• Published 6th Sep 2023
  • 4,751 Views, 536 Comments

Cinematic Adventures: Ice Age - extremeenigma02

The Mane Six and Spike, along with Gabby and Gilda, are transported to the time of the Ice Age to help a mammoth, a sloth, and a saber tooth tiger return a human baby to his people.

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Sketchy Shortcut

Author's Note:

Big thanks to Cyan Tank whose awesome quotes make up pretty much this whole chapter.

And so, the Equestrian heroes, along with their Ice Age companions, found themselves exploring the depths of the icy cave. A short while ago, Diego insisted that this cave would be a ‘shortcut’ designed to cut a path clear below the valley to reach Glacier Pass in a short amount of time. They hadn’t had long to decide as an avalanche, on account of Diego and Sid, forced our heroes into the cave and they had been trudging along the ice ever since. Even then, none could fathom how large this cave system was nor how long it would take. Not to mention it was as cold inside the cave as it was outside.

“Come on, guys. Stick together,” Diego announced to everyone. “It’s easy to get lost in here.”

Not willing to form an objection, given the circumstance of their situation, none of the Equestrian heroes or their friends made room to argue. All that mattered was getting the baby Roshan out of this cave and back to the humans where he belonged. Yet another obstacle unveiled itself as Twilight Sparkle turned her gaze ahead to find…

“Two passageways,” Twilight Sparkle confirmed. “But which way should we go?”

“We go this way, Twilight,” Diego motioned right.

“You heard him, c’mon,” Manny mumbled.

To which Twilight Sparkle responded with a shrug and lead her team as they progressed to the right. However, while the majority of the group turned right, a small collection of the group hung back a bit. Specifically, four minds were at work between the likes of Spike, Gabby, Pinkie Pie, and especially Sid. They were so busy staring across the cave walls in awe that they weren’t paying attention to what their friends were saying.

“This cavern is amazing!” Gabby smiled. “Isn’t it Spike?”

“Yeah… I guess so,” Spike sighed.

“What’s wrong?” Gabby worried.

“I’m just hoping Diego knows what he’s doing,” Spike confessed to Gabby. “I know I shouldn’t be judgmental, but he is a sabretooth tiger after all. What if he’s luring us into a trap? Or worse?”

“Oh, I hear ya, Spike,” Sid agreed. “That pussy cat’s almost setting us up for something. But he’s actually not that bad.”

“You do realize he did try to gnaw your head off, right?”

“Well… nobody’s perfect.”

It was then Gabby leaned her head on Spike’s shoulder in an effort to cheer him up.

“Don’t worry about Diego, Spike,” Gabby assured. “Remember, he believes there’s another way out of this cave.”

“And he did Pinkie Promise,” Pinkie added. “We should at least show some respect to him for a change.”

Spike pondered for a moment until a smile spread across his face.

“I guess you are right guys,” He answered.

“That’s the spirit,” Gabby hugged Spike comfortably.

Both Gabby and Spike rubbed their heads together in such a cute fashion. Of course, this motley quartet were so preoccupied with their own concerns they weren’t entirely looking where they were going. Just before them, the four were approaching some long-frozen glaciers roughly about their heigh. Spike and Gabby were the only ones to notice the glaciers just up ahead.

“Watch out!” Spike shouted.

Spike and Gabby were quick to duck before they got smacked in the face. Sid and Pinkie, on the other hoof… did not. Both came in contact with the glaciers with a ‘BAM!’, their faces striking the icy surface knocking them backwards. The goofy pals collapsed upon the ground dizzily, with their tongues hanging out, lying there on the frozen floor. Gabby and Spike quickly rushed towards them.

“Sid! Pinkie!” Gabby gasped. “Are you okay?”

Fortunately, it didn’t take long for the pair to wake up. Albeit recovering from that wipeout at least.

“Yeah, we’re fine,” Pinkie mumbled, her tongue hanging out.

