• Published 13th May 2023
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Sunsets in Gravity Falls - Gfmlp

Due to an anomaly, Sunset is transported to Gravity Falls and the anomaly will bring some trouble to Gravity Falls.

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01) Tourist Trapped

Sunset recently stopped being a bad person after her plan went very wrong and she transformed into some kind of demon, in Cantelot Hight she still had doubts if she could have friends, she thought that if she could talk to her past self she would try to convince himself not to do things and to be a better person, but suddenly he found himself in his pony form and in another place he didn't know, in a cabin near the woods called the Mystery Shack.

In that place Sunset met Stan Pines and discovered that he was in another world in a city called Gravity Falls, Sunset decided to stay in the Mystery Shack with Stan's permission, because a tourist trap is the best place for a unicorn not to stand out much.

While she was there she was trying to figure out how she got to this world and also how to get back to Canterlot Hight or to Equestria. Sunset became friends with the two Mystery Shack workers, Soos and Wendy. What bothered Sunset the most about the Mystery Shack was when tourists came, mainly children, and Stan took the opportunity to introduce Sunset.

Sunset knew thanks to Stan that her nephews would come, when they arrived she learned that they were twins, but their personalities were very different, while Dipper was very serious and logical, Mabel was very positive and cheerful, something that reminded her a lot of Pinkie Pie.

Sunset felt a little uncomfortable talking to them, because Mabel kept trying to hug her and Dipper started asking her questions where she had come from and how she knew so much about human things. Sunset decided not to answer those questions, but Sunset realized that Dipper started to get suspicious of her for not answering those questions.


A few days later at the Mystery Shack, Mabel was desperately trying to get a boyfriend because this was the first vacation she was going to be away from home, while Sunset was glad she wasn't so attentive to her. Seeing that there were few tourists at the Mystery Shack, Stan decided to have Dipper stick some posters on the trees.

"Dipper you have to stick these signs on the trees to indicate the Mystery Shack," Stan said to Dipper.

“No, something weird in that forest, I feel like I'm being watched and the mosquitoes wrote this to me today,” Dipper said, showing Stan that the mosquitoes had written the word BEWARE on him with bites.

“Don't worry kid, paranormal things are invented by people like me for people like him”, pointing to a tourist buying a souvenir.

Dipper went to nail the posters in that forest with some fear. Sunset hearing all this couldn't disagree with what Dipper said and she decided to go with him, but Stan spoke to her.

“Sunset more tourists came and some are little kids,” Stan said.

Sunset sighed realizing this.


Later in the forest of Gravity Falls, Dipper was nailing signs to attract tourists to the Mystery Shack, but suddenly he felt that he stepped on something and raised his foot to see what it was, for Dipper to realize that it was some kind of glass with an unusual color and shape.

"Whose is it, although I doubt it's valuable, because he wouldn't have dumped it and also because it looks like it's been here for several days," Dipper said to himself.

Dipper decided to put that stone in a pocket and kept putting up posters. Dipper discovered that the tree that he was going to nail a sign to was fake and had a switch that opened a secret compartment that had a book with a hand with six fingers and the number 3 in the center.

Dipper began to read it, at the beginning of the page that he began to read it headed 'June 18', then continued writing 'It's hard to believe it's been six years since I began reserching the strange and wordrous secret of Gravity Falls, Oregon '. Journal 3 was full of creatures he had never imagined, of codes and cryptograms.

“What the hell is this?”, Dipper wondered, until he got to the final pages of the Journal the author had written, which after a few nonsense words was written 'TRUST NO ONE', and then it said 'Unfortunately, my suspicions have been confirmed. I'm being watched. I must hide the book before HE finds it.' and ended with the phrase 'Remember, Gravity Falls, there is no one you can trust'.

“What are you doing?” Mabel suddenly asked scaring Dipper a bit.

Sunset had also come to that place after those tourists left.

“I'm going to tell him in a safer place,” Dipper says.


Shortly after at the Mystery Shack, Dipper decided to tell Sunset and Mabel about the Journal 3 that he had found.

“This is fantastic, Grunkle Stan said I was paranoid, but according to this journal Gravity Falls has a dark side,” Dipper said showing Sunset and Mabel Journal 3.

"Whoa! Shut. Whoops!” says Mabel.

“And listen to this! After a certain point the pages just…stop, as if the person who was writing…mysteriously disappeared,” Dipper said.

