• Published 17th Mar 2023
  • 343 Views, 4 Comments

A Heart Of Stone - Jest

Just as Nightmare Moon is about to lose to the elements of harmony, she receives an offer, one that will end with her being forced to love a rock.

  • ...

Anew, Together

“Mwahaha!” Cackled Nightmare Moon, the alicorn standing tall over the broken forms of her six foes. “You may be stronger than most, Twilight Sparkle, but you are no match for the true princess, no- queen of Equestria!”

“You won't win,” Twilight muttered as she pushed herself up. “The elements of harmony can still defeat you.”

“Yeah, we still got some fight left in us!” Rainbow Dash added, the pegasus pony hopping up and raising her forehooves.

“We ain't about to let you destroy the world with your silly eternal night idea,” Applejack proclaimed.

“Without the sun my skin would be ruined,” Rarity stated.

“And there won't be any more birthday parties!” Pinkie Pie remarked with a giggle.

“And my animal friends will all die out,” Fluttershy whispered, primarily to herself.

“Fools! You don't understand the true glory of the night but worry not for soon you shall be made to see just how wrong you truly are,” Nightmare Moon retorted.

Lighting her horn, the alicorn readied a blast of magic that would knock the six ponies completely out of the fight. Only for time to suddenly freeze with her forehooves raised, and spell mere moments from being released. Glancing about the room, Nightmare Moon realized that everyone else was frozen as well, only they could not look around like she did.

“Oh how trite,” remarked a masculine voice. “And here I thought this universe would at least be a little different to my own.”

“What, who’s there?” Nightmare Moon demanded, the alicorn struggling to move her jaw enough to speak.

“Well this is interesting,” continued the voice. “You must be stronger than the moon butt of my world.”

A serpentine creature with mismatched limbs slithered out from just out of sight and fixed Nightmare Moon with a curious gaze.

“Discord,” Nightmare Moon muttered angrily.

“Discord of universe sixteen ten to be exact,” Discord replied. “My own counterpart from this reality is still locked in stone I’m afraid, the poor sap.”

“What, but-”

“But that doesn't matter,” Discord interrupted. “What does matter is that this is really boring. I mean you're like, ten percent more powerful than normal but that really doesn't change anything.”

“You are wrong. I am on the cusp of victory!” Nightmare Moon proclaimed.

Discord rolled his eyes. “Alright, here's what's going to happen. I’m going to snap my fingers, they are going to dodge your spell. Then they’ll talk about how they discovered the secret of the elements at which point you’ll get blasted. If you want that not to happen, just yell my name.”

“I will not lower myself to-”

“It's like talking to a brick wall,” Discord interrupted a second time. “But seriously, good luck with that, just remember my little offer!’

Then before the alicorn knew what was happening, Discord vanished, time returned to normal, and her spell was fired. Sure enough, the six ponies scattered, avoiding the attack completely despite Nightmare Moon’s confidence. They then spread out, as if readying themselves for something, all while Nightmare Moon stood there, still confused.

“N-no matter. You may have dodged my spell but without the elements, you can do nothing to stop me!” Nightmare Moon proclaimed.

“You think you can destroy The Elements of Harmony just like that? Well, you're wrong, because the spirits of The Elements of Harmony are right here,” Twilight proclaimed.

“What,” Nightmare Moon muttered in confusion.

“Applejack, who reassured me when I was in doubt, represents the spirit of... honesty!” Twilight proclaimed.

The moment she did so, the annoying mud pony that had kicked Nightmare Moon a few times suddenly began to glow. The magic that emanated from the mare was familiar, uncomfortably so for the dark alicorn.

“Wait, what is happening, you can't be-” Nightmare Moon muttered, only to be interrupted yet again.

“Fluttershy, who tamed the manticore with her compassion, represents the spirit of... kindness!” Twilight continued.

The moment the declaration was made, the quiet pegasus whose name Nightmare Moon had already forgotten began to glow. Like Applejack, Fluttersomething emanated the same harmonious energy.

“I will not allow this!” Nightmare Moon yelled.

A searing blast of magic capable of boiling stone was launched at Flutterwhosits, though the blow never landed. The magic inside of her flared a moment before that could happen, creating a shield around her, protecting the pony from harm.

“Pinkie Pie, who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger, represents the spirit of... laughter!” Twilight continued unabated, unconcerned with Nightmare Moon’s continued attempts to end her and her new friends’ lives.