Pinkie Pie tried to pull herself up right. Unfortunately, she found herself stuck to the floor.

“Hey! What gives…” Pinkie groaned. “I-I’m stuck!”

Sid tried to get up, but much like Pinkie Pie his tongue was stuck on the floor.

“Me too!” Sid mumbled. “Spike, Gabby, do something!”

“Help!” Pinkie cried.

The party pony and sloth looked at each other, realizing neither one could get up. Spike and Gabby realized they needed to act fast.

“Say, you’re a dragon,” Gabby pointed out. “Maybe you can use your fire to thaw them out.”

“And risk melting their faces without consent?” Spike reminded. “No, we’ll need to do this safely. Come on, help me pull.”

They reached to grab their friends’ legs, proceeding to pull them back up with all their might.

“Don’t worry guys,” Spike grunted, pulling Sid. “We got you.”

Spike and Gabby groaned, pulling them back and forth. Pinkie Pie and Sid groaned in agony, as they felt their bodies tugged away with their tongues still stuck to the ground. Like being stuck on a frozen telephone poll as a cruel prank.

“Hang on… almost got it…” Gabby panted, pulling Pinkie.

Within a matter of seconds, the pony and sloth’s tongues were stripped off the ground. The force was so great Spike and Gabby flopped into each other. Both cheeks blushed bright red, and they couldn’t help but giggle.

“Well, this has been some unexpected turn of events,” Spike spoke sheepishly.

“Yea…” Gabby giggled.

They both stood up and turned their attention toward Sid and Pinkie Pie. While mostly unharmed, their tongues dangled out from their mouths. Pinkie Pie shook her head for a quick recovery.

“Thank you,” She spluttered.

“Yea, thanks for saving us,” Sid moaned.

“Just try and be a little careful next time, okay?” Gabby asked.

Just as the four turned back toward the passageway, they were stunned to discover that their friends weren’t around.

“Oh, great!” Spike groaned. “Where’d they go?”

“We must’ve fallen behind,” Gabby shrugged.

“Uh, guys?” Sid called out.

“Where are you?” Pinkie shouted.

With no clue where they went, the four took their chances by taking the left passageway. They hadn’t gotten very far when they paused to notice all the scenery in the cave. True, most of it was all ice and yet just seeing a cave of this structure was a remarkable sight. Still, neither one had any idea what they might encounter in these caves. They slowly turned a corner until their travels led them to a clear block of ice. They only turned to stare at the wall briefly when something spooked them.

“AH!” They yelped collectively.

There upon the wall was the creepiest piranha they had ever seen. True, this creature was frozen solid but the way it held its mouth wide open proved rather disturbing.

“Oh… it’s just a fish,” Pinkie sighed, giggling.

The rest couldn’t help but chuckle if only not to make this situation awkward.

“Right,” Sid chuckled. “A fish.”

“That didn’t scare me at all,” Gabby chuckled, sweating.

“Cheap jump scare,” Spike added.

The four walked away from the frozen fish toward the other side of the path. They soon stumbled upon another clear ice wall where another animal was frozen… a much larger animal. The moment they turned around, they screamed in horror at the sight of… a big tyrannosaurus rex. Gabby leapt right into Spike, who caught her as they trembled in free. But since their friends were on the other side, they had no idea what the others were up to. Then again, the path the others went on didn’t show ‘any’ frozen animals… or much of anything.

Sid, Pinkie Pie, Spike, and Gabby tried their best to stay calm as they approached another frozen wall which looked peculiar. They lowered their heads to get a closer look. Along the frozen wall, it appeared to show THE biological evolution of a sloth starting from a mere fish to the breathing mammal they know today. Spike, Gabby, and Pinkie stared between the sloths and their friend.

“Huh, so that’s where you came from,” Spike said, shocked.

“Who knew?” Gabby added equally.

