• Published 20th Mar 2023
  • 474 Views, 4 Comments

Mystery of Everfree (Ninjago X MLP) - Digi_Verse

Lloyd and Twilight go to summer camp at Camp Everfree, despite initial concerns, it’s not as bad. Unfortunately, Hijinks ensue with Camp Hierarchies, strange councilors, new friends, and a mysterious camp secret waiting to be uncovered

  • ...

Magical Mishap

Author's Note:

Stuff really starts to get crazy here! I’m sorry I hadn’t updated in a while, I was focusing on finishing up Ninjago Rocks, but now you can finally see how the party goes!

Saturday. The Day of Morro’s party. The same party the Main 12 were sworn to secrecy about unless they wanted a fist to face from Sunset Shimmer. And nobody really wanted that. I mean, it was just a party, how bad could it go?

“Very bad. Like probably the worst if we’re being honest.” Cole stated. “They’ve definitely got something planned, I just don’t wanna know what it is, and that it doesn’t affect us.” Lloyd added.

“Well, aren’t there other people going? Why don’t we ask them? They probably know more than us.” Twilight suggested.

“That’s… actually a good idea.” Kai admitted. “But who would we ask?”

Pinkie, who was stuffing her mouth with cookies, immediately slammed the table and raised her hand while trying to quickly finish her cookie.

“I know! Sunset has another ex besides Kai! I think his name was Flash or something…”

“Flash Sentry?” Rarity chimed in, raising an eyebrow. “Yes, I’ve heard of him. I believe he’s friends with Morro. Perhaps we can ask him for some information.”

The Main 12 all agreed that it was a good plan and decided to track down Flash Sentry before the party. They split up and searched the campsite, eventually finding him at the archery site shooting bows.

“Excuse me, Flash?” Twilight approached him, smiling politely. “We were wondering if you could help us with something.”

Flash turned around and raised an eyebrow curiously. “Sure, what do you need?”

“We were invited to Morro’s party tonight, but we’re not really sure what to expect. We were wondering if you had any information that could help us prepare?” Twilight explained.

Flash’s expression turned serious. “Look, I don’t know what Morro has planned, but I do know that it’s not going to be good. He’s been acting strange lately, and I’ve heard rumors that he’s planning something big.”

“I see, thank you for your help.” Twilight nodded. “Y’know, if you’re worried about going alone, I could go with you.” Flash smiled.

“I um- er- uh…” Twilight stuttered, not sure how to respond to the sudden approach. She was not used to getting asked to go with things to people, unless it was Celestia.

“I’ll- get back to you on that! Not that I’m saying no or anything, you seem like a really nice person, I just didn’t expect that, y-you know!” Twilight kept trying to explain herself as Flash stared at her with a smirk.

“It’s alright, you can think about it before it starts, besides I didn’t get your name!” Flash chuckled. “It’s Twilight… Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight scratched her head.

“Well, Miss Sparkle, I hope you accept my offer, and that we cross paths again soon.” Flash smiled. Twilight nodded and ran off to where her friends were at, which she was surprised to see Lloyd and Rarity already near her.

“Well, looks like you found him, what did he say?” Lloyd asked. “He doesn’t exactly know what Morro’s doing, but it’s something big.” Twilight explained.

Rarity then threw that conversation out the window. “Never mind that darling, if my ears heard correctly, Flash pretty much asked you out to the party!”

“He did? But he was just asking to go with me, as protection or something!” Twilight explained. “Protection, smection, that’s just his chivalrous way of flirting.” Rarity rolled her eyes. Twilight blushed, Flash seemed way out of her league, and he was into her?

Makes no sense.

“Anywho, I’m going to go get ready for this party!” Rarity began to walk off. “Rarity, it’s a bad party!” Lloyd yelled out. “Just because it’s bad doesn’t mean I have to look the same!” She yelled back as Lloyd shook his head.

“Looks like it’s just us.” Twilight smiled. “Yeah, so Flash is your type?” Lloyd asked. “Huh? What do you mean?” Twilight asked. “I mean, you seem interested, not that I can blame you, seems like the popular, sporty, cool guy type.” Lloyd shrugged.

“Alright, what’s up, why are you so interested?” Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Nothing, nothing! I was just wondering.” Lloyd put his hands up in defense. “Well, if it’s anything to you, my type is more of a quiet, but headstrong and intelligent type,” Twilight admitted, feeling a bit embarrassed.

