• Published 19th Apr 2023
  • 590 Views, 2 Comments

Equestria Girls Ninjago: Friendship Games - Digi_Verse

Welcome back to Pedestria! The Ninja and The Main 7 take on a brand new challenge… not the forces of evil magic, but a rival school!

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Author's Note:

Part 2 here we go! This one is going to be quite interesting as there are a few surprises later on in the fic!

The sound of running footsteps is heard for several seconds before the view fades in to an extreme close-up of four feet pounding along a sidewalk. One is clad in short, dark gray, high-heeled boots with black buckles and orange chevron stripes, and the legs to which they are attached are covered by blue-green tights. The second is in brown boots with grey pants and a dark green open jacket, with a green shirt under it. These two are Lloyd Garmadon and Sunset Shimmer. Their shadows cast itself against the front wall of a house, Sunset’s long hair streaming behind it, and the feet stir up the leaves scattered on the sidewalk. Cut to a close-up of the rearing-horse statue on the front lawn of Canterlot High School, the camera aimed upward at it and tilting down to frame the front entrance. It is late afternoon, and Applejack and Rainbow Dash are already at the steps, the latter kneeling over her guitar case, as Fluttershy, the other Ninja, and Rarity walk up. Here comes Sunset and Lloyd, the corner of a backpack peeking out from under the wild curtain of hair.

“I got your text, Rainbow Dash! Did something come through the portal? Is Equestrian magic on the loose? Did Twilight come back with a problem that only we can solve?!” Sunset asked.

“Did a villain from Ninjago come with a giant army?” Lloyd added.

Pinkie Pie appears out of nowhere, holding a cupcake in each hand and grinning hugely.

“Has a giant cake monster covered all the cakes in the world in cake?!” Pinkie added her own guess last as she wolfs down both the treats in one bite.

“There’s cake?!” Cole perked up. “Not anymore!”

“Um, not exactly.” Rainbow nervously grinned and stood up, lifting her guitar from her case.

“Uh, I don’t understand?” Sunset raised an eyebrow.

Applejack crosses to Rainbow, who has shifted her grip on the axe to clearly show a popped string.

“Well, Sunset, I was just tellin' Rainbow Dash here that a broken guitar string doesn't really qualify as an emergency.” Applejack rolled her eyes as she testily pointed at the guitar.

“It totally does!”

Here comes Rarity—reading glasses on, measuring tape around shoulders, pincushion strapped to one wrist.

“Really, Rainbow Dash! I was in the middle of sewing a very complex appliqué on my latest frock.” Rarity complained.

“And I was just about to tuck everyone in for the night at the shelter. Now we'll have to start stories all over again.” Fluttershy frowned at the animals and sighed.

“I was finishing up a very important project and I’m gonna be lucky if it still works when I get back home!” Jay groaned as he removed the goggle from his eyes, showing smoke and dust over his blue skin.

“Why would you send all of us an emergency text for a guitar string?” Sunset asked.

“Well, I was going to pony up and show our fans some awesome guitar licks, but I kinda need all six strings to do it. Got any extra?” Rainbow asked as she pointed to the CMC who waved at them and she let out a low smile.

Everyone but Rainbow groaned. “Here. But everyone finished practicing for the day. I’m pretty sure all the music rooms are locked.” Sunset handed her the string. “No problem. The acoustics in the hallway are perfect for power chords!” Rainbow said as she played a chord. “C’mon! Let’s go!” She waved for everyone to follow her into the school.

The group followed as Sunset stayed behind and began to sit down. “Sunset, you coming?” Lloyd popped out from the door. “I’ll catch up in a bit!” She said as Lloyd shrugged and went inside. She sat down and began to write in her notebook.

Dear Princess Twilight, how's life treating you in Equestria? Any cool new magic spells? It's been pretty quiet here at CHS since the Battle of the Bands. We still pony up when we play music, which Rainbow Dash just loves to show off. The Ninja have been great additions and I’m sure Kai and Rainbow have crushes on each other, but both would never admit it. I still can't quite grasp what it's all about. I would love to hear what you think about it when you get a sec. Your friend, Sunset Shimmer.”

By the time she finishes, the camera has backed up past the statue and stopped just beyond the curb. A bus pulls up, hiding the entire school from view; cut to a close-up of the lower portion of its doors as they open. Standing at the exit are two legs, framed from the knees down and sporting sneakers and jeans with turned-up cuffs. When they step down to ground level, the hem of a light blue-green garment comes into view; tilt up as the bus pulls away. This individual has light violet skin and is wearing a hooded sweatshirt and sunglasses; hood up, hands in pockets, hunched down to disguise itself as much as possible.