“Somehow, I get the feeling in the next few stories, Sid’s family will come back for him,” Pinkie expressed aloud.

To which all eyes turned toward Pinkie Pie with confusion.

“Pinkie, what are you talking about?” Gabby inquired confused.

It was then Pinkie Pie realized that she just ruined the moment, as she faced the fourth wall.

“N-Nothing! Spoilers!” Pinkie yelped nervously, dashing away.

As Pinkie Pie took off like a rocket, Spike, Gabby, and Sid looked at each other more confused than ever.

“Pinkie is a strange pony,” Gabby confessed.

“She has a habit of saying the weirdest things,” Spike admitted with a sigh. “Doesn’t even make sense most of the time.”

But regardless, the pair walked after her. Sid was taken back from the wall and what Pinkie said for a moment. But he merely shook his head and attempted to catch up with the others. At last, they finally made it through the passage along with their friends off the other. The four rushed towards the group when suddenly they stopped immediately upon a huge clear block of ice. Turning their heads, they stumbled upon what appeared to be… a gigantic alien spaceship?

“Whoa!” They gasped in awe.

“I’m not even going to comment on this one,” Spike muttered to himself.

As they moved on to catch up, surprisingly Roshan saw it too.

“Bah,” He babbled.

But it was the way he waved hello with two of his fingers close together, the way actual alien lifeforms greet humans, that would usually shock any creature in range. And yet nobody seemed to notice what the baby was doing. Manny, Gilda, and the ponies merely turned when their four friends finally came in.

“And where have you been?” Gilda groaned.

“We were worried about you four,” Rarity added, concerned.

“Sorry, got a little sidetracked,” Spike answered sheepishly.

“We just saw some frozen animals in the cave!” Pinkie beamed. “And there was this big—”

“Will you keep up, please?” Manny interrupted. “Hard enough to keep track of one baby.”

“Hmph! Party pooper,” Pinkie frowned.

The party pony didn’t appreciate Manny spoiling this moment. She knew something was bound to happen in the future. But alas, the mammoth will have to discover this the hard way.

Speaking of Manny, the mammoth wasn’t entirely paying attention to where he was going. As he walked under a frozen ledge about his height, no one seemed to notice the baby accidentally sliding off Manfred’s back. Roshan went down an ice slide, slipping past everyone who all turned with confused expressions. They watched him slide into a small bump, hurtle into the air, and waved goodbye before slipping away. The gang screamed, realizing the baby had gone on a ride by himself. They raced up the hill, spotting the baby.

“Roshan!” Fluttershy screamed, horrified.

All eyes watched the baby cheer, loop-de-looping his way down the tunnel.

“After him!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

And soon, the race to retrieve Roshan proceeded. The Equestrians, along with Sid, Diego, and Manny screamed all the way down the wildest ride of their lives. It didn’t take long for them to lose control along the ice, which turned out to be bumpy, slippery… and very dangerous. Roshan sped further along the path, but the others were catching up. Some of them bumped into each other on the slide.

“Try to stay together!” Twilight called out.

“Stay together?!” Rarity panicked. “I’m trying to stay in one piece!”

“WHEE!!!” Pinkie cheered. “This is fun!”

“NO, IT’S NOT!!!” Spike yelled.

“There he is!” Gabby spotted Roshan.

Despite sliding very fast, the baby was having the best time of his life. He’d never guess he’d have as much fun as he’s having now. Little Roshan raised his arms in the air, giggling with excitement. By the time the group caught up to him, they were approaching three separate passageways. Sid, Pinkie Pie, Gabby, and Fluttershy followed Roshan down the right tunnel. Diego, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Spike went to the left. Lastly, Manny, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, and Gilda made it to the center. All three groups went up the ice ramps, screaming, flying passed each other, and a certain pair reaching for their hands.

“SPIKE!!!/GABBY!!!” The pair yelled and missed.

