• Published 24th May 2023
  • 330 Views, 11 Comments

The Pilots of the Storm Dancer - Green-Venom

After Applebloom accidentally falls into a mysterious serum, she gets connected to a giant robot. Now she and her friends have to defend Equestia from giant monsters from outher space.

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Chapter 3

“You need my body to create a new body?“ Apple Bloom asked unsurely. “How’s that supposed to work?“

“My old body was designed to survive space, but it‘s not suited for this planet. I need your body as a reference to create something more compatible.“

“Is it dangerous? Also, why should I help you? You could do Celestia knows what to my body.“

“It’s potentially dangerous for me, but you should be safe during the procedure.“ I-ris replied calmly. “As for helping me, view it as a repayment. I saved your life during our last encounter by removing the nano-gel from your lungs… Additionally, I see no reason to answer any questions towards someone who doesn’t bother to assist me…“

“Are you trying to blackmail me?“

“You don’t need any intel from my side for your survival, so I would say that it’s not blackmail. I can promise however that you’ll be safe and that you’re body won’t be affected or modified in any way…“

Apple Bloom sat down for a while, contemplating her choices. She remembered her glowing blue eyes she now sees every time she looks into a mirror, and finally made her choice. She needed an answer. “Fine, but if I die during this, I’m going to find a way to come back and haunt you…“

With those words, she carefully stepped into the nano-gel as instructed, carefully swimming toward the middle of the blue pool.

“What now?“

Suddenly her body began to tingle, both on the inside and outside.

“I activated the nano-gel in your blood. Brace yourself, this might hurt.“

“What!“ was all Apple Bloom managed to exclaim before her head exploded in pain, and she slowly lost consciousness.

“Activating breathing support… Innitiating reconstruction… Commencing construction of new form…

Warning: Host“Apple Bloom“ == status: unconscious.

Ensure safety
_SetPriority = high


Continuing procedure…

Modifying form…


Apple Bloom slowly awoke, her head feeling like a squashed apple.

“Why did I trust that guy?“ she mumbled to herself, slowly standing up. At last, she was still alive, so at least that part of the promise was held up.

Looking around she found herself in a strange metal room, completely empty of any decorations, with nothing but a double door in the back, and a large window at the front. She then noticed that she was lying on top is some kind of glowing circular panel which was softly humming. The moment she stepped off it to take a look outside the window, it immediately stopped glowing, slowly going dark.

Ignoring it for now, she looked outside, seeing many treetops, as she was overlooking the everfree forest. She could even spot Poniville in the distance.

Wait a minute! She could overlook the everfree forest?

“Oh, you’re finally awake. You’ve been unconscious for a while, sorry for that. I’ve overestimated your pain tolerance…“ I-ris suddenly said, his voice once again coming from everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

“I’m late. My sister will kill me when she finds out that I sneaked away without telling her…“

“I can protect you…“

“Not literally idiot! I mean that she’s probably very mad… I need to leave now!“

“Understood. I assume you wish to postpone any questions you have towards me?“

“Yea, but I’ll be coming back for that.“

“Understood, you know where to find me.“

Apple Bloom simply nodded, before pausing. “Say… how do I leave exactly?“

As a reply cables suddenly descended from the ceiling, wrapping around her, dragging her through a hole in the ceiling, all the while she was screaming and kicking.


After a few seconds of screaming, Apple Bloom slowly but surely realized that she could feel soft grass under her hoofs, and the screaming slowly but surely calmed down.

Carefully opening her eyes, she managed to just make out a punch of cables disappearing back into the mouth of a metal pony. A giant metal pony, which was looming above her, larger than the trees of the forest. Its form resembled a pony in full battle armor, dark protective plates covering its main silver body. A helmet covered the head and a large visor-shaped window where the eyes should be. She slowly realized that it resembled the window of the so-called room she had been in earlier. Had she just been inside that thing's head? Upon closer inspection, she realized that just like the helmet the rest of the armor was not separate plating, but fused to the main body.

“I-ris? Is that you?“ she finally managed to squeak out, frozen in fear as she looked up at the giant machine. For some reason, she suddenly felt like screaming again.

“Affirmative. It appears you were unprepared for the proportions of this form…“

“You could say that…“ she replied, allowing herself to carefully relax. “What will you do now?“

“I will rest now little Bloom. The construction of this new body took a lot of energy, and I need to refill my energy cells. After that I might finish the final modifications to this form…“ The ground rumbled softly as the behemoth slowly lay down onto its barrel. “This reminds me, didn’t you have pressing plans earlier?“

Apple Bloom flinched upon receiving the reminder. “Right, need to go! See you later!“

As the filly rushed back towards the farm, she had the feeling that this trip had given her more questions than answers. There was one thing she knew for sure, however. Ponyville had some kind of giant… what did he call himself again? A yes, a robot.

Ponyville had a giant robot as a neighbor now, and her destiny has somehow become irreversibly intertwined with it.

Author's Note:

Next chapter should slowly but surely introduce the giant robot action, like promised in the story description.

As always, feedback is highly sought after…