• Member Since 23rd Aug, 2015
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


Average brony obsessing over the main cast with an unhealthy desire to see them in a dark fantasy setting.


In the year 2279, the world is controlled by the four conglomerates: Alicorn Electronics, Chemical Language Industrial Front, Glorious Iron Industries, and Sea Air and Space Technologies. The globe and the space colonies are divided between the four colonies, but AE, once Equestria, controls the moon, retaining the upper hoof on all the others. This, however, doesn't mean there is no conflict.

Little sparks have broken out all over the place as technology advances. The first Bionic Titan ever created was a CLIF machine that went 'rogue' and headed straight to AE's capital, only falling to CEO Luna herself. On that day of the Summer Sun Celebration, June 22nd of 2222, the world had changed. An arms race began between the four conglomerates, and four generations of titans have come in its wake from all over the world. AE holds the crown for now, but the others are always advancing and gunning for it. Titans can now overpower an alicorn, and that means, something is about to change.

On the winds of a new era, two ponies in the poverty of the poorest island of SAST's Cavalisa Archipellago receive word about a job from an unusual employer. He asked for a pilot, so they went to the best around: a young stallion who goes by the name Zap Flash.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 7 )

This is really good for a start to a story I guess you wanted to post a few chapters all at once so that people could binge it and not have to complain about when the next chapter is coming for a little while hopefully this will keep going and this was in a one-time thing I can wait a month or two for multiple chapters posted

doing a lot of heavy lifting and exposition with this chapter! very cyberpunk corporate dystopia giant robot animé in its worldbuilding so far. Gaston’s accent is a fun touch, as is the reference to Celestia, and an apple being the coveted luxury of a “real” food item that the main character savors. 

and yes, saw the Ligma joke. churlish, but fitting with the vibe of these character

ah, what a reveal! so there is an immortal (or at least, very long-lived) set of ponies keeping track of their descendants to the nth generations, overlapping but not co-inciding with the immortal alicorns we know from canon? i admit i got a bit lost since i kept trying to map the family relations here to the ones we know from canon. Oxford Apple is Twilight’s cousin and has Celestia for an aunt, and a Mother who, as far as i can tell, doesn’t correspond to any canon character? and Twilight’s friends are mortal and long-dead, but their descendants are considered a part of this extended clan? 

i did like the part about Luna City being a refuge for all the species of Equestria. does feel very Equestrian, that. 

interfacing a biological body, with all its inconvenient liquids, with a giant robot is naturally quite a process! and the complicated nature of HD’s relationship with Zap seems like it has even more unknown complications behind it, if Twilight’s curiosity is anything to go by. and the sheer gulf in the material conditions of their lives really is quite something!

glad HD and Zap got a taste of the good life, blissfully ignorant of all this talk by the immortals about bloodlines and backstories. Luna and Celestia’s situations being switched in the public eye is a fun touch, as is this adaptation of Discord. and the reveal of HD and Zap’s special status as a mix of all the Elements’ bloodlines does make the keen interest the immortal characters have in them make sense

oh, so Mother was Luna! which makes sense, since Celestia is Aunt Celestia, duh. 

anyway, glad to see a happy ending for Helium Delight here!

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