Suddenly, Scrat randomly appeared from another ramp along with his nut. He screamed and nearly had his acorn in his grasp when it soon passed him. Everyone else got separated as they each went down three separate tunnels.


As Roshan kept spinning around and giggling, Sid, along with Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Gabby were right behind him. They were determined to catch Roshan, but the baby was going so fast. And yet, despite their circumstance, they were actually having some fun despite the need to be careful of what lied ahead.

“Come on,” Fluttershy groaned, reaching out. “Just a little further.”

“We got him! We got him!” Pinkie shouted, preparing to snatch him. “Come… to… Pinkie!”

But sadly, Pinkie Pie missed the baby.


“Having fun, aren’t ya little one?” Gabby laughed at the baby.

“Well, so are we! WHEE!!!” Pinkie cheered.

Sid and the others laughed along. The little baby spun towards them, waving hello at them. Then finally, Sid got him.

“I gotcha!” Sid shouted triumphantly.

“WOO-HOO!!!” Gabby/Pinkie/Fluttershy cheered.

But their luck just ran out when they approached a hole.

“Or not…” Pinkie cringed.

The group shrieked, but before they fell in Sid let go of Roshan just as they plunged into the depths. This allowed Roshan to continue his own journey safely down the path. Sid, Pinkie, Gabby, and Fluttershy rode along the long slide so fast they were flung off the ground over giant icebergs.

“AHHH!!!” They screamed.

Sid and Pinkie found themselves upside down, trying to run the other way on the ceiling before landing on their noggins. Gabby and Fluttershy landed on their backs, right behind them, and they slid down the tunnel.


Meanwhile, Diego’s group were along the upper parts of the cave spinning out of control. They each went onto separate icy slides, going on loop-de-loop ramps, and sending them flying in random directions into separate tunnels.

“Whoa!” Rainbow cried.

“I’M GONNA BE SICK!” Applejack screamed.

Diego sped further along the path, laughing, and actually having fun. Spike, above him, approached a double loop-de-loop track. Spike went up the first loop but didn’t make the other one.

“OH, TARTARUSSSSSSSSSS!!!” Spike screamed.

The teenage dragon landed directly onto Diego’s stomach making him groan in pain.

“Spike?!” Diego grunted.

“Sorry…” Spike apologized, in pain.

Applejack and Rainbow went down a bunch of loop-de-loop ramps. Unfortunately, Applejack didn’t make the other one.

“WHOA NELLY!!!” Applejack screamed.

The cow pony hurtled all the way down, till she landed onto Rainbow’s chest. Both groaned, though they found themselves very close. The two girls stared at each other, giving small smiles and blushing.

“Hey…” Applejack mumbled.

“Hey…” Rainbow mumbled back.

Sadly, the moment was immediately broken when they hit a small bump. Both went down a long slide, screaming their heads off before they were hurdled into the air. Applejack was the first off, rapidly approaching Spike and Diego who were stuck together. Accidentally, the pony dogpiled atop them when they slid close to her landing zone. The poor saber-tooth tiger couldn’t handle this much weight on his chest.

“Get off me!” Diego complained.

Just then, Rainbow came ‘dashing’ fast along the track.

“GAIN WAY!” She screamed.

Soon, the Pegasus known as Rainbow ‘Crash’ bashed right through them like bowling pins. They started spinning about in circles, till they reached the end of the track. Up ahead, there was a big icicle hanging upside down. Taking the change, they grabbed hold of it just in the nick of time. Unfortunately, the icicle was very slippery and the four started losing their grip.

“No! No! No!” Applejack winced.

But soon Applejack and Spike were the first ones to fall, screaming their lungs out. Rainbow soon lost her grip but managed to clutch onto Diego’s back. But the tiger started to slip slowly toward the tip of the icicle.

“Why…?” Rainbow muttered sadly.

Diego lost his grip, and they screamed all the way down. Applejack clutched onto Spike’s back before the pair, along with Diego and Rainbow dropped into a hole sending them toward the bottom of the cave.