Lloyd grinned. “Ah, so you’re into the mysterious and brooding type.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Not necessarily brooding, just...someone who can challenge me intellectually.”

“It’s kinda funny how I’ve already found someone like that.”

Lloyd turned around. “I see, well, I wish you luck in whoever it is.” He began to walk off until Twilight grabbed his arm. “Where are you going? We don’t get a lot of one on one unless it’s trying to research camp stuff.”

“Hm, I guess you’re right. Well, Miss Sparkle, what do you want to do?”

Twilight thought for a moment before an idea struck her. “How about we go on a hike? The scenery here is beautiful, and it would give us a chance to talk more.”

Lloyd smiled. “That sounds like a great idea. Lead the way.”

The two of them set off on a hiking trail, enjoying the peacefulness of nature around them. As they walked, they talked about everything from their favorite books to their dreams for the future. Twilight revealed more about herself, as the Mayor of Canterlot City, was actually her adoptive mother, and Lloyd revealed that his dad was actually her good friend.

Twilight couldn’t help but feel a sense of comfort and ease around Lloyd. He was someone she could truly be herself with, and she appreciated that more than anything.

As they reached the end of the trail, the sun began to set, casting a warm orange glow across the sky. Twilight turned to Lloyd with a smile.

“Thank you for coming on this hike with me. It was really nice to just...be in the moment and enjoy the scenery.”

Lloyd grinned. “Anytime, Twilight. I had a great time too.”

“You think one of us will get powers next?” Twilight asked as they sat down on the trail. “Maybe, but that’s not what I’m worried about right now.” Lloyd smiled. “I like the moment we have here now, just me and you.”

Twilight blushed at this statement. She then looked at her hand for a moment and began to reach forward. Placing it on top of Lloyd’s.

“You’re a really great friend.”

“Yeah… you too.”

The two of them sat there in silence for a moment, enjoying the warmth of the sunset and the peacefulness of the forest around them. Twilight couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over her. She was happy to be here, with Lloyd, in this moment.

As they made their way back to camp, Twilight couldn't help but wonder if there was something more between them. She had never really thought of Lloyd in that way before, but now she couldn't deny the way her heart fluttered whenever he was near.

But for now, she was content to just enjoy their friendship and see where it led.

“Uh Rarity, does it hafta be this long?” Applejack looked at the dress Rarity was trying to fit on her with distaste.

Rarity looked at Applejack with a stern expression. "Of course it has to be long! It's the latest fashion trend, and I won't have you looking outdated at the party tonight."

Applejack sighed. "I guess you're right. But can we at least make it a little more...practical? I don't want to be tripping over this thing all night."

Rarity thought for a moment before nodding. "Yes, I suppose we can make some adjustments. But we mustn't sacrifice style for practicality, darling. It's all about finding the perfect balance."

As Rarity continued to work on the dress, Applejack couldn't help but feel grateful for her friend's fashion expertise. She may not always understand the latest trends, but she trusted Rarity to make her look her best.

“What about the rest of you girls, do I need to make other adjustments to yours as well?” Rarity asked.

“Nope! This goes really well for me! And I can still run in it! You did a really great job on this Rarity!” Rainbow complemented.

“I agree with Rainbow, I’ve never seen a wave design on a dress so beautiful, even if I’m not the biggest fan of dresses.” Nya grinned.

“Oh you two are flattering! I take much pride in my work.” Rarity put a hand to her chest.

Fluttershy stepped forward, twirling in her dress. "I love mine too, Rarity. It's so soft and flowy, and the flower details are just perfect."

Rarity wiped a tear from her eye. “You girls are so nice… Now, where’s Twilight? She needs to come out the bathroom so I can see how well I did on that canvas.”

As on cue to her words, Twilight stepped out the bathroom, wearing the new dress and looking sparkly and shiny as the girls gasped at her radiant appearance. It was a floor-length gown made of a soft, flowing fabric in shades of lavender and lilac. The bodice is fitted and adorned with delicate beading and sequins,The skirt is full and flowing, with layers of tulle and chiffon creating a dreamy, ethereal effect. Twilight’s hair was tied into a ponytail with a star shape as the tie.

Rarity walked up to Twilight, examining the dress from every angle. "My dear, you look positively stunning. The dress fits you like a glove, and the colors complement your complexion perfectly."

Twilight smiled nervously. "Thank you, Rarity. It's just...a little different from what I'm used to wearing."

Rarity put a reassuring hand on Twilight's shoulder. "I know it's not your usual style, but trust me, darling. You look amazing. And besides, it's good to switch things up once in a while."

