• Published 21st Nov 2023
  • 231 Views, 4 Comments

Shepherds specter - Ghosthunter

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Author's Note:

This is a new style I'm trying and let me what you think of it:twilightsmile:


With a groan I awaken in a strange place, I hear trees around me, I feel my armor on me, my sidearm on my side, but I do not know where I am or how I got here all I know is that I'm alive, and it hurts. Looking around I begin to see where I am looking down I noticed that my arm has changed and that with that change I am missing something.

"What the hell happened to my fingers, where are my fingers, and what is this on my back, it fucking hurts like I landed on it and all that bloody beeping heh, I learned something from Anderson lovely just lovely"

Looking around some more I realize the beeping is coming from my forearm clicking it I begin to realize that it's my omi-tool, I've been trying to figure out how to operate it without fingers coming to the realization that there's something in my field of view but I ignore it for now.

"How do I get this damn thing to work with ME." Pressing the button after a long ten minutes of trying to figure it out how to manipulate it I come to the realization that it's a final message from the being at the citadel I wonder what it is.

"Shepherd if you received it well, know that you've been transported to a new world a place that is parallel to the to the universe you were in but between a dimensional rift in space and time I know not how I was able to do it all I know is that there was energy for it at the citadel and I used what little of it left after the reapers destruction are no more, and do not worry they did not follow you I made sure to that, for now I'll explain what happened to you in this time I was able to give you a new body and even Grant you the necessary paperwork and all items needed for you along with the means of travel and a place to stay I believe that everything here is up to your standard, I have also left you with all your weapons, armor and other items so you may need in your time the paperwork allows you to have proper education documentation of where you're from and a new name your old name is no longer needed you're in a world far from your own take heart Shepherd you have earned it I am sorry about your friends and those you cared for but they are far from home and you will never be able to see them again for now specter live the life that you desire follow and you will prevail." The voice of the citadel spoke all I can think of is garrus what he's going through right now, my team from the Normandy how they're handling my death how everything's going on at home.

For now like the voice said I just need to move forward and use what all of my willpower there is to continue forward a new world one that I don't have to worry about getting shot, losing people that I care for I'll do everything in my power to make sure that never happens again so. help. me. God.

"Okay time to sift through all the paperwork and figure out what I am where I came from what all entails about my past now." I said to myself.

Looking around I spot many boxes and a large trailer in the trailer resembles the Normandy in a very unique way instead of chrome it holds a pure white and blue alloy resembling the alliance Navy's colors on the side it says Normandy sr3.

"We'll have to look through that later might be useful and also have to figure out how to Hitch myself to it hope there's a book on that I really rather not find out the hard way." I say aloud.

Looking around even more I spot boxes of various sizes one that's clearly marked armor which is extremely large another that's marked weapons and ammo another that's marked ordinance and a few others that I can't discern......yet.

Looking though one of the smaller boxes I find my old N7 hoodie and boots or hoof boots now and a black T-shirt. Looking deeper I find my collection of my more raunchy attire.....best to put those back for now~.

Setting those to the side and opening another box I find the paperwork that was mentioned.


AGE: 22


"Well that's helpful" reding more I realize something that I noticed earlier that thing in my field of view is my muzzle 'GREAT JUST GREAT' "Better get use to it." Reading some more 'I aged backwards I was thirty-two'

Looking through the box more I realize there's more paper inside one paper is a map of Equestria the new land I have found myself in or so the name at the top says looking to it I realize I'm close to a town called ponyville getting my bearings and figuring out the distance thank you land navigation courses I find out that I'm only two hours trot away might as well get used to pony terms from now on

"I don't have a job so I hope this town has something for me." Speaking to my self once more.

I didn't realize I'm still wearing my armor, my N7 defender armor 'this armor keep me alive for the majority of the time I was in the alliance or at least during the war, it earned its place with me.' I begin the slow process of removing each of the armor pieces off, having to figure out what to do with them I lay them down gently across the top of the box it's marked armor realizing that I have a trailer I then begin going to it.

"I just realized something I'm use my hooves as hands and if I don't think about it it should be just fine". Thinking to my self.

Coming up to the door at the back of the trailer I realized there is a pair of keys hanging from it specialty made keys otherwise if they didn't look all unique you'd think they were just a random piece of art hanging from a door handle grabbing one placing it into the lock and unlocking the trailer I begin to slowly enter it looks as though the trailer can expand out but I'm more concerned as figuring out where to place the armor and all these items at the outside looks like there's compartments that are closed and use the same key to lock, looking around I slowly realize that the entirety of the trailer is fully furnished and equipped there's a small fridge area opening it I find that the fridge is also stocked into capacity of all food variants noticing some small bags marked with animal logos on them I open them to realize that there's meat inside.