As before, the pony in question began to glow the moment Twilight said the name of the element that her friend now bore. The sight sent a shiver of primal fear down Nightmare Moon’s spine, forcing the alicorn to forcibly shunt down the ensuing jolt of panic. Summoning all her willpower, Nightmare Moon turned to one of the ponies not yet glowing and launched a lightning bolt at her.

Unfortunately for her, Nightmare Moon had targeted the fastest thing with four legs.

Rainbow Dash weaved easily out of the way before shooting Nightmare Moon a rude gesture.

“Rarity, who calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift represents the spirit of... generosity!” Twilight stated proudly.

As Rarity rose into the air, and became encased in harmonic energy, Nightmare Moon continued her attack. She knew that if she could stop at least one of them from gaining the power of the element, her victory would still be possible. So with a burning horn, Nightmare Moon unleashed her full magical arsenal at the zipping rainbow blur.

“I will destroy you, you winged vermin!” Nightmare Moon bellowed.

Rainbow Dash blew a raspberry at the alicorn as dodged, weaved, and ducked under the flurry of spells. A fireball sailed inches over her head, a blast of force whizzed past her, and a blob of acid was deftly avoided. Whatever Nightmare Moon tried, nothing seemed to land, increasing her irritation to levels beyond what a normal pony is even capable of feeling.

“And Rainbow Dash, who could not abandon her friends for her own heart's desire represents the spirit of... loyalty! The spirits of these five ponies got us through every challenge you threw at us,” Twilight proclaimed.

Nightmare Moon stumbled back, her eyes going up to the five mares floating before her, encased in light.

“You still don't have the sixth element! The spark didn't work!” Nightmare Moon retorted.

Twilight grinned. “But it did! A different kind of spark. I felt it the very moment I realized how happy I was to hear you, to see you, and how much I cared about you. The spark ignited inside me when I realized that you all... are my friends! You see, Nightmare Moon-”

“Silence!” Nightmare Moon shouted, taking no small amount of joy in being the one to interrupt others for a change.

The alicorn punctuated her shout by looseing a storm of magical bolts, all of which arced at her sole unempowered foe.

“We've got you Twilight!” Rainbow Dash yelled.

As one, her five friends surrounded Twilight, encapsulating the mare in their glowing barriers, protecting her from harm.

“That was really rude. Don't you know the first thing about climactic battles? You don't interrupt a good monologue!” Pinkie Pie intruded.

“I-” Nightmare Moon began, only to get cut off.

“Right, where was I… Oh yeah!” Twilight straightened her back and stood proudly before the dark alicorn. “When those Elements are ignited by the... the spark, that resides in the heart of us all, it creates the sixth element: the element of... magic!

“No. Noooo!” Nightmare Moon yelled.

Just as Discord said, the six ponies glowed with an inner radiance and rose up into the air, becoming a sort of rainbow. Then their bodies pulsed, and the light within them burst outward, becoming a great arch of colored magic. Magic that joined together, and twisted in the air before descending on Nightmare Moon, intent on purging her completely.

Without any other options, Nightmare Moon cried out the one name she never thought she’d be forced to utter.


Then she was gone, the castle, the elements of harmony, and the ponies that wielded them simply vanished. In their place was a swirling mass of chaotic colors that stretched out in all directions. Seemingly random objects floated by, while odd gravity-defying islands hovered motionless in the distance. It was like a dream, in a way, though it was unlike any dream Nightmare Moon had ever seen before.

It was the dream of a madman.

“Where… Where am I?” Nightmare Moon muttered.

Discord slithered through a crack in reality, appearing before Nightmare Moon with a smile on his face.

“Well, that was fun to watch. I rather enjoyed the part where you admitted defeat and went back on your declaration that you would never accept my help,” Discord remarked while watching the scene replay on a screen that he had conjured forth from nothing.

Nightmare Moon groaned. “Yes, well now that I have taken your offer you may send me back.”

“Oh no no. We are changing the script here moon booty,” Discord proclaimed, waving a hand in front of him and revealing what looked like a script, complete with lines designated for Nightmare Moon herself. “This reality is far too derivative as it stands right now. Boring, even.”

Nightmare Moon leaned forward, narrowing her eyes. “Wait, Celestia was just going to appear out of nowhere and offer her hoof in friendship? How did she escape the sun?”

“Ahh don't worry about that. It's just a kid’s show after all,” Discord dismissed, snapping the script out of existence. “Now for my favorite part, the wheel of chaos!”

