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Chapter Three Cloudkicker

After Raindrops ran out with Scootaloo, I curled up on the cloud couch by the fire place and tried to stop shaking. I hated admitting i had been crying. Sure, we've spent nights apart before but not after a big fight like this.

I made it a point to never ask where she went to stay or ask around town. I knew once she had a few days to calm down she would came back.

I felt a hoof gently stroking my mane.

"Are you feeling better that you got done crying?" Blossomforth asked me.

I sniffled and nodded a bit. "Yeah, i think so. I may have fucked up with Raindrops tonight but we just got married four months. That's a big change and I'm still getting used to it and she goes and springs up adopting. And she already has Scootaloo here. I can only adapt to one big change at time. Besides, I'm not sure I'd even BE a good mom. You remember my college days, what if my kid or adopted kid turns out like me?"

"Fair point, she shouldn't have sprung this on you so soon. As long as I've known Raindrops, she's always been enthusiastic about wanting a foal of her own. Especially considering-" Blossom clamped her mouth shut.

I fixed a stare at her. "Considering what?"

Blossom sighed. "Cloudy, there's a lot you don't know still. You have to ask her directly. I'd be betraying her trust if I told you."

After thinking for a minute, I nodded. "Fair enough. I can't ask you to do something you're not comfortable with. Do you think we could get White Lightning to talk to her? She's super close with Rainy."

Blossom inhaled. "I suppose but we should wait. Give it a day or two to settle down, the fight just happened tonight. Besides, what if she went there and you accidentally make things worse?"

I hadn't thought of that. I gave another nod and conceded. "You're right, I just hate sitting and waiting."

Blossom cracked a smile at that. "I know the feeling. At the same time, we all know Raindrops personality. She can't just sit by and watch when something like a homeless filly is out there and she can help. It's just not she is, she's gonna do everything to make it right and solve the problem. It's part of the Raindrops charm."

I laughed at that. "I do love that about her".

We sat in silence with my head resting on her lap while she rubbed my back softly.

"Can you stay with me tonight?" I asked softly. "I don't wanna be alone".

Blossom nodded. "Of course". She helped me up and flew me to her bed. After we got under the covers, she snuggled up to me.

"Thanks Blossom, you're a good friend".

She giggled. "I know. Goodnight Cloudy".

A few days I woke up and headed outside to go get to morning paper. For some odd reason, there was a bunch of wilting roses thrown up to the house covering it.

"What the fuck?" I muttered. I saw three figures covered in black cloaks running away.

"You get back here this instant and clean this up, you hear me!" I yelled and shook a hoof at them. I could have flown and got them but the motivation wasn't there.

"Nice decorations", I heard Blossom comment sarcastically. Turning around, I saw her eating a rose.

"Pretty delicious too".

I rolled my eyes. "I'm happy for you. Who even has this many dead roses?"

Blossom shrugged and continued eating.

"Let's just get inside before we get attacked with daffodils next", I scoffed.

Blossom perked up. "That would be nice, a daffodil sandwich sounds good". I rolled my eyes again as I walked past her.

"I have some in the fridge". Why the fuck would anyone even go to this effort and cover the house. It's even on the roof, my Celestia". I complained and Blossom snickered.

Four blocks away, theee ponies stopped running. One threw the hood off panting.

"Really Rose, that was your idea?" Daisy scoffed trying to catch her breath.

"Yeah what the hell was that?" Lily demanded.

Roseluck rolled her eyes. "It's symbolic. They are wilting roses, which symbolizes we're upset at her but they are also roses which means we still love her even if we are mad at her".

Daisy tapped a hoof in thought.

"I never thought of it like that", she commented.

'Yeah me neither", Lily admitted.

"Thank you", Rose said proudly.

"Just one problem", Lily stated raising a hoof. "What if she puts two and two together and it comes back to us? Then not only are we screwed, so is Rainy and Scootaloo if Cloudy comes by".

Daisy nodded her agreement and looked to Rose expectantly.

Rose sighed. "I didn't think of that". Both her sisters groaned and Daisy facehoofed.

"But!" Rose continued, "I took all the tags off saying they belong to our flower stand and considering Blossomforth was up there with her and everypony knows Blossom loves to eat flowers, the evidence will be gone".

"And how do you know it was Blossomforth up there?" Lily questioned with a raised eyebrow.

Rose scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Please, there's only one Pegasus in Ponyville with a watermelon colored mane. Besides, I assumed Cloudkicker would be frustrated and get her to talk about the situation, just like Raindrops did with us".

A sound of a Pegasus landing behind them startled them.

"So it was you guys who decorated Cloudkickers house with flowers", Blossom stated coolly. "Thanks for the breakfast by the way".

"I have no idea what you're talking about", Daisy said quickly.

Blossom rolled her eyes. "I'm not stupid, there's only one place in town where that many roses could have come from".

Lily glared at Roseluck. "Nice job sis".