"Well one way to find out need to find a mirror I got to check my teeth if there's meat in the fridge that means one thing I can still eat meat that's going to be a concern for a herbivore species." Speaking to myself aloud I move to find a mirror turning my head multiple times in a circle to find a mirror I find one sitting just behind the door looking into it I flash my teeth realizing I have canines on my upper and lower jaw like any ordinary human does the upper ones are more pronounced but the lower ones are still visible.

"Well that would be a problem best to keep all of my smiles tightly lipped."

Moving around more I come to realize the inside is not as bright and colorful as it is outside reminiscent of the time I spent on the actual Normandy sr1 and sr2 the difference is that the interiors more homey like the Captain's cabin only with the kitchen looking around I noticed that there are controls to expand it out fiddling with them and testing them out I look around to see all the normal buttons that you see in a regular everyday trailer.

Moving outside I look at how it expands the right side wall expands outwards and a pair of arms sit out the left side wall is similar to the right side the front doesn't move looking around and trying to figure out why the trailer hasn't moved an inch forwards or backwards seeing as though it looks like an everyday wagon I know it's chalk blocks in front of the wheels.

"Well this makes getting around a little easier and I can tell now that I can store my armor better."

Moving back inside I realized the inside is also shifted while the walls were expanding out now the center happens to have a center Island closer to the kitchen area the other side of the trailer looks as though it expanded into what now looks like a living room the front where the wall was happens to hold the door opening the door I see a bed that reaches from wall to wall and decide to side the trailer is very isn't very big but it is definitely long getting a look at the interior again I realized the interior looks fancy.

The countertop mahogany wood the same for the other countertops around the sink and kitchen setup just like most of the wood inside the inside it's furnished with a dark coloration looking around a seat notice that it's all nice and clean I also noticed within the trailer that against the wall closest to the bedroom door is a bathroom but I see no place to store all my armor that I'm currently wearing and putting inside that box would be ill-advised.

"I need to store my armor and current weapons which I just now realized are still attached to the armor." Looking around I noticed that underneath the trailer there are hook holes that look like they hold large boxes the boxes don't look heavier than a few hundred pounds.

Grabbing hold of the first box I begin to lift only to realize that what looked like a few hundred pounds was no more than a few pounds.

"Okay my body's been altered I remember upgrading it it's muscle, skin, and bone weaves but I don't know what else is attached to me now that I have this new body might be something natural to it lifting hundreds of pounds without no problem."continuing to lift and sliding into the first slot with ease moving back to the second box I lift and place it right into the other slot.

"Okay the rest of these boxes look like they just fit right inside the building so that'll be easier all the paperwork and everything I can sift through later though it's just a small file more than enough this other box I keep hearing a clinking noise from it." Moving to this box that's marked with a with a dollar sign on it I begin to open it only to realize that their is thousands if not millions of odd gold coins laid inside it's a decently sized box but it looks as though this box now weighs more than double the weight of the two large boxes.

"Okay I am no longer broke if this is anything to go by this must be the nation's currency that I'm in, just learn as I go." moving the box inside and placing it somewhere safe that only I know and finding some way to lock it I open it up and realize the bed is movable and has a keyhole just below it placing the box inside and locking it I begin to go out go around and start closing everything up placing the rest of the boxes inside the trailer is completely collapsed realizing that hitching myself is a lot easier than it looked I also noticed a pair of bags nearby I place them on my back these bags seem to resemble that of saddlebags that you place onto a horse getting myself clothed in a black T-shirt my hoodie and my hoof boots and my I guess hoof gloves moving forwards I orientate myself to Hitch and get myself tethered in orientating myself towards the town I begin to move.

"Here's hoping that the town is friendly otherwise I'm going to have a long very long trip to the nearest town that one was three hours away I am not walking with this thing behind me for that long." Moving forwards and silence I trudged to the town hoping that the other inhabitants are friendly.

{15:23 hours}

Getting closer to the edge of the forest I hear noise sounding like voices moving closer I realized that I'm coming closer to the town increasing my speed I enter the town proper moving through town to look for a place to drop off my trailer and look for employment I come to realize that there are many that are staring at me.

