• Published 28th Mar 2023
  • 896 Views, 4 Comments

Equestria Girls: Ninjago Rocks - Digi_Verse

Equestria Girls with a Ninjafied Twist! After a strange mirror sends them to the Human Realm, the Ninja must band with the 7 other girls in order to regain their powers and defeat the sirens,

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(Quick Few Things: Pixal died in Crystalized, leading Zane to deep depression. Jay and Nya never became yin and yang because they were on and off a lot, leanding them to break up for good, and Kai and Skylor tried dating, but it didn't work out. Harumi is also dead, since due to the Overlord being destroyed and gone, she died without his power shortly afterwards. Happy Reading!)

It is a full moon in a starry night sky, framing a city street corner where a restaurant stands. The brightly lit windows pick out the silhouettes of a roomful of customers, and their muffled, heated conversation is heard even at this distance. A set of female voices gradually makes itself heard. There is a booth inside, where a teenage boy and girl are arguing. Actually, there are many booths of people fighting, while a greenish sparkly mist swirls around them. At a booth in the back, three hooded people aren't fighting, however. They’re singing.

The green mist swirls up into one of the hooded figures weird red gems they seemed to wear around their neck. The gray-violet one lowers her hood, exposing hair tied into two very long pigtails high on the back of her head with large star barrettes. Her hair is purple, shot through with streaks of light green.

“That was barely worth the effort, Adagio. I’m tired of fast food. I need a meal.” Aria groaned with a petulant, slightly congested tone as she slumped in her seat.

A blue-skinned girl next to her put her own hood down, exposing a worried countenance marked by deep red-violet eyes and medium blue hair gathered into an equally long ponytail. Two streaks of dark blue run its full length, and her hairline is cut to descend from her temples to a low point over her nose. The girl Aria has addressed, drops her hood to reveal a mass of fluffy orange hair marked by lighter highlights and held back by a spiked band.

“The energy in this world isn’t the same as in Equestria. We can only gain so much power here,” Adagio explained with an annoyed tone.

“I wish we’d never been banished to this awful place!” Aria yelled “Really? I love it here!” Adagio sarcastically exclaimed, and then dropped her act with a grimace.

“For realsies?” Sonata spoke up. “Because I think this place is the worst.”

“I think you’re the worst, Sonata.” Aria glared at her. “Oh yeah? Well, I think you’re--” Sonata was interrupted by a loud groan from Adagio. “I’ll tell you one thing. Being stuck here with you two isn’t making this world any more bearable.”

Suddenly, a great flash of white light erupts behind the hills outside and gives way to a column of energy pouring up toward the sky. Adagio turns to the window, the reflection of this phenomenon playing across her eyes as she opens them wide in surprise. She rushes out to the sidewalk, a sudden wind blowing past her as Aria moves to follow; the light column has subsided to a glow behind the hills, from which a double helix of rainbow light lances up into the clouds. Adagio can only stare openmouthed as a beam of this multicolored power shoots straight and true from the high end, connecting with a flash against something behind the hills and ricocheting into the heavens.

Her pendant gleams briefly, and she looks down at it before looking back up

“Did you feel that?” Adagio asks the two girls behind her, who both look at her with a confused expression. “Do you know what that is?” Which Aria shrugs to. She grabs Aria’s shirt. “It’s equestrian magic!”

Aria pushes Adagio away. “But this world doesn't have equestrian magic.” Adagio walked away.

“It does now. And we’re going to use it to make everyone in this pathetic little world adore us.”

-------------------------------------In another Dimension...-----------------------------

It is a calm, sunny, and warm day in Ninjago. The crystal king has been defeated, the monestary has been rebuilt, and it is finally time for the ninja to relax. Well, some of them. One ninja has been on edge lately. A feeling that something bad is going to happen. They never get to rest this long. One day, a mirror turned up at their door with no explanation, like it had just fell from the sky. Master Wu had insisted upon letting it stay in his room, much to the ninja’s dismay, and much to Lloyd’s, the ninja on edge, suspicion. Something was going on, and he was going to find out.

“Are you still on that mirror nonsense?” Lloyd was broken out of his thoughts by another voice. It was the ninja of fire, Kai. He seemed to be holding a controller in his hands, which Lloyd concluded that either he had lost or was about to brag about winning.

“Something’s wrong Kai, I can feel it.” Lloyd rolled his eyes. “Don’t you wonder what it does? What it could unleash? This is a chance to prevent things before they happen, and we’re just lazing around!” He started to run out of breath.

“Are you sure this is just about the mirror?” Kai raised an eyebrow. “Kai. I knew what would happen to Harumi once we destroyed The Overlord. His power brought her back to life. This time she was able to die peacefully. I’m over her.” Lloyd sighed.

“If you are, then get back out there! You can’t mope over one girl for the rest of your life!” Kai patted him on the back. “Uh, you almost did.” Lloyd pointed at him. “Okay, look, Skylor and I didn’t really hit it off, and I realize now that we’re just better as friends, okay? At least I’m taking it a lot better than Jay. He’s acting like they divorced or something. They’ve been on and off for years.” Kai groaned.
“And Zane...”

“Doesn’t like to talk about what happened to Pix, I know. She saved him with the cost of her own life...”

“Yeah... we all really are a bunch of sad sacks huh?” Lloyd chuckled and punched Kai in the shoulder. “Yeah, I guess we are.” Kai chuckled back.

“Are you guys talking about the mirror?” Cole entered the room. “Cause if you are, Master Wu is out...” A grin spread across his face.

“Is it really worth it?” Kai asked. “It could be dangerous; we won’t know until we try.” After Lloyd finished speaking, a bright light emerged from Wu’s room, alarming all of the ninja. “It’s the mirror!” Kai yelled. The six teens ran over to master Wu's room and burst the door open, seeing the mirror begin to glow violently.

“What’s going on?!” Nya worriedly asked.

“I’ve seen some pretty crazy stuff as our time as ninja, but nothing explains this!” Jay frantically yelled. The glowing in the mirror mirror began to swirl and the air began to get tighter around the Ninja, like it was trying to take out all the air in the room. Cole’s feet began to slip.

“Um Guys? I think... it’s trying to pull us in!” Cole yelled and grabbed onto a pole. Everyone tried to hang onto something as the force became greater. Everyone except Lloyd. “This is our chance to find out what’s on the other side! This is what we do.” Lloyd ran to the mirror and jumped in.

“Lloyd!” Zane yelled out. “I’m going after him, I’m not losing someone else.” Zane let go of the table and jumped in after him. The rest of the ninja looked at each other and shrugged. “We’ve got nothing to lose... what’s the worst that could happen?” Kai looked at the portal. “We’re coming Lloyd!” The rest of them jumped in not knowing what this would lead to. Danger? Or another world to help save.