• Published 10th Nov 2023
  • 128 Views, 3 Comments

Fairy Tale for little poney - Here for the Gold Skies

When books and reality collide, nothing good can come of it and the Manes 6 will quickly realize it.

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1:Battle on Mount Nimbostratus

"When you write a story, Forget the Evil or the Good, the Chosen One of the Gods and the Heartless Tyrant. Have more imaginations than that ."

W.H Strakienl


The origin of Mount Nimbostratus is shrouded in mystery, some say it is the remains of the last stone Golgoliath, killed when the lands were still clinging to each other, others say it was a spell of a witch wanting to master the earth herself, she opened it in two, thus creating a deep abyss, she boasted of her power in front of everyone in her native village but her pride created her loss because from the depths of the chasm, he waited and finally he rose causing an earthquake which ravaged all around him, engulfing the village and all its inhabitants and leaving only the Mount to remember this painful day but these are only stories told by the Elders around a bonfire.

- The truth is a bit like fables because the divine is at work but there is nothing miraculous about it, the Mount is a complaint, a cry in time of a being who wanted to exist but whom everyone ignored and in his sorrow turned to stone with the help of all his souls, rising up to the heavens "Look at me, I exist"...Nimbostartus, "bastard child of the sky" in Cloudtaurius, he was the first. others followed but none had enough influence in this world to exist for a while. Hiding, being ashamed of what they were there, all these feelings led to him, a being who will rule over all he sees for his will...He was, is, and will remain the most powerful of them all.

Battle on Mont Nimbostratus

At the top of the Mount, dark clouds were growing, summoning from a Corrupted Artifact. embedded in stone surrounded by statues in ruin , no master to carry it, he was waiting. At the bottom of it a shadow quietly climbed the black stone walls dressed in a tattered coat, finally reaching the top he collapsed on the ground exhausted and thirsty, he took a water bottle from his pocket and emptied his lean content in his parched throat from the exercise and the heat of the place - "There will be no return" He threw it on the side and it raised with difficulty then removed his hood revealing the hurt and tired face of Maitheas.

His armor no longer shined, his coat was torn but the most obvious was the dark circles he had, the climb had taken four days but barely sleep because of the fear of being attack. -"By the veiled sea" Maitheas looked at the sky and saw the raw, uncontrollable power of the artifact. This one was simply a long black stone scepter, twisted and raw, topped with a block of crystal in the clouds coming out as if contained inside

- Spike

Maitheas approached but something was wrong, as he was about to take it in hand, his body changed. His flesh seemed as heavy as stone and felt a pressure in his bones that would make them explode, his vision blurred to the point of blindness as if someone had cast a spell on him, but he continued to advance his hand, causing immense pain in him. but no sound came from his throat. The spell finally broke and Maitheas collapsed on the ground. He managed with difficulty to raise his head and saw with horror that the scepter was not held by its stone prison but was brandished like a weapon towards the sky, thus amplifying the black clouds.
- “No” Maitheas then looked at the being who held him and simply couldn't analyze what was in front of him simply because he had no point of comparison, from a young age he was fascinated by the animals around him and liked to observe them to see their resemblance and what makes them makes it unique, by looking at a domestic dog he could see attributes that remain from his ancestors the wolves, the wings of the Pigord Noir were longer than that of their cousin from the lands of the North, he could know what species of cattle he was It was nothing when looking at the trace left in the earth but there, he knew nothing in this world or even in the writings of the Ancients.

- Spike

But despite this, in a very small part of his brain, an image surfaced, He was a young child running in the forests that had seen him grow up, playing without worrying about anything then one day when he was looking for rabbits for the evening dinner, he found a burrow big enough for him to fit half of his body. He crawled into the hole and managed to catch a rabbit who was hiding but now he had to get out but a root was preventing him. Maithéas struggled with all his strength and felt the earth break beneath him.
When he woke up from the fall, he found it in a sort of cave, it was barely big for him to stand up. He advanced in the dark thinking of finding an exit, he continued to advance when he saw a thin glow in the dark; he followed the glow and arrived in front of a strange thing. When he managed to extricate himself from the hole he told his story to anyone who would listen that he had found a sort of sanctuary under the earth with engravings of strange beings resembling nothing that he did not know but he was child and we rarely believe children's stories.
But now was not the time to think about that because it was approaching and the black clouds were more threatening than ever, the final battle...