Suddenly, Sunset heard her doorbell ring making her snap out of her thoughts.

“It must be my boyfriend,” Mabel said.

What she had just said surprised Dipper and Sunset.

"Wait, Mabel, you mean you managed to get a boyfriend in less than ten minutes, while I was in the woods?" Dipper said.

"Yes," Mabel said very nonchalantly.

When Dipper and Sunset looked at Mabel's new boyfriend, they noticed that he was moving very strangely and they found him very suspicious.

“What's your name?” Dipper asked.

“Huh, my name is…Nor…man, yeah! My name is Norman, ”she replied very suspiciously.

Making Dipper and Sunset more suspicious of him than they already were.


Shortly after Dipper and Sunset decided to watch Mabel's new boyfriend from the roof with caution, Dipper got the idea to look at Journal 3 and saw a page that talked about zombies and was startled to realize that they looked alike, both physically and Also how he walked.

"Zombie!" Dipper yelled in fear.


In another part of the cabin was Stan and he heard the scream.

“Somebody say "crombie"? What is that, Crombie? That's not even a word. You're losing your mind, ”he immediately removing the words he had just heard.


Sunset upon seeing the Journal 3 image of the zombies, agreed with Dipper.

"Dipper, I think you're right, but you need to calm down first," Sunset said trying to calm Dipper down.

Dipper and Sunset watched Mabel and Norman from the room on the roof, they saw Norman approaching Mabel who looked like he was going to attack her, but Norman only made Mabel a flower necklace.

"Is Norman a zombie or am I freaking out", Dipper wondered.

Sunset was going to answer what Dipper said, but someone spoke before.

“It's a dilemma for sure,” Soos said, shocking both of them that she suddenly appeared there and began to put a light bulb. "I couldn't help but overhear them both."

“You saw Norman, do you think he's a zombie?” Dipper asked.

“How many brains have you seen them eat?” Soos asked as she continued to set up a light bulb in the room.

“Zero,” Dipper and Sunset said at the same time.

“Look, dude, I believe you. I'm always noticing weird stuff in this town. Like the mailman? Pretty sure that dude's a werewolf, but he already gotta have evidence. Otherwise, people are gonna think you're a major league cuckoo clock.” Soos said.

"You're right Soos." Dipper said.

“My wisdom is both a blessing and a curse,” says Soos.

“Whoa! The portable toilets are clogged again!” Stan yells away from the spot.

“I am needed elsewhere,” Soos says and leaves the place.

Dipper and Sunset decided to take Soos's advice.


Dipper and Sunset began to follow Norman and record what was happening. After watching Norman act for a while, Dipper and Sunset were sure that Norman was a zombie and the two decided to talk to Mabel about it.

"Mabel. We've gotta talk about Norman," says Dipper.

“Isn't he the best? Check out this giant smooch mark he gave me!” says Mabel showing a red stain.

“Ah!” Dipper yells.

"Haha! They are a couple of gullible. It was just an accident with the leaf blower! ”, Mabel says, remembering that she practiced kissing with a leaf blower by putting a picture of Norman and accidentally turning it on.

“Mabel, did you forget who helped you out of the leaf blower,” Sunset says, remembering that she had found Mabel struggling to get out of the leaf blower.

"Oh. It's true, sorry Sunset,” says Mabel.

“No, Mabel, listen! I’m trying to tell you that Norman is not what he seems!” Dipper says as he pulls out Journal 3.

“You think he might be a vampire? That would be so awesome!” Mabel asks.

“Guess again, sister. SHA-BAM!” Dipper says as he opens Journal 3 in front of Mabel.

“Agh!” Mabel says in disgust when she sees the creature from Journal 3 that Dipper showed her.

"Dipper, you're on the wrong page of Journal 3," says Sunset.

Dipper hearing that realizes that he was on the page that talked about the Gnomes.

"I'm–I'm sorry... Sha–bam!" Dipper says as he shows the Undead page from Journal 3.

"Zombie? That's not funny, Dipper," Mabel replied.

“Even if Norman wasn't a zombie, Dipper is right that this Norman guy is too suspicious, you shouldn't trust him so blindly,” Sunset says.

"Why can't you two trust me?" said Mabel.

After Mabel goes on a date with her boyfriend, meanwhile Dipper and Sunset were watching the video, but suddenly they realize that Norman has a false hand on the video, they saw that this would be proof that Norman and Mabel were in danger.