A large colorful wheel like that used in an old game show appeared before her, one adorned with hundreds of symbols. Each small strip had a different one, from a knife to a pair of vampiric fangs, to even a stylized, cartoonish heart.

“Now I know you are bursting with questions,” Discord began, the chaos god suddenly wearing a tan suit, and a ridiculous wig far too big for his head. “But we don't have time for all of them so I’ll just answer the most obvious ones.”

Discord cleared his throat and pointed to the pair of fangs. “Each represents a different change in fate, like the always classic ‘turns into a vampire’.”

“Or ‘turns into a changeling’. Though if I’m being honest that one’s a bit overplayed,” Discord remarked, leaning in to whisper to Nightmare Moon. “At this point, there is at least one ‘x character is a changeling’ story for nearly every character even mentioned.”

“Well except for me, but I’m a universal constant so that doesn't count,” Discord added.

The draconequus stepped back, leaning on the large wheel. “Now for your other questions. Yes, no, maybe. Only on the third day of June, and yes I am single, but no I am not interested.”

“I never thought that!” Nightmare Moon shouted.

“Pfft, everyone does. It's the goatee,” Discord exclaimed, stroking his facial hair with a smirk.

“Just get on with it!” Nightmare Moon demanded.

“Alright alright, sheesh keep your pants on,” Discord muttered. “Right, now just give the wheel a spin and you’ll be on to your new destiny. Get lucky and you might even end up in a clop fic.”

“What is a-” Nightmare Moon groaned. “I don't want to know.”

“Probably for the best, now get spinning!” Discord declared, shoving the alicorn toward the wheel.

After regaining her balance, Nightmare Moon reared up and gripped one of the handles. She briefly considered attacking the draconequus, but she knew that was a foolish idea even if she wasn't in his realm. So with tired resignation, she spun the thing and took a step back, watching as it turned.

“Ooh, this is so exciting. Will you get a villain origin story? Perhaps an isekai, or maybe even a rare crossover with something interesting like Atomic Heart. That's still relevant, right?” Discord asked no one in particular.

Grinding her teeth in silent frustration, Nightmare Moon watched as the wheel began to slow. Eventually, the clicking of the arrow went from a constant irritation to a mere slight annoyance and then finally silence.

“What does a heart mean?” Nightmare Moon asked.

“Augh, lame,” Discord muttered. “It means you get a love story.”

“Pfft, no one is worthy of becoming my partner,” Nightmare Moon stated.

“Might as well move on. There's still a chance to salvage this universe and stop it from ending up in the bin of unfinished mediocrity like nearly every Warhammer crossover has,” Discord remarked.

With a snap of his fingers, the symbols on the wheel vanished and were replaced by hundreds, maybe thousands of pictures. Nightmare Moon recognized Celestia on there, but she also saw numerous faces that she had never seen before.

“Wait a moment. If I’m getting a love story, why is Celestia on there?” Nightmare Moon asked.

“We’ll just say you two aren't actually siblings or something. It’ll be fine,” Discord retorted.

“And Twilight Sparkle and her friends are on there? Wait, is that all six of them in one category?” Nightmare Moon pressed.

“I love a good polyamorous story. So much room for drama,” Discord replied. “But enough talk, We’re already halfway through the story and you still haven't met the love of your life!”

“Wait-wha!” Nightmare Moon exclaimed.

Tossed bodily towards the wheel, Nightmare Moon instinctively reached out to brace herself. Only to end up spinning the thing accidentally and ending up on the ground with her eyes rolling around in their sockets. Once she had gathered herself and scrambled back to her hooves, Nightmare Moon looked over to find that the wheel was slowing.

The faces clicked past, a random angry-looking bunny rabbit, a strange pony wearing sunglasses, and another odd mare with eyes that each looked in a different direction. Right when Nightmare Moon thought she had seen it all the wheel stopped on what looked like a boulder. Not a golem, or particularly large earth pony but a simple rock.

“Is that… a stone?” Nightmare Moon asked.

“Oh no. He has a name. Or should I say they? It's not like boulders have a concept of gender,” Discord shrugged. “Well however they wish to be referred to their name is Tom and they are the new love of your life.”

“Wait you can't seriously force me to fall in love with a bloody rock,” Nightmare Moon retorted.

