• Published 2nd May 2023
  • 918 Views, 17 Comments

Ben 10 Ultimate Pony! - Kaliann25

Professor Paradox shows up before Pinkie Pie bringing a sleeping Ben Tennyson with him and he asks the pony to watch over him as he finishes an important mission in Equestria.

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My favorite nephew came to visit, so it is time to have lots of fun!

Applejack was happily bucking trees when out of sudden Pinkie Pie jumped over her with her characteristic smile.

“Applejack! Applejack! Applejack, I need a super-duper-ultra-mega favor please, pretty please! I will give you anything, anything!

Applejack pushed her off as she stood back and put her hat back on. “Fine, what ya’ need Pinkie Pie?”

Pinkie Pie smiled and waved at Ben to approach. The teenage colt sighed and approached to shake Applejack’s hoof as Pinkie Pie proceeded to introduce him.

“Applejack, this is my nephew, Ben. Benjamin Tennyson Pie. He is spending a few days with me, but he came earlier than expected and I couldn’t prepare properly. Anyway, I just remembered that you have a cot you don’t use and wanted to borrow it.”

Applejack smiled to her friend and at the young colt. “Of course, Pinkie Pie! A’ still have a few trees to buck before A’ could take a break. But sure, ya’ can borrow ma’ old cot.”

Pinkie Pie gave Applejack a quick hug and turned to Ben. “We’ll help you! right Ben?”

Ben nodded and was about to prepare the Ultimatrix but Pinkie glared at him and he had to resign himself to do things by hoof.

“And what’s that thin’ partner?” asked Applejack staring at the Ultimatrix.

“Oh, is just my watch. You know, one of those fancy things that has night light, alarm clock, etc.” lied Ben.

“That little watch of yers’ really looks fancy.” said Applejack with a shrug as she resumed her work.

Pinkie and Ben joined her and between the three of them managed to get all the threes bucked in less than half an hour. After they finished, Applejack offered them some fresh apple juice and guided them to a shed behind the main house to get her cot and a mattress for Ben to sleep.

“There ya’ go parner’. Is a bit old but still comfy! Hope you enjoy your stay at Ponyville!” said Applejack winking an eye to the colt.

Ben smiled and between the three of them, they took the cot to Pinkie Pie’s apartment on top of Sugar Cube Corner and put the cot in a corner, so Ben had proper sleeping accommodations. In the end Pinkie offered a soda to her old friends for their hard work.

“Now is all set, thanks a lot Applejack! By the way, Applejack, I am organizing a welcome party for Ben. I hope you can come!” said Pinkie Pie very excited. “Oh, and tell Apple Bloom to come too! Ben needs to interact with some kids, it’s a shame we do not have anpyone at his age range. Everypony is too young or too old!”

Applejack glared at Pinkie pretending to be angry. “Hey, who the heck are ya’ callin’ old Pinkie Pie?”

Pinkie gulped and shrank under her friend’s glare but then the both of them laughed happily. With that Applejack walked to the door.

“Anyway, we’ll be here and enjoy yer’ stay at Ponyville Ben! Yer’ aunt is more especial than ya’ think so A’m sure ya’ll have tons of fun!”

Pinkie Pie smiled and proceeded to make the bed for Ben before going downstairs to start her shift.

“Great! Now you have a place to stay! Now if you excuse me I have to go to work, if you need me I’ll be at the kitchen. Feel free to go look around Ponyville if you’re bored. But if anypony asks, you’re Ben Tennyson Pie. See you around!”

When Pinkie left, Ben looked around looking for something to do. But much to his annoyance he found out that there was no TV or videogames. And, without further to do he decided to look around the town.

He wandered around as the ponies around greeted him. And much to his surprise, he realized that what Pinkie and Applejack mentioned before was truth. There were no other teenagers in town. Just young tweens and grownups.

Annoyed he recharged against a tree. The tree trembled under his weight.

“Hey watch it!” called somepony from on top of the tree.

Ben looked up and realized that there was a pegasus mare sleeping over the tree. She had cyan fur and a rainbow-colored mane.

“Oh, sorry!” said Ben walking away from the tree. “I didn’t see you!”

The mare jumped from the tree as she shrugged. “That’s okay! Sorry if I startled you, is just that this tree is so comfy and the perfect spot for napping when you have to wake up early. The name is Rainbow Dash, are you new in town?”

Ben smiled shyly. “Yes and no… I am just staying with a relative for a few days. The name is Ben Tennsyon.”

Rainbow Dash scratched her head. “Tennyson? Tennyson… sorry I don’t know anypony with such a weird last name.”

“Ben Tennyson… Pie!” sighed Ben.

Rainbow smiled. “I see, you’re Pinkie Pie’s relative! Okay Ben Pie, I hope you enjoy your stay at Ponyville. Also, good luck. Pinkie is a bit strange. I know, she is too energetic and, she is a bit crazy, but she is a good girl.”