One hand brings out a boxy device, holding it up by a handle that extends straight down from the bottom, and an antenna flips up from either side as the free fingers adjust a dial. The new arrival aims the unit at the statue and begins to walk toward it; a close-up of the panel shows an oscilloscope signal and a dial gauge split into two regions, green and red. The pointer wavers back and forth across the border, then veers firmly into the green once this person is standing right at the statue’s base. A few steps bring the side facing the school under scrutiny; now the needle swings hard into the red zone and the oscilloscope signal goes wild. A touch of fingers against the vertical stone surface sets off the characteristic ripples of the portal between this realm and Equestria. Sunset glances up from her writing with alarm.

“Hey! What are you doing?!” Sunset yelled as the figure looked up. They realized they were caught and began to run off to the street. “Wait! Stop!”

The escapee makes it across the street, but Sunset is forced to stop short at the curb in order to avoid being hit by a passing car. Hooking a hand around the nearest lamppost, the escapee cuts a tight turn that very nearly drags the sneakered feet out from underneath; a bus pulls up, perfectly timed for the figure to jump on. Sunset reaches this side of the street, only to get a faceful of exhaust fumes as the bus pulls away

“Who was that?”

The Bus pulls off, and the mysterious figure finally reveals themselves to look like… Twilight Sparkle? But this can’t be our Twilight. The Bus continues on its way to the city as the girl lets out a deep sigh, and shortly arrives to a giant school. A dissolve shifts the view to a close-up just behind the intrepid girl, the camera following her to one of the pairs of closed double doors. These are pushed open, the view flaring brilliant white for a moment and then clearing to show her approaching a classroom door; this is shoved open, another flash, and she comes to a third closed door. Throughout this sequence, the crystal motif is seen at work inside the school as well as out.

When Twilight opens this door, the screen does not flare again; instead, a darkened laboratory can be seen beyond the threshold. She reaches in around the edge and flips a switch, bringing up the lights. Once she enters, the camera cuts to the note/chart/string-covered bulletin board she had been studying in that post-credits scene. Zoom in slowly as she lifts a small drawing, ready to tack it up, then cut to an extreme close-up of a bare spot. The paper is stuck on, showing a sketch of the statue’s base and a question mark in the center of one side, and the thumbtack already has a string tied to it. A spark of purple energy travels along its length.


Rainbooms: The Friendship Games

Rainbooms: We’ve come this far and we’re not going back [No way!]

Prepare yourself, ’cause we’re on the attack [Attack!]

Won’t have to find us, we’ll be tracking you down [Right now!]

And when we’re finished, we’ll be taking the crown

All the way [all the way], all the way to the Friendship Games

Na, na, na-na-na, oh, na, na, let’s go

All the way [all the way], all the way to the Friendship Games

Na, na, na-na-na, oh, na, na, let’s go

Hey! Ho!

Hey! Let’s go!

Rainbow: We studied hard and we’re here to win

Cole: We’re only tellin’ you once

Sunset: Our magic comes from the inside out

Rainbooms: What you see’s what you get, don’t you ever forget

All the way [all the way], all the way to the Friendship Games

Na, na, na-na-na, oh, na, na, let’s go

All the way [all the way], all the way to the Friendship Games

Na, na, na-na-na, oh, na, na, let’s go

Rainbooms: Na, na, na-na-na, oh, na, na, let’s go

Na, na, na-na-na, oh, na, na, let’s go

Na, na, na-na-na, oh, na, na, let’s go


By this point, the camera has backed up far enough to bring Twilight’s bent head and intent eyes into view in the foreground. The flickering glare is concentrated on her face, suggesting a bit of electrical rewiring being done. A series of fade-out/fade-in transitions presents the following. One hand, emerging from a lab coat’s white sleeve, removing the front panel from the device she used to scan the statue…she takes a screwdriver to it with the help of a large magnifier on a desk stand…she fits a cover onto a round purple device that resembles an oversized makeup compact with a small hole drilled through the hinge…one last tweak brings the item to life, with a strobing light making its way around a central black window…seen from behind, she hooks up a circuit and is rewarded with a crackle of sparks…holding the device open, she smiles triumphantly as the cover slowly shuts by itself. The screen fades to black around it as the strobe begins to circle the window, in which a star appears. It drifts to a point slightly above the center of the screen.

What could she be planning?