“It's not bloody, and besides, Tom is so obscure he doesn't even have a character tag. It's an untouched gold mine of possibility!” Discord declared. “Now off you go then. I want to see how this turns out.”

The ground suddenly vanished from beneath Nightmare Moon’s hooves, prompting the alicorn to open her wings. By the time she was able to arrest her fall, and enter a glide, the portal behind her disappeared. Not like she was ever interested in going back mind you, she just wanted to get the last word in.

A moment later and Nightmare Moon found herself slowly trotting to a stop somewhere in the Everfree forest. Dark trees loomed all around her, while before her stood a boulder roughly twice her size. Though it seemed like just another stone at first glance, Nightmare Moon quickly recognized it from the wheel.

“Alright, and let the shipping commence!” Discord declared.

With a snap of his fingers, a million conflicting feelings and emotions burst into Nightmare Moon’s mind. The multitude of sensations quickly coalesced into a single overriding sentiment, one of complete and utter devotion. Love so boundless and deep that it awed the mare with its size suddenly swallowed her whole, wiping away all other thoughts.

Surging forward, Nightmare Moon wrapped her forehooves around as much of the enormous boulder as she could. Despite the cool sensation of the dirty rock pressing against her cheek, Nightmare Moon felt her body warm. All the pain, all the hardship, all the embarrassment of her recent failure was gone, washed away by the presence of the one thing she coveted more than anything.

“Tom,” Nightmare Moon whispered.

“You’re sure this is it?” Twilight Sparkle asked, gesturing to a rather quaint little stone house built in the middle of the Everfree forest.

“That is where the princess said it was supposed to be,” Applejack replied.

“Gimme that,” Rainbow Dash interrupted, swiping the map from Applejack’s hooves. “Huh, would you look at that? Applejack was right.”

“Course I was right. Unlike some people I can read a darn map,” Applejack retorted.

“Now now girls let’s not forget why we are here,” Rarity interrupted. “We must make sure to deal with Nightmare Moon for good this time.”

“To think she was here the whole time,” Fluttershy murmured.

“Oh well. These past eight months sure have been fun!” Pinkie Pie added.

“Alright everyone, put on your elements and get ready!” Twilight ordered.

Together the six of them did just that, putting on the magical artifacts and stealing themselves for battle. As they moved forward, they also took a moment to inspect their surroundings a little closer than they had until that moment. The grounds leading up to the door were a well-maintained garden of strange flowers big and small.

Artfully arranged, they both blended in with the forest, while also standing out. Through it all wound a rock path just wide enough for two of the ponies to walk abreast. Slowly, carefully, they crept forward, half expecting one of the flowers to grow massive and attack them. Either that or for some unseen attacker to leap out from nowhere, only for none of their fears to come true.

There they stood at the entrance to the squat, stone structure, gaze going to the pair of windows set on either side of the door. Seemingly hoof made, they resembled the rest of the home in the way that they were completely unique. Seemingly crafted with love and care, they didn't look like the product of a mad alicorn on the quest for world domination.

“So do we just… knock?” Rainbow Dash whispered.

“Well duh. It's only polite,” Pinkie Pie proclaimed, stepping up and wrapping a hoof on the wooden door.

“No wait, we need the element of sur…” Twilight sighed.

“Silly Twilight. We already have six elements. We don't need another,” Pinkie Pie retorted.

The six ponies stood there in relative silence, as Pinkie was giggling, long enough for things to get awkward before a voice could be heard from within.

“A moment,” it stated in a dry, emotionless tone.

“Huh. That didn't sound like Nightmare Moon,” Rarity added.

“It might be a minion or poor pony caught under her thrall. Be ready for anything,” Twilight whispered.

A moment later and the door opened, revealing a strangely lifelike statue standing directly on the other side. A little taller than the average pony, the statue was so finely detailed that it took a moment for the group to realize that it wasn't a living thing. Each hair on the thing’s head was a work of art and had been carefully crafted to hang down over one side of the statue's face.

Vaguely feminine, yet with a clearly masculine stature, the statue didn't seem to be of a mare or stallion. Yet it was so incredibly well sculpted that it seemed impossible to assume that it was not based on someone real. Even the muscles of the thing’s shoulder exuded the nervous aura of a pony greeting a stranger at the door.

“May I help you?” asked the statue.

“Woah, did that statue just talk?” Rainbow Dash whispered.

“I think it did,” Applejack murmured back.

“I am not an it. My name is Chocolate Daisy and I live here,” stated the thing which was definitely not just a statue.