"Fine it was us", Roseluck sighed tossing her hooves up. "Are you gonna tell her?"

Blossom shook her head to surprise of the three sisters.

"Under one condition", Blossom stated. "You convince Raindrops to meet her. I already talked Cloudkicker into it and got her side. I love them both, but this drama is so petty".

Daisy nodded. "I agree. It's been a few days maybe Raindrops has calmed down too".

Blossom inhaled. "Work has been awkward with them too. They've been just trying to avoid each other. Kinda hard to manage a small towns weather and avoid each other while doing it".

"I never thought about that", Lily said.

"How's Scootaloo?" Blossom asked.

"Shes doing fine. Except for the fact she thinks Cloudkicker hates her". Rose admitted.

Blossom sighed again and sat down on her haunches. "She doesn't hate her at all, she just doesn't think she's ready for parenthood or would be a good mom. She just got married and thinks it's too soon. Two big changes in a ponys life is a lot to handle".

Rose nodded thoughtfully. "Maybe she can tell Scootaloo that in person".

"What are you thinking?" Daisy asked.

"Scootaloo gets out of school at about three pm. Blossom, can you subtly influence Cloud to go meet Scootaloo? We'll distract Raindrops for a bit".

Blossom nodded. "I can do that. My shift starts in thirty minutes, I gotta get to the weather teams meet up spot. Hopefully Raindrops and Cloudkicker aren't there killing each other".

"Alright excellent", Lily beamed. Blossom started to fly away. She waved a hoof at them. "Thanks again for the breakfast".

The three sisters waved goodbye.

"That Blossom is a very good and friendly pony", Lily mused.

"Mhm", Daisy agreed. Rose could only nod her agreement.

"Hey Silverspeed, help Raindrops with those clouds over there please", I called out.

Silverspeed gave me a quick salute. "You got it boss". She zipped off. I heard wings flapping behind me and caught a quick glimpse of a rainbow mane.

"Hey Dash".

"Hey Kicker. Everything going good here?" Rainbow questioned.

"Yeah, why wouldn't it be?" I replied idly.

"You and Raindrops haven't been talking the last few days at work and she's more grumpy than usual. Typically you guys always work together with Blossomforth".

I sighed and watched a bird fly by. "We're just having some problems is all. We will get through it, we always do. Just wish I could go back in time and put a hoof in my mouth".

Rainbow settled on a cloud floating nearby. "Whatcha fight about?" She asked looking at me.

I sighed again. "She brought up adopting again. This time, she had a filly there. She found her homeless on the street".

Rainbow sat up straighter. "Woah. Good on her for getting her off the streets, it's been raining hard. A filly could get sick in this weather".

I nodded absentmindedly. "I didn't even have a problem with her being there temporarily, hell I don't even mind her being there permanently. I just wish she could communicate a little better. Let me know me beforehand what's going".

Rainbow nodded. "I get what you mean. Maybe she was afraid you'd kick her and the filly out".

I glared at Rainbow. "I wouldn't have done that to her or Scoot-the filly she found".

Rainbow tensed up. "What name did you almost say?" She asked staring me in the eyes.

Fuck, I thought to myself. "Nothing, boss".

Rainbow analyzed me, staring a hole into me with her eyes so concentrated I started to sweat a little bit.

"I know you're lying but I won't push it. You two can tell me about it later".

I gave a sigh of relief.

"Thanks boss".

Another set of pegasi joined us on the cloud. "Hey Cloudy", Blossom said.

"Whats up Blossom? Hey Parasol", I greeted the two members of my squad.

"Hey boss", Parasol answered smiling.

Rainbow grunted. "Why are you so smiley today?"

Parasol shrugged grinning. "Can't a pony be happy for no reason?"

"No". Came Dashes reply.

"Aren't you friends with Pinkie Pie? Isn't she definition of being happy for no reason?" Parasol pressed.

Rainbow turned red blushing. "That doesn't count". Her blushing didn't get past me and I grinned.

"Looks like little Dashie has a crush". I snickered.

"I do not!" Rainbow exclaimed, turning even redder.

Parasol laughed. "She's a tomato, didn't know Dash had it in her". Blossom rolled her eyes.

"Shut up. I have uh clouds to bust", Rainbow grumbled before taking off, face still red leaving the three of us laughing.

I turned to my teammates. "Anything you two need help with?"

They shook their heads.

"We're here to help YOU" Parasol stated proudly pushing her hoof against my chest.

"Uh huh and how's that?" I asked.

Blossom sighed. "This drama between you and Raindrops is going on too long. Look at her, does she look happy?"

I glanced over at Raindrops who was idly pushing a cloud. She did look pretty miserable.

"She doesn't, no. There's nothing I can do, she just won't talk to me", I admitted.

"That's not technically true though boss", Parasol said.

"How do you figure?" I asked gazing at her.