Manny, Twilight, Rarity, and Gilda traversed further down into the lower parts of the cavern. They rode along a long slide until they finally emerged toward a dead end. Luckily, there was an additional tunnel to their left.

“HARD LEFT!” Twilight cried.

They leaned their bodies toward the left tunnel just in time, sending them further below the cavern. When they came out, they slid along a long-frozen bridge… which proved very narrow. The rest were able to maintain balance, but not Manny. He was so big his body nearly slipped off the edges of the bridge.

“Whoa! Whoa!” He yelled.

“Will this insanity ever end?!” Rarity whined.

“Suck it up and deal with it, drama queen!” Gilda lashed out.

“I beg your pardon?!” Rarity gasped, squinting her eye.

“Not the time girls!” Twilight snapped.

Up ahead were two entryways. One to the right had a clear path across, the other was left incomplete.

“Go to the right!” Twilight called out.

“It’s too narrow!” Manny cried. “We’ll never make it!”

Rarity turned her head up and an idea lit up as bright as her horn.

“I got this!” She announced.

Rarity blasted the ceiling with her horn, causing bits of ice to fall. Thinking fast, she levitated long flat sections of ice that fell, quickly placing them close to the edges of the bridge and widening it for every pony to cross.

“Smart thinking, Rarity!” Twilight complemented. “Every pony, lean!”

The three leaned to the right as they were approaching close to their path. Manny tried to lean, but again his body was too big. Twilight Sparkle quickly noticed that he was about to slip off the bridge.

“Manny!” Twilight gasped, facing Gilda. “Gilda, follow me!”

Gilda nodded as they took of and flew towards Manny.

“You go left, I’ll go right!” Twilight motioned.

“You got it, princess!” Gilda confirmed.

Twilight Sparkle nudged Manny to the left and Gilda from the right, preventing him from falling. When they approached the two paths, Twilight flew toward Gilda helping her shove Manny to the right.

“And push!” Twilight Sparkle cried.

The two shoved him hard right, groaning tirelessly. Until at last, Manny made it safely across the bridge. Twilight and Gilda panted before flopping along the slide and the group sped further down the path. Suddenly, Rarity’s magic somehow made the ceiling form an avalanche as giant icicles fell, destroying the entire bridge. The group rode down the tunnel, spinning in circles a bit. Surprisingly, they laughed in triumph after making it across together.

“Thank you for saving my life, girls,” Manny said, with a gentle smile.

“You’re welcome, Manny,” Twilight smiled.

“Well, that could’ve been worse darlings,” Rarity giggled.

Unfortunately, Rarity spoke too soon. The four sped out of the tunnel, slipping and sliding on the floor away from each other. But something else caught their attention. High above the cavern were gigantic icicles that were starting to shake. It appeared Rarity’s blast not only caused the cavern at the bridge to shake, but now the other end of the cavern started to collapse into a crumbling mess.

“You’ve got to be kidding me!” Twilight groaned deeply.

“You just had to jinx it!” Gilda shouted at Rarity.

The icicles shook furiously, then fell off the ceiling right where the group were sliding.

“Look out!” Manny yelled.

They screamed as they attempted to evade the icicles as best as they could. Twilight and Rarity created bubble shields around themselves. Manny swatted the shards away from his friends with his trunk. Gilda tried dodging them, but the shards kept falling at a rapid pace. One came straight at her until Manny pulled her away in time.

“You, okay?” Manny asked worriedly.

“Never better…” Gilda voiced her thanks.

The mammoth saw that they were heading toward a very large tunnel. He steered himself toward Twilight and Rarity, latching onto them and positioned them right in front of him.

“Hold on everyone!” Manny called out. “We’re going down!”