Ben forced a smile. This was the second reference that she got about his new ‘aunt’, and honestly, he was starting to worry. In the end he decided to keep his cool and don’t think bad of the person who was taking care of him while he was staying at the land of ponies.

As he was wondering around, he realized that there were three types of ponies. Earth ponies like Applejack, Aunt Pinkie Pie and himself; pegasi like Rainbow Dash who could fly; and unicorns who he hasn’t figured what they did but he would figure out soon.

And as he was wandering, he stumbled across a white unicorn accompanied by a purple bipedal reptile who was pulling a cart full of gems, as he was eating one happily.

Ben raised an eyebrow at this. “Hey, that looks heavy. Need a hoof, pal?”

The bipedal reptile smiled.

“Thanks! That would be a great help!”

Ben nodded and positioned himself behind the cart to push it.

“Where to?” asked the colt.

“Carrousel boutique, darling!” said Rarity. “We’ll be there in no time!”

Ben nodded, and between him and the reptile they moved the cart around Ponyville guided by the unicorn who Ben learned her name was Rarity. They arrived to her home/business.

The dragon patted Ben’s back. “Thank you pal! You were a life saver!”

Rarity agreed. “Yes darling, we took less than expected thanks to your help! Let me give you a little something as a thank you!”

Said that, Rarity used her magic to hand over an emerald to Ben, who just took it and smiled thankful. “Here! It matches with your eyes!”

Ben smiled. “Thanks!”

Then, Rarity levitated a bigger emerald towards the reptile who thanked her quickly and gave the gem a huge bite. Curious, Ben imitated the purple creature and tried to bite the gem. He ended up groaning in pan as he kneaded his chin.

“What the hell?”

Rarity and Spike exchanged a confused look, but soon enough they burst into laughter.

“For God’s sake! How can you eat these?!” complained Ben to Spike.

Rarity smiled sympathetically. “Darling, only dragons can eat gems. Yours is for you to keep it, give it away, or anything you want. But eat it? That’s a new one!”

Spike just rolled his eyes. “You’re not around here, aren’t you?”

Ben shook his head. “No, I came to visit my aunt during holiday. The name is Ben… Pie.”

Rarity and Spike exchanged a look.

“Oh wow!” said the small dragon. “You look normal, considering how Spike is.”

Rarity agreed examining the colt from top to bottom.

“Is true, darling! I never thought some straight-forward colt like you would be relatives with our Pinkie!” said Rarity as she looked straight to the Ultimatrix. “Oh! Ben, darling, what kind of device are you wearing? I didn’t know teens fashion these days were so… bizarre. Don’t you want something to replace it with something less… juvenile. A full makeover is clearly urgent!”

“No! Don’t worry about it Miss Rarity! I don’t have any money. Besides…”

Rarity shook her head firmly. “You can count on me darling! I’m a fashionista and I know what I’m doing! Besides do not worry about payment! I owe Pinkie a few favors so I would be more than happy to help her nephew!”

Spike agreed. “Go on buddy! Is not an offer you get every day!”

Then the door opened letting pass three energetic fillies. Ben looked at them and noticed one of them obviously Rarity’s younger sister. There were two other fillies with her, a yellow earth pony with red mane and an orange pegasus with magenta mane.

The one who looked like Rarity smiled. “Hey sist! Today Miss Cheerilee released us early! And who are you scaring off today?”

Rarity frowned at this but smiled. “Girls, this is Ben, Pinkie Pie’s nephew! He kindly helped Spike and me to carry over this cart full of gems that I needed, and I was not trying to scare him away. I was simply trying to convince him to upgrade that tacky watch for something more sophisticated.”

The trio of fillies looked at Ben and the Ultimatrix. Sweetie Belle simply shook her head and shrugged.

“I like it! It matches with his Cutie Mark!”

Ben was about to ask what she was talking about when he noticed the three of them were staring at his rump so he looked at it too. Much to his surprise, he had a strange tattoo that looked like the Ultimatrix symbol.

“What does yer’ Cutie Mark mean?” asked Apple Bloom.

“Is my plumber badge.” explained Ben.

“Your what now? So, do you need a badge to repair the plumbing?” asked Scootaloo with a chuckle.

“No, no girls! You get it wrong. Plumbers are an intergalactic police force” explained Ben.

The girls exchanged a look, but then giggled as it was a fun game.

“Sounds like fun!” said Scootaloo. “We can be Cutie Mark Crusaders plumbers!”

She then took a broom and started to pretend it was an alien gun. “Pew, pew, pew, pew!”

The other two giggled and joined the action. Ben looked at them with a smile, when Rarity called his attention.

“Now Ben, about your change of accessory…”

Ben simply started to walk toward the door. “Ehem, you must have an exquisite taste for fashion but that’s not really my thing. I like my watch just the way it is.”