"I understand why are they all staring at me it's as if I'm a monster or some kind I look no different than any of them just a pegasus with her cart trailing behind me." murdering all that to myself I begin to realize something odd I could see over the many of their heads with only the tallest one being closer to about midway between my neck.

'Dear God am I taller than them I don't look no skinnier than they do I must be just really tall'

Stopping and looking around I noticed many of them still staring at me so I'm looking away in embarrassment when I look directly at them others large and sleazy grin and wave at me only to wave back uncertain looking around more and more it's obvious I'm taller than them feeling something collide with my back with my left four leg and looking down I see a small yellow earth pony filly.

"Ah sorry Miss ah wasn't paying attention to where I was going miss...um yer not mad are ya miss?" The yellow pony speaks to me.

'she is far too cute to be mad at I'm a battle hardend soldier and even I was defeated by this little pony she must be an earth pony I noticed a few unicorns around'. Thinking to myself and looking down I give her a kind smile.

"No I'm not mad little one the opposite actually just pay attention to where you're going." I say to the little one hoping that she's not afraid of me anymore.

"Really yer not mad?" the little one asked

"Yes I'm not mad now go run along." Looking into the direction of the little one I noticed an orange mare with a blonde mane and tail with a cowboy hat on her head looking at me funny I nod my head to her and I continue on.

Moving through town is easier than it looks seeing as though I'm in an intimidating size and makes it easier to push through the crowds when they're trying to scatter away from you I look around coming to the realization that I might need directions to drop off my trailer somewhere nice and safe.

Noticing a couple of individuals in gold armor moving around town I go over to one of them.

"Excuse me I have a question do you guys know where I can drop off my trailer and find work perhaps." Asking the two of them when they turn around they look straight at my chest and then to my eyes the unicorn by looks of it his eyes goes wide the other one has neither horn nor wings looks at me with a mix of caution and fear.

"Miss what's your purpose here in town." They are pony speaks.

'really just really can't even catch a break.'

"I was planning on staying here and finding work think you can point me in the right direction." I asked calmly and collectively hoping that they don't try to strike at me because of my size.

"The mayors office has work and there's a designated area for trailers it's just down the road and the town hall is near the fountain center of town." The earth pony guard says his companion stays quiet.

"Thank you take care and work to hard now" I say to them as I leave them I hear one of them speak. "You can't be serious right now, she's huge and looks dangerous we should follow her."

"No we still a patrol to complete and get back to the commander he'll hear our reports and a call on it." The other one says as they slowly fade away for me.

Getting to the mayors office wasn't to hard. Going inside and finding a mare at the desk I walk up to her.

"Hello I was wondering if there is any work I can do around town?" I ask hoping that I don't scare her.

Looking up she stares at me for a second and then speaks.

"Yes we do but um may I ask what it is you can do? What skills you have?" She ask. Valid questions well could go with my experience then.

"I'm a mercenary I have combat experience and recon experience if that helps narrow down a job for me." I say and truth be told it half and half I died in line of duty for the alliance and was brought back by Cerberus and moved about as a merc for a bit.

"Combat and recon experience well that's what we need to be honest the guards won't stay for ever so we were hoping to somepony with your experience in. How long do plan to stay?" She says.

"Long term if that's ok with you?" I say and yes I wanted to stay because moving around with that trailer got old really fast.

"That'll work we appreciate it, do you all your documentation." She ask .

"Yes I do." I say passing it to her, she reads it over and passes me a paper which I begin writing down my info such as name age(new one), on the name part I put specter n seven.

'i put it down let's hope I can get it added to my name's I say mentally.

"N7 huh well we can update your name here with a few papers and signatures." She then slides the papers to me and I begin working on it.

After a few minutes of singing I give her the papers and I head to my trailer.

"Have a nice day miss and see you at the summer sun celebration." She says to me as I walk out.

'I hope this isn't going to end badly' mentally speaking to my self.

Comments ( 4 )

Not bad. You've got some missing words and punctuation, repeated words and what I think are run on sentences.

I look forward to seeing what kind of shepherd we'll be following.

Will shepherd or Specter be a seventh element or will she have her own adventures outside of the mane six?

I have no editor and haven't gotten that far yet

Click on the chapter name, there should be a edit button by the title, then double check to see if the chapter stayed published after edits.

I've been told that its a good idea to wait a week between drafts, makes it easier to spot mistakes or something.

I myself have found that its a good idea to think ahead at least to a cliff notes level.

I normally double back and look through it and read some of the parts the are there and think on them before changing them or parts around them so also I used text to speech on my phone to type all this not all "all" but most of it and

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