- "What! Don't you see that I'm reading Twilight. You tell me every day that reading is a journey into the unknown, fantastic counters where the sky and the sea mix and that what lives there will mark you forever but I, Spike, your faithful assistant, as soon as I open a book, you interrupt me. I don't like it and if you allow it, I'll resume reading, I'm at an important point in the story. Thank you

Spike was still just a dragon cub but he had a vocabulary but only when he wanted, most of the time he didn't take the time to make complete sentences and went head first. Twilight was used to it since she took care of him but it didn't work.
She frowned and with her magic lifted the book from Spike's hands, who didn't try to resist. - "As you know, this week we are celebrating the 106th anniversary of the publication of one of the books which is considered the triangular stone of fantasy writing and the Princess entrusted me with the task of organizing the celebration as well as various animation and a surprise for everyone. Twilight speaking seriously and in a dry tone, when she expressed herself like this everyone listened without saying anything Spike knew it.
As you are my assistant I am putting you into my confidence. After several attempts I finally managed to persuade Mr. W.H.Strakienl to come to Ponyville and meet his fans. I trust you not to say anything to anyone and especially not to Rarity, you don't know how to tell her no I noticed it don't deny it. Spike blushes awkwardly but decided to speak But what does this have to do with me, Twilight? You did all this without me and now you're talking to me about it.
- I'm talking to you about it because the book that you took from MY library, under a glass cover that I put clearly on my research table and the original book of the other with all the remarks, correction and notes that he wrote it as he wrote it before giving it to a publishing house which lost it but thanks to the search for Princess Luna, it was found and put in safety. Spike understood then said - That's why there's lots of writing everywhere, I thought someone drew on it because they were bored. Sorry I didn't know...I can finish the chapter.

Twilight used her magic and levitate the beanbag Spike was sitting on, causing him to fall. - Ouch.
- Silence and follow me, we will see where the preparations are.

1: Preparations

All of Ponyville was bustling, from sewing shops to pastry shops, family restaurants, libraries and even schools. Everyone put their clogs in the dough to celebrate because it was of capital importance that everything went well, it was not every day that we celebrated the 106th of a book.
But of course we had to manage all of this, a site foreman to better organize the tasks and direct the right ponies to the tasks that suit them best. Cheerilee is an excellent mistress and she channels the energy of the filly but she is a very bad cook but fortunately we could count on the mane 6 to supervise this.

- "Okay partner, there are still fourteen kilos of apple to peel for the pies and ten more for the compote, we're not hanging around and Applebloom I see you, we're not eating the apples."
- "But they are so good, Applejack and I don't eat them, I'm doing a "Tasting" to see if they're edible." Applebloom smiled but it was no use and she had to get back to work grumbling. While Applejack's team took care of the cooking, the decoration was entrusted to the most colorful pony in the kingdom. - "Pinkie Pie, where do I put the garlands in the color of the town of Eanngead? And we're going to miss some in the colors of Ivory Sun's asked Sunburst who started to get tangled in all the garlands - "Oh no" she said dramatically while hanging a small paper hat to Gummy who was quick to tear it off once her back was turned I know we All you have to do is inflate as many balloons as possible and assemble them to make a huge balloon arch that will surround the entire city!!!
-...I'm going to ask for some more. - Joy flaps, I already had the perfect music for that. She blew a trumpet and began to sing.

- When we love balloons
We are taken for buffoons
But they are round like the moon
And we sing in.

But his music was interrupted by a gust of wind which blew away all the decorations install during days of work. - “Oops, sorry Pinkie, I may have gone too fast but you know me, there’s no one faster than me.
- "Rainbow Dash you've got everything turned upside down, now I have to....Gummy, where are you Gummy? She looked everywhere for him but he was found in her hair, snuggled up comfortably against some cotton candy. -" Hey, you're really the funniest Pinkie, with Fluttershy we're going to drop off some equipment for the others. "- It's heavy Rainbow Dash and I think Angel fell. -" Pss don't worry, it's solid and we're almost finished. Just three more cases and we're good. Fluttershy nodded then made a small noise before continuing her mission under the gaze of Pinkie who ate the cotton candy.
- “I hate this kingdom.” Sunburst commented.