Twilight nodded, taking a deep breath. "You're right. I just need to get used to it, that's all."

As the girls continued to admire Twilight's new look, Rarity couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and satisfaction. She had not only created a beautiful dress, but had also helped her friend step out of her comfort zone and try something new.

In the boys' cabin, Lloyd was the first to emerge from the bathroom, with a white dress shirt. He adjusted his collar and turned to the others. "Alright, guys, Who's next?"

Jay stepped forward, smoothing down his shirt nervously. "I am. Can someone help me with this tie?"

Zane stepped forward, his robotic fingers nimble as he showed Jay how to tie his tie properly.

Meanwhile, Cole was struggling to find the right shoes to wear. "I don't know, these just don't feel right," he muttered to himself.

Kai overheard him and smiled. "Why don't you try these?" He held out a pair of sleek, black dress shoes that he had brought with him.

Cole looked skeptical, but decided to give them a try. As he slipped them on, he felt a sense of confidence and power wash over him. "Thanks, Kai. I think these might just do the trick."

“We're really getting ready for a party we might have to kick some ass at?” Kai looked around at the others. “Hey, Rarity’s words, not mine.” Cole shrugged.

“You’re tying up your hair?” Kai noticed. “Am I not allowed to, Smith?” Cole grinned. Kai rolled his eyes. "I'm just saying, you're usually the one who's all about the long hair and no-nonsense look."

Cole chuckled. "Hey, I can clean up nice too, you know. Besides, I figured a little change of pace wouldn't hurt."

Zane, who had been quietly observing the exchange, spoke up. "I think it's important to be adaptable in any situation. We never know what might be required of us, so it's best to be prepared for anything."

“Cole’s just trying to look good for his girlfriend. He isn’t fooling anyone!” Jay laughed. “Not my girlfriend.” Cole rolled his eyes. “The way you two look at each other says otherwise.” Jay smirked as Cole turned around and began to give chase.

“Woahhh! I was just kidding!” Jay yelled.

Kai chuckled at the exchange. “Get him Cole!” Kai cheered on the chase.

Lloyd shook his head. “As much as I’d like to see this go out, we gotta leave in like 5 minutes.”

Cole and Jay eventually called a truce, and the boys continued to get ready for the party. It was just one party, what could go so wrong?

The Main 12 arrived at Morro’s cabin. His father sent tons of money to the camp, so of course he got such a big and extravagant cabin. Most people didn’t think it was fair, but most people wouldn’t say it too his face.

Lights were shining through the window, and they could hear music blasting from behind the door.



They both looked at each other and smiled. “You look great.” Cole scratched his head. “I could say the same for you. I really like your hair tied up.” Rarity blushed slightly. "Thank you, Rarity. I was hoping it would make an impression." He chuckled.

“Hey.” Lloyd looked beside him at Twilight. “Hi.” She responded. “You look, ahem very nice.” Lloyd complimented. “You too, heh.” Twilight looked to the side. What was that??

They walked up to the door of Morro's cabin and knocked. The door swung open to reveal Morro himself, dressed in a sharp suit and grinning from ear to ear. "Welcome, welcome! Come on in, the party's just getting started!"

As the Main 12 stepped into the cabin, they couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. The place was decked out with all kinds of fancy decorations, and there was food and drinks aplenty. They could see familiar faces from other cabins mingling about, and they knew that this was going to be a night to remember.

“Remember, keep your eyes out, we don’t-” Lloyd started.

“Lloyd Garmadon?!” A voice yelled his name from across the room as the boy froze in place. He could recognize that voice from anywhere, but it couldn’t be! Why would she be here?

“Lloyd! It is you!” A girl ran up to him and wrapped her arms around him. The boy could not move, he was too frozen in shock. All that could come out of his mouth was… “Harumi?”

The girl pulled away and put a hand on her hip. “You don’t sound too excited to see me.”

Lloyd shook his head, his mind racing. "No, no, it's not that. I'm just...surprised to see you, that's all. I didn't know you were coming to camp."

Harumi smiled. "Well, my parents thought it would be good for me to get away for a while. And when I heard that you were going to be here...well, I couldn't resist. Since it’s the first week, they let me join!”

Lloyd felt a mix of emotions swirling inside him. She was just moving on like nothing happened to them in the past. It made him angry. How could she just come up here like she hadn’t broke his heart a year ago? Did she think he was over it!