“Incredible. Every little part of your mouth is rendered in immaculate detail,” Rarity murmured. “It's almost like you are some sort of petrified pony brought back to life or something.”

“I assure you I am no such thing, now would you kindly state your business?” Chocolate Daisy pressed.

“Err yes. We were looking for Nightmare Moon. She wouldn't happen to be here would she?” Twilight inquired.

“We gotta give her a blasting,” Rainbow Dash stated, the mare hopping up onto her hind legs and punching the air a few times.

“Nightmare Moon has not existed for many months,” Chocolate Daisy replied. “Furthermore there will be no violence allowed in this house.”

“Wait, really? But didn't Celestia’s spell point to here as her last known location?” Applejack asked while scratching her head.

“I double-checked the circle myself. This is the place,” Twilight replied.

“Perhaps it would be best if we were to explain matters in a more relaxed setting,” Chocolate Daisy stood off to one side, holding the door open. “Please, come in.”

For a moment none of the six ponies moved before Pinkie Pie leaped ahead of the bunch and bounced inside.

“Don't mind if I do,” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

The rest followed wearily after their friend, stepping inside and looking about the area curiously. To their left was a rather primitive, kitchen, though it still had all the expected amenities like a stove, sink, and ice box. A small table made only for two people sat nearby, a pair of well-fortified chairs sitting on either end of it.

To the right was a living room complete with a fireplace, a couch large enough to seat several alicorns, and a surprising number of photos. Images of a pony that looked nearly identical to the statue, only with color, stood next to a smiling pegasus mare with deep blue fur. The duo were pictured in numerous locations, such as Canterlot, Ponyville, Manehatten, and even a few others that Twilight didn't immediately recognize.

Continuing her inspection, Twilight leaned forward and peered a little deeper into the home. Split down the middle, a hall went further inside where it opened up into a bedroom, a closet, and a second room she couldn't see into from the current angle. Everywhere she looked Twilight saw a million tiny details worked into the home, some so small they were difficult to see.

The floorboards were painted with a million tiny flowers so intricate that they looked real at first glance. This motif continued, with potted plants of various sizes finding a place on nearly every surface available to them. Yet even with the sheer amount of greenery present, it didn't feel claustrophobic, rather it was like they hadn't entered a home at all, but were still outside.

“Oooh homey!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, before hopping onto the couch. “Comfy too!”

“Thank you. My wife and I have spent many hours working on our home,” stated Chocolate Diasy, the statue’s voice betraying a tiny hint of pride.

“You’re… Wife?” Rarity asked, rather awkwardly.

“Yes. Midnight Moon. She should be back from her most recent trip soon,” Chocolate Daisy replied. “Would you like some tea?”

“That would be very kind of you,” Fluttershy offered.

As the rest of her friends dragged over chairs and sat in the living room, Twilight felt her gaze drawn to their host. Or more specifically, the host’s flank, where she saw what looked to be a cutie mark, one depicting a flower blooming under the moonlight. It looked so natural that Twilight had to remind herself that the creature before her was likely little more than a golem.

“Are you coming, darling?” Rarity asked.

“Oh um, yeah,” Twilight muttered.

Twilight sat down between Rarity and Rainbow Dash, the pair both lounging comfortably on the plush couch. Firm, yet still incredibly soft, it felt like Twilight was resting on a cloud, only one that was surprisingly more resilient than normal. Together the six sat in relative silence, talking about this little detail, or that picture, attempting to piece together the puzzle the house represented.

“That smells good,” Pinkie Pie suddenly declared.

The six turned to Chocolate Daisy as she approached them, a platter held upright in her forehoof. The steaming teapot emanated a sweet, yet floral aroma that immediately made the gathered mares’ mouths water.

“It is a blend of my own invention. I call it cherry blossom matcha. I hope you enjoy it,” Chocolate Diasy offered, setting the platter down on the coffee table.

In a few seconds, the six ponies were all enjoying what was probably the best tea they’d ever had before. Tension melted away, and after a minute, most had even forgotten why they had come to the Everfree in the first place.

“I take it from the content expressions on your faces that you like the tea,” Chocolate Daisy exclaimed.

“Oh yes, quite so darling. I must admit I am a bit surprised at just how good it is,” Rarity replied.

“I may lack taste buds but thankfully I have someone to experiment on,” Chocolate Diasy remarked.