Clothing for the occasion

- "You see, Spike, a lot of ponies are invested in making this event a success, all the houses are decorated and you saw all the commotion." She paused to admire this. A whole town helping with the installations, for fear of repeating myself it was really something unique usually there are always troublemakers who come and do things in their own way. Like Trixie who gets in the way with her magic or even Flim and Flam who sell tickets at exorbitant prices even though it's a free party but there, it wasn't and they also participate in the smooth running. Then Spike started laughing at those who disturbed Twilight in her thoughts. "What are you laughing at?"
Spike pointed at a unicorn with his finger. “Did you see the guy's look? It looks like a mop that hasn't been washed in two months.” Twilight reprimanded him when he heard this. "It's not a mop Spike, He is dressed as an Fractusardh, the basic soldier of the Black Clouds... But I have to admit that his costume is poorly made, I wonder who could have done it.
- “It’s me Darling.“Rarity”
"Rarity" Said Spike trying to be as attractive as possible, everyone knows he had a crush on her, capable of accomplishing the most complicated tasks just to please her but she only saw him as the nice little assistant of Twilight.
And it would seem that she did not appreciate the remarks made by her friends
- "You know how difficult it is to create clothes and other costumes from a simple two-line explanation in a triology of books comprising more than 2500 pages...It's very frustrating." But all Twilight could come up with was "2569 pages to be exact." There was a silence then Rarity continued "Thank you for understanding Twilight, I won't keep you any longer I have other mops to sew." Rarity left slightly upset and Spike tried to make up for it by following her - "You know, it's by far the most elegant mops I've ever seen in my life and above all." Leaving Twilight alone but that wasn't important.

Now alone, she could finally concentrate fully on the present moment. She continued her way towards the central square where tent, stand and decoration were placed, where the animation was at its peak. Everything seemed a mess but it was at this kind of moment when she was most able to work, she slipped in a few comments here and there, using her magic to lift decorations and even took part in the game of "Paint her own crest" and for most it is above all their cutie mark. All this is fun but work above all, she trotted to the center of all this mic-mac where a podium awaited her, podium I said rather a cologne where she placed a red pillow which itself served as a rest for what Twilight had taken with her. The glass bell that housed the book responsible for all this "The Lord of the Clouds".

Twilight set it down gently. A shadow passed over her but she didn't notice it, she was too busy observing him as a mother might observe her newborn, with all the tenderness and gentleness in the world. It was this book that gave her a taste for literature and even though she now finds the “Fantastic” genre childish, she cannot deny that it brings together as many poney as possible.
She dreamed but a voice made her stop

- "Hehehe, the young student is too absorbed in literature to even ignore the arrival of the Princess -" Princess Luna said Twilight cheerfully, you come to see how the progress is for the birthday. -Yes replied Luna, I see that everyone is participating and that fills me with joy, I knew you were the right poney to take care of it. Twilight is not one to reject compliments and tried to remain humble.

- "Yes, everything will be finished in two days Princess, everyone is as impatient as you and I then Twilight laughed Hehehe, it's a change from their daily routine.

With these words Princess Luna nodded and smiled as well, "Yes, even Celestia thinks it does me good to get a little more involved in events like this.

- “It is in taking responsibility that we discover who we really are.” Luna smiled then said "These are the words of King Thyrielos to Maithéas, I am not mistaken.
- " You are right, Princess, and this lesson applies to everyone from now on."

The end

Author's Note:

This is a story I've had in mind for a while

- Following a blog that I posted I decided to rewrite some of my stories and this one is like a renewal for me, after some reflection and doubt I decided to review everything and I saw what was bothering me default, I hope you like this first chapter, I have other ideas of this type in mind.

PS: finding first and last names for fantasy works is a hassle

HerefortheGoldSkies: author