oh yes. Being know as the Whore of Ponyville is the title I’ve always wanted!” I shouted. “It’s obviously what you want!”

“Let’s calm down please,” White Lightning mumbled. She always hated conflict. “There’s ponies down below watching.”

“Says the one who slept with Sprinkle the other night,” Cloudchaser grumbled. I recoiled and stared at Sprinkle, my ears pressed against my head.

“You told her?” I asked in disbelief. “I didn’t want her to know.”

“I’m sorry. It slipped out,” Sprinkle sighed. “I’m very sorry.” That hurt me a lot more than I thought. I tried to keep our affairs private because nopony else needed to know about it. I decided now I don’t need to live in my sisters shadow anymore. I’m gonna make a name for myself.

“I don’t need to live in your shadow anymore Cloudchaser,” I announced. “I’m going to make my own mark in this world. I’m going to do it without you. Without any of you. Just leave me alone.” I took off and the cloud spread apart from the force I used to propel myself forward.

“Flitter!” I glanced back and rolled my eyes at Sprinkle chasing me. I really didn’t want to see her right now. I was going straight to Amethyst’s house. She and Spike had mentioned wanting to do the same thing as me. They were doing movie night at her house. I can tell them I’m in and boom we can leave tonight. I did a quick turn and flew into a cloud and peered through. Sprinkle paused and looked around. “I’m sorry Flitter! I didn’t mean to hurt you. Please just come back to my house. We can snuggle up on the couch and watch movies.”

I gotta admit, that sounded tempting. I really wanted to go with her but I was committed now. I watched her head droop and she flapped her wings half heartedly away. Sighing, I slipped out of my cloud and landed, trotting to Amethyst’s and knocked.

“Oh hey Flitter!” Amethyst grinned as she opened the door. “Here for movie night?” Spike poked his head up behind her with a grin as well.

“Remember how you two wanted to make a name for yourselves and go on a adventure?”

“Yeah?” Amethyst asked. A slow smile spread across her muzzle and a bright look came into her eyes. “Do you mean you wanna join us?” I took a deep breath.

“Yes.” I got dragged inside by her magic and the door slammed shut. “Gahh!”

“This is amazing!” Amethyst gushed. “Ready Spike?”

“Uh ready for what?” I asked nervously. Maybe I was about to get murdered. I hope to Luna I don’t. Everytime I said kill me somepony, I was joking. I want to live a long life.

“Friend group road trip!” Amethyst and Spike shouted. “AFS forever!”

“AFS?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Amethyst Flitter Spike,” Spike explained. “First letter of all our names into the group name.” That was....interesting.

“Uh okay?” I shrugged.

“Let’s go!” Amethyst announced and Spike nodded. Her horn flashed and we were on the main road leading out of Ponyville. My bow collection was in my saddlebags along with a jacket, scarves and boots. Amethyst wore matching saddlebags with similar items sticking out. Hers had boots and gloves for Spike. I had a feeling a coat and hat was in it too.

“Do we have my mustache collection?” Spike asked.

“Your fucking what?” I asked incredulously.

“He has a collection of mustaches. Says it makes him look cool,” Amethyst rolled her eyes. “You have a collection of bows.”

“What do you have a collection of?” I asked curiously. She turned bright red and looked away.

“Nothing to talk about,” she kept looking anywhere but my eyes. Oh. A wicked grin crossed my muzzle and I winked. I’ve been spending way too much time around Cloudkicker.

“I see,” I smirked. “Your secret is safe with us.”

“I have no idea what you’re referring to,” Amethyst finally made eye contact.

“Where to now?” I asked, shrugging.

“Anywhere! The world is entirely open to us!” Spike announced and gestured with his claw. “We can go anywhere.” He started walked forward down the road. Me and Amethyst made eye contact and shrugged, following him down the road.

“Where do you think we are going to end up first?” Amethyst asked.

“I have no idea,” I admitted. “We didn’t plan this out well. But I’m excited.”

“Me too,” Amethyst grinned and bumped her flank against mine. I bumped hers back and grinned at her. I quickly learned that was her way of showing her eagerness. It was weird at first but meh. I can adapt to anything really.

"Maybe we will fight a serpent!" Spike called out and we all three stared at the Everfree forest looming in front of us. I shrugged and trotted in.

"We got this far. Might as well keep going on this adventure." I heard hooves and claws galloping behind me.

"You ever come in here before?" Spike asked nervously.

"Nope!" I announced cheerfully. "What about you two?"

"No," Amethyst sighed. "Never had a reason to. It ain't natural I heard in there."

"I've been here once," Spike admitted. "To steal a book from the castle. Rarity turned all of town into a mess." I completely forgot she had turned the town in a mess in her beautification attempt. Me and Amethyst glared at him.

"Yeah never do that again," Amethyst grumbled.

"Poor Blossomforth got blinded by a gold road," I rolled my eyes.

"Moral of the story is don't like ponies," Spike sighed.

"Yeah I don't think that's the moral you should be taking from the story Spike."

"Fair enough." I glanced around at the dark forest curiously. I've only ever flown over the forest, I've never been inside it. I never cared enough to come in but adventure awaits.

"To adventure!" Spike ran forward.

"Wasn't he just scared of going in here?" Amethyst asked.


"We should probably keep up with him," Amethyst suggested.


Comments ( 8 )

Good thinking but you got to admit, seeing cloudchaser, Raindrops and thunderlane, 3 more known background ponies among the wonderbolts was a welcome idea by the writers. Bulk counts too

I love Raindrops Cloudkicker Sassaflash and white Lightning so it was yes

Mhm. It might Sound silly but I could never decide between flitter and cloudchaser for thunderlane

I used to hate Thunderlane

Due to his lazyness i guess? Me, i just did once a Story with rumble and was not sure about flitter and cloudchaser's relationship with his big Brother

No it had nothing to do with that. Idk I just hated him but he grew on me after cutie mark day camp

Fair. I did my Story long before that, so rumble doesn't care about his cutie mark. And his parents were wonderbolts, so thunderlane joined to keep their honor.

Actually, your Story Reminds me of a pic

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