“Who’s this?” Twilight appeared behind him, pointing at the white haired girl in front of them.

“Didn’t your parents tell you it’s rude to point?” Harumi scoffed.

Lloyd stepped in before things could escalate. "This is Harumi, an old friend of mine. Harumi, this is Twilight, my friend from camp."

Twilight smiled and extended a hand. "Nice to meet you, Harumi."

Harumi shook Twilight's hand, but there was a hint of tension in the air. Lloyd could tell that Harumi was not pleased with the interruption, and he knew that he would have to keep a close eye on things if he wanted to prevent any further conflict.

“I really don’t want to be here.” Kai sighed as he drunk more of his punch.

“Why is that? I mean besides the fact that it’s totally lame.” Rainbow asked. “I’m forced to be here cause of that stupid thing that happened.” Kai rolled his eyes. “Oh yeah… that thing. About when they-” Rainbow was cut off. “Yeah… that thing.”

“Y’know how Cole said they only invited us for Twilight? I’m scared they’re gonna try to do the same with her.” Kai admitted. “It all starts out fine. They’re friendly and such, but then the drinking comes and you don’t know what’s happening, then one second you’re in the closet and the next-” Kai quickly took a swig of his drink before he could finsh, calming himself down.

“Im sorry to dump that out on you. I know you’ve heard the story a bunch already.” Kai apologized. “No. I don’t care how many times I have to hear it, I’ll hear it as many times as I have to until you can heal.” Rainbow responded sternly.

Kai smiled at her. “You’re a great friend Rainbow. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

“Beat me in soccer for once short stuff?” Rainbow smirked. Kai rolled his eyes and walked off. “I'm gonna grab a cookie!”

Rainbow laughed at his tantrum and then looked to the ground as Kai’s words repeated in her head.

“You’re a great friend Rainbow.”

“Friend.” Rainbow whispered. “All the people you’ve dated, and that’s still what I’ll only be seen as.”

Rainbow shook her head, trying to dispel the negative thoughts. She knew that Kai valued their friendship, and that was all that mattered. But as she looked around the crowded cabin, she couldn't help but feel a sense of loneliness. All around her, she saw couples and groups of friends laughing and having a good time, and she couldn't help but feel like an outsider.

As she reached for another cup, she felt a tap on her shoulder. Turning around, she saw Twilight standing there, a concerned look on her face.

"Are you okay, Rainbow?" Twilight asked.

Rainbow forced a smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little tired, I guess."

Twilight nodded, but Rainbow could tell that she wasn't convinced. She knew that Twilight had a knack for sensing when something was wrong, and she didn't want to burden her with her own problems.

But as Twilight led her to a quieter corner of the cabin and sat down next to her, Rainbow couldn't help but feel grateful for her friend's concern.

"Listen, Rainbow," Twilight said. "I know we haven't known each other for long, but you can always talk to me. I'm here for you, no matter what."

Rainbow felt a lump form in her throat. She had never had someone say something like that to her before, and it made her feel both vulnerable and safe at the same time.

"Thank you," she whispered. "I...I appreciate it more than you know."

Twilight smiled, and placed a hand on Rainbow's shoulder. "Anytime, Rainbow. That's what friends are for."

Rainbow felt a wave of relief wash over her. She knew that she could always count on Twilight, no matter what. And as she looked around the crowded cabin once more, she knew that she wasn't alone after all. She had her friends, both old and new, and that was all that mattered.

“So what’s up with you and Garmadon?” Rainbow smirked. Twilight froze at the statement. “Oh, nothing, nothing! We just, you know, had a hike and stuff earlier.”

Rainbow raised a suggestive eyebrow.

“As friends, as friends!” Twilight quickly corrected.

Rainbow chuckled. "Relax, I was just teasing. But if you guys ever do become a thing, I better be the first to know."

Twilight blushed, but couldn't help but smile at the thought.

But for now, she was content just being friends with him. She knew that there was plenty of time for romance later on, and she was in no rush to jump into anything.

She looked at the boy from afar, but what she saw was not what she really wanted. Harumi had her arms wrapped around the boy again, and while he didn’t look comfortable about it, she still couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy from it.

She then felt a tap on her shoulder.

“Hey, you didn’t come back to me about bringing you here.” Flash smiled behind her. “Oh! Sorry Flash, I’ve just been… very distracted.” Twilight apologized.

“It’s alright. I just wanna know if you wanna dance with me before they pop out the rest of the party stuff.” Flash scratched his neck nervously. Twilight looked over at Lloyd and sighed, and then turned back to Flash.