"Go talk to Scootaloo when school gets out, tell her everything you told me the other night. She can tell Raindrops and Rainy will come looking for you", Blossom stated.

"I'm not sure thats a good idea", I admitted. "What if it backfires?"

"It won't", Parasol said confidently.

Blossom nodded her agreement.

I sighed. "Fine". Blossom clapped her hooves excitedly.

"You better get going, school gets out in ten minutes", Blossom pointed out.

Oh shit, I thought. I quickly hugged Blossom and Parasol. "Thanks you two. Can you cover for me?" I asked Blossom.

She quickly nodded grinning and I took off towards the school.

As I flew away, I heard a loud whistle. Glancing up, I saw Sassaflash and White Lightning looking down grinning.

"Go get em boss", Sassaflash cheered as she stomped her hooves together. White Lightning tossed a salute my way.

I sat on a cloud over the school, watching and waiting for Scootaloo to come. I felt slightly awkward doing so, like I was some sort of stalker pony. Finally I saw her coming out with the other CMC. I took off and landed next to her.

"Hey kid", I said with a smile. Her two friends jumped and she looked afraid. I instantly was kicking myself.

"Uhm hi", she said nervously.

"You got a minute kid? We should talk about stuff".

Her eyes darted back and forth nervously.

Apple Bloom looked at me with narrowed eyes. "Ya ain't going alone with her. Ya might try to ponynap her".

I rolled my eyes. "I won't ponynap her. Heck, I'm close friends with her mentor figure pony. Been for a long, long time. Kinda stupid to mess that up now".

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle looked to each other.

"We still wanna come with. Scoots been acting weird and we want answers. First that yellow Pegasus drops her off and now you're here to talk to Scootaloo", Sweetie decided.

I rolled my eyes.

"That yellow Pegasus is my wife", I scoffed.

"Oh", Apple Bloom said.

"Okay then, have fun Scootaloo", Sweetie Belle said running off with Applebloom.

Being alone with Scootaloo was awkward. I rubbed the back of my head.

"So you probably have questions", I stated.

"Why do you hate me, what did I do to you? Is it because I ate the last of the pasta? If so I'm sorry", Scootaloo said quickly looking down.

I folded my legs under me and sat down looking at her. "I don't hate you, kid. I just wasn't expecting a filly at home. I just got married and Rainy puts adoption up in my face right after one big change. I didn't think I'd be a good mom".

Scootaloo looked away. "You never even gave me one night or tried".

I exhaled. "I know. And I'm sorry for that. I'm willing to try now".

Scootaloo looked back at me and I could see a faint level of excitement in her eyes.

"Really?", she asked excitedly.

I nodded and smiled at her. "I just need you to do me a favor".

"What's that?" She asked me warily.

"Tell Raindrops what I told you and that I want to talk to her about this. That's all", I promised her.

Scootaloo looked to be thinking for a moment before nodding. "Alright, I'll do it. But if you are mean to her I'll beat you up!" She puffed her chest up.

I grinned and tousled her mane. "Sure you will".

A few hours later I heard the front door opening. Considering we live in a cloudhouse, you really have to listen for things like doors opening and such.

I was curled up in a ball freezing on the couch when I heard Raindrops exclaim, "why the buck is it so cold in here?"

A few moments past and I felt the house starting to warm. Raindrops floated into the living and saw me shivering on the couch.

"What the hell, Cloudy?" She demanded.

I forced my self to look up. "W-whats up?" I asked my teeth chattering.

I felt Raindrops quickly wrap her wings around me and I felt warmer.

"Thanks", I managed to get put.

"Why is it so cold in here?"

I shrugged. "Figured if Scootaloo is gonna be staying here permanently, I might as well force myself to know how it feels to sleep in cold weather like the winters I'm assuming she slept through".

Raindrops glared down at me and I shrunk under her gaze. She gave an exhale. "You absolute idiot. This was a dumb idea, freezing yourself would leave me with no wife". Then she froze and started to smile. "Wait, did you say she can stay permanently?"

I nodded. "Yes. It was stupid of me to be mad about you helping her. I was afraid I'd be a terrible mom. Plus I wasn't sure about a big change as this at first".

Raindrops quickly nuzzled me. I glanced around, "where is Scootaloo?"

"Rose is watching her and Ruby. Teaching them how to grow flowers for cutie marks. She also has a fire extinguisher ready just in case".

We sat in silence, cuddling for a bit while Raindrops warmed me with her wings.

"I did my research and already set up an appointment with Wildfire tomorrow to work on the adoption papers", I said softly.

Raindrops jumped up and squeeled. I had never heard that noise from her before and trust me, I heard a lot of different noises from her.

"I literally can not say how much I love you right now", she exclaimed and then put a hoof on her chin and appeared to be thought then grinned at me wickedly.

I gave a smirk her way and ran a hoof along her wing.

"Actually I have an idea", she said still wearing her grin and dragged me to the bedroom. Let's just say we did a lot more than just sleep.