• Member Since 16th Oct, 2019
  • offline last seen Monday


I write too much too little for no reason. Now I'm off to hyperfixate on detailing that bush.


This story is a sequel to The Stereotypical Necromancer

Hello there and welcome, my favorite and most dedicated readers, to my celebration of The Stereotypical Necromancer's two year anniversary! Two years ago today, I began writing my overlong and worn-out recollections of a pitiful colt's reoccurring traumas!

I've been deliberating on what the best way to celebrate would be for a few anticipatory months now, and as today drew nearer, I hit upon a neat little idea. An idea I'd already had a little while ago, that I had put in my pocket for a rainy day.

Today is that rainy day! Today, I'll be presenting some of the discarded drafts I saved in the process of writing chapter 40! You can't ever escape it: chapter 40 will haunt us all until we die! :pinkiecrazy:

Nowadays, each disparate part of chapter 40 has been individually named, so any newer readers probably won't quite understand the pain we all feel. Anyone that's been around for a while will remember how tedious it all was, though. And now, whether you suffered through it yourself or not, you'll get to relive that experience! Lucky you!

I'm more glad than anything that chapter 40 is over, but there was a lot of intriguing stuff I cut in the interest of time, ironically enough. Some of these drafts are over a year old, and I don't even remember what they're about. It's gonna be a long, mortifying trip down memory lane.

I'll have some of the more notable drafts in single chapters, while consolidating some of the more disparate scraps into a collection. I'll also be sharing my thoughts and opinions on the content and why I might have cut it in the AN. It'll be fun to share a little bit of the background process of writing with you!

The naming format for chapters should be obvious enough, but inside the chapters, the top paragraph will noticeably be entirely italicized. If present, these beginning paragraphs should mark the published instance of what preceded the cut, so you can ctrl+f and find where we're picking up from, if you want. For your convenience!

Now, some of these drafts may contain ideas that may eventually make their way to actual chapters, and in those cases, I won't censor them. This is the anniversary, and I think anyone who's dedicated enough to care and to read these drafts in the first place will deserve to get a sneak peek into some ideas for the future. :twilightsmile:

And finally, I just want to give an additional thanks to all of you who read my garbage. Writing is the main source of stress in my life, but I've never had anything give me such a sense of profound purpose before. Seeing how others receive my works is my greatest source of joy in life, and I don't know what I'd do if I weren't writing.

Whether you've been here for a year or a day, you truly mean the world to me.

Let's look at some drafts.

Chapters (18)
Comments ( 6 )

Long, tedious descriptions are what I'm best at! :twilightsmile:

i'm just assuming by snazzy narration you were referring to my ANs. if you weren't, please direct my foot into my mouth at your earliest convenience

The drafts themselves, by and large, aren't the most interesting things on the planet. Most of them are rather trivial little what-ifs and drawn-out rewordings of events everyone has long since forgotten. For every fascinating alternate plotline I decided to drop, there is a circuitous conversation that went nowhere and probably should have stayed buried.

That's why I tried to provide something of meaning for each and every draft in my ANs! I wanted to provide any sort of clarity I could come up with in regards to the ideas I'd had while writing or what I considered important at the time, and of course, there's no reason to do that without being humorous! Or- depressive! Whichever fit, and whichever I felt most after rereading through the corresponding draft! It was- it was a little hard to tell sometimes! :twilightsheepish:

I'm glad you're here, dobermans, and though I remember you best as the guy I disappointed with my lack of focus on Cozy Glow, I really appreciate you taking the time to drop by here today. Even for something as simple as dropping a cheeky comment, your participation heartens me. :heart:


Disappointed? If I used that word, or gave that impression, then I made a misstep, because your CG entry was excellent and I greatly enjoyed it! I say this because it exhibits one of the hallmarks of a great story: being memorable.

Otherwise, TBH my original comment was in regard to the overall story description. It comes across as part of the story, and therefore meta in a refreshingly original way: not just first person POV, but first person as in, this is a fimfic author recounting the history of a story in which they play a central role.

This interpretation is likely off the mark. It is I who disappoint.

Ah, well. It is at this point where I would like to jam my extremely large foot into my cavernous piehole, as it is the only thing that can possibly prevent me from making a fool of myself.

Please, disregard me and everything I say. I embellish widely, and use adjectives that don't fit for dramatic purposes. You are a fine, upstanding gent, and I will now retreat directly into a dark hole in which I am hidden from burning eyes.

Have a blessed evening!

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