• Published 24th Apr 2023
  • 293 Views, 10 Comments

Sentry for Hire - daOtterGuy

Flash Sentry works as a Minion For Hire, chasing an old feeling he can't get back. Maybe his next job will manage to rekindle it.

  • ...

Severance Pay

Moonlight shone down through the glass roof upon the main exhibition of the Canterlot Museum of Archeology. The spacious chamber was interspersed with various artifacts from around the world, with the most prominent, the Crystal Heart, displayed upon a central raised pedestal.

At that moment, Sombra, ex-professor of archaeology, current evil sorcerer of Canterlot, stood upon the dais in a pose of dominance as he hefted the heart in his hand toward the sky. Darkness whirled around him, his long black hair twisting like smoke in the fabricated wind. He could be considered imposing if not for the geezer glasses, tweed jacket, and polka dot bow tie he wore.

Cackling, he pumped the fist holding the Heart and a burst of arcane magic shot through the ceiling, shattering the glass and raining shards down upon the room.

He pointed a finger at the Rainbooms who stood defiantly against him, fully powered up with their geodes hanging about their necks. “Bow before your new ruler for I shall usher in a new age of darkness!”

“Not in this lifetime, Sombra!” Sunset shouted back defiantly, the other girls echoing her sentiment.

“We shall see. Minion!” Sombra called. “It is time!”

There’s my cue, Warden thought to himself. He leapt from his vantage point atop a display of ancient Egyptian relics and sprang toward Rainbow Dash.

“Minion, huh? What loser did you manage to—” Rainbow Dash started to say before getting a face full of boot.

She hit the ground before she could wheeze her way out of her daze, Warden tapped his thumb and pinky finger together on his right hand and thrust his now glowing blue palm at Rainbow’s back.

Lightning arced from his gloves and into Rainbow, who screamed before falling unconscious from the electric blast.

Warden stepped toward the rest of the Rainbooms, drawing a metal bat from his back and swinging it in a playful arc. His body suit and helmet didn’t inhibit his movements despite the metal shield harness strapped to his chest. Blue bolts of lightning crawled along the sides of his suit, blurring the edges of his silhouette and providing energy to the variety of weapons hidden in its design.

He was dressed in a full body black suit with a biker helmet, and a metal harness across his chest with a shield in the centre. Blue bolts of lightning glowed along the sides of the suit, providing energy to the various functions built into the costume.

Sunset groaned, holding her head in the palm of her left hand. “Not this guy again.”

“Aw, I’m hurt, Sunny,” Warden said in a gravelly voice. “You almost sound like you aren’t happy to see me.”

“Not really, no,” Sunset said as she fired a blast of fire at Warden.

Banging the head of the bat on the ground, his weapon burst to life in crackling arcs of blue. Swinging it up into a batting stance, he planted his right foot forward, tightened his grip, then swung, smashing into the fireball and flinging it directly at Rarity.

Without enough time to generate a shield, Rarity flew backward and slammed into a gong. It rang out as she slumped to the floor out cold.

“Rarity!” Sunset cried out in a panic.

“Yes, Minion!” Sombra cackled as he fired another burst of darkness at Twilight who dodged out the way. “Take down the brats!”

“Oh no, you don’t, meanie pants!” Pinkie cried.

Anticipating her next action, Warden threw his bat toward Pinkie. As she stepped forward, ready to fling one of her party bombs, the bat sailed through the air and smacked straight into the side of her head.

Warden raced forward, grabbed the bat on the rebound and swung it into Pinkie’s side in swift motion.

She dropped to the floor, her breath gasping out of her in one great whoosh.

“That’s the three most annoying nuisances out of the way,” Warden remarked. “Let’s take out the nerds next.”

He turned around to find himself face-to-face with Applejack. She took a swing at him. He ducked.

“Hey, Apples. Fancy seeing you here. You ready for another round?” He came back up, bat in hand.

“Would be a pleasure if you’d offer me some of your time, Warden.” She took another swing at him. Warden dodged gracefully out of the way. “You’ve always been my favourite dance pardner.”