They held onto his legs as they spiraled straight down the tunnel, all heads screaming with fright. Soon as they reached the bottom, Sid’s group slid on top of the tunnel, screaming, and spiraling out of control. Sid, along with Pinkie, Gabby, and Fluttershy were flung off the top of the tunnel and landed right on top of Manny the moment he and his group emerged from the tunnel.

“Hey, guys!” Pinkie smiled in relief.

“Where are the others?” Twilight asked worriedly.

“We don’t know!” Fluttershy cried out.

But an answer would come the moment Diego’s group screamed their way down the hole. Rainbow and Applejack held onto Diego and Spike’s backs. The tiger and dragon tried gripping a hold of the hold with their claws, but to no avail. Soon they all fell from the hole above.

“Look out below!” Rainbow/Applejack screamed.

Diego and Spike landed on Manny with their claws gripping firmly on his back.

“OW!” Manny moaned in agony.

“Incoming!” Twilight screamed.

Sure enough, as if it couldn’t get much worse, they were hurdling towards an iceberg.

“Captain, iceberg ahead!” Sid called, through Manny’s trunk.

“All hooves and claws on deck!” Pinkie screamed.

“Whoa!!!” Manny screamed.

The others screamed for impact until they came to a stop on the iceberg. The group panted trying to catch their breath.

“Whoa… oh…” Manny muttered gravely.

“Phew!” Sid sighed.

“That was close!” Rainbow Dash sighed.

But then something happened. It seemed the iceberg couldn’t support their weight and it was starting to crack. The group spotted Roshan on the move, only to find themselves lurching forward the moment the iceberg tipped.

“Oh no…” Diego mumbled quietly.

“HOLD ON!!!” Twilight cried.

They screamed as they fell their way down the ground atop the iceberg. Sid and Pinkie held onto Manny’s tusks. Most of them grabbed onto Manny’s back, while the rest were up front. Manny tried maintaining their balance along the iceberg. But up ahead, they were heading straight for ice shards stuck to the ground.

“AHHHH!!!” The boys screamed.

“FAUST!!!” The girls cried out.

All arms held on for dear life before the iceberg ran into the shards and shredded to bits. They soon approached four slides. Roshan took the closest to the right, followed by Fluttershy. Sid, Pinkie, and Gabby took the ‘farther’ right one. Manny, Spike, Twilight, and Rarity took the left close one while Gilda, Rainbow, Applejack, and Diego took the far left. The ponies and Sid slid fast given their bodies were small and it didn’t take long to reach Roshan. Manny, Diego, Spike, Gabby, and Gilda fell behind due to their own size. Spike watched Diego lower his body to build up speed and suddenly it gave him an idea.

“Lower your bodies to gain more speed!” Spike called out.

To demonstrate, the dragon proceeded to position his belly to the ground, and he zipped faster. Manny, watching Diego, started to catch on as he, Gilda, and Gabby did the same. Diego tried lowering his body further but was stunned to see Manny lean his frame hard and speed past him. Meanwhile, Sid and smaller ponies were catching up with Roshan. Those closest to him tried to catch him.

“Grab him!” Twilight shouted.

Sid tried to snatch him but missed with a grunt. Pinkie pulled out a long butterfly net from her mane to catch the kid. Unfortunately, Roshan was still far from her reach. She took one swing of her net, only for it to hit an iceberg she slid past, and the net broke.

“Aw, come on!” Pinkie growled.

Twilight and Rarity realized they weren’t going fast enough, but at the same time couldn’t use their horns to levitate the baby off the ground towards them. It was now up to Fluttershy to save the day.

“I’m coming, Roshan!” Fluttershy called out.

The others watched as Fluttershy slid closer to him.

“Get him, Fluttershy!” Rarity cried.

“You can do it!” Applejack cheered.

“Go for it!” Rainbow waved her wings.

Fluttershy grunted as she reached her hooves out to him. In no time, she grabbed the baby.

“Gotcha!” Fluttershy cheered.