“Hey, I do that all the time with Mr. Cake! He's loved just about everything. Well except that time I got into making dog-safe snacks,” Pinkie Pie added with a giggle.

“So that's why he was barking so much the other week,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

“We’re getting a bit off topic here,” Twilight interrupted. “Why exactly did you say Nightmare Moon does not exist and has not for several months?”

“I do not understand your confusion. Nightmare Moon has not existed for several months,” Chocolate Daisy replied.

“Yeah, but why. Did she kick the bucket? Banish herself to the moon?” Rainbow Dash interjected.

“Change her name to Tumbles and join a circus?” Pinkie Pie added.

“Now that's just silly,” Fluttershy murmured.

“I suppose technically the pink one would be the closest,” Chocolate Daisy replied.

“Wait really?” Twilight inquired.

The conversation came to a halt when the door to the cottage opened, and in strode a tall pegasus mare with familiar colors.

“Honey, I’m home,” she called, only for her volume to fall when her gaze landed on the six guests sitting on her couch. “Well then. This is a surprise.”

“I hope you don't mind that I invited them in,” Chocolate Daisy exclaimed, trotting up to the teal and pale blue pegasus.

“I suppose it was bound to happen eventually. I’ll be with you all in a moment,” announced the new arrival.

She then trotted into the kitchen, and discarded her large saddle bags, pulling forth a bag of bits and placing it in a cupboard. She then shed the hooded cloak she had been wearing, allowing her full features to be revealed to all present. Including her cutie mark, which was of a crescent moon on a black background, only the moon was half white, half purple with a small blob of each color present on the other side.

“Nightmare Moon?” Twilight gasped in shock.

“That is no longer the name I go by, and please don't stand on the couch. Were you raised by cats or something?” Midnight Moon shot back.

Twilight looked down, and while blushing furiously, sat back alongside her friends. Who all collectively watched as their former foe moved about the kitchen.

She paused at the sink, where she washed her face, and took a moment to wet her short, messy mane of two-toned grey hair. After that, she stopped next to Chocolate Daisy, extending a wing over the stone pony’s backside and sharing an affectionate nuzzle. The action was returned by Chocolate Daisy, who gave the pegasus mare a kiss on the cheek.

There Midnight Moon hesitated, clearly wishing she could stay close to the strange rock pony for longer. A gentle push from said creature was enough to break the pegasus’ will and cause them to reluctantly part. From there, a new cup was acquired, alongside some tea, and finally a chair from the other room which was set in front of the six.

“Now then, where to begin?” Midnight Moon asked aloud, pausing to take a sip from her cup. “I suppose from the beginning.”

“Wait, aren't we supposed to be blasting her?” Rainbow Dash asked.

A rough, stoney hoof pushed her back onto the couch. “There will be no blasting in this house.”

“I don't believe violence is really necessary darling,” Rarity remarked.

“Our mission was to neutralize a threat, but if that threat doesn't exist the mission is still a success,” Twilight interpreted.

“To be referred to as nothing more than a threat to be ‘neutralized’. You truly have deequinized me past the point of even personhood. How cruel,” Midnight Moon muttered bitterly.

“Not you, who you once were,” Chocolate Daisy corrected, wrapping a hoof around Midnight Moon’s shoulders.

The pegasus leaned against the offered limb, laying her head over the cold stone. “I suppose we can forgive their cruelty, this one time.”

“Err thanks,” Twilight murmured.

“So you were gonna tell us what happened?” Applejack interjected.

“In short, Discord,” Nightmare Moon declared, sitting back up and shedding the hoof of support. “He offered to change my fate if I simply called his name, and well you all remember what happened.”

“I thought you had just gone loco in the coco and were howling at the moon,” Pinkie Pie remarked. “At least you weren't sleeping in on a summer afternoon.”

“Yes well, it certainly felt as though I had gone mad,” Midnight Moon muttered. “He transported me to his realm, and forced me to play a game that resulted in me being forcibly made to fall in love with a rock.”

“So then you made that rock into a real pony?” Applejack pressed.

“In a manner of speaking,” Midnight Moon replied. “The magic he used made every moment without feeling my feelings returned to be agony, so I did what I could to alleviate that sensation.”

Midnight Moon stood up, pacing back and forth in front of the six ponies. “I began by simply carving what I thought to be my ideal partner, but then decided to leave their attributes ambiguous so that they may choose what fits them best at a later date,” explained the pegasus.