“I’d love to.”

Flash grinned and took her hand, leading her to the dance floor. As they swayed to the music, Twilight felt a sense of calm wash over her. She was grateful for Flash's company, and for the distraction he provided from her own worries.

As the song ended, Flash leaned in and whispered in her ear. "You know, I've been wanting to do this all night." And with that, he leaned in and kissed her.

Twilight was taken aback at first, but then she found herself melting into the kiss. It felt natural and easy, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness wash over her.

As they pulled away, Twilight looked up at Flash and smiled. "Thank you," she whispered.

Flash grinned. "For what?"

"For making me forget about everything else for a little while," Twilight replied.

“That is not where I saw that going.” Cole admitted to Jay. “Me neither. I was more of a Lloydlight person.” Jay nodded in agreement.

Meanwhile, Twilight and Flash continued to enjoy each other's company throughout the rest of the party. They danced, talked, and laughed together, and Twilight couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected bond she had formed with Flash.

Lloyd for one, was not doing as well.

“Harumi! I don’t wanna dance.” Lloyd yelled. “Aw come on! Just one!” Harumi pleaded. As Lloyd was about to say yes, Morro spoke over the megaphone.

“Everyone please join us in the outdoor hot tub for truth or dare!”

Truth or dare? Wasn’t it spin the bottle? Whatever. As long as he didn’t have to kiss anyone, anything was better.

All the party goers made their way to the hotub, removing their clothes to reveal swimsuits underneath and all got into the pool.

Morro rose from the middle of the water.

“Hello everyone, welcome to truth or dare.” He said with an evil grin on his face. None of the Main 12 liked where this was going.

Lloyd felt a sense of dread wash over him as Morro began to explain the rules of the game. He knew that Morro had a mischievous streak, and he had a feeling that things were about to get out of hand.

As the game began, Lloyd watched as his friends were forced to do increasingly embarrassing and ridiculous dares. He couldn't help but feel grateful when it was his turn for a truth question instead.

But as the questions became more personal and probing, Lloyd began to feel uncomfortable. He didn't like the feeling of being put on the spot, and he didn't want to reveal too much about himself.

Finally, it was Harumi's turn to ask him a question. She grinned wickedly, and Lloyd knew that he was in trouble.

"Truth or dare, Lloyd?"

Lloyd hesitated for a moment, but then he decided to go for it. "Truth."

Harumi leaned in, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Do you have a crush on anyone here?"

Lloyd felt his face turn red, and he knew that he couldn't lie, but he did.. "No," he said sternly, his voice barely above a whisper.

“Really now? Well then, Trixie, you have the stage.” Harumi smirked.

“Thank you Harumi. Now, Twilight, Truth or dare?” The girl stared intensely at Twilight. “Truth.” Twilight said confidently. You always chose truth so you could just lie!

“Is it true you enjoyed your kiss with Flash?”

Twilight felt a sense of panic wash over her as all eyes turned to her. She knew that her kiss with Flash had been unexpected, but she wasn't sure how to answer Trixie's question.

For a moment, Twilight hesitated. She didn't want to lie, but she also didn't want to hurt Lloyd's feelings.

Finally, she took a deep breath and spoke. "I... I don't know what to say," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

There was a moment of stunned silence, and then Lloyd spoke up. "It's okay, Twilight. You don't have to say anything if you don't want to. I think we’re done here anyways.” He stood up and walked from the pool.

“Well, it looks like all the fun is over! Party’s over yall! Now get out.” Morro announced to the other campers. People chatted and mumbled about the events that had just gone down. It was only the first week!

Twilight decided to follow Lloyd and try to talk to him. But as she approached him, Lloyd turned and faced her, his expression cold.

"Friends don’t lie to each other, you know," Lloyd said coldly. .

Twilight was taken aback by his words. "What do you mean?" she asked, her voice trembling.

"You know exactly what I mean," Lloyd spat. "I thought sporty popular boys weren’t your type?”

Twilight glared at him. “So that’s what this is about. I mean it’s not like you were pushing Harumi off of you?! I can like who I want and I don’t have to tell you who I prefer!”

Twilight glared at Lloyd, feeling a sense of anger wash over her. She couldn't believe that he was acting like this.

"What's your problem, Lloyd?" she spat. "I can like whoever I want, and I don't have to justify it to you."

Lloyd's expression hardened. "You're right, you don't have to justify it to me. But I thought we were friends, Twilight. Friends don't keep secrets from each other."