First Dipper and Sunset tried to tell Stan that he was surrounded by a bunch of tourists, but he couldn't hear Dipper and Sunset because he was trying to explain what he was showing was a rock that seemed to have a face.

"I'm not surprised by things like this that Stan thinks most tourists are naive," Sunset says.

"Sunset, you're right," Dipper replies.

Suddenly, Dipper sees Wendy riding a golf cart, Dipper and Sunset decide to run to where Wendy is to ask for the golf cart.

"Wendy! Wendy! Wendy! I need to borrow the golf cart so I can know my sister from a zombie!” says Dipper.

“Try not to hit any pedestrians”, Wendy said in a very relaxed way as she gave Dipper the keys to the golf cart and then left the place.

“Thank you Wendy!” Sunset says.

Dipper and Sunset get on the golf cart, but are stopped by Soos.

“Dude it's me: Soos. This is for the zombies,” Soos says as she hands Dipper and Soos a shovel.

"Thanks," say Dipper and Sunset.

“And this is in case you see a piñata,” Soos says as she hands him a baseball bat.

"Uh... Thanks?" Dipper says, very confused.

“Better safe than sorry!” Soos yells as Dipper and Sunset drive off in the golf cart.


In the forest where Mabel had her date with Norman, he revealed that it was a group of Gnomes named Jeff, Carson, Steve, Jason and Schmebulock who tried to make Mabel their queen but she refused so they tried to kidnap her and force her to return. his queen.


While that was happening Dipper and Sunset were in the golf cart, but suddenly Sunset took her human form, which surprised Dipper a lot, forgetting that he was driving and Sunset realized this although she was also very surprised.

“Dipper, watch your drive or we're going to crash!” Says Sunset.

Dipper, after he focused on driving, was going to ask Sunset, but Sunset interrupted him before.

“Dipper now we have to go rescue your sister,” Sunset said.

Dipper was more concerned with rescuing his sister and didn't have time to find out why Sunset had taken human form. Sunset was also curious that she had taken on a human form and was a little scared because before she was going to use her magic to stop the zombie but now that she was human she couldn't anymore.

"Don't worry, Mabel! I'll save you from that zombie!” says Dipper.

Suddenly Dipper and Sunset hear Mabel very close asking for help. Finally Dipper and Sunset arrive where they heard Mabel screaming for help and were shocked to see that Mabel was fighting a bunch of Gnomes.

“The more you struggle, the more awkward this is gonna be for everybody! Just, ha ha, okay. Get her arm there Steve!” says the Gnome named Jeff.

Dipper and Sunset seeing all the Gnomes both wondered what was happening here, Sunset saw one of the Gnomes named Steve and sees that he vomits a rainbow.

“What the heck is going on here?!” Dipper wonders.

“I feel the same way,” Sunset says.

“Dipper and Sunset! Norman turned out to be a bunch of gnomes! And they're total jerks! ”, Mabel says and then she started complaining because a gnome started pulling her hair.

“Although I am reassured that they are not zombies,” says Sunset.

“Gnomes? Huh, I was way off,” Dipper says, then pulls out Journal 3 and reads aloud. “Gnomes: little men of the Gravity Falls. Weaknesses: unknown

"Aw, come on!" Mabel says, very upset and being tied to the ground by the Gnomes.

“Hey, HEY! Let go of my sister!” Dipper says angrily to Jeff.

"Oh! Ha ha, hey, there! Um, you know, this is all really just a big misunderstanding. You see, your sister's not in danger. She's just marrying all one thousand of us and becoming our Gnome Queen for all eternity! Isn't that right, honey?" Jeff replies.

“You guys are butt–faces”, Mabel said angrily and the Gnomes cover her mouth.

“You are very bad at lying,” Sunset said.

“Give her back right now, or else!” Dipper said very seriously to Jeff, pointing his shovel at him.

“You think you can stop us, boy? You have no idea what we're capable of. The gnomes are a powerful race! Do not trifle with the– ”, Jeff was saying, but he is interrupted by Dipper who easily pushes Jeff out of the way using the shovel he had.

Mabel gets on the golf cart, then everyone leaves the place.

“He's getting away with our queen! No, no, no!” Jeff says very angrily and then says. “You've messed with the wrong creatures, boy! Gnomes of the forest: ASSEMBLE!”