“I’m touched, Apples.” Warden put a hand to his chest as he sidestepped around another of Applejack’s punches. “I always knew we had a special arch nemesis type relationship.”

“Yeah, ya really do make the most satisfying punching bag.”

She swung forward with a straight punch, overstepping. Warden took advantage of the misstep and ducked down. He swung his legs forward, taking Applejack’s legs out from under her, toppling the farmer to the floor.

Warden pinned Applejack to the ground, straddling her body and using the bat to keep her neck and wrists pressed to the tiles.

“Great job, Apples, but maybe try not to overswing next time,” Warden snidely remarked.

“I’ll keep that in mind when I pummel your face in,” Applejack retorted, struggling against him.

Sparing a quick glance, Warden noticed that Sombra had already taken out Fluttershy and Twilight, both sprawled out on the floor. Sunset was the last Rainboom standing, a look of fierce determination on her face.

“Hahaha!” Sombra laughed as he danced in place. He threw another burst of darkness, missing Sunset entirely and exploding it behind her. “Wallow and weep, Rainbooms! Your defeat is—”

Then Sombra slipped. A misplaced foot on the edge of the pedestal.

Warden, Sunset, and Applejack watched in shock as Sombra fell onto the floor and dropped the Crystal Heart. The artifact bounced twice before skidding forward and right to Sunset’s feet. The dark energy being emitted by the heart dissipating into nothing.

“... This feels bad,” Sunset remarked.

“... Sorry,” Sombra muttered.

“So, I guess that’s that then, huh?” Warden said.

Sunset picked up the Crystal Heart then smashed it between her hands, the resultant glitter drifting down in a shimmery haze. “Yeah, that’s that.”

Warden got off of Applejack and helped her back onto her feet. Just then, he approached Sombra, taking his phone out of his pocket and quickly swiping to the Minion-For-Hire App.

“Before the cops show up and arrest you for a very long time, you mind signing off on my final payment?” Warden offered the screen to Sombra, a signature box open on the screen.

With a weary sigh, Sombra signed using a finger then waved his hand in a shooing motion. “Thank you for your services. Now leave me to wallow in my inadequacy.”

“Hey, now. Happens to the worst of us,” Warden said. “I don’t suppose you have time for a quick customer review survey?”

“... five stars. Was exceptionally competent.”

“Thanks!” Warden gave Sombra a little wave then turned to Applejack. “Could you give me a nemesis recommendation when you have some time, Apples?”

“Same link as before? WatchTheNight729?” Applejack asked.

“That's the one!” Warden shot two finger guns then did a quick salute as he started to walk away. “Good to fight you all again, hope to battle to the death some time eventually!”

Applejack amicably waved goodbye.

“Hey, wait a second! Where do you think you’re going?!” Sunset demanded. “We’re not gonna just let you walk away!”

Without missing a beat, Warden replied, “I planted a micro bomb onto Rainbow’s neck when I knocked her out. You should check on that.”

“What?!” Sunset and Applejack both exclaimed.

Taking advantage of the distraction, Warden beat a hasty retreat to the hidden employee exit door behind one of the displays, easily opening the door he had unlocked earlier that day.

“Rainbow! We have to— Wait, there’s no bomb here! You— Oh, come on! He got away! AGAIN!”

Warden smirked as he made his way to the employee parking garage. Moving to a dark corner of the concrete complex, he grabbed the camo cover over his ride and pulled it off.

Underneath was a black sport bike with blue lightning bolts along the sides. He straddled the body of the vehicle as it hummed to life at his touch. He tapped a button on his suit to raise the parking garage gate, revved the engine, then shot off into the night.

As he rode through the empty streets of downtown Canterlot lit by the bright glow of streetlights and skyscrapers, he tapped the bluetooth button on his bike’s console.

“Akashic, play Flash Sentry’s ‘Night Rider’ playlist,” Flash Sentry said.

Heavy synth rock blasted from his helmet speakers he headed home.