“I just so happened to enjoy the more androgynous appearance,” Chocolate Daisy. “That and I couldn't bear to go back and mar the excellent workmareship you did.”

“Thank you, dear,” Midnight Moon replied.

The pair exchanged a brief kiss.

Twilight rubbed her chin with a hoof. “That makes sense so far, but how did you bring her-”

“They, though I don't particularly care so call me whatever,” corrected Chocolate Daisy.

“-Thank you, they, to life?” Twilight continued.

“I don't know,” Midnight Moon admitted. “Given your talent is magic, I assume you know how impossible it is to make an inanimate object truly sapient.”

“It's always been assumed to be possible, but to do so would take more power than even an alicorn could muster,” Twilight explained.

“I, however, had become empowered due to my stay on the moon, and in the process of crafting, I poured everything I had into them,” Midnight Moon declared. “Every bit of anger, hate, and bitter resentment burned away, used as fuel to bring life to the lifeless.”

“Very poetic, my dear,” Chocolate Daisy remarked.

“Thank you,” Midnight Moon replied.

“So is that why you're a pegasus?” Fluttershy whispered.

Midnight Moon parted her short mane to reveal a small horn budding out of her forehead. “You would be forgiven for thinking so, but I am still an alicorn, though not one that is capable of unicorn magic anymore,” Midnight Moon replied.

“I’m so sorry to hear that darling. I can't imagine going through that,” Rarity exclaimed, the unicorn leaning forward and placing a hoof on Midnight Moon’s knee.

“It's fine,” Midnight Moon retorted, brushing off the limb. “I never really fell in love with unicorn magic like Celestia had. And besides, I had traded it all to create the one thing I yearned for more than anything, a partner.”

“Though it was more appropriate to say that I was a toddler at the time,” Chocolate Daisy replied with a slight smirk. “Though that would change soon after, as I fell into a sudden sleep which took a month to wake from.”

“My current theory is that with so much of my magic inside of them, they were unconsciously altered so that they quickly matured,” Midnight Moon began.

“Well, that's one red flag down. I think,” Fluttershy whispered.

“Yes, for as I slept I traversed the dreamland, experiencing much, and learning from every dreamer I visited,” Chocolate Daisy explained. “From Old Lady Willow I learned of patience. From the foal, Sprig Leaf I understood wonder. From Apple Bloom, family. With each lesson, I grasped a little more of what it meant to be alive.”

“So that's why she was talking about a new dream friend,” Applejack muttered.

“Though our interactions were brief, I treasure each creature I came across in my travels,” Chocolate Daisy declared.

“During that time I waited, terrified of what may happen but unable to intervene,” Midnight Moon picked back up. “The compulsion Discord left on me had begun to fade, leaving me terrified of them awakening only to judge me for who I was.”

“Which is where the change in appearance came in?” Rarity offered. “You look wonderful by the way. Less tyrant, more eccentric aunt with a flare for the dramatic.”

Midnight Moon chuckled. “I will take that as a compliment.”

“Good, because it was certainly intended as one,” Rarity replied.

“Well to answer your question, yes. Having expelled so much of the resentment that turned Luna into Nightmare Moon I felt as though another change was warranted,” Midnight Moon remarked, turning sideways. “My altered cutie mark was more than enough evidence that the process of creation had altered me in some deep manner.”

“So how'd this whole thing end up shaking out?” Rainbow Dash asked, gesturing at Chocolate Daisy and the alicorn standing next to them. “That whole situation couldn't have been easy.”

“Oh my. Is Rainbow Dash invested in a love story?” Rarity quipped.

The prismatic pegasus blushed and crossed her forehooves over her chest. “I just wanna know they made it work is all.”

“Well it wasn't easy,” Midnight Moon remarked, reaching back to clutch at her partner’s foreleg. “I knew that even with their accelerated maturity they needed time to grow and become their own person far from my influence.”

“So my wonderful future wife gave me a powerful illusion and I gave her a promise to return when I had discovered myself,” Chocolate Daisy answered.

The six guests shared a collective aww.

“It sounds much more romantic now. In reality, it was one of the most agonizing times in my life,” Midnight Moon sighed. “But in the end, I took the time to discover myself as well, and build something as beautiful as they are.”

“Which you succeeded in with flying colors my love,” Chocolate Daisy exclaimed.

Midnight Moon smiled.

“So, you came back,” Rarity prompted, the pony leaning forward with bright, inquisitive eyes fixed on the couple across from her.