All of her friends cheered in triumph now that the baby was safe.

“Way to go, Fluttershy!” Sid cheered.

But it was then Twilight noticed Fluttershy was heading for trouble.

“Look out!” Twilight cried out.

By the time Fluttershy looked where she was going, it was too late. She held Roshan as tightly as possible as they slid up the ice ramp, into the air. Roshan cheered, while hugging the screaming yellow Pegasus. The gang watched as they soared high in the air, but realized they wouldn’t be up there long. Manny twisted his body around, trying to slow down for the pair falling toward him.

“Hang on!” Manny shouted.

The rest watched until they looked back, screaming at the trouble they were heading for.

“OH NO!!!” The Equestrians screamed, wide eyed.

Down the end of the line was a large wall of ice. It was there Scrat had his acorn jammed within the wall and he seemed content to finally have a place to store his food. He was just about to leave when suddenly…

“LOOK OUT!!!” Gabby and Pinkie screamed.

The moment Scrat heard the girls, he saw the pair heading toward him and screamed, ‘AHHH!’. Scrat desperately tried to pull his nut out of the wall, but it was too late. One by one, each crashed into the ice from smallest to largest, leaving a body print on the wall. Manny raised his trunk up high, waiting for Fluttershy and Roshan who were coming down fast.

“MANNY!!!” Fluttershy screamed tearfully.

Manny timed the moment until the very last minute, catching them in his grasp. The mammoth was very pleased they were both safe.

“Thanks, Manny!” Fluttershy thanked happily.

But the moment she looked away; her face dropped with fear.

“Oh no…”

The rest emerged from the snowbank, recovering from their crash. Unfortunately, they weren’t prepared for what was bound to happen next as Many came for them fast. They immediately screamed before Manny crashed into them, leaving a giant body print of himself on the wall as snow fell everywhere.

Luckily, no one was hurt apart from having lumps of snow on top of their heads. Manny still had a hold of Fluttershy and Roshan. Fluttershy shook heavily from the anxiety, while the little baby was still giggling. The others groaned from the crash except Diego, Rainbow, and Gilda, who popped from the snow feeling great.

“Whoa! WHOO! Yeah!” Diego cheered, nudging Manny.

“That… was… AWESOME!!!” Rainbow cheered.

“I’ve never had this much fun in like… FOREVER!!!” Gilda yelled eagerly.

“We gotta do that again! High five!” Diego motioned.

Rainbow and Gilda grinned as the three delivered high-fives.

“Oh yeah!” They hollered.

“Who’s up for round two?” Diego asked eagerly.

The trio raised one of their arms for the others. Suffice to say, the rest of their friends said not a word. But the stern expressions on their faces said more than enough. It was then the three realized they were in a bad mood. Their smiles slowly dropped, seeing as though no one was in a hurry to do it again.

“Oh, um…” Diego muttered, clearing his throat. “T-T-Tell the kid to be more careful.”

“Yeah, he nearly got us killed,” Rainbow sighed.

“But… I’ll say this for the little squirt,” Gilda spoke up. “For someone who can’t walk, he sure gets around!”

Gilda’s joke got Diego and Rainbow chortling with laughter. Even Roshan giggled over the joke while the rest groaned over the cheesiness. The three immediately shut their yaps.

“Sorry…” Gilda mumbled dryly.

Scrat also emerged from the snow. After shaking himself around, getting the snow off of him, the little guy looked around for his acorn. He saw his acorn and squealed with delight. He rushed towards it… ‘WHAM!’. The little guy crashed into a wall, with an ‘acorn’ drawing.

“Oooh…” The Equestrians cringed.

“That’s gotta hurt!” Pinkie muttered.

“Oh, poor little guy,” Fluttershy shook her head.

“That squirrel’s totally nuts, am I right? Right?” Rainbow chuckled.

“Shut up, Rainbow!” They yelled.

“Man, you guys are no fun…”