Said that, Ben escaped. All things considered; he had the feeling this dimension was more annoying than the null void, dimension 12 or even that time he met his friend Rex Salazar. At least on those occasions at least he had an idea of what his mission was. Here at Ponyland everything was too peaceful, and he seriously had no clue of why Paradox decided to bring him there.

As he was walking around, he noticed that everypony was greeting him and calling him ‘Ben Pie’. In small towns like that news spread like wildfire and now everypony knew that Pinkie Pie’s nephew had come to visit.

“Looking at the bright side, I am still a celebrity!” said Ben with a sigh.

And after getting more warming welcomes than he had on his entire life, he went back to Sugar Cube Corner, to Pinkie’s apartment only to realize it was dark. Somepony had shut the curtains and turned off all the lights.

“Hello? Aunt Pinkie Pie?” called Ben.

Suddenly somepony turned on the lights revealing Pinkie and all her friends. Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Rarity and other two he hasn’t met yet. A lavender unicorn and a yellow pegasus; the dragon who was helping Rarity before and the three fillies.

“SURPRISE!” shouted Pinkie Pie, shooting her confetti canon as the lavender unicorn used her magic to turn the music on, and the others removed the curtains.

Before Ben realized what was going on, Pinkie made appear a huge cake, ice cream, a bowl of fruit punch (where a lizard with no teeth was trying to get inside to go for a swim), a disco ball and a dance floor; everything showed up apparently from thin air.

“You like my surprise?! Come on, let’s dance!”

And with that, Pinkie pulled Ben to the dance floor, and started her energetic crazy dance full of movement and lots of turns and flips which by the end of it, both fell dizzy on the floor.

“This Is the first time I have made that many turns! Even as Cannonbolt!” complained Ben as he was getting up.

Pinkie recovered instantly and then she ran to introduce her friends to her nephew. “Welcome to Ponyville dear nephew! I wanted to give you the best welcome ever with my best friends in the whoooole world! You already know Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash; oh and the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Spike! So you only have to meet Twilight and Fluttershy! What are you waiting for? Let’s say hi!”

The two ponies approached to Ben. Twilight even offered a hoof to help him get up.

“Thank you!”

“You’re welcome. I am Twilight, Twilight Sparkle. Is a pleasure to meet you Ben!”

Ben smiled. “The pleasure is mine.”

Fluttershy also gave Ben a gentle smile. She was usually very shy when meeting new ponies but she was okay with foals and teenagers.

“I hope you enjoy your time in Ponyville!” said Fluttershy.

Ben nodded now that he was fully recovered and then he joined the party. Mostly snacking some cake as he still had to recover from Pinkie Pie’s crazy dance.

In the meantime the Cutie Mark Crusaders surrounded Spike and showed him three plumber badges they have made while the were at Rarity’s place. Sweetie’s badge had a musical note in the center; Apple Bloom’s an apple; and Scootaloo’s a wing with a lighting.

“Attention alien life form! You do not have the right to stay on this planet! You are under arrest by the authority of the plumbers!”

And with that they started to chase Spike around the place. Ben chuckled at this, and soon enough he joined the game.

“Attention plumbers! This is Magister Tennyson. This species, the Vasaxaurian, has an incredible strength. Keep your distance or it can smash you with its fists!”

“Roger, Magister Tennyson!” said the girls in unison.

Spike roared and started to chase them instead as Ben shouted instructions to the girls so they could fight him by keeping their distance.

Pinkie giggled at this and joined the game too pretending it was the Vasaxaurian’s backup.

The others just watched them play and giggled as they snacked, enjoying the baked goods. They were having so much fun that before they realized, the sun was going down and it was time to go home.

As the guests were going back home, Rarity winked an eye to Ben. “You are good with kids Ben; would you like to watch them for me one of these days? I’m sure they would like to play ‘cops and aliens’ with you again!”

Ben raised an eyebrow. “Huh… sure! I’ve never worked as a babysitter before but I don’t see why not! It won’t be ”

Sweetie Belle agreed enthusiastically. “Yeah, I cannot wait to get my intergalactic police officer Cutie Mark!”

Ben nodded. “Keep working hard and you may get a real badge some day!”

With that Ben said goodbye and laid on his cot.

“Are you ready to the afterparty?” asked Pinkie Pie energetically as usual.

“Afterparty? What are you talking about?!” asked Ben.

“Come on! The night is just starting! We’ll have a slumber party and we’ll have tons of fun! This is the first time my nephew is staying with me so it is time to have fun! Fun, fun, fun!!”

“I am not your nephew!” Protested Ben.

“Still, we have to have fun!”

Ben sighed and just went along with it. He just wanted to end this mission as soon as possible so he could go home. What was Paradox thinking by sending him to this strange world anyway?

Author's Note:

So here it is, a transitional chapter. Ben just hanging around in Ponyville. Just a slice-of-life chapter before jumping to action with Ben using the Ultimatrix. Hope you liked it and as usual,

Read ya’ later!