• Member Since 10th Jan, 2013
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I am an Eldritch Horror that likes gay horses.


Shortly after the events of of the Battle of the Bands, Sunset Shimmer is surprised to find the Dazzlings struggling to survive without their magic in the human realm. Feeling guilty over their impoverished state, she offers help to them, on the condition that they give friendship a try. When Aria accepts, she finds that being friends with Sunset suits her well, and she soon realizes just how lonely she has been all this time.

First Place Winner of the Sunset Shimmer x Former Relationships contest!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 18 )

Fun fact: Arias can be performed in a duet so long as the other singer has the same voice as you! Though that would require a clone, or some sort of shape-shifter. :raritywink:

Seems interesting

Wow Sunset

What a jerk.

I am perhaps biased, having drawn from some personal experience in writing this piece. It can be difficult to react in any way but negatively when an old ex tries to get back in contact, especially when that relationship ended poorly. Some people are comfortable with maintaining contact with exes, but as I've grown older, I find it to be not worth potential drama and stress. Call me jaded, but I think it's sometimes best to leave old history buried, and focus on yourself and your own happiness.
That being said, I could also just be an asshole, I guess.

Oof that ending.

Its a bit harsher than expected, but not out of the realm of possibility.

I think this is a good example of one way to make the contest theme work as a story, imho.

Yeah, that was kinda my goal. "Harsh ending that both makes my reader feel bad, but is also plausible enough to be relatable."

Hey, thanks! Here's hoping it's good enough!

Comment posted by MatTheBook deleted Feb 25th, 2023


'Im not with Twilight, so I love you'

'Im with Twilight, so now I hate you'

She went from wanting to give Aria friendship to not wanting to give Aria friendship

I call it straight up abandonment

It did make me sad like you want but also made me angry at Sunset

This is a really good story, great job. :twilightsmile:

Thank you kindly! I appreciate it!

Aria let go of a breath that she didn’t realize she was holding, and slumped to the ground when her legs finally gave out. Shaking, Aria wrapped her arms around herself, and began to quietly cry. She didn’t even care that people were staring and whispering now. She was alone again, and this time, she only had herself to blame.

Is there a sequel in the works perhaps?

Nope. I really only churned this out as a means of shaking things up a bit. I've been wanting to dabble in more dramatic pieces for a while, so I used this contest as an excuse to step away from slice of life rom-coms and get some practice handling heavier material. I probably wouldn't have ever written this story had it not been for the contest prompt, so it's extremely unlikely that I'll ever make more of this plotline. That being said, this story does fit neatly into my SciSet continuity, so if you want to read those instead, feel free.

In that case I will, but still I still feel bad for her. No wonder she doesn’t get. Close to anyone

So my first impression when I finished reading this fic was, 'Wow, Sunset's kinda mean.' but then I thought about it some more as I went through my day and the story really unraveled the more thought I gave to it. This is a really messy story, not because the pacing is off or the descriptions are clunky, no just the opposite in fact, but messy in the sense of its subject matter. It covers some really tough emotions, and it does so with maturity and grace.

Well that's all well and good, but what do I mean? It's made very clear that the relationship between Aria and Sunset is both lopsided and rushed on Aria's part. Aria is the one feeling most of the love, and she initiated it despite there not being much substance or foundation to build a relationship off of. This is not a critique of your writing, in fact, I want to specifically praise this artistic choice. So often we see sappy romances that go perfectly according to plan, and give you those all-too-addicting warm fuzzies. But it's much harder to write a tangled knot of a relationship, that stirs fire in your gut and sends sparks through your mind trying to figure out who's in the right.

That is, to circle back around, relationships can be rushed, one-sided, and distant, and it's equally as valuable as showing off how a relationship can work, and I think you accomplished this fairly well. Especially with how the break-up happened, and how Sunset had to be really harsh and turn Aria down in the end. As I said, at first I thought she was very mean for doing this, but then I thought back to the exes I've had that I've had to sever from entirely, and sometimes it demanded harshness. This is all to say, this fic is messy, but love can also be messy, and as such, this has earned every bit of my praise and more! Terrific work!

"Messy" was definitely the intention here. I know from experience that dating for the sake of dating never goes well, and I wanted to take the opportunity with this story to make something to reflect that. Not everyone wants the same thing out of a relationship, and not every relationship ends well. Sunset and Aria were never going to work out, and even if it's not what Aria wanted, I like to think that Sunset burning that bridge was what both of them needed. Do I think either of them are bad people for what happened? No, of course not, they didn't know any better. I think Aria will find the right person, eventually. I may even write something about it. In the end though, I'm just glad you liked it, and understood what I was going for here. It's not easy to write about this sorta thing, so I'm happy it landed for you. :twilightsmile:

That was a great fanfic but its sad how it ended but then again I can't blame sunset for how she reacted because it had been four years if aria talked to sunset sooner there probably would be a happy ending

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