• Published 5th May 2023
  • 785 Views, 7 Comments

Equestria Jedi Girls - Dinomite123

The Turtles and Rainbooms must learn the ways of the force and become part ninja and part Jedi

  • ...

The Jedi Temple

The republic gunships went all the way from Lothal to Coruscant. It flew through a huge city with floating transportations and lead straight to a huge temple.

"So, where exactly are you taking us?" Mikey asked

"To the Jedi temple." Ashoka answered.

"It's where the Jedi Knights train and learn the ways of the force." Anakin added in.

"And it's a home to them." Obi Wan said.

The Turtles and Rainbooms were confused. They didn't know what they were talking about.

"Part me for asking, but...what's a Jedi Knight?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

The three Jedi were shocked. Who in this world has never heard of the Jedi.

"You mean to tell me you've never heard of the Jedi?"

"No, we're not from this world. We're from a city called New York." Leo said.

"Not a city that I know of." Obi Wan commented.

"Look, we just need observe and learn about your sci-fi world if you just explain it all to us." Donnie ordered.

"We'll be most welcome to explain all of it to you all." Anakin added in.

At last, they arrived at the huge temple and landed on the platform.

"Younglings, welcome to the Jedi Temple." Obi Wan announced as the ship's doors opened.

The ninja team were shocked to view of a huge temple that was five times bigger than the a mall.

Anakin, Obi Wan, and Ashoka lead them inside the temple, through the hallway stood statues, armored temple guards with lightsaber staffs with yellow blades, and younglings, padwans, and jedi walking around the hallway.

"Dude, this place is something like Crognard would explore." Mikey beamed.

"Temples are extreme." Pinkie said.

Finally, they reached the Jedi council room. To the ninjas suprised, most some of them were human, but most of them were aliens. And the most one that was sitting in the middle of the council was a green creature with long ears and tan and brown robes layered. The ninja team felt like they were in some type of video game, except they weren't.

"Master Yoda, the kyber crystal is good use now. We have it in our hands." Obi Wan told the green creature.

"In proper hands as you say." Yoda said. "And to new abilities the crystal must."

"Unfortunately, we weren't the ones who found it. These young ones did."

They introduced them to the jedi masters and they were nervous to talk to people from outer space.

"Oh have they? Come step forword." A black bald man named Mace Windu called.

The stepped into the center corner of the room.

"Show us the crystal."

Leo showed the crystal in his hand.

"Can you at least tell us what this is for?" He asked.

"The kyber crystal is a power source of a lightsabers blade." Mace Windu answered.

"Count Dooku was meant to find it and use it bleed for the sith's lightsabers."

"Wait, this whole war we saw out there was just for a crystal." Twilight asked.

"No, a war with the Galactic Republic this is." Yoda answered.

"And it is said that you fought Dooku without knowing the force?" Mace Windu said.

"Hey, we're ninjas. We've been trained by our own master and he taught us the ways of ninjitsu." Raph said.

"And what is the force?" Sunset asked.

"Strength or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement, or course." Donnie suggested.

"The Force is a mysterious energy field created by life that binds the galaxy together." Windu explained. "Harnessing the power of the Force gives the Jedi, the Sith, and others sensitive to this spiritual energy extraordinary abilities, such as levitating objects, tricking minds, and seeing things before they happen. While the Force can grant users powerful abilities, it also directs their actions. And it has a will of its own, which both scholars and mystics have spent millennia seeking to understand."

"No wonder we were no match for that Dooku guy your talking about." Rainbow Dash said.

"You cannot fight in your own style, the sith are more powerful than you think." Another jedi master named Plo Koon told them.

"If you even care about being a jedi you must learn the ways of the force." A female jedi master named Shaak Ti said.

"So what? We're just gonna leave ninjitsu behind and learn space hero ways?" Raph said, annoyed.

"In case you didn't notice, we are talking to aliens." Rarity mumbled.

"But usually we train much younger children to the ways of the jedi, and you are much to old." Mace Windu said.

"However, most personalities you have that I sense." Yoda added.

First, he pointed to the turtles.

"You, fearless, hardworking, honorable and respectful." He pointed to Leonardo then Donatello.

"Calm, sensible, quiet, friendly, and gentle, you are."

Then Michelangelo.

"Fun-loving, carefree, go lucky, always ready to fight."

Then he pointed to Raphael.

"But short-tempered, aggressive, sullen, maddened, sarcastic, and rebellious, you are."


"Anger you have that I sense. Anger is the path of the dark side."

"The dark side."

"The side of the sith it is. Joined it, many jedi in the past have."

Those words worried Raph, sure he has a temper. But will he able to control it the way Splinter always taught him?

Then he pointed to the Rainbooms.

"But the seven of the you girls...Loyal, Kind, Honest, Generous, Empathy, Laughter, and Harmony you all are."

The girls smiled and beamed.

"Hey, what about us?" Casey asked.

"Stubborn, quick-witted, fearless, and quick each of you are." He answered.

"It's been settled then, Padwan Ashoka, take these younglings to library to teach them the ways of the jedi." Windu ordered.

"Sure thing, Master Windu."

Ashoka led the ninja team to the library.

"A new disturbance I sense." Yoda sighed.

Ashoka led the ninja team into a library with shelves with books that look like glass lights.

"In Jedi Archives, we learn the knowledge of Coruscant and the jedi ways." Ashoka said. "And keep holocrons."

"What's a holocron?" Applejack asked.

"A holocron is a crystallized holographic cube where information is storage."

She went to one of the shelves and pulled out a holocron and it released the information they needed to know about the jedi.

"The Jedi are powerful guardians of order and justice." Ashoka explained. "Who, through intuition, rigorous training, and intensive self-discipline, are able to wield a supernatural power known as the Force, thus achieving, for example, the ability to move objects with the mind, perform incredible feats of strength, and connect to certain people's thoughts."

She explained the days of the old republic and all wars that the jedi have been through.

"Wow, this sound like ancient history from space." Donnie sounded amazed.

"Yep, the jedi have always had a legacy." Ashoka said.

"But what this sith you talk about?" Raph reminded her.

"The Sith, also referred to as the Sith Order, was an ancient religious order of Force-wielders devoted to the dark side of the Force. Driven by their emotions, including hate, anger, and greed, the Sith were deceptive and obsessed with gaining power no matter the cost."

"So they're evil jedi?" Karai asked.

"You can say that. But there are other types of jedi out there. The Dark Jedi were Force-sensitives who were devoted to the dark side of the Force but were not Sith nor members of the Inquisitorius. The Grey Jedi was used by Jedi and Sith to describe Force-users who walked the line between the light and dark sides of the Force without surrendering to the dark side, and second, it described Jedi who distanced themselves from the Jedi High Council and operated outside the structures of the Jedi Code."

Obi Wan returned for the kyber crystal.

"Learning the ways, are we?"

"Hey, I think I have something that you might need." Leo said as he pulled out the crystal and handed it to Obi Wan.

But he decided...

"Actually, I think this crystal goes to you." He said.


"We were waiting for a Jedi member to arrive, but I figured since a new learner I figured you might save it until after your training is complete."

"What training?" Leo wondered.

"We had a talk with the council and we've decided we are taking you all to Kashyyyk to learn the ways of the force.

The whole team was shocked to hear this kind of news. They were about to learn to become not only ninjas...but also jedi!