Upon hearing all the Gnomes begin to appear and gather to catch Mabel.


Meanwhile Dipper, Mabel and Sunset were riding the golf cart back to the Mystery Shack.

“Dipper, who is she and why do I feel like I've seen her before?” Mabel asked referring to Sunset.

“It's me Sunset, only I take human form,” Sunset replies.

“Sunset, how did you take human form? Could I become a unicorn?" Mabel began to ask.

“Mabel let's go back to the Mystery Shack,” Sunset said.

“That's right, Hurry, before they come after us!” Mabel said because she calmed down a bit and remembered about the Gnomes.

“I wouldn't worry about it. See their little legs? Those suckers are tiny! ”, Said Dipper trying to reassure his sister.

"Dipper's right, besides what's the worst a bunch of Gnomes can do?" Sunset said.

Suddenly they hear footsteps of something very big approaching them and the three see that it was that they had all come together to create a giant Gnome.

“I didn't expect they could do this,” Sunset said in surprise.

Dipper accelerates the golf cart to escape from the giant Gnome, the giant Gnome started running to catch them and also threw Gnomes towards them. Soon after they arrive at the Mystery Shack and the giant Gnome throws a tree causing the golf cart to crash. Dipper throws the shovel and the giant Gnome just crushes him, while Sunset was trying to think how everyone could save themselves from the giant Gnome and also feeling very angry for turning human just now, but before Sunset could think of anything, Mabel makes Jeff drop his guard and then use leaf blower to defeat the giant Gnome. Right after Dipper and Mabel made up, Dipper suddenly looked a bit perplexed, which Sunset noticed.

"Sunset, you were a unicorn and suddenly you turned into a human, right?" Dipper said without taking his eyes off the forest.

Sunset and Mabel were confused that Dipper was acting that way, so they didn't look at what Dipper was looking at, just looking at him very confused.

"Hey? Yes Dipper. Plus you were there when I turned,” Sunset says.

“I just wanted to make sure, because now I'm seeing Sunset in the woods in her unicorn form,” says Dipper.

Sunset and Mabel look in the direction Dipper was looking and see Sunset in her pony form. Dipper, Mabel and Sunset approached her to talk to her and they realized that she was acting very arrogant, this brought back very bad memories to the other Sunset, but the most surprising thing of all was when Sunset had been in Gravity Falls the longest and that had her human form touched the Sunset that had just appeared that had her unicorn form, causing one to take the form of a unicorn and the other the human form.

Dipper, Mabel and the Sunset they had known the longest had decided to enter the Mystery Shack.


Stan was in the Mystery Shack and saw Dipper, Mabel and Sunset enter in her human form.

“Mr. Stan, we need to talk,” Sunset said.

“What do you want to talk about Sunset?” Stan asks.

Dipper was surprised to see how Stan acted.

"Wait a minute, you've already seen Sunset's human form," Dipper said because he realized that Stan wasn't surprised to see the human form.

Hearing that, Stan looked at Sunset again and just realized that she had a human form.

“If Sunset showed me a picture of what it looked like in human form of her, wait a minute you didn't tell me you gave up on getting human form, because you couldn't do it with your magic” Stan said.

“I forgot that I showed you that photo and told you that, but I think you should look at this,” Sunset said, ushering in the other Sunset who had her unicorn form.

“This is weird, because there are two Sunsets,” Stan said.

“She said that she was going to explain to everyone together,” Dipper said.

Everyone looked at the Sunset who had just appeared and she started to speak.

"I had returned to Equestria to look for something there, then I went through the portal to get to the human world and also the portal makes you take on a human form," said the Sunset they had just met.

“Sunset, where is that portal? so that I too can become a unicorn”, Mabel said very happily.

"That explains why she knew so much about the human world," Dipper said even though he had a feeling she hadn't told them everything.

Sunset realized that she was counting when she had stolen Twilight's crown and returned to Canterlot Hight.

The Sunset who was telling the story realized that the other Sunset hadn't told the others about her world, but she had a feeling that Stan already knew all that.

“All of a sudden I was in the woods in Gravity Falls and I ran into someone,” Sunset said.


A while ago, Sunset had left the world of Equestria and regained her human form from him, quickly realizing that she was not in Canterlot Hight.

“Hello Sunset Shimmer,” someone says.

