• Published 7th May 2023
  • 110 Views, 1 Comments

The Twin Crowns. - Jane Prancy

Winding Trail is in charge of making sure the newest royal guards are up to snuff. But when a routine training exercise turns into a fight for survival, she must do everything in her power to bring her mares home.

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Chapter One : Field Training.

Chapter One.


Field Training.

Dawn slowly broke over the clear blue horizon. Light poured across Equestria swiftly as the start of a new day was at hoof. Squadron Sunbeam was on active patrol up the north side of the Ruby Mines. This caving system offered a tactical advantage against the Griffon Kingdom, its winding paths offered many different flanking routes across the enemy's backside.

Sunbeam was a small SOF Squad consisting of only four members. Hardy earth ponies who are capable of quick marches across normally treacherous terrain. Staff Sergeant Winding Trail led the squad with a maturity beyond her years, a tactical pony from the countryside her geographical expertise was unmatched.

PFC Muddy Waters served underneath her. The clumsy dirt-colored equine was far too anxious to see real excitement on the field, white splotches covered her entire body as she excitedly marched along the open path, carrying large saddlebags of hiking equipment.

PFC Amber Waves carried up the back with a steel crossbow latched to her hoof. She kept an eye out for possible dangers along the mountain cliffs. Her voluminous crimson mane tied into a sleek ponytail hidden inside her helm.

Lastly, PFC Tangled Vines scouted ahead to gain information on the few alternate paths connected to the main road. She galloped back from ahead to report her findings, tangled green mane styled into a short pixie cut.

Each mare is dressed in the current Kirin Scale Combat equipment. The beige uniform is covered in dull green scales, protecting from collar to hooves. The material was able to deflect most arrowheads and bolts, along with complete fire protection. Each mare wore a matching helmet and a small purse containing supplies in case of emergencies.

"Private, where is your helmet!?" Winding snorted aloud while she lowered her hoof mounted Railgun X7 as she came to a complete halt, hoof lifted to signal her squad.

Tangled panted heavily from her muzzle as she began to speak breathlessly. "This gear is bucking hot, ma'am! So I left it up ahead, near the break in the path." She crudely bemoaned to earn a sharp yank of the collar as her superior tossed her back in formation.

"Don't you want my report!?" She pursed her lips in shock.

Winding shot a cold icy glare back with stern lime-green eyes. "Information from a soldier who can't follow simple protocol is Information I don't need." The mare began to lead the squad up the open path.

"Wasted time," Tangled mumbled under her breath in a mocking tune.

With a tilt of her head Winding narrowed her gaze to the insubordinate mare. "Wasted potential. Choosing not to follow protocol is the first step to getting yourself killed, worse the squad killed." Returning her gaze to the path she noticed something peculiar.

The break in the dust-covered path was minus one standard-issued helm. Winding sighed aloud as she entered a defensive stance, using her hoof to halt the squad once more. An eerie silence filled the mountain air, as the mares awaited orders out in the open.

"Amber, search the perimeter for anything amiss." Winding ordered as the white mare began to investigate her surroundings.

Tangled began to latch on her crossbow from the saddlebag on her waist. "Muddy trade equipment with Tangled, and cover me!" Winding ordered as the splotched mare gasped in awe and happily tossed off her backpack.

With a soft click, the private secured her crossbow to her hoof. Muddy shook with excitement as she covered the sergeant's six. Winding guided the muzzle of her weapon along the edges of the mountain slowly.

"Amber report." Winding would calmly speak into a miniature microphone hidden on her collar, the receiver cleverly hidden in her left ear ringing out clearly.

"Alternate paths are clear ma'am. Though I have spotted clear perch markings on a few trees off the main road. " Amber reported in a calm soft spoken voice as she walked back towards an angry Tangled.

"Buck, dealing with a group of griffons," Winding replied as she led her private towards the main opening of the mountain, halted outside the mouth as an icy wind blew through her golden bangs.

"Should we press the offensive ma'am?" Muddy swallowed a large lump in her throat nervously.

Winding lifted her collar softly after a moment of thought on the situation. "Private Amber, the helm was stolen so we might just be dealing with simple thieves. Copy." She sighed as she shook her head in dismay.

"But it also might be scouts for the Griffon Military. Take Tangled back to the foot of the mountain and wait. Over."

"Damn it, let me help ma'am!" Tangled huffed as she interrupted the order rudely.

"Without proper equipment, I can't allow it, Private! Report to the campsite and if we don't return by zero eight hundred hours, call for backup!" Winding sternly put down her hoof with a hint of compassion in her voice.

"Roger." Amber respectively replied.

"Muddy, guard the exit." Winding turned to reassure her frazzled comrade with a delicate smile.

"Ma'am?" She stammered confusedly about the order.

"I'm heading in towards the east wing of the caves." Winding shared her pathing calmly.

"The dead-end, ma'am? "

"Mm-hmm. The west wing leading out would be too narrow to try and outrun pursuers, our group would rather wait us out in the ballroom at the end of the wing amongst ample cover."

Winding began to walk into the darkness of the caves bravely. "Wait till zero seven hundred hours and come up behind me, anything tries to leave before that open fire." She flicked on her gun's flashlight and vanished from view.

The inner caverns of this mountain path were dark and icy. A callous wind blew throughout the empty corridors sending a chill down the beige mare's backside. Her eyes were careful to scan the area for any sign of enemies as she delved deeper into the silent abyss. Reaching a turn in the cave she quickly checked her firearm to ensure the crystalline orb was correctly inserted into its chamber, backside pressed tightly to the wall.

