• Published 14th May 2023
  • 5,039 Views, 1,475 Comments

Eclipse - Hiver

Page is stuck. He never wanted to be a Prince. Ponies plot against him. Mostly for his own good.

  • ...

Chapter 21

I hung from my tail, wings wrapped around myself as I looked at the object of my annoyance. The wind ruffled my mane slightly as it moved through the forest.

The rock sat there. Like a rock.

"Try again," Celestia said, standing next to me and for once, our eyes were at a level.

Half closing my eyes, I focused on the rock sitting on top of a fallen tree trunk and worked my magic, taking it slow and careful. Working the spell as she had taught me before I cast the spell. The bolt of fire dissipated a meter from me, three meters short of its target.

Sighing, I flicked one ear, "Well, at least I stopped setting myself on fire."

"You didn't before either," Celestis said with a smile, "And you did a lot better this time."

"Lets face it, fire magic is just not my thing," I admitted and turned to look at her, "I'll think I'll leave being hot to you."

"Oh, I think you manage it pretty well on your own," Celestia countered with a smile of her own, "Everypony has problems with some schools of magic. Nopony is got at everything and nothing in your domain keeps you from using fire magic."

"...Even Twilight?"

"Even Twilight," Celestia agreed and flicked one ear in thought, "she always had problems with transformation spells. Even now, to my knowledge."

I slowly nodded, "Thinking about it, she has not used a lot of transformation magic. And she's the alicorn of magic... I suppose I shouldn't feel bad about being bad at fire magic if she's having trouble with another branch."

"Not that it justifies giving up on it," Celestia reminded me, "She can still do it. And so can you. It's different with me and ice magic or my sister and light spells."

I frowned at that, "Wait, I saw Luna cast light spells multiple times."

"Maybe I should differentiate between spells that cast light and light spells," Celestia clarified, "You know about dark magic, correct?"

I nodded, "Yeah. Didn't feel worth using over normal spells. So?"

"There is also light magic. It's the opposite of-" Celestia started to explain before she looked at me in alarm, "...What do you mean, didn't feel worth using?"

Hesitating for a second, I then shrugged, "I found a book in Luna's room in the old castle. It had a bunch of dark magic in it and I tried it out. This was way back before I ascended even, actually the same trip I found Fern. I tried a spell and it didn't feel worth the extra effort to cast it, so I stopped using it. Luna destroyed the book when I returned."

Celestia stared at me for several long moments.

Then she bit my ear.

"Ow!" I exclaimed before I glowered at her, rubbing my ear, "What was that for!?"

"For being a stupid colt!" she snarled, "Do you have any idea how many unicorns have fallen to it for less!?"

I shook my head, "No idea," I admitted as I met her eyes, "Somepony doesn't have them in the history books."

That was an old argument.

Celestia raised her wings in annoyance, "Luna knows?"

"Luna knows," I said as I regarded her, "She looked me over after in fact, finding no trace of dark magic."

Celestia hesitated as she looked at me strangely, "Truly?" she finally asked.

"Yep," I agreed and then glowered at her, rubbing my ear, "And I already have been bit for it once before, I’ll have you know!"

"Well, you deserved that one too!" Celestia answered before folding her wing as she studied me, "Do you remember what spell it was?"

I considered it for a second and then nodded, "Yeah, some cutting spell. Don't remember the name of the spell, but it made the stone I cast it on dissolve around the cut."

"Do you think you could cast it again?"

"...I mean, maybe?" I admitted before I studied her hesitantly, "Why? Especially after being that upset about it."

Celestia shook her head, "I won't apologize for that. But I have to see it for myself, I have never known a pony not to have some trace after casting a dark magic spell."

"Know a lot of dark wizards?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

"...Some," she admitted, "Every one became corrupted by their craft eventually."

"Do you know dark magic?"

To my surprise, she nodded, "Some. I know how to use it. I don't for obvious reasons."

"Well, as long as you don't bite me again, I suppose I can try to remember the spell," I said and swung around back to look at the stone that was the bane of my current existence.

Focusing on the anger I felt when Midnight revealed how exactly we returned home, on those two idiots fighting in the market, I started to channel my magic into the spell. Feeling myself to start to get agitated, I let it fly.

A dark slash of night flew through the air and split the rock in two, the two halves halfway dissolving into smoke and power as they flew with a hissing crackle.

I let it go and let out a breath, "I forgot how hard that was to do."

Celestia stared at the rock before turning to me, running some sort of magic beam from her horn across me. Once, twice, three times.

She slowly sat down, looking at me with wide eyes before doing one more scan, "The dark magic has faded away. Completely."

"Told you," I said and turned to look at her, putting my wings around myself again, "But too much effort to be worth it, a normal cutting spell does almost as much damage and if you want to hurt something, there isn't a lot of difference."

Celestia shook her head as she looked at me in turn, "You are a very special pony, Page."

"I'm not sure the pony part of me is the one that makes it work," I said and then shrugged, "I have no interest in dark magic. Seems like a waste of time for very little real results and quite a lot of risk. Very much not worth it."

Celestia smiled sadly at me, "Too many ponies in history have disagreed with you. Which is why I got worried."

"Well, they were idiots then,” I said and got comfortable, my wings around me, pulling my legs against my body.