• Published 6th Apr 2023
  • 362 Views, 8 Comments

Fluttershy Can't Sleep - KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

Fluttershy really wants to sleep. But for some reason, she's unable to.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Fluttershy Can't Sleep
Written By KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

Fluttershy got out of bed around twelve o' clock.

Despite all the sleep she had, she still felt tired... But she knew she had to get out of bed. She couldn't sleep forever; she had duties and no matter how appealing that warm comfy bed was, the mare knew that if she went back to sleep, Angel bunny would pull her out of bed anyways, demanding breakfast.

He always was an impatient one...

The butter yellow pegasus sighed, stretched, crawled out of her blankets, yawning and then stood up, deciding not to tidy her bed as she would most likely fall asleep in it.

After brushing her mane and teeth and washing her face, she headed downstairs to feed her animals and get some breakfast for herself.

Once she was there, an extremely cross looking tiny white bunny gave her a stare that made her freeze in her tracks.

"Oh, uhm, h-hi Angel," the mare stuttered, hiding behind her mane. "D-don't worry, I'm going to give you your breakfast... What would you like?"

Angel rolled his eyes, stamped his foot impatiently and pointed at a picture of an apple Poe, a glass of milk and a few blueberrys.

She was about to go and get her saddlebag so she could go to the market and buy the stuff Angel wanted, but the bunny stopped her and gave her a piece of paper on which was drawn a picture of Fluttershy baking an apple pie.

Being as tired as she was, Fluttershy thought Angel had made the drawing as a present for her and hugged him. "Oh, Angel, that's so sweet of you!"

Angel rolled his eyes yet again and poked the picture a few times, and communicated in bunny language that he wanted Fluttershy to bake the pie, not for her to simply go and buy one from Applejack.

The mare yawned and nodded. "Okay, just wait here and I'll go get the ingredients..."

Once Angel had been satisfied, Fluttershy quickly fed all the other animals and then lay on the sofa and yawned for the fiftieth time that day.

Why am I so tired? I went to bed early yesterday...

Another yawn broke out. Fluttershy looked at the clock.

It was three thirty PM. Sure, she could go and have a nap right now, but the problem was the sunlight.

Her whole house was illuminated by it, and she had to shield her eyes to protect them from the unbearable light.

Suddenly, she had an idea.

Perhaps a walk around town would help me feel less tired...

There was the problem of the number of ponies that would be there, but sleep deprived ponies are too tired to pay more than a little attention to things.

If only Fluttershy had thought a little more, she would've realized what she needed to get some energy.

Moving on, she stood up, walked out of her house and began her walk.

She nearly tripped over her own hooves.

I need to be careful.

She passed the Library, Sweet Apple Acres and a lot of other buildings she didn't really remember due to her lack of attention and finally walked pass Sugarcube Corner. On the door was a sign displaying a huge discount on coffee. Then something hit her.

Figuratively, of course. It wouldn't do if such a sweet and innocent pegasus were injured.

Holy Celestia! How could I have forgotten about coffee?!

She mentally facehooved and rushed inside the Cafe as fast as her tired hooves could take her and ordered a coffee.

Pinkie was strangely absent that day, despite being at the counter every single day.

Upon paying for the coffee, she walked out of the Cafe and immediately threw it down her throat, but unfortunately feeling no change in energy.

She threw the cup away and then sighed as the warm coffee travelled down her oesophagus and into her stomach.

All she felt now was a burnt tongue and throat... And maybe she did feel a bit more awake from the heat of the coffee.

She tucked her mane behind her ears and continued on her walk, deciding to return home now.

Once she had returned, Angel bunny demanded more stuff and the tired pegasus gave him what he wanted, after which she dragged herself upstairs and into her bedroom, lying down on her bed and watching the sun set.

Finally... She thought, grateful for the darkness provided by the moon in contrast to the blinding light produced by the sun. I can get some rest.

It had been a long day.

So naturally, she was more than happy to close her eyes and fall asleep...

Only, now when she wanted nothing more than rest, she got a surge of energy.

It seems like the coffee is effecting me now of all times...

Why did things have to be so complicated?

If there's one thing a tired pony hates more than anything, it's when they have no energy for the whole day, then have a coffee in hopes of feeling awake only for the coffee to take effect when it was finally time to sleep.

Words couldn't describe how frustrated she felt right now.

If she were any other pony, she would've taken her rage out on anything in sight.

But Fluttershy wasn't merely any other pony.

She was a sweet and gentle one. Also very beautiful, kind and caring.

Her heart was the softest around and was beautiful as her exterior.

And that is why when Angel bunny barged into her room to demand that she put him to sleep/let him sleep with her, Fluttershy did not scream or shout at him.

Instead, she smiled and let him into her bed, after which she cuddled him.

Angel pretended to be annoyed, but in reality, he loved it.

He gave a small and cute bunny yawn and fell asleep.

Fluttershy also yawned and soon fell asleep due to the warmth from Angel.

Now there were no more problems, except... I THOUGHT FLUTTERSHY WAS SUPPOSED TO BE UNABLE TO SLEEP!

Author's Note:

Being unable to sleep despite my body begging for it, I decided to do something productive and write a story.

I know this will be downvoted to hell... I guess it serves me right for writing while half asleep.

But seriously, for me, coffee doesn't have any effects... And when I want to sleep after being tired for the whole day, it suddenly decides to pitch in and not let me sleep.

Comments ( 7 )

Fun story! ✨😊✨😂

This is honestly one of the most adorable stories I have ever read here. Man, it really makes me wish I was Angel Bunny, snuggling up next to Fluttershy like that, falling asleep next to her.

Also, I can totally relate to her fatigue on some days. Sometimes you just don't want to wake up. That was so well written, my friend.

Thanks! XD, despite my worries of this being "downvoted to hell" as I put it, this definitely surprised me by getting only one dislike.

It’s an overall cute story! Fluttershy can’t sleep… during the day. Then when she actually needs sleep she still can’t sleep. The title never implied that she would never sleep :raritywink:

Lol. Thinking of it like that makes the title make sense now. (And here I am, the author, who didn't even think the title made sense because of the way the story turned out. How ironic)

That was a good story.

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