This unicorn-created technomancy was new to her. It would rapidly heat up once the trigger was pulled, creating a faux magical beam much like a spell would evoke, sending the charge out the muzzle in a thin plasma shot. Strong enough to pierce through solid stone and hopefully enemy armor.

Each orb is capable of around twenty-five shots before flickering out into a useless pebble. Winding, took a deep breath as she peeked out into the darkness with her flashlight, the coast clear as she trotted slowly towards The Ballroom.

A massive dead-end to this path. It was around fifteen feet high and thirty feet wide, given its moniker by travelers because of the spacious open appearance it owned. With a swift entry into the open, she darted behind the nearest pile of rubble in sight to the left.

She steadied her breathing before deciding to make first contact. "The cave entrance is surrounded and a dozen soldiers are on their way here as we speak!" Winding inched her head ever so cautiously over the tip of her cover in search of movement.

"Equestrian border laws prohibit the unlawful use of these secure pathways. Surrender by the count of ten or I'll be forced to take direct action." Winding unclipped the front of her vest to remove a flashbang grenade from its holstered position.

"Muddy, I'm about to engage hostels. Copy."

"Copy. Guarding entrance and keeping squad on standby. Over."

"One, two, three…" She counted aloud as her position shifted onto her side, her plan to toss the grenade before taking a prone position to open fire upon the startled enemy.

"We mean no harm! Please!" A frightened female voice rang out from the darkness as the mare had reached eight in her countdown.

"Hold reinforcements, possible civilians. Copy."

"Copy. Out."

"Position!?" Winding yelled out in a clear voice.

"Boulder towards the back right, ma'am!" The female replied shaken as the mare checked her surroundings and peered out from cover, her firearm swiftly aimed towards the large moss-covered stone in the back.

"Numbers!?" Winding ordered with a commanding tone.

"Just my daughter and I. " She replied on the verge of tears as her voice seemed to crack and tremble.

A beautiful white hippogriff slowly walked out into full view, her extravagant violet mane was that of the truest elegance. She stood proud and tall, with a trembling slender frame and folded back wings. A silver amulet wrapped around her swan-like neck, covered in filth from a recent chase.

She was none other than Queen Novo, leader of the hippogriff nation and trusted royalty to the Equestrian kingdom. Winding tilted her head to spot a frightened yellow hippogriff child shivering. Her turquoise mane was covered in filth and grime, broken seashells barely hung around her neckline. Princess Skystar, daughter of the queen.

"Your majesties!" Winding quickly flipped her weaponry to a safety position, kneeling before the royal creatures in respect.

"No need for such pleasantries. We are far too overjoyed that it was the equine guard who found us." Novo gave a deep sigh of relief as her violet eyes glimmered with renewed hope.

"We were chased through these paths by renegades!" Skystar suddenly blurted out in an excited childish tone.

Winding was indeed intrigued by such allegations as her thin brow arched."Renegade forces here?" She questioned the mother calmly who suddenly became far more distressed.

"I fear so. We were invited to the Griffon Kingdom under the guise of mending a new treaty for peaceful trade between land and sea. " Novo began her explanation in a quivering tone.

"But as soon as we arrived they turned out to be pirates or thieves!! They said they'd use us as leverage to uh achieve something!?" Skystar bounced between the two adults screaming excitedly.

"Hush! I fear the group of griffons who joined us back at the harbor had been traitors to their kingdom, once they guided us into these mountains they began to make outlandish demands." Novo easily lifted her claw to silence the child's ranting, doing her best to explain the situation.

"Hmm, how did you both escape?" Winding mused with interest.

Skystar giggled, removing a tiny pink shell from her saddlebag. "Like this!" She smashed it on the floor as a curtain of confetti exploded around the group blinding all for a few seconds.

"Yes, I suppose my daughter's love for excitement did save us." Novo shook a fair amount of confetti from her luxurious mane.

"Indeed." Winding coughed as she shook off some confetti as well.

"They were supposed to be for a party after Mom's business concluded. " Skystar pouted, hugging her saddlebag tight in her slender claws.

Winding swift to click on her earpiece as it crackled to life."Muddy, contact the squad and relay that we're heading back to home base. Copy." She took a moment to scan the area for anything amiss.

"Roger that!" Muddy responded a little confused.

"Let Sunbeam know to be alert for hostile griffons in the area, I'm making my way out with two crowns. Both are scuffed but fine. Over." Winding decided to keep her railgun holstered, instead retrieving a sleek silver crossbow from her backpack and fastening it tight.

"Copy. Crowns!?" Muddy seemed genuinely surprised and worried.

"I'll explain back at camp, meet me at the opening. Out." She ended communications with her PFC and motioned for the royalty to follow close.

This was supposed to be a small training exercise in the field. Perhaps catch a few smugglers and teach her girls the ropes of proper combat. Instead, they stumbled into trouble hidden amongst the mountains, she wasn't sure what to expect or how many were involved. But one thing was certain, she desperately needed to reach the campsite and radio in for backup.

If things got out of hoof now, it could lead to an outcome nopony would desire. Yet she needed to keep her calm demeanor around the child, the last thing she needed was a freak-out.

Leading her wards through the twisting corridors and claustrophobic spaces. They made out the light from the opening of the cave, leading back to the welcoming mountain air. With these actions, unbeknownst to our group.

They stepped out of the frying pan, and into hellfire.

Comments ( 1 )

a coup aimed towards the hippogriff nation.

Is it mostly the seaponies, mostly the hippogriffs, or a mix of both?

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