Sunset looks where that voice came from and saw that near her there was a bunch of black mist and the only thing that could be seen through that mist was a pair of glowing red eyes.

“What the hell are you?” Sunset asked.

"Just call me Entity and as you realized you are not in Canterlot Hight, not even in the same reality, although this is a reality where there are humans, this is not even in a parallel reality of Equestria, that is, do not expect to find an alternate version of your acquaintances,” the Entity said.

"Tell me everything you know," Sunset said because she was sure that this being called Entity had to see why she came here.

"In short, I ended up creating an anomaly that accidentally sent you to this town called Gravity Falls, but that's not all that anomaly did, that anomaly also duplicated you and the other Sunset is from a few days in your future," said the Entity.

Sunset was trying to process everything she was being told, but she suddenly took on a human form, which surprised Sunset.

“Also one will keep the pony form and the other the human form, sometimes you will take human form and the other pony form randomly like what just happened and if you want to immediately take the other form you just have to touch the other Sunset”, said the Entity.

Sunset after processing the information, was going to yell at him and ask more questions, but the Entity spoke again.

“The other Sunset has a very different personality from you,” says the Entity.

“How could that be possible if you just said that the other Sunset was me from a few days in the future,” Sunset said.

“Let's just say that all your plans ended in a very bad way, so she has a kinder personality and full of goodness. Also after her whole plan went wrong, she is very sorry how she treated everyone at Canterlot Hight,” the Entity said.

Upon hearing that, Sunset believed that the plan failed because Princess Celestia's student had managed to find the crown before her and immediately after she went to Equestria, but she had doubts about what happened because according to the Entity the other Sunset had changed. his personality a lot.

The Entity kept talking and finally told her Sunset.

"In that direction is the Mystery Shack, where Sunset is staying and she remembers she will soon return to Canterlot Hight or Equestria," the Entity says as it leaves.


“That's what happened just before I got to this place,” Sunset said that she just got to Gravity Falls.

Then everyone present spoke again and decided that the other Sunset was also going to stay at the Mystery Shack.

Dipper tried to ask him more questions, Stan interrupted for Dipper and Mabel to calm down a bit.

“Uh, hey! W-wouldn't you know it? Um, I accidentally overstocked some inventory, so, uh… how's about each of you take one item from the gift shop? On the house, y'know?” says Stan.

“Really?” Mabel wonders.

“What's the catch?” Dipper asks as he crosses his arms.

“The catch is to do it before I change my mind, now take something,” says Stan.

Dipper and Mabel started looking through the things and Dipper chose a hat with a blue pine tree, while Mabel went through a box.

“And I will have a…”, Mabel was saying as she grabbed something inside the box, turned around and screamed. GRAPPLING HOOK! Forks!"

“Wouldn't she rather have, like, a doll, or something?” Stan asks.

“GRAPPLING HOOK!” Mabel shouts very happily

"Fair enough!" Stan said.

Then Dipper and Mabel went to his room to get ready for bed, but Dipper wanted to ask more questions at 2 Sunset, but he couldn't.


Later in his room Dipper kept having doubts about the 2 Sunset and while Mabel was happier about it.

“Great we have 2 Sunset”, Mabel said after she noticed that she was worried about her brother. "What's wrong Dipper? Aren't you glad there are two Sunsets?

"According to the story of that being called Entity that the new Sunset told us, something bad happened to the Sunset that we know that made her change her personality, but the Sunset that we know did not want to tell us what she was, besides, I am sure that the new Sunset is hiding something from us," Dipper said.

“It's not as if they were hiding something from us that could hurt us,” Mabel said.


In another part of the Mystery Shack, there was Stan and Sunset.

"I'm sure the new Sunset is hiding some very important information from us," Sunset said.

"And you didn't reveal how your grand plan failed, I think you two are still very similar," Stan said.

Sunset sighed because Stan was right, but she still didn't want to reveal what happened to anyone.

“I also wanted to apologize to you Stan, because I still suspected you that it was your fault that I came into this world,” Sunset said.

"You don't have to apologize, plus you had every reason in the world to suspect me," Stan said.


Meanwhile the new Sunset was alone thinking, she was wondering how she had failed and why she had changed her personality so much. I try to stop thinking about it because that didn't matter now, because now I had a new opportunity, now everything would be easier because Princess Celestia and her student weren't around to stop her and from what he said the Entity would soon shee return to Canterlot Hight.