“Yes,” declared the stone pony. “I had found my calling as a florist of rare flowers, gained a cutie mark, and felt as though I was complete.”

“So they just showed up one day can you believe it? No letter or nothing,” Midnight Moon chided, jabbing her partner in the side.

“Yes well. I was too excited and spent the next three days running back here,” Chocolate Daisy stated.

“You must have been that new pony I sensed run through town all those months ago! I knew I felt something,” Pinkie Pie declared rather proudly.

“Yes, I ran straight through town and didn't stop until I could embrace you once more,” Chocolate Daisy replied, giving Midnight Moon a squeeze.

“Ooh it's like a fairy tale,” swooned Rarity.

“And then you lived happily ever after?” Fluttershy half asked, half stated.

“In a way. It still wasn't easy though. We had both found ourselves, but we still had so much to discover, to learn,” Midnight Moon mused aloud. “We still experienced many trials and tribulations, but thankfully none were so great that we couldn't overcome them.”

“Together,” Chocolate Daisy added.

“Yes,” Midnight Moon agreed, squeezing her partner’s hoof. “Together.”

Another round of daws was had by all but the couple in question.

Twilight wiped a tear from her eye. “That's so beautiful.”

“So inspiring,” gushed Rarity.

“I’m just glad we don't have to trade any more fisticuffs. I wasn't exactly looking forward to tossin hooves with ya anyhow,” Applejack declared.

Midnight Moon chuckled. “Nor was I you.”

“Celestia is going to be so happy when she hears all about what happened,” Twilight proclaimed.

“About that,” Midnight Moon began. “How has she been?”

“Well after your magic faded she was able to free herself from the sun, return to Equestria and set things right pretty quickly,” Twilight explained. “Most people thought the whole moon being up for an extra day was just part of the celebration.”

“That's… good,” Midnight Moon muttered guiltily.

“Ahh don't worry about it,” Rainbow Dash stated. “Barely anyone panicked and heck, most people are looking forward to the next summer moon celebration.”

“Wait, what?” Midnight Moon declared.

Chocolate Daisy chuckled. “I told you it was true.”

“Yes well I always assumed you were just being kind,” Midnight Moon replied.

“Oh yeah. The holiday has totally taken off!” Pinkie Pie proclaimed. “I got like, twelve parties planned for that day. I had to order a whole pallet of glow sticks!”

“It really has ignited the imagination so to speak. So many ponies have plans to do all the things they are usually too tired to do normally,” Rarity pressed.

“Even my animal friends are looking forward to it,” Fluttershy added. “All the day critters and night critters are all planning a celebration. It really has brought the whole forest together.”

“So you better be there to celebrate and keep the moon up for an extra day,” Rainbow Dash declared, jabbing a hoof at their hosts. “Cus we can't start the fun without you.”

“I… will have to talk to Celestia. It wouldn't be fair to have an entire day to myself, but perhaps we could trade or something,” Midnight Moon muttered.

“I’m sure you two can figure something out,” Chocolate Daisy stated.

Midnight Moon nodded slowly. “I suppose there is only one way to find out.”

“To Canterlot!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

A cheer went up, only this time it was shared by all, guests, and hosts alike.

Author's Note:

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This update was made possible by the wonderful support of readers like you: Ech, Tailsic, Chrisb32, Nightwing, Tonoz, CoreyPeters, Thane, Renegade, Sunset Flash, Kyokimute, Monsterkittie, Louts Petals, Tacocat, Tom, MestreJ, Aang Slyver, Canary in the Coal Mine, Ceepert, Starless, Vi Watch, Facinus, M, Nfreak, Venerable Ro, Blade Tech, Cryil Shadeclaw, John Gonzales, Nightwing, Peter Coulthard, Srgtartman, Thane Kull, Victor, Dale, Dragons' Sheppard, Egery007, Gear change the earth pony, Ivar, James, Kali, Lich Lord Krosis, Menthol Qtip, Midnight Serenade, Mop Hop, Nathan Brown, Octavia Lowbar, Pacsik, Soundtea, Hannibal, Fiamgoku, Grub, Matias Duran, and Steven.

Comments ( 4 )

Its not primarily comedy, but I suppose there are enough comedic elements to warrant it.

I was expecting something funny, but I'm not complaining. I liked this.

An interesting tale this was. Quite enjoyable, also hinting at Luna's artistic talents.

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