“What about your secret girlfriend!” Twilight yelled. “She is not my girlfriend!” Lloyd pointed in her face. “You sure don’t seem to prove it!” Twilight yelled back.

“Okay! Not doing this anymore.” Lloyd put his hands up and began to walk off. “Don’t walk away just because you’re losing.” Twilight spat. “Who said I’m losing?” Lloyd glared.

“Is everything alright here?” Flash stepped in between them. They both looked at him and sighed. “We’re fine.”

“Alright. Well, Twilight, I hope I’ll see you tomorrow.” Flash bowed to her. “You’re so stupid Flash!” She laughed. She then looked off into the distance to see Lloyd walking off out the building.

She wanted to yell for him. But she couldn’t.

Lloyd sat outside the building and put his head in his legs until he heard rummaging beside him. He looked up to see what was going on, and was surprised to see a red and yellow haired girl sitting next to him.

“Woah! Sunset Shimmer! Don’t like, do something!” Lloyd yelled. Sunset shook her head and sighed. “I really wish people would stop doing that.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m not a mean person. I’m just stuck with those guys. I wanted to tell you so bad that this was a ruse to make you and Twilight fight and bring Harumi back into your life.” Sunset explained.

“Wow those guys are evil.” Lloyd nodded in agreement. "I can't believe they would do something like that. And to think that I almost fell for it."

Sunset smiled sympathetically. "I know how it feels. I used to be like them, you know. But I realized that being mean and manipulative wasn't worth it. I hope they'll realize the same thing someday."

Lloyd nodded, feeling a sense of gratitude wash over him. He was glad that he had someone to talk to about all of this, someone who understood what he was going through.

"Thanks, Sunset. I really appreciate it," he said, his voice softening.

Sunset smiled warmly. "Anytime, Lloyd. Just remember, you're not alone. We're all in this together."

The girl walked off and Lloyd decided it was time to make his way back to his cabin as well. Even if Twilight was into Flash, he didn’t have to be such a jerk about it.

Twilight sighed on her bed as the other girls tried to comfort her.

“Oh Darling, we all have our, ahem, boo-boos,” Rarity said, patting Twilight's back. "But you have to remember that you're a strong and capable young lady. You'll get through this."

Applejack nodded in agreement. "And don't forget that you have us, Twilight. We'll always be here to support you."

Twilight smiled weakly, feeling a sense of comfort wash over her. "Thanks, guys. I really appreciate it," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

“Plus, boys are overrated anyways! Who needs them!” Nya said, with the other girls giving sounds of agreement.

“I bet that whole thing was a plot by that nasty Morro to get you two to fight!” Rarity scoffed. “And the nerve of that Ex of Lloyd’s.”

“But why us?” Twilight looked up. “I don’t get it.”

“There’s a lot of things we don’t get here, but we just keep moving forward with them.” Rainbow playfully hit the girl in the shoulder. Twilight nodded.

“I need some water.” She raised her hand to grab the glass, but then the most surprising thing happened. It began to float!

“What the! Am I doing that?!”

The other girls looked at Twilight in surprise as the glass continued to float in the air.

"Twilight, you're using your magic!" Fluttershy exclaimed, her eyes wide with wonder.

Twilight looked at her hand in amazement, watching as the glass followed her movements. "I don't know how I'm doing it," she said in awe.

Rarity smiled. "It's okay, Twilight. You're just tapping into your powers. It happens sometimes when we're stressed or emotional."

Twilight nodded, feeling a sense of wonder wash over her. She had always known that she had a special connection to magical things, as per Celestia’s words, but not like this!

As the girls watched in awe, Twilight continued to experiment with her newfound power, moving objects around the room with ease. For a moment, all of their worries and concerns were forgotten as they marveled at the wonder of magic.

“Despite the magical mishap this day has been, I’m glad I can always count on you girls.” Twilight smiled as they all pulled her into a group hug.

“Tomorrow’s a new day Lloyd.” Kai spoke to the boy in the bunk underneath him. “Sure is. And the next day will be the second week of camp.” Lloyd agreed.

“You think we’ll ever find out what’s going on here?” Kai asked. “Maybe, but I’m not worried about that at the moment. There’s another thing I need to fix first.” Lloyd turned in his bed to the window and looked at the stars.

“And I will.”

Comments ( 1 )

Managed to read this fully.
Its pretty cool since I love Ninjago.

But I really wished Spike wasn't left out though..

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