• Published 17th Apr 2023
  • 473 Views, 1 Comments

As Long As You're Mine - kleec13

Rarity has a crush that she’s kept a closely guarded secret for a few months. But secrets can only be kept for so long and life doesn’t always go as planned.

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As Long as You're Mine

Rarity sat at her desk in homeroom one Friday morning very much happy that the week was almost over. It was late January, and now that the holidays were over, all the students at Canterlot High were getting antsy for spring. But Rarity’s early morning haze was disrupted by Drew coming and, per usual, sat somewhat close to her. Drew–one of those stereotypical cute, popular High School guys. He was tall and on the basketball team. Lots of the school’s girls were ridiculously infatuated over him… and Rarity was no exception.

She didn’t know how it happened, but he always seemed to find a place next to her in homeroom, the only class they had together. And occasionally, they’d even exchange a few words… about his girlfriend. Rarity wasn’t the best of friends with Drew’s girlfriend, but the two were in the same circles from time to time and were both very creative, so Drew would bring her up. And Rarity, knowing it wasn’t hard for her to make friends or make an impression on people, vowed to keep her feelings a closely guarded secret. And so far, Rarity somehow managed to succeed. Or at least it seemed that way. And it killed her. Even more than having a crush on an unavailable guy. She didn’t like keeping secrets from her friends. And she usually wasn’t one to suppress feelings, and so the whole thing was uncomfortable for her.

As the bell rang to end homeroom, Rarity heard the unmistakable, silky voice behind her.

“Hey, Rarity.”

“Hi Drew,” Rarity said, trying not to make it seem obvious she was thinking of him all homeroom.

“I’m… actually not sure why I called out to you,” Drew said. “I guess I just think it’s funny we always find seats near each other.”

“Yeah. I guess fate knows we don’t have any other classes together.”

Drew chuckled his cute chuckle.

“So, you doing anything fun this weekend?” he asked.

“I don’t think so. Dad’s away, so mom will probably want me to help watch Sweetie Belle at some point.”

“You seem to do that a lot,” Drew observed. Rarity shrugged and also chuckled a bit.

“You doing anything?” she asked.

“Not sure. Girlfriend and I might hang out.”

“Cool. I’ll see you Monday.”

Why did even the simplest of conversations make Rarity feel so stupid around Drew?

Rarity was at the dining table finishing her homework on Saturday afternoon and decided to sketch a bit to reward herself. She went to retrieve her pencils Applejack gave her and smiled a bit before she began drawing. It was truly one of the most thoughtful gifts she’d ever gotten.

“Hey Rarity,” Rarity heard, causing her to jump. “Is it the pencils you like? Or the person who gave them to you?”

“Shut up Sweetie Belle,” Rarity snapped. Her sister giggled and vanished again.

Truthfully, Rarity was shocked more than embarrassed. Sweetie Belle had never taken any interest in her older sister’s love life before and so Rarity wondered why she started now. But her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of FaceSpace messenger going off from her phone. It was Rainbow Dash in the group chat.

“Yoooo, have any of you seen Drew’s page lately?”

Rarity saw the icon that Applejack was typing.

“Yeah, he and his gf broke up. How about that. They seemed so happy. Guess you can’t assume everything from social media and gossip alone, huh?”

Applejack was right, as usual. Rarity didn’t have any reason to believe there was trouble in paradise either. Twilight was the next to respond.

“I hate to feed off of other people’s pain, but I admit, the drama that will ensue next will be popcorn worthy.”

A few see-no-evil monkey and laughing face emojis followed in agreement–Rarity taking part as well. One of the most popular guys in school was available. The guy Rarity had a secret crush on since the start of the school year could potentially be hers. While she was excited, of course, a part of Rarity didn’t know exactly what to do with this information.

The next week passed and Drew seemed to be taking the break up decently. Or at least, he seemed to be doing okay enough to just continue doing his thing. It was again a Friday morning. Though he still found his seat near her, he didn’t say anything to Rarity. Not that she expected him to. There wasn’t much to say. But since Rarity was acquaintances with both involved, she figured she should say something while she had the courage.

“Just wanted to say I’m sorry about the breakup,” she told Drew. “I’ll remain as neutral as you’d like.”

Drew looked at Rariy a moment.

“Would you like to do something sometime?” he then asked, without skipping a beat.

Rarity’s heart started to pound and she could feel the blood rush to her face.

“Say something, you idiot. He only asked a question,” she said to herself.

I mean, I know it might be a mistake,” Drew continued. “I didn’t expect to ask you. But you just gave me the perfect opportunity…”

“Yes,” Rarity said. “I’d love to.”

“How about the pizza place near here at 7 next Friday?”

“I can let you know for sure, but that should work,” Rarity said.

“Great. I’ll message you for your address and things.”

“Wonderful,” Rarity said. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

The two walked away to their next class beaming in happiness and disbelief.

Drew took to his word and DMed Rarity asking for her address to pick her up, and both agreed that the date was set. The night came and the rest of the six friends were full of anticipation for their friend. But that anticipation soon came to an end.

“SOS! SOS!” Sunset told the chat.

“What’s wrong, Sunset? Pinkie Pie asked.

“Drew liked a picture of him on Flitter from tonight. He’s at a party with people from another school… and his ex,” Sunset responded, sending a link as proof.

“OMG. Well, if they were trying to avoid being caught, they didn’t do a very good job,” Pinkie said.

“Do you think Rarity knows?” Fluttershy asked. “I mean… she obviously knows he stood her up by now. But does she know… why?”

“Only one way to find out,” Applejack said. “I’ll go check on her. Update asap.”

“Applejack, you’re a real one,” Sunset acknowledged.

Applejack arrived at Rarity’s house and her mother answered the door.

“Oh, Applejack,” Rarity’s mom said, giving Applejack a hug.

“How is she?” Applejack asked.

“Hasn’t left her room since she told us.”

Applejack nodded and went to Rarity’s room and gave a knock at the door.

“Rarity? It’s Applejack. Can I come in?”

“Mm hm…” Applejack heard faintly from inside.

Applejack opened the door.

“Rarity? I came as soon as I…”

Applejack saw Rarity laying on her back on her bed. Her face looked like she’d been crying, but was more composed now.

“His mom had no idea he didn’t cancel our date when I called his landline,” Rarity said. “I’d hate to be him when he comes home tonight. I suppose karma’s on my side in that regard.”

“What a coward,” Applejack scowled as she sat beside Rarity on the bed. “Why, if either were here I’d…”


“You’re right. No need for any of that now,” Applejack said with a sigh. “I’m sorry, Rarity. You’ll find someone better. I promise you.”

Rarity shrugged.

“Better now than after a year or something. I really thought he liked me, though. And maybe he does in a way, and as you said, he just couldn’t face an uncomfortable situation.”

“Not worth your time either way, in my opinion,” Applejack said.

“No, I suppose not,” Rarity agreed.

“I had no idea you liked him,” Applejack admitted. “I think many of us were shocked when he asked you out and you said yes.”

Rarity blushed a little.

“Looking back, I don’t really think I liked him. I mean, we talked a bit because we had homeroom together and I knew his girlfriend, but I barely knew him. He was just an attractive, accomplished guy in my class. I guess I liked the idea of being with him more than him. Wouldn’t be the first time that happened.”

“Happens to the best of us,” Applejack assured with a wink, making Rarity smile.

At that, Applejack noticed Rarity was still dressed up for the date.

“Look at you,” Applejack said.

“I must be a wreck,” Rarity groaned.

“And yet, you’re still the prettiest girl in Canterlot High. I’m glad someone else got to see you tonight. Even if it wasn’t him.”

Rarity smiled again.

“Thank you, Applejack,” she said. “That’s sweet of you. And it was sweet of you to come see me.”

Rarity sat up next to Appelack on the bed.

“Speaking of sweet, Sweetie Belle said something weird the other day. I was about to sketch with your pencils, and she asked if I liked the pencils or the person who gave them to me. I just told her to shut up and she did. Don’t know if she actually thought I might have a crush on you or if she was just being a little sister.”

“The others asked me if I had feelings for you at the slumber party after I dropped you off,” Applejack said, feeling relieved that she finally got a good opportunity to bring that up.

“What did you tell them?” Rarity wanted to know.

“I told them I wasn’t sure. Going into a relationship with someone you’ve been friends with since you were in kindergarten isn’t something to take lightly, ya know?”

Rarity nodded.

“But… over the past month,” Applejack continued, “when I tried to imagine myself with someone else, I just couldn’t do it. And when I found out you were going on a date with him, that was all the confirmation I needed.”

Memories started flooding back to Rarity. Their childhoods. The drawing pencils. The summer at Equestria Land. All the good times and bad times they’ve been through. Perhaps the signs were small at first, but all together, it all made sense now. It made sense that Applejack was the one here.

“This whole experience made me realize I feel the same way,” Rarity told Applejack. “I’ve had my doubts, too. But now I know those don’t matter. It’s always been you. Always. You were there to remind me to bring my asthma inhaler. You were there to support me in my passion for art. You were there to take me home when you should have gone to the party.”

“Wait… so does that mean…”

Rarity interrupted the flustered Applejack by giving her a peck on the cheek, causing both girls to grin from ear to ear after.

“Yes, dear. I believe it does.”

Author's Note:

I’ve thought of/drafted a couple ideas for a possible sequel/companion fic to my EQG holiday fic. They didn’t stick. This one did! I know it’s incredibly cheesy, I know. But I hope in at least a bit of a good way.

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