• Member Since 23rd Aug, 2018
  • offline last seen 56 minutes ago


A gal with a tablet and a whole universe of ideas. (she/her) ♥️


Once upon a time, ponykind's leadership heard a roar. Unable to uncover its secrets, they waited patiently, hoping for an answer that never came, and the event was forgotten, the sole proof locked in the deepest corners of the Canterlot dungeons. A thousand winters have passed, and now, at long last, the Equestrians are ready to dig up those oldest of tales; the waiting game is over. Now... now, it is time to discover why the universe has never talked back.

This is a side project of mine, so expect sporadic updates.

Big thanks to HiddenEntity for help with brainstorming this story, its themes and plot!

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 20 )

This chapter was so good! The intro conveyed just enough information with just a hint of drama? Grayscale? Idk? Words?

Point it was great! (I am also a writer ,so I try to practice.)

The passage of the lead into entering the cell was amazing. You really gave us some insight into the your version of the sisters.

Luna, don't do you something very rash, or do something you might regret. Because, attacking that Replicant will upset that powerful space-faring replicant empire.

Equestria won't survive a massive onslaught like that. Not without humanity. 😎 🤠

Because it's not a crossover. I recognise that I may have structured the later parts of the opening chapter a bit like that, perhaps, but this is an original world MLP interacts with here. It has been inspired by properties like Dune or Warhammer, true, but that basically only amounts to its tone, not contents. :twilightsmile:

Comments like this are why I like writing stories, you know? It's incredibly moving to see, but also insightful and discussion-starting. I don't think I can fully express here how I feel reading it, but it's a sensation of accomploshment and engagement in a topic I love. So... thank you. Thank you a lot. :heart:

This was quite the first chapter. I love it!

Thank you so much! And thanks for taking your time to look at the story! Unfortunately, it may be a while before the next chapter is released, but I wanted to share this one nonetheless as soon as it was ready. :twilightsmile:

I don’t know. The synopsis just made this story sound like a crossover to me. Please respond to this comment.

This is a side project of mine, so expect sporadic updates.

Then how soon until your main story is complete?

A good view of how the ponies feel. Can't wait for first contact.

This is a real good second chapter, first contact is gonna be wild! Can't wait for future updates! :pinkiesmile:

I try to respond to every comment if I have something to say. :twilightsmile:

As for your question, it simply isn't a crossover. I recognise the original description was hardly perfect; in fact, it was quite rushed due to me being burnt out and having few ideas as for what to put in there at the time - that's why I changed it.

It's... kind of tricky.

My main story, Of Starships and Golden Armors, is technically already complete. The thing is, it's but the first tome of a larger tale. It might be followed by a full-on sequel or a series of short stories taking place after the ending; I'm not sure yet.

But... while it would be a lie to say that these things are not in development yet, said development is mostly conceptual for now; no actual writing has taken place. I want to complete Deos ex Caellis before I publish any of the OSaGA sequels as I don't feel well having multiple unfinished projects on here.

"Then," you might ask, "how is this a side project if it's the main thing Devona is working on on FimFiction right now?"

Well... the answer is not really pleasing, I'm afraid. The current "main" projects of mine are all academic work I do that is unrelated to ponies and which I don't publish anywhere, and even if I do, they are not in English and officially the property of the university I attend. They posses the rights to these papers; not like my research is anything groundbreaking or even especially good, though. This is mostly why I'm too busy to work on Deos ex Caellis full-time for now, sadly.

But don't be mistaken; updates will keep coming, I'm just not sure how regularly and how often. :twilightsmile:

Thanks! That's what I tried to focus on.
OSaGA kind of emphasized that while the ponies have incredible potential, they don't really realize it; with Deos ex Caellis, I wanted to even the playing field at least a little bit. I'm glad it was readable, haha. :twilightblush:

Thank you a lot! You know, reading such comments is what makes me keep going. I hope further chapters won't disappoint. :twilightblush:

I'm really glad you liked it, you know. :twilightblush:
I was worried this chapter might be quite a bit worse than the first one. Thank you so much for commenting! :twilightsmile::heart:

Glad to see they got the drive working. Hopefully they